Debate #1 -- Clinton v Trump --- 2016 -- OFFICIAL THREAD.

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As per usual the Gateway Pundit shows why he is the dumbest man on the internet (after Bripat).

That was an interview where Trump just wanted Bush to make a decision, he didn't state whether he was for or against it.

Cavuto: If you had to sort of breakdown for the president, if you were advising him, how much time do you commit to Iraq versus how much time you commit to the economy, what would you say?

Trump: Well, I’m starting to think that people are much more focused now on the economy. They are getting a little bit tired of hearing, we’re going in, we’re not going in, the — you know, whatever happened to the days of the Douglas MacArthur. He would go and attack. He wouldn’t talk. We have to — you know, it’s sort like either do it or don’t do it. When I watch Dan Rather explaining how we are going to be attacking, where we’re going to attack, what routes we’re taking, what kind of planes we’re using, how to stop them, how to stop us, it is a little bit disconcerting. I’ve never seen this, where newscasters are telling you how — telling the enemy how we’re going about it, we have just found out this and that. It is ridiculous.

Cavuto: Well, the problem right there.

Trump: Either you attack or you don’t attack.

Cavuto: The problem there, Donald, is you’re watching Dan Rather. Maybe you should just be watching Fox.

Trump: Well, no, I watch Dan Rather, but not necessarily fondly. But I happened to see it the other night. And I must tell you it was rather amazing as they were explaining the different — I don’t know if it is fact or if it is fiction, but the concept of a newscaster talking about the routes is — just seems ridiculous. So the point is either you do it or you don’t do it, or you — but I just — or if you don’t do it, just don’t talk about it. When you do it, you start talking about it.

Cavuto: So you’re saying the leash on this is getting kind of short here, that the president has got to do something presumably sooner rather than later and stringing this along could ultimately hurt us.

Trump: Well, he has either got to do something or not do something, perhaps, because perhaps shouldn’t be doing it yet and perhaps we should be waiting for the United Nations, you know. He’s under a lot of pressure. He’s — I think he’s doing a very good job. But, of course, if you look at the polls, a lot of people are getting a little tired. I think the Iraqi situation is a problem. And I think the economy is a much bigger problem as far as the president is concerned.

In an interview just 3 days after the invasion Trump seems more optimistic about the stock market due to the war than criticizing it.

Trump, March 21, 2003: Well, I think Wall Street’s waiting to see what happens but even before the fact they’re obviously taking it a little bit for granted that it looks like a tremendous success from a military standpoint and I think this is really nothing compared to what you’re going to see after the war is over.

Cavuto: What do you mean?

Trump: Well, I think Wall Street’s just going to go up like a rocket even beyond and it’s going to continue and – you know we have a strong and powerful country and let’s hope it all works out.

Cavuto: … Why are you so optimistic?

Trump: Well, I think a couple of things. I really feel that the key is that interest rates — beyond the war interest rates are going to have to stay stable and low. That’s going to be very important. And if you really look at Wall Street, Wall Street’s come down thousands and thousands of points over the last number of years. So really, I remember when we were sitting here saying two years ago that Wall Street is going to be double what it was two years ago and a lot of people didn’t believe that and I didn’t believe that, but there were plenty of very intelligent people who said yes. I think that Wall Street will be going up and the market will be going up and there’s great confidence in this great country.

Cavuto: You know there is a feeling abroad, Donald, that the French don’t like us, the Germans don’t like us. There were protests abroad still continuing around the globe today from Asia to Africa and that there’s going to be hell to pay that maybe some of these same people will prove their wrath by not investing in this country, by doing all sorts of nasty things, do you buy that?

Trump: Well, the I guess the French never liked us much except when we were bailing them out, to be totally honest with you. But certainly were going to have to work on our public relations because there’s no question there are a lot of countries right now that aren’t too fond of us. I think that can be solved and probably pretty quickly. The main thing is to get the war over with and just make it a tremendously successful campaign and it will be very interesting to see what kind of weapons they find.

