Debate #1 -- Clinton v Trump --- 2016 -- OFFICIAL THREAD.

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Hello, i am in France stay up (it's start at 3.00 a.m heure Française) for the first débat, i was watching CNN at first but i change to a French station they are more neutral, they are not Anti Trump, Pro Hilary like CNN.
They say that it will have at least 100.000.000 millions of Américans watching it that does not include world wide.
I am not in the States and don't get CNN. I watched it on BBCW Bias? Well, the French and especially the UK are not in favor of Trump, so you will have some bias. Of course, you can be like Trump and whine that Holt was biased (though he is a Republican), that CNN is biased, that the mic was defective, that Hillary had the questions a week ahead of the debate, etc., and so on. :wine::rolleyes:
Uh oh. Breaking everywhere!


Trump can't win on birferism. Hillary is hammering him on it. He has to deflect.
He put the issue to bed. She is hanging onto it.....Thinking she's hit a homer.

It shouldn't have been a debate question in the first place.

When Trump said the debate moderators were biased, there you go, bingo.

Do you think the moderator is going to bring up ANY of Hillary's skeletons?

I doubt it.

of course it should people see it as akin to apartheid south aftica "papers please".

If "black people" seriously see it that way, it is their problem. It isn't a serious presidential debate question, not to the level of say, the Uranium One deal, or say, blaming a video for the riots in Bengahazi and then telling Americans it makes no difference.

When Obama himself told the Harvard Law review he was born in Kenya, and had taken a foreign student aid loan at Occidental college as a foreign student, to blame folks for asking questions is disingenuous at the very least.

The fact is, there are questions about Obama and his connections to the intelligence establishment that they purposely used this story as a disinformation plant. It is most probable that only after Trump started running for President did they let him know the truth, but who knows? To then turn it around and use it as a debate question to make him admit he was wrong on this question when it is a convoluted BS question is crap.

The debate should have only focused on policy.

Real black people in America are more citizens than your average white folks, their ancestry dates back further and is more noble than most white citizens. This nation was built on their backs. The average black person has NOTHING in common with the president, nothing. He's fucking elite that knows nothing of their lives or their plight. He doesn't give a shit about them. He's more white than he is black.

Any black person that believes otherwise is racist.

the fact that you don't like the issue does not make it not "policy". are you aware of the actual issues in the country right now? acknowledging them isn't "racist". refusing to acknowledge it might be. or it might not be.... it might just be insensitive and short-sighted.
Wow, what a surprise...Clinton supporters believe Hillary won, Trump supporters believe Trump won...

IMO, the winner is Hillary:
- Trump didn't exploit the Hillary emain scandal as much as he could
- She made it through the entire debate, on her pedestal, without passing out


everyone believes hillary won, dear.

frank lutz the republican pollster said the trump supporters he was watching with booed when donald said he didn't pay taxes.

he was unhinged.

we know that won't matter to people like you. but the markets all tilted toward her hugely during the debates... not once did they move toward him. that's a better measure than your opinion. (paid or not)
Hillary's red pant suit looked like it was from Santa Claus's closet.
Perfect for a Dimocrat.

my son called her the ketchup lady.

luckily that isn't the basis to vote or not vote for a president.

now donald slurping water and sniffling was very little marco-ish. he was a train wreck. and the audience actually laughed when he said he had a better temperament than hillary.

i've never seen that.
If this were a football game, I'd say Hillary won 23-17, with Trump racing out to a 10-0 lead but Hillary coming back in the second half.

But Trump didn't do so bad that he lost the election. In a week, I doubt anyone will remember much of the debate.
Typical debate. The R has to debate both the D and the lib moderator. The D gets no tough questions...nothing on emails, Benghazi, or Clinton Foundation.

I guess NBC got the memo....better not do like Matt Lauer.
He really needed his teleprompter.
Not really.
What she needed was a buzzer for every lie she told.
Most of the really rotten stuff she's said and done wasn't even touched. Lester Holt tried to bring up everything on Trump. What else do they have to "reveal" in the next two debates, because they fired all of their ammo? No mention at all, by the moderator, about hILLARY'S emails.

During the Democratic debates, the two candidates were right next to each other. I noticed the two of them were far enough apart to negate his height advantage.

Rigged debate.
Hello, i am in France stay up (it's start at 3.00 a.m heure Française) for the first débat, i was watching CNN at first but i change to a French station they are more neutral, they are not Anti Trump, Pro Hilary like CNN.
They say that it will have at least 100.000.000 millions of Américans watching it that does not include world wide.
I am not in the States and don't get CNN. I watched it on BBCW Bias? Well, the French and especially the UK are not in favor of Trump, so you will have some bias. Of course, you can be like Trump and whine that Holt was biased (though he is a Republican), that CNN is biased, that the mic was defective, that Hillary had the questions a week ahead of the debate, etc., and so on. :wine::rolleyes:

Of course CNN is for Hillary they did everything at CNN just look behind the platform you see only signs for Hillary, CNN is very disappointing I told them to their forum and they immediately removed my account is not been neutral to act this way if Clinton wins the presidential she can thank in large part CNN
Why? For given solutions?
What concrete answer did Hillary give to anything?

That isn't the point of a debate. The point of a debate is to show that you have the composure and temperment to be President. Trump was like the guy who comes to a job interview, meanders in his answers and doesn't know what he's talking about.
The point of a debate is not to give answers to problems? The idea is to measure their temperament and composure? Then why don't they just book them on Supermarket Speedway? See who can keep their composure while getting the most free groceries in 3 minutes.
Hello, i am in France stay up (it's start at 3.00 a.m heure Française) for the first débat, i was watching CNN at first but i change to a French station they are more neutral, they are not Anti Trump, Pro Hilary like CNN.
They say that it will have at least 100.000.000 millions of Américans watching it that does not include world wide.
I am not in the States and don't get CNN. I watched it on BBCW Bias? Well, the French and especially the UK are not in favor of Trump, so you will have some bias. Of course, you can be like Trump and whine that Holt was biased (though he is a Republican), that CNN is biased, that the mic was defective, that Hillary had the questions a week ahead of the debate, etc., and so on. :wine::rolleyes:

Of course CNN is for Hillary they did everything at CNN just look behind the platform you see only signs for Hillary, CNN is very disappointing I told them to their forum and they immediately removed my account is not be neutral to act this way if Clinton wins the presidential she can thank in large part CNN
Democrats need safe spaces free of opposing viewpoints.
The only reason they need them is because their views are dishonest.
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