Debate #1 -- Clinton v Trump --- 2016 -- OFFICIAL THREAD.

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Yep......saw the bulge in the back of her dress. She had an ear-piece in.
Now show us Michelle Obama's balls
Does Trump ever stop lying. Ever? And he's still on the birther thing. There is something mentally loose in there, Jesus.

Hillary started the birther controversy....nobody with a working brain doubts that. I thought Trump could have made it clearer who Sidney Blumenthal is and why Obama refused to give him a job after showing what racists the Clinturds really are.
Abc just called your claim a lie. You sir are a shameful liar.
ABC is part of the mainstream media and will repeat any lie they're told to repeat.
If you haven't figured out that the media is on Hillary's team then you Sir are an idiot.
Yep......saw the bulge in the back of her dress. She had an ear-piece in.
Now show us Michelle Obama's balls
Why don't you put your thumb up your butt.
Did you care when McCain wore an ear piece? Of course you didn't. You still voted for him. So stop being a hypocrite
When did this happen?

And when is it okay to justify your wrong acts by pointing out someone else's.
...Yes, and you claim you don't support her...
I have never made any such claim.

I have merely said that I will be voting for her in November as the Lesser of Two Very Great Evils.

Holding my nose while in the voting booth and coming home and taking a shower, afterwards.

...The moderator interrupted her maybe a dozen times, but interrupted Trump 38 times. Obvious bias.
Lester Holt never asked one question about her emails. Obvious bias. He never asked one question about her "Basket of Deplorables" comment. Obvious bias.
You are probably correct about media bias.

Then again, once you're locked into the "Clown" role, it's kinda difficult to make a comeback with those sharks.

Then again, if you're manifesting a lack of intellectual substance and continuity, in embarrassing comparison to your opponent, you probably WILL be interrupted more often.

Rather than make excuses...

Why don't you regale us with heroic tales of how your boy utilized his intellect and forceful personality to sway the audience - despite the evil intentions of that mean old moderator?

You won't, because there is no such heroic tale to tell.

That is because there is no basis in fact for such a tale; it never happened.

There is no basis for such a tale because your boy is incapable of serving-up an effective countering range of tactics.


Because, in the final analysis, your boy is about as shallow as they come... no depth... all bumper-sticker platitudes, and no substance in depth.

Unless you're delusional... upon reflection... you know that as well as I do... even if you can't bring yourself to abandon your hopes and admit it, publicly.

My condolences.
Why? For given solutions?
What concrete answer did Hillary give to anything?

That isn't the point of a debate. The point of a debate is to show that you have the composure and temperment to be President. Trump was like the guy who comes to a job interview, meanders in his answers and doesn't know what he's talking about.
The point of a debate is not to give answers to problems? The idea is to measure their temperament and composure? Then why don't they just book them on Supermarket Speedway? See who can keep their composure while getting the most free groceries in 3 minutes.
Mrs. Clinton is the one who gave answers to problems: specific answers. T-Rump has secret unknown answers to problems, or general answers to problems, and waves his hands around a lot as if the waving is somehow specifically addressing the issue. LOL
After it was over she left while Trump hung around and talked with 'everyone' - bonus to Trump
Why? For given solutions?
What concrete answer did Hillary give to anything?

That isn't the point of a debate. The point of a debate is to show that you have the composure and temperment to be President. Trump was like the guy who comes to a job interview, meanders in his answers and doesn't know what he's talking about.
The point of a debate is not to give answers to problems? The idea is to measure their temperament and composure? Then why don't they just book them on Supermarket Speedway? See who can keep their composure while getting the most free groceries in 3 minutes.
Well, hILLARY was so composed......actually she was composed because aside from the economy, every question was designed to attack Trump and prop her up. She looked really uncomfortable while he was talking because most of the time she was batting her eyes at him, fidgeting, or rubbing a finger down her face, clearing the sleep out of her eyes. He was just looking at her while she was talking. She came off as a smart-ass. He appeared presidential.

Not a conspiracy against leetle donnie!!!
...Yes, and you claim you don't support her...
I have never made any such claim.

I have merely said that I will be voting for her in November as the Lesser of Two Very Great Evils.

Holding my nose while in the voting booth and coming home and taking a shower, afterwards.

...The moderator interrupted her maybe a dozen times, but interrupted Trump 38 times. Obvious bias.
Lester Holt never asked one question about her emails. Obvious bias. He never asked one question about her "Basket of Deplorables" comment. Obvious bias.
You are probably correct about media bias.