Cavuto: … Does this put a chill on things economically? Does it scare people into buying [real estate] or not buying, renting and not renting?

Trump: In a nutshell Neil, the office market is just okay at best. The hotel market is nonexistent. But the residential market for buying, for condos, has been the strongest I’ve ever seen it. It’s amazing. Now, a lot of that has to do I believe with interest rates. You know money is so cheap and people are buying and they are paying the lowest interest rates in 40 years. But the market has been very strong in that sense. There’s been a lot of optimism in New York.

Lol look at you selectively quoting.

Donald Trump and the Iraq War
Yeah Trump had to look at an actual billionaire close up.

What does a billionaire look like? They don't look like a human being? They have horns or stars or something?

They look like someone that pays their taxes and would release their tax return for the American people to have a look at. They don't look like Trump.

Why? So Harry Reid can lie about it from the floor of the Senate with immunity as he lied about Romney's taxes in 2012?....We now know you scum lie about everything!!!

No, if Trump released his taxes he could shut up any potential liars. It's that simple.

No, Romney released his and Reid continued to lie!

Great, when? What lie did he say after he released it?

Yeah................and if you read the link you just provided, Trump has another problem in that interview.

He didn't so much say that we shouldn't go to war, he said that we should wait for the United Nations to help.

I thought he was against the's the quote from the link........

Donald Trump: Well I’m starting to think that people are much more focused now on the economy. They’re getting a little bit tired of hearing we’re going in, we’re not going in. You know, what happened to the days of Douglas MacArthur? I mean he would go in and attack. He wouldn’t talk. I mean we have to, you know, it’s sort of like either do it or don’t do it…. Well, he’s [Bush] either got to do something or not do something perhaps. Because perhaps he shouldn’t be doing it yet. Perhaps we should be waiting for the United Nations. You know, he’s under a lot of pressure. He’s, you know I think he is doing a very good job but of course if you look at the polls a lot of people are getting a little tired. I think the, the Iraqi situation is a problem and I think the economy is a much bigger problem.

In that interview, he didn't say anything about being against the war. He just said that Bush should wait for the United Nations.
They look like someone that pays their taxes and would release their tax return for the American people to have a look at. They don't look like Trump.

Why? So Harry Reid can lie about it from the floor of the Senate with immunity as he lied about Romney's taxes in 2012?....We now know you scum lie about everything!!!

Har har, hardy har har. Everyone knows he's hiding it because it will send him to jail and end whatever career he had left. Defending it is passe. Find a new schtick.

By the way, what is up with Trump and his sniffing. It looks like his health is failing him as well. Poor thing, I hope they have a doctor offstage at the next debate, that is if he shows up.

More bullshit from another subversive liar....

You funny Peter-son.

Truth hurts leftists!

When you look in the mirror, there isn't a reflection is there. And your canine teeth are a little too sharp to be thought normal, eh? And you avoid the daylight and hang out in the shadows, the Dark Shadows. And you don't ever cook anything with garlic in it? And you don't know how far the grocery store is by car because you always fly there...?

Could mean trouble. Better keep an eye out for a dude with a stainless steel cross in his hand and a wooden stake. If he knocks on your door he doesn't really want to use your phone.
The issue is what should the voters support. They all support paying less to carry free loaders. End of story.

The voters do not matter.

I have doubted your convictions in the past. Do you really believe your vote makes a difference?

Who gives a fuck what "the system" wants?

Anyone with a capacity for intelligence.

If you do not understand the system then you are just another tool. Everyone, including yourself, has been subject to manipulators like Clinton and Donald.
Comrade Onyx is above all that, and knows the secret to life of course.

As per usual the Gateway Pundit shows why he is the dumbest man on the internet (after Bripat).

That was an interview where Trump just wanted Bush to make a decision, he didn't state whether he was for or against it.

Cavuto: If you had to sort of breakdown for the president, if you were advising him, how much time do you commit to Iraq versus how much time you commit to the economy, what would you say?

