Debate #1 -- Clinton v Trump --- 2016 -- OFFICIAL THREAD.

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Predictably, Clinton tore Trump a new one, in Debate No. 1.

It was downright painful to watch.

I found myself wishing that the Moderator would invoke the Mercy Rule and close the thing down early, due to just how horribly Trump was getting trumped.

Regrettably, the HildaBeast looked Presidential by comparison.

Not that the bar is raised very high, in this case.

Pee-Wee Herman would look Presidential, compared to Donald the Hun.

If anyone with even the slightest shred of objectivity and sense of reality had any doubts about Trump's unsuitability to be President, last night should have fixed that.
Why? For given solutions?
What concrete answer did Hillary give to anything?

That isn't the point of a debate. The point of a debate is to show that you have the composure and temperment to be President. Trump was like the guy who comes to a job interview, meanders in his answers and doesn't know what he's talking about.
The point of a debate is not to give answers to problems? The idea is to measure their temperament and composure? Then why don't they just book them on Supermarket Speedway? See who can keep their composure while getting the most free groceries in 3 minutes.
Well, hILLARY was so composed......actually she was composed because aside from the economy, every question was designed to attack Trump and prop her up. She looked really uncomfortable while he was talking because most of the time she was batting her eyes at him, fidgeting, or rubbing a finger down her face, clearing the sleep out of her eyes. He was just looking at her while she was talking. She came off as a smart-ass. He appeared presidential.
Predictably, Clinton tore Trump a new one, in Debate No. 1.

It was downright painful to watch.

I found myself wishing that the Moderator would invoke the Mercy Rule and close the thing down early, due to just how horribly Trump was getting trumped.

Regrettably, the HildaBeast looked Presidential by comparison.

Not that the bar is raised very high, in this case.

Pee-Wee Herman would look Presidential, compared to Donald the Hun.
Disagree. No one ripped the other a "new one."
Predictably, Clinton tore Trump a new one, in Debate No. 1.

It was downright painful to watch.

I found myself wishing that the Moderator would invoke the Mercy Rule and close the thing down early, due to just how horribly Trump was getting trumped.

Regrettably, the HildaBeast looked Presidential by comparison.

Not that the bar is raised very high, in this case.

Pee-Wee Herman would look Presidential, compared to Donald the Hun.
Disagree. No one ripped the other a "new one."
A metaphor, in this case.

Translation: "Clinton made Trump look sssooooo bad by comparison, that it had the same weight as if she had proactively delivered a decisive debating death-blow."
Predictably, Clinton tore Trump a new one, in Debate No. 1.

It was downright painful to watch.

I found myself wishing that the Moderator would invoke the Mercy Rule and close the thing down early, due to just how horribly Trump was getting trumped.

Regrettably, the HildaBeast looked Presidential by comparison.

Not that the bar is raised very high, in this case.

Pee-Wee Herman would look Presidential, compared to Donald the Hun.

If anyone with even the slightest shred of objectivity and sense of reality had any doubts about Trump's unsuitability to be President, last night should have fixed that.
Bull shit.

Predictably, Clinton tore Trump a new one, in Debate No. 1.

It was downright painful to watch.

I found myself wishing that the Moderator would invoke the Mercy Rule and close the thing down early, due to just how horribly Trump was getting trumped.

Regrettably, the HildaBeast looked Presidential by comparison.

Not that the bar is raised very high, in this case.

Pee-Wee Herman would look Presidential, compared to Donald the Hun.
Disagree. No one ripped the other a "new one."
A metaphor, in this case.

Translation: "Clinton made Trump look sssooooo bad by comparison, that it had the same weight as if she had proactively delivered a decisive debating death-blow."
Put down the glue and you wouldn't be so prone to hallucinations.
Predictably, Clinton tore Trump a new one, in Debate No. 1.

It was downright painful to watch.

I found myself wishing that the Moderator would invoke the Mercy Rule and close the thing down early, due to just how horribly Trump was getting trumped.

Regrettably, the HildaBeast looked Presidential by comparison.

Not that the bar is raised very high, in this case.

Pee-Wee Herman would look Presidential, compared to Donald the Hun.

If anyone with even the slightest shred of objectivity and sense of reality had any doubts about Trump's unsuitability to be President, last night should have fixed that.
Bull shit.
I'm sorry that your boy is doing so badly... I really don't like the HildaBeast myself... but the situation is what it is...
This was a completely lame debate. Perhaps the lamest debate I have ever seen.

For a while there, it resembled the Republican primary debates with all the shouting at each other.

It was a low class show by two low class sleazebags.

Fucking hopeless. We are so screwed.
It comes down to this. Do we want a con man hot head who admitted tonight he pays no federal taxes be the leader of the free world? I want to see those taxes now
He admitted that one year he paid no personal income taxes. Of course, Trump's companies pay hundreds of millions in taxes.
This was a completely lame debate. Perhaps the lamest debate I have ever seen.

For a while there, it resembled the Republican primary debates with all the shouting at each other.

It was a low class show by two low class sleazebags.

Fucking hopeless. We are so screwed.
It comes down to this. Do we want a con man hot head who admitted tonight he pays no federal taxes be the leader of the free world? I want to see those taxes now
Do we want a President who allows 100s of countries to use our services for free?
That's why I can't lose. A part of me would like a president to fix these bad trade deals.
Predictably, Clinton tore Trump a new one, in Debate No. 1.

It was downright painful to watch.

I found myself wishing that the Moderator would invoke the Mercy Rule and close the thing down early, due to just how horribly Trump was getting trumped.

Regrettably, the HildaBeast looked Presidential by comparison.

Not that the bar is raised very high, in this case.

Pee-Wee Herman would look Presidential, compared to Donald the Hun.

If anyone with even the slightest shred of objectivity and sense of reality had any doubts about Trump's unsuitability to be President, last night should have fixed that.
Bull shit.
I'm sorry that your boy is doing so badly... I really don't like the HildaBeast myself... but the situation is what it is...
Yes, and you claim you don't support her.

The moderator interrupted her maybe a dozen times, but interrupted Trump 38 times. Obvious bias.
Lester Holt never asked one question about her emails. Obvious bias.
He never asked one question about her "Basket of Deplorables" comment. Obvious bias.
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Does Trump ever stop lying. Ever? And he's still on the birther thing. There is something mentally loose in there, Jesus.

Hillary started the birther controversy....nobody with a working brain doubts that. I thought Trump could have made it clearer who Sidney Blumenthal is and why Obama refused to give him a job after showing what racists the Clinturds really are.
Abc just called your claim a lie. You sir are a shameful liar.
I've witnessed better debate skills in HS

These two were obviously coached to speak to three toed sloths , which sadly comprises the majority of their constituency
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