Then again, once you're locked into the "Clown" role, it's kinda difficult to make a comeback with those sharks.

Then again, if you're manifesting a lack of intellectual substance and continuity, in embarrassing proportion to your opponent, you probably WILL be interrupted more often.

Rather than make excuses...

Why don't you regale us with heroic tales of how your boy utilized his intellect and forceful personality to sway the audience despite the bad intentions of that mean old moderator?

You won't, because there is no basis for such a heroic tale.

And there is no basic for such a tale because your boy is incapable of serving-up an effective countering range of tactics.


Because, in the final analysis, your boy is about as shallow as they come... no depth... all bumper-sticker platitudes, and no substance in depth.

Unless you're delusional... upon reflection... you know that as well as I do... even if you can't bring yourself to abandon your hopes and admit it, publicly.

My condolences.
So you were impressed by Hillary's fake smile but not Trump.
You said you don't like her, but you do support her. I see no difference.

And in almost every case the interruptions were to go to the next question and not allow Trump a response. Meanwhile Hillary was allowed to savage Trump for several minutes about his temperament and his honesty. Hillary is the last person who has any moral authority on either issue. Her nasty temperament is well documented but totally ignored by the media. And her honesty is the biggest issue out there, but not one question about it. Not one.

So, basically your appear clownish when you try to tell me some cock-and-bull story about how Hillary decimated Trump. Total nonsense. She was given a perfect forum to show her expertise and Trump basically showed everyone that he's not some fake Washington insider who just throws out a pack of lies about how much she plans on doing for America, but for some reason never gets around to doing it.
Why? For given solutions?
What concrete answer did Hillary give to anything?

That isn't the point of a debate. The point of a debate is to show that you have the composure and temperment to be President. Trump was like the guy who comes to a job interview, meanders in his answers and doesn't know what he's talking about.
The point of a debate is not to give answers to problems? The idea is to measure their temperament and composure? Then why don't they just book them on Supermarket Speedway? See who can keep their composure while getting the most free groceries in 3 minutes.
Mrs. Clinton is the one who gave answers to problems: specific answers. T-Rump has secret unknown answers to problems, or general answers to problems, and waves his hands around a lot as if the waving is somehow specifically addressing the issue. LOL
Hillary can memorize token plattitudes but is she competent, can you depend on her to tell the truth, is she too ill to hold the office for four years?e
Why? For given solutions?
What concrete answer did Hillary give to anything?

That isn't the point of a debate. The point of a debate is to show that you have the composure and temperment to be President. Trump was like the guy who comes to a job interview, meanders in his answers and doesn't know what he's talking about.
The point of a debate is not to give answers to problems? The idea is to measure their temperament and composure? Then why don't they just book them on Supermarket Speedway? See who can keep their composure while getting the most free groceries in 3 minutes.
Well, hILLARY was so composed......actually she was composed because aside from the economy, every question was designed to attack Trump and prop her up. She looked really uncomfortable while he was talking because most of the time she was batting her eyes at him, fidgeting, or rubbing a finger down her face, clearing the sleep out of her eyes. He was just looking at her while she was talking. .

Not a conspiracy against leetle donnie!!!
"She came off as a smart-ass. He appeared presidential." LMAO Only you think this...LOL
Why? For given solutions?
What concrete answer did Hillary give to anything?

That isn't the point of a debate. The point of a debate is to show that you have the composure and temperment to be President. Trump was like the guy who comes to a job interview, meanders in his answers and doesn't know what he's talking about.
The point of a debate is not to give answers to problems? The idea is to measure their temperament and composure? Then why don't they just book them on Supermarket Speedway? See who can keep their composure while getting the most free groceries in 3 minutes.
Mrs. Clinton is the one who gave answers to problems: specific answers. T-Rump has secret unknown answers to problems, or general answers to problems, and waves his hands around a lot as if the waving is somehow specifically addressing the issue. LOL
Hillary can memorize token plattitudes but is she competent, can you depend on her to tell the truth, is she too ill to hold the office for four years?e
Fucking hell: Trump lies all the time. There are sites devoted to the number of his lies. Get a life.

Lyin' Donald: 101 Of Trump's Greatest Lies

Knowing about history and how the government functions, at home and abroad, this is platitudes? You need to go back to school.
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