Trump: Well, I’m starting to think that people are much more focused now on the economy. They are getting a little bit tired of hearing, we’re going in, we’re not going in, the — you know, whatever happened to the days of the Douglas MacArthur. He would go and attack. He wouldn’t talk. We have to — you know, it’s sort like either do it or don’t do it. When I watch Dan Rather explaining how we are going to be attacking, where we’re going to attack, what routes we’re taking, what kind of planes we’re using, how to stop them, how to stop us, it is a little bit disconcerting. I’ve never seen this, where newscasters are telling you how — telling the enemy how we’re going about it, we have just found out this and that. It is ridiculous.

Cavuto: Well, the problem right there.

Trump: Either you attack or you don’t attack.

Cavuto: The problem there, Donald, is you’re watching Dan Rather. Maybe you should just be watching Fox.

Trump: Well, no, I watch Dan Rather, but not necessarily fondly. But I happened to see it the other night. And I must tell you it was rather amazing as they were explaining the different — I don’t know if it is fact or if it is fiction, but the concept of a newscaster talking about the routes is — just seems ridiculous. So the point is either you do it or you don’t do it, or you — but I just — or if you don’t do it, just don’t talk about it. When you do it, you start talking about it.

Cavuto: So you’re saying the leash on this is getting kind of short here, that the president has got to do something presumably sooner rather than later and stringing this along could ultimately hurt us.

Trump: Well, he has either got to do something or not do something, perhaps, because perhaps shouldn’t be doing it yet and perhaps we should be waiting for the United Nations, you know. He’s under a lot of pressure. He’s — I think he’s doing a very good job. But, of course, if you look at the polls, a lot of people are getting a little tired. I think the Iraqi situation is a problem. And I think the economy is a much bigger problem as far as the president is concerned.

In an interview just 3 days after the invasion Trump seems more optimistic about the stock market due to the war than criticizing it.

Trump, March 21, 2003: Well, I think Wall Street’s waiting to see what happens but even before the fact they’re obviously taking it a little bit for granted that it looks like a tremendous success from a military standpoint and I think this is really nothing compared to what you’re going to see after the war is over.

Cavuto: What do you mean?

Trump: Well, I think Wall Street’s just going to go up like a rocket even beyond and it’s going to continue and – you know we have a strong and powerful country and let’s hope it all works out.

Cavuto: … Why are you so optimistic?

Trump: Well, I think a couple of things. I really feel that the key is that interest rates — beyond the war interest rates are going to have to stay stable and low. That’s going to be very important. And if you really look at Wall Street, Wall Street’s come down thousands and thousands of points over the last number of years. So really, I remember when we were sitting here saying two years ago that Wall Street is going to be double what it was two years ago and a lot of people didn’t believe that and I didn’t believe that, but there were plenty of very intelligent people who said yes. I think that Wall Street will be going up and the market will be going up and there’s great confidence in this great country.

Cavuto: You know there is a feeling abroad, Donald, that the French don’t like us, the Germans don’t like us. There were protests abroad still continuing around the globe today from Asia to Africa and that there’s going to be hell to pay that maybe some of these same people will prove their wrath by not investing in this country, by doing all sorts of nasty things, do you buy that?

Trump: Well, the I guess the French never liked us much except when we were bailing them out, to be totally honest with you. But certainly were going to have to work on our public relations because there’s no question there are a lot of countries right now that aren’t too fond of us. I think that can be solved and probably pretty quickly. The main thing is to get the war over with and just make it a tremendously successful campaign and it will be very interesting to see what kind of weapons they find.

Cavuto: … Does this put a chill on things economically? Does it scare people into buying [real estate] or not buying, renting and not renting?

Trump: In a nutshell Neil, the office market is just okay at best. The hotel market is nonexistent. But the residential market for buying, for condos, has been the strongest I’ve ever seen it. It’s amazing. Now, a lot of that has to do I believe with interest rates. You know money is so cheap and people are buying and they are paying the lowest interest rates in 40 years. But the market has been very strong in that sense. There’s been a lot of optimism in New York.

