Debate #1 -- Clinton v Trump --- 2016 -- OFFICIAL THREAD.

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Yes, Trump is describing reasons why Bush may be delaying on going into Iraq. Not only do you not understand that Trump lied, you don't get context either.

And again:

"Well, he has either got to do something or not do something, perhaps, because perhaps shouldn’t be doing it yet and perhaps we should be waiting for the United Nations, you know. He’s under a lot of pressure. He’s — I think he’s doing a very good job. But, of course, if you look at the polls, a lot of people are getting a little tired. I think the Iraqi situation is a problem. And I think the economy is a much bigger problem as far as the president is concerned."

Getting the picture yet? Did you read the very last sentence? He said the economy is/was a bigger issue than whether we should be going to war or not.

Yeah, Trump thought the economy was a bigger issue than the Iraq war, so?

So? He thought Bush should be focusing on the economy, not on a whether to start a war. See how that goes?

He doesn't say that. He wants Bush to shit or get off the pot on Iraq.

And you can interpret that any way you wish. But you keep ignoring that one sentence. Trump would have much rather Bush focused on the economy. But Bush started a war that had a negative impact on our economy.
So we are arguing about whether Trump was for the war on Iraq? Though we KNOW Hillary was... Was Trump in favor of NAFTA?

Was Hillary in favor of NAFTA? :badgrin:
You know what I'm really glad about this debate tonight?

All the conspiracy idiots who say that Hillary is in bad health can't claim that anymore. She looked good, didn't show ill health, and actually sounded like she knew what she was talking about.

Trump on the other hand was an incoherent, water guzzling baboon. Who was coaching him for his debate this evening, Rubio?

She did look good. They juiced her up good, huh?
ABS are you saying the video's of her face planting on 9/11 were fake? Are you saying he slurred speech are fake? Are you saying her forgetfulness is fake?
It is all on video. Do you need to see them again?

Never said anything like what you're trying to claim I did. Never said that anything was a fake.

However..............her almost falling down (she didn't face plant as you claim), was due to her having pneumonia and being dehydrated. It happens. I don't have a problem with people getting sick (like I happens), but I do have a bit of an issue with her staff trying to keep it quiet and cover it up.

Forgetfulness? Do YOU have a perfect memory? Are you telling me that you never forget things as well? I've forgotten many things over my years. Not because of sickness or a brain injury, it's just that sometimes they weren't important enough, other times it was because something bigger came up and took all my attention.

As far as the slurred speech, do you have a video for that? I've yet to see her speaking in a slurred way.

But then again, I don't spend all my time on the right wing blog sites.

Neither do I. And you know that. I am here mostly.
I take back slurred. It sort of was, but more so was as if she forgot what she was saying right in the middle of saying it....and it was an interview, and she did it more than once. And yes I saw it myself. She just went blank.
She face planted into the van. She has face planted before as well. hen she tripped and fell getting on a plane. I guess you didn't see that either.
Sheesh man...SHE HERSELF said she fell and had a concussion. I am not making that up, and I resent the implication that I am.

And umm don't go talking to ME of all people about memory. I am the one dealing with a mother with Alzheimer' ya I know about memory.

YOU want to think I am just being critical of her. Not so. There are many many many other ways I could be critical of her. Actually I am puzzled about what is going on and am more so concerned for her.
No conspiracy here, and this is not a blurry video IMo.


John R. Coppedge, MD, a general surgeon from Texas watched Hillary Clinton’s bizarre eye movement video and sees a huge problem.

He posted his comments on The Hill:

Hillary Clinton exhibited abnormal eye movements during her recent speech in Philadelphia and they were not photoshopped.

Her eyes did not always move in the same direction at the same time. It appears that she has a problem with her left sixth cranial nerve. That nerve serves only one function and that is to make the lateral rectus muscle contract. That muscle turns the eye in the direction away from the midline.

Personally, no matter what anyone thinks, I am not nor ever have been happy over this.

Clinton's eyes — a window into her health issues

Yeah, its conspiracy.

I know. Live video is a conspiracy. So is face planting. It's all lies and conspiracies I tell ya! Doctors are on on it as well!!!! Damn conspiracy nutz.

No, quoting a doctor who is talking about something out of his field and who has never been in the same room as Clinton is conspiracy. Eyes that sometimes do not track the same way is not that uncommon and many people have this and they are perfectly healthy.

I know hun. You have much more expertise. :rolleyes:

You have nothing. It is late, and I am tired of you. Bug off.
You know what I'm really glad about this debate tonight?