Sept 11, 2003 in an interview with MSNBC's John Scarborough:

It wasn’t a mistake to fight terrorism and fight it hard, and I guess maybe if I had to do it, I would have fought terrorism but not necessarily Iraq.
Trump: 4,000 people killed in Chicago alone since Obama took office.

Hillary: The level of violence is fine, lower than 1991.

Trump: 4,000 people killed is fine???

Hillary: Its fine, nothing to see. Now those 2 police shootings...

Trump: 2 vs 4,000???

Hillary: The police are out of control that's the problem, they need training.

Trump: What planet are you living on?

Hillary: And the leading cause of African American deaths is a gun epidemic.

Trump: Bad African Americans who are felons need to be stopped and frisked, their guns taken away.

Hillary: No way, that's not constitutional.

Trump: What, they have killed 4,000 in Chicago alone.

Hillary: Hey PC will be maintained even if it cost 4,000 people their lives.

Trump: Is her brain detached from its brain stem?
But we don't care about all those 1st graders gunned down in Connecticut......

4,000 dead hello earth to deflecting leftwits 4,000 dead.
Drudge = 81% Trump 19% Hilary Total Votes: 7,092

Breitbart dot com= 75/25 Trump 161,559 Total Votes

Time dot com = 56/44 Trump 293,227 Votes

Nj dot com = 53/42 Trump Total Votes: 90,313

Washingtontimes dot com = 72/21 Trump Votes 5200

Variety dot com = 51/49 Trump Total Votes: 30,947

Heavy dot com = 70/27 Trump Total Votes: 37,607

Slate dot com = 54/46 Trump 42,418 votes

Cnbc dot com = 52/48 trump 231,815 Votes

Fortune dot com = 51/49 Trump 371,739 Votes
Trump would be better off avoiding his last two debates. He got his ass kicked.

Yanno, Matt, he's going to learn from his mistakes. Especially the e-mails and Benghazi. When those come up he will be prepared to hit her with those. On the other hand Hillary will get away with her mistakes, learn nothing from them and continue making them. Nobody will care, especially you. You'll keep saying she won no matter what she does. She's a winner even if she's a loser.
Drudge = 81% Trump 19% Hilary Total Votes: 7,092

Breitbart dot com= 75/25 Trump 161,559 Total Votes

Time dot com = 56/44 Trump 293,227 Votes

Nj dot com = 53/42 Trump Total Votes: 90,313

Washingtontimes dot com = 72/21 Trump Votes 5200

Variety dot com = 51/49 Trump Total Votes: 30,947

Heavy dot com = 70/27 Trump Total Votes: 37,607

Slate dot com = 54/46 Trump 42,418 votes

Cnbc dot com = 52/48 trump 231,815 Votes

Fortune dot com = 51/49 Trump 371,739 Votes

Hey Matthew

The above is why you don't listen to the analyses of TV pundits. They are often wrong.

As per usual the Gateway Pundit shows why he is the dumbest man on the internet (after Bripat).

That was an interview where Trump just wanted Bush to make a decision, he didn't state whether he was for or against it.

Cavuto: If you had to sort of breakdown for the president, if you were advising him, how much time do you commit to Iraq versus how much time you commit to the economy, what would you say?

Trump: Well, I’m starting to think that people are much more focused now on the economy. They are getting a little bit tired of hearing, we’re going in, we’re not going in, the — you know, whatever happened to the days of the Douglas MacArthur. He would go and attack. He wouldn’t talk. We have to — you know, it’s sort like either do it or don’t do it. When I watch Dan Rather explaining how we are going to be attacking, where we’re going to attack, what routes we’re taking, what kind of planes we’re using, how to stop them, how to stop us, it is a little bit disconcerting. I’ve never seen this, where newscasters are telling you how — telling the enemy how we’re going about it, we have just found out this and that. It is ridiculous.

Cavuto: Well, the problem right there.

Trump: Either you attack or you don’t attack.

Cavuto: The problem there, Donald, is you’re watching Dan Rather. Maybe you should just be watching Fox.

Trump: Well, no, I watch Dan Rather, but not necessarily fondly. But I happened to see it the other night. And I must tell you it was rather amazing as they were explaining the different — I don’t know if it is fact or if it is fiction, but the concept of a newscaster talking about the routes is — just seems ridiculous. So the point is either you do it or you don’t do it, or you — but I just — or if you don’t do it, just don’t talk about it. When you do it, you start talking about it.

Cavuto: So you’re saying the leash on this is getting kind of short here, that the president has got to do something presumably sooner rather than later and stringing this along could ultimately hurt us.

Trump: Well, he has either got to do something or not do something, perhaps, because perhaps shouldn’t be doing it yet and perhaps we should be waiting for the United Nations, you know. He’s under a lot of pressure. He’s — I think he’s doing a very good job. But, of course, if you look at the polls, a lot of people are getting a little tired. I think the Iraqi situation is a problem. And I think the economy is a much bigger problem as far as the president is concerned.

In an interview just 3 days after the invasion Trump seems more optimistic about the stock market due to the war than criticizing it.

Trump, March 21, 2003: Well, I think Wall Street’s waiting to see what happens but even before the fact they’re obviously taking it a little bit for granted that it looks like a tremendous success from a military standpoint and I think this is really nothing compared to what you’re going to see after the war is over.

Cavuto: What do you mean?

Trump: Well, I think Wall Street’s just going to go up like a rocket even beyond and it’s going to continue and – you know we have a strong and powerful country and let’s hope it all works out.

Cavuto: … Why are you so optimistic?

Trump: Well, I think a couple of things. I really feel that the key is that interest rates — beyond the war interest rates are going to have to stay stable and low. That’s going to be very important. And if you really look at Wall Street, Wall Street’s come down thousands and thousands of points over the last number of years. So really, I remember when we were sitting here saying two years ago that Wall Street is going to be double what it was two years ago and a lot of people didn’t believe that and I didn’t believe that, but there were plenty of very intelligent people who said yes. I think that Wall Street will be going up and the market will be going up and there’s great confidence in this great country.

Cavuto: You know there is a feeling abroad, Donald, that the French don’t like us, the Germans don’t like us. There were protests abroad still continuing around the globe today from Asia to Africa and that there’s going to be hell to pay that maybe some of these same people will prove their wrath by not investing in this country, by doing all sorts of nasty things, do you buy that?

Trump: Well, the I guess the French never liked us much except when we were bailing them out, to be totally honest with you. But certainly were going to have to work on our public relations because there’s no question there are a lot of countries right now that aren’t too fond of us. I think that can be solved and probably pretty quickly. The main thing is to get the war over with and just make it a tremendously successful campaign and it will be very interesting to see what kind of weapons they find.

Cavuto: … Does this put a chill on things economically? Does it scare people into buying [real estate] or not buying, renting and not renting?

Trump: In a nutshell Neil, the office market is just okay at best. The hotel market is nonexistent. But the residential market for buying, for condos, has been the strongest I’ve ever seen it. It’s amazing. Now, a lot of that has to do I believe with interest rates. You know money is so cheap and people are buying and they are paying the lowest interest rates in 40 years. But the market has been very strong in that sense. There’s been a lot of optimism in New York.

Lol look at you selectively quoting.

Donald Trump and the Iraq War

Are you providing a link that states there is no evidence to back Trump's claim?


You did,

I posted the relevant transcript of the Cavuto interview before the Iraq war and shortly afterward. He didn't seem to state in either that he opposed the war. Thus there is no evidence today that he didn't lie.

As per usual the Gateway Pundit shows why he is the dumbest man on the internet (after Bripat).

That was an interview where Trump just wanted Bush to make a decision, he didn't state whether he was for or against it.

Cavuto: If you had to sort of breakdown for the president, if you were advising him, how much time do you commit to Iraq versus how much time you commit to the economy, what would you say?