All the conspiracy idiots who say that Hillary is in bad health can't claim that anymore. She looked good, didn't show ill health, and actually sounded like she knew what she was talking about.

Trump on the other hand was an incoherent, water guzzling baboon. Who was coaching him for his debate this evening, Rubio?

She did look good. They juiced her up good, huh?
ABS are you saying the video's of her face planting on 9/11 were fake? Are you saying he slurred speech are fake? Are you saying her forgetfulness is fake?
It is all on video. Do you need to see them again?

Never said anything like what you're trying to claim I did. Never said that anything was a fake.

However..............her almost falling down (she didn't face plant as you claim), was due to her having pneumonia and being dehydrated. It happens. I don't have a problem with people getting sick (like I happens), but I do have a bit of an issue with her staff trying to keep it quiet and cover it up.

Forgetfulness? Do YOU have a perfect memory? Are you telling me that you never forget things as well? I've forgotten many things over my years. Not because of sickness or a brain injury, it's just that sometimes they weren't important enough, other times it was because something bigger came up and took all my attention.

As far as the slurred speech, do you have a video for that? I've yet to see her speaking in a slurred way.

But then again, I don't spend all my time on the right wing blog sites.

Neither do I. And you know that. I am here mostly.
I take back slurred. It sort of was, but more so was as if she forgot what she was saying right in the middle of saying it....and it was an interview, and she did it more than once. And yes I saw it myself. She just went blank.
She face planted into the van. She has face planted before as well. hen she tripped and fell getting on a plane. I guess you didn't see that either.
Sheesh man...SHE HERSELF said she fell and had a concussion. I am not making that up, and I resent the implication that I am.

And umm don't go talking to ME of all people about memory. I am the one dealing with a mother with Alzheimer' ya I know about memory.

YOU want to think I am just being critical of her. Not so. There are many many many other ways I could be critical of her. Actually I am puzzled about what is going on and am more so concerned for her.

Um..............not to split hairs here, but did you notice that she just sort of sagged, rather than fell, and that the door to the vehicle was OPEN? How could she face plant an open door? I think you may need to see the video again. No face plants into the van.

Try again. You're almost as ludicrous as Protectionist when he said that the window to the vehicle in the Tulsa shooting was open.
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I just listened to a man running for president who:

-defended why he was sued by the Justice Department for not giving housing to African-Americans in the 1970's by saying "everyone else was doing it"
-defended calling some women pigs and slobs
-defended hoping for a recession in 2006/7, because it was "good for business"
-defended singling out President Obama on his birth certificate
-was confused about nuclear weapons and alliances
-refused to release his tax returns, and was proud about using loopholes that only help the wealthy, calling himself "smart" for not paying any taxes
-defended not paying people for their work
-said we're in a 3rd-world-country because he can't land his private jet at every airport
-called for a law ruled unconstitutional to go nationwide
-said it was a good thing for Russia to hack us
-doesn't think blowing up people from other countries (because they were rude) would start a war
-was supremely obnoxious
...and so much more, while only offering the old "trickle down" policies to help us, and thought repeating certain words made him look tough when he looked panicky.

Trump cannot become President.
I just listened to a man running for president who:

-defended why he was sued by the Justice Department for not giving housing to African-Americans in the 1970's by saying "everyone else was doing it"
-defended calling some women pigs and slobs
-defended hoping for a recession in 2006/7, because it was "good for business"
-defended singling out President Obama on his birth certificate
-was confused about nuclear weapons and alliances
-refused to release his tax returns, and was proud about using loopholes that only help the wealthy, calling himself "smart" for not paying any taxes
-defended not paying people for their work
-said we're in a 3rd-world-country because he can't land his private jet at every airport
-called for a law ruled unconstitutional to go nationwide
-said it was a good thing for Russia to hack us
-doesn't think blowing up people from other countries (because they were rude) would start a war
-was supremely obnoxious
...and so much more, while only offering the old "trickle down" policies to help us, and thought repeating certain words made him look tough when he looked panicky.

Trump cannot become President.
But he will become president.
UPI/CVoter state polls: Donald Trump ahead of Hillary Clinton in Electoral College
How many lies did Donnie tell during the debate? Fact checkers claim at least 16 whoppers. Clinton 0.
You know what I'm really glad about this debate tonight?

All the conspiracy idiots who say that Hillary is in bad health can't claim that anymore. She looked good, didn't show ill health, and actually sounded like she knew what she was talking about.