Trump: Well, I’m starting to think that people are much more focused now on the economy. They are getting a little bit tired of hearing, we’re going in, we’re not going in, the — you know, whatever happened to the days of the Douglas MacArthur. He would go and attack. He wouldn’t talk. We have to — you know, it’s sort like either do it or don’t do it. When I watch Dan Rather explaining how we are going to be attacking, where we’re going to attack, what routes we’re taking, what kind of planes we’re using, how to stop them, how to stop us, it is a little bit disconcerting. I’ve never seen this, where newscasters are telling you how — telling the enemy how we’re going about it, we have just found out this and that. It is ridiculous.

Cavuto: Well, the problem right there.

Trump: Either you attack or you don’t attack.

Cavuto: The problem there, Donald, is you’re watching Dan Rather. Maybe you should just be watching Fox.

Trump: Well, no, I watch Dan Rather, but not necessarily fondly. But I happened to see it the other night. And I must tell you it was rather amazing as they were explaining the different — I don’t know if it is fact or if it is fiction, but the concept of a newscaster talking about the routes is — just seems ridiculous. So the point is either you do it or you don’t do it, or you — but I just — or if you don’t do it, just don’t talk about it. When you do it, you start talking about it.

Cavuto: So you’re saying the leash on this is getting kind of short here, that the president has got to do something presumably sooner rather than later and stringing this along could ultimately hurt us.

Trump: Well, he has either got to do something or not do something, perhaps, because perhaps shouldn’t be doing it yet and perhaps we should be waiting for the United Nations, you know. He’s under a lot of pressure. He’s — I think he’s doing a very good job. But, of course, if you look at the polls, a lot of people are getting a little tired. I think the Iraqi situation is a problem. And I think the economy is a much bigger problem as far as the president is concerned.

In an interview just 3 days after the invasion Trump seems more optimistic about the stock market due to the war than criticizing it.

Trump, March 21, 2003: Well, I think Wall Street’s waiting to see what happens but even before the fact they’re obviously taking it a little bit for granted that it looks like a tremendous success from a military standpoint and I think this is really nothing compared to what you’re going to see after the war is over.

Cavuto: What do you mean?

Trump: Well, I think Wall Street’s just going to go up like a rocket even beyond and it’s going to continue and – you know we have a strong and powerful country and let’s hope it all works out.

Cavuto: … Why are you so optimistic?

Trump: Well, I think a couple of things. I really feel that the key is that interest rates — beyond the war interest rates are going to have to stay stable and low. That’s going to be very important. And if you really look at Wall Street, Wall Street’s come down thousands and thousands of points over the last number of years. So really, I remember when we were sitting here saying two years ago that Wall Street is going to be double what it was two years ago and a lot of people didn’t believe that and I didn’t believe that, but there were plenty of very intelligent people who said yes. I think that Wall Street will be going up and the market will be going up and there’s great confidence in this great country.

Cavuto: You know there is a feeling abroad, Donald, that the French don’t like us, the Germans don’t like us. There were protests abroad still continuing around the globe today from Asia to Africa and that there’s going to be hell to pay that maybe some of these same people will prove their wrath by not investing in this country, by doing all sorts of nasty things, do you buy that?

Trump: Well, the I guess the French never liked us much except when we were bailing them out, to be totally honest with you. But certainly were going to have to work on our public relations because there’s no question there are a lot of countries right now that aren’t too fond of us. I think that can be solved and probably pretty quickly. The main thing is to get the war over with and just make it a tremendously successful campaign and it will be very interesting to see what kind of weapons they find.

Cavuto: … Does this put a chill on things economically? Does it scare people into buying [real estate] or not buying, renting and not renting?

Trump: In a nutshell Neil, the office market is just okay at best. The hotel market is nonexistent. But the residential market for buying, for condos, has been the strongest I’ve ever seen it. It’s amazing. Now, a lot of that has to do I believe with interest rates. You know money is so cheap and people are buying and they are paying the lowest interest rates in 40 years. But the market has been very strong in that sense. There’s been a lot of optimism in New York.

Sept 11, 2003 in an interview with MSNBC's John Scarborough:

It wasn’t a mistake to fight terrorism and fight it hard, and I guess maybe if I had to do it, I would have fought terrorism but not necessarily Iraq.