Trump on the other hand was an incoherent, water guzzling baboon. Who was coaching him for his debate this evening, Rubio?

She did look good. They juiced her up good, huh?
ABS are you saying the video's of her face planting on 9/11 were fake? Are you saying he slurred speech are fake? Are you saying her forgetfulness is fake?
It is all on video. Do you need to see them again?

Never said anything like what you're trying to claim I did. Never said that anything was a fake.

However..............her almost falling down (she didn't face plant as you claim), was due to her having pneumonia and being dehydrated. It happens. I don't have a problem with people getting sick (like I happens), but I do have a bit of an issue with her staff trying to keep it quiet and cover it up.

Forgetfulness? Do YOU have a perfect memory? Are you telling me that you never forget things as well? I've forgotten many things over my years. Not because of sickness or a brain injury, it's just that sometimes they weren't important enough, other times it was because something bigger came up and took all my attention.

As far as the slurred speech, do you have a video for that? I've yet to see her speaking in a slurred way.

But then again, I don't spend all my time on the right wing blog sites.

Neither do I. And you know that. I am here mostly.
I take back slurred. It sort of was, but more so was as if she forgot what she was saying right in the middle of saying it....and it was an interview, and she did it more than once. And yes I saw it myself. She just went blank.
She face planted into the van. She has face planted before as well. hen she tripped and fell getting on a plane. I guess you didn't see that either.
Sheesh man...SHE HERSELF said she fell and had a concussion. I am not making that up, and I resent the implication that I am.

And umm don't go talking to ME of all people about memory. I am the one dealing with a mother with Alzheimer' ya I know about memory.

YOU want to think I am just being critical of her. Not so. There are many many many other ways I could be critical of her. Actually I am puzzled about what is going on and am more so concerned for her.

Um..............not to split hairs here, but did you notice that she just sort of sagged, rather than fell, and that the door to the vehicle was OPEN? How could she face plant an open door? I think you may need to see the video again. No face plants into the van.

Try again. You're almost as ludicrous as Protectionist when he said that the window to the vehicle in the Tulsa shooting was open.

First off, I am me. Do not compare me to anyone. Do I ever do that to you??

Secondly, to me it was a face plant into the van floor, and she was quickly put in a seat.

Thirdly, this is stupid, and not worthy discussion anymore.
The stupid woman can't figure out what the damn c meant on a simple email, it would be impossible for the liar to figure anything else out.

She figured out how to win this debate.

She nor he did anything to convince me to vote for either. Just more Dem/Rep BS. They are so much alike and both are not trustworthy. Nothing tonight changed that.

I thought this debate highlighted quite a few differences between them. One is competent the other is Donald Trump. He rambled incoherently about some pretty important issues and she knew exactly what she was saying.

I don't believe either in what they say. They both lie and don't bat an eye. They are both untrustworthy and they have both proved it. Their words are empty and meaningless.

Well, Clinton's debate performance is being rated as honest for the most part and with Trump were just lucky his pants didn't light his podium on fire.

I hate false equivalency arguments for the sake of keeping things even.

I don't hate both candidates, I dislike both. I don't care about keeping things even. The lies of Clinton are well documented, her words are meaningless, she is untrustworthy because she is. I don't give a damn how she is rated for one night, I am rating her on her lifetime performance, blame her, not me.
You know what I'm really glad about this debate tonight?

All the conspiracy idiots who say that Hillary is in bad health can't claim that anymore. She looked good, didn't show ill health, and actually sounded like she knew what she was talking about.

Trump on the other hand was an incoherent, water guzzling baboon. Who was coaching him for his debate this evening, Rubio?

She did look good. They juiced her up good, huh?
ABS are you saying the video's of her face planting on 9/11 were fake? Are you saying he slurred speech are fake? Are you saying her forgetfulness is fake?
It is all on video. Do you need to see them again?

Never said anything like what you're trying to claim I did. Never said that anything was a fake.

However..............her almost falling down (she didn't face plant as you claim), was due to her having pneumonia and being dehydrated. It happens. I don't have a problem with people getting sick (like I happens), but I do have a bit of an issue with her staff trying to keep it quiet and cover it up.

Forgetfulness? Do YOU have a perfect memory? Are you telling me that you never forget things as well? I've forgotten many things over my years. Not because of sickness or a brain injury, it's just that sometimes they weren't important enough, other times it was because something bigger came up and took all my attention.

As far as the slurred speech, do you have a video for that? I've yet to see her speaking in a slurred way.

But then again, I don't spend all my time on the right wing blog sites.