That is well after the war started. He lied about opposing it before it began. Jesus, you people.
Are you providing a link that states there is no evidence to back Trump's claim?

Yeah? I'm posting evidence that shows he did oppose (perhaps vaguely) the war in Iraq before the invasion. Why didn't you read it instead of posting this?

You did,

I posted the relevant transcript of the Cavuto interview before the Iraq war and shortly afterward. He didn't seem to state in either that he opposed the war. Thus there is no evidence today that he didn't lie
Last edited:
You know what I find funny as hell?

People on this board were predicting that Hillary wouldn't show up, or she'd collapse, or she'd show examples of poor health, or she'd have to have a bathroom break, or she'd end up having a coughing fit.

None of those happened. She looked calm, cool and collected and in pretty good health.

Trump on the other hand, became flustered and combative as well as incoherent about halfway through the debate. By the way, did you guys see the way he was sucking down water? He reminded me a bit of Rubio with the way he was drinking it down.
No conspiracy here, and this is not a blurry video IMo.


John R. Coppedge, MD, a general surgeon from Texas watched Hillary Clinton’s bizarre eye movement video and sees a huge problem.

He posted his comments on The Hill:

Hillary Clinton exhibited abnormal eye movements during her recent speech in Philadelphia and they were not photoshopped.

Her eyes did not always move in the same direction at the same time. It appears that she has a problem with her left sixth cranial nerve. That nerve serves only one function and that is to make the lateral rectus muscle contract. That muscle turns the eye in the direction away from the midline.

Personally, no matter what anyone thinks, I am not nor ever have been happy over this.

Clinton's eyes — a window into her health issues
Are you providing a link that states there is no evidence to back Trump's claim?

Yeah? Why didn't you read it instead of posting this?

You did,

I posted the relevant transcript of the Cavuto interview before the Iraq war and shortly afterward. He didn't seem to state in either that he opposed the war. Thus there is no evidence today that he didn't lie

I did. Trump did not oppose the Iraq war before it happened, he claimed/lied his ass off otherwise.
You know what I'm really glad about this debate tonight?

All the conspiracy idiots who say that Hillary is in bad health can't claim that anymore. She looked good, didn't show ill health, and actually sounded like she knew what she was talking about.

Trump on the other hand was an incoherent, water guzzling baboon. Who was coaching him for his debate this evening, Rubio?

As per usual the Gateway Pundit shows why he is the dumbest man on the internet (after Bripat).

That was an interview where Trump just wanted Bush to make a decision, he didn't state whether he was for or against it.

Cavuto: If you had to sort of breakdown for the president, if you were advising him, how much time do you commit to Iraq versus how much time you commit to the economy, what would you say?

Trump: Well, I’m starting to think that people are much more focused now on the economy. They are getting a little bit tired of hearing, we’re going in, we’re not going in, the — you know, whatever happened to the days of the Douglas MacArthur. He would go and attack. He wouldn’t talk. We have to — you know, it’s sort like either do it or don’t do it. When I watch Dan Rather explaining how we are going to be attacking, where we’re going to attack, what routes we’re taking, what kind of planes we’re using, how to stop them, how to stop us, it is a little bit disconcerting. I’ve never seen this, where newscasters are telling you how — telling the enemy how we’re going about it, we have just found out this and that. It is ridiculous.

Cavuto: Well, the problem right there.

Trump: Either you attack or you don’t attack.

Cavuto: The problem there, Donald, is you’re watching Dan Rather. Maybe you should just be watching Fox.

Trump: Well, no, I watch Dan Rather, but not necessarily fondly. But I happened to see it the other night. And I must tell you it was rather amazing as they were explaining the different — I don’t know if it is fact or if it is fiction, but the concept of a newscaster talking about the routes is — just seems ridiculous. So the point is either you do it or you don’t do it, or you — but I just — or if you don’t do it, just don’t talk about it. When you do it, you start talking about it.

Cavuto: So