Neither do I. And you know that. I am here mostly.
I take back slurred. It sort of was, but more so was as if she forgot what she was saying right in the middle of saying it....and it was an interview, and she did it more than once. And yes I saw it myself. She just went blank.
She face planted into the van. She has face planted before as well. hen she tripped and fell getting on a plane. I guess you didn't see that either.
Sheesh man...SHE HERSELF said she fell and had a concussion. I am not making that up, and I resent the implication that I am.

And umm don't go talking to ME of all people about memory. I am the one dealing with a mother with Alzheimer' ya I know about memory.

YOU want to think I am just being critical of her. Not so. There are many many many other ways I could be critical of her. Actually I am puzzled about what is going on and am more so concerned for her.

Um..............not to split hairs here, but did you notice that she just sort of sagged, rather than fell, and that the door to the vehicle was OPEN? How could she face plant an open door? I think you may need to see the video again. No face plants into the van.

Try again. You're almost as ludicrous as Protectionist when he said that the window to the vehicle in the Tulsa shooting was open.

First off, I am me. Do not compare me to anyone. Do I ever do that to you??

Secondly, to me it was a face plant into the van floor, and she was quickly put in a seat.

Thirdly, this is stupid, and not worthy discussion anymore.

The only reason it's not worthy of discussion anymore is probably because you saw the video again and know that you're wrong.
She did look good. They juiced her up good, huh?
ABS are you saying the video's of her face planting on 9/11 were fake? Are you saying he slurred speech are fake? Are you saying her forgetfulness is fake?
It is all on video. Do you need to see them again?

Never said anything like what you're trying to claim I did. Never said that anything was a fake.

However..............her almost falling down (she didn't face plant as you claim), was due to her having pneumonia and being dehydrated. It happens. I don't have a problem with people getting sick (like I happens), but I do have a bit of an issue with her staff trying to keep it quiet and cover it up.

Forgetfulness? Do YOU have a perfect memory? Are you telling me that you never forget things as well? I've forgotten many things over my years. Not because of sickness or a brain injury, it's just that sometimes they weren't important enough, other times it was because something bigger came up and took all my attention.

As far as the slurred speech, do you have a video for that? I've yet to see her speaking in a slurred way.

But then again, I don't spend all my time on the right wing blog sites.

Neither do I. And you know that. I am here mostly.
I take back slurred. It sort of was, but more so was as if she forgot what she was saying right in the middle of saying it....and it was an interview, and she did it more than once. And yes I saw it myself. She just went blank.
She face planted into the van. She has face planted before as well. hen she tripped and fell getting on a plane. I guess you didn't see that either.
Sheesh man...SHE HERSELF said she fell and had a concussion. I am not making that up, and I resent the implication that I am.

And umm don't go talking to ME of all people about memory. I am the one dealing with a mother with Alzheimer' ya I know about memory.

YOU want to think I am just being critical of her. Not so. There are many many many other ways I could be critical of her. Actually I am puzzled about what is going on and am more so concerned for her.

Um..............not to split hairs here, but did you notice that she just sort of sagged, rather than fell, and that the door to the vehicle was OPEN? How could she face plant an open door? I think you may need to see the video again. No face plants into the van.

Try again. You're almost as ludicrous as Protectionist when he said that the window to the vehicle in the Tulsa shooting was open.

First off, I am me. Do not compare me to anyone. Do I ever do that to you??

Secondly, to me it was a face plant into the van floor, and she was quickly put in a seat.

Thirdly, this is stupid, and not worthy discussion anymore.

The only reason it's not worthy of discussion anymore is probably because you saw the video again and know that you're wrong.

You would be wrong. I did not go see it. And actually I am not sure I saw it anywhere but TV. I may have seen it on the Internet....not sure.

Do us both a favor and STFU. Have another drink....go to bed..whatever. And most of all stop harassing me.
Never said anything like what you're trying to claim I did. Never said that anything was a fake.

However..............her almost falling down (she didn't face plant as you claim), was due to her having pneumonia and being dehydrated. It happens. I don't have a problem with people getting sick (like I happens), but I do have a bit of an issue with her staff trying to keep it quiet and cover it up.

Forgetfulness? Do YOU have a perfect memory? Are you telling me that you never forget things as well? I've forgotten many things over my years. Not because of sickness or a brain injury, it's just that sometimes they weren't important enough, other times it was because something bigger came up and took all my attention.

As far as the slurred speech, do you have a video for that? I've yet to see her speaking in a slurred way.

But then again, I don't spend all my time on the right wing blog sites.

Neither do I. And you know that. I am here mostly.
I take back slurred. It sort of was, but more so was as if she forgot what she was saying right in the middle of saying it....and it was an interview, and she did it more than once. And yes I saw it myself. She just went blank.
She face planted into the van. She has face planted before as well. hen she tripped and fell getting on a plane. I guess you didn't see that either.
Sheesh man...SHE HERSELF said she fell and had a concussion. I am not making that up, and I resent the implication that I am.

And umm don't go talking to ME of all people about memory. I am the one dealing with a mother with Alzheimer' ya I know about memory.

YOU want to think I am just being critical of her. Not so. There are many many many other ways I could be critical of her. Actually I am puzzled about what is going on and am more so concerned for her.

Um..............not to split hairs here, but did you notice that she just sort of sagged, rather than fell, and that the door to the vehicle was OPEN? How could she face plant an open door? I think you may need to see the video again. No face plants into the van.

Try again. You're almost as ludicrous as Protectionist when he said that the window to the vehicle in the Tulsa shooting was open.

First off, I am me. Do not compare me to anyone. Do I ever do that to you??

Secondly, to me it was a face plant into the van floor, and she was quickly put in a seat.

Thirdly, this is stupid, and not worthy discussion anymore.

The only reason it's not worthy of discussion anymore is probably because you saw the video again and know that you're wrong.

You would be wrong. I did not go see it. And actually I am not sure I saw it anywhere but TV. I may have seen it on the Internet....not sure.

Do us both a favor and STFU. Have another drink....go to bed..whatever. And most of all stop harassing me. you only saw it once on television, and think that your version of events was correct, even though it was filtered through your own bias.

Good to know.

As far as telling me to stop harassing you? I'm only replying to your reply to my post, so bite my ass bitch. Go pound sand and kick yourself to sleep.

You don't want me to reply? Don't reply to me and we'll be just fine.

But...............I know you're gonna reply to this. Why are you hassling me?
Wow, what a surprise...Clinton supporters believe Hillary won, Trump supporters believe Trump won...

IMO, the winner is Hillary:
- Trump didn't exploit the Hillary emain scandal as much as he could
- She made it through the entire debate, on her pedestal, without passing out

Neither do I. And you know that. I am here mostly.
I take back slurred. It sort of was, but more so was as if she forgot what she was saying right in the middle of saying it....and it was an interview, and she did it more than once. And yes I saw it myself. She just went blank.
She face planted into the van. She has face planted before as well. hen she tripped and fell getting on a plane. I guess you didn't see that either.
Sheesh man...SHE HERSELF said she fell and had a concussion. I am not making that up, and I resent the implication that I am.

And umm don't go talking to ME of all people about memory. I am the one dealing with a mother with Alzheimer' ya I know about memory.

YOU want to think I am just being critical of her. Not so. There are many many many other ways I could be critical of her. Actually I am puzzled about what is going on and am more so concerned for her.

Um..............not to split hairs here, but did you notice that she just sort of sagged, rather than fell, and that the door to the vehicle was OPEN? How could she face plant an open door? I think you may need to see the video again. No face plants into the van.

Try again. You're almost as ludicrous as Protectionist when he said that the window to the vehicle in the Tulsa shooting was open.

First off, I am me. Do not compare me to anyone. Do I ever do that to you??

Secondly, to me it was a face plant into the van floor, and she was quickly put in a seat.

Thirdly, this is stupid, and not worthy discussion anymore.

The only reason it's not worthy of discussion anymore is probably because you saw the video again and know that you're wrong.

You would be wrong. I did not go see it. And actually I am not sure I saw it anywhere but TV. I may have seen it on the Internet....not sure.

Do us both a favor and STFU. Have another drink....go to bed..whatever. And most of all stop harassing me. you only saw it once on television, and think that your version of events was correct, even though it was filtered through your own bias.

Good to know.

As far as telling me to stop harassing you? I'm only replying to your reply to my post, so bite my ass bitch. Go pound sand and kick yourself to sleep.

You don't want me to reply? Don't reply to me and we'll be just fine.

But...............I know you're gonna reply to this. Why are you hassling me?

Yep, I will reply if I choose. Actually I saw her face plant on TV and it was video in a news article. SEVERAL of them.

Filtered through my own bias??????? LMAO do you even know what that means? I sincerely doubt it.

What makes you think you are worthy of me bothering to hassle....and oh what a class act you are. But, I knew that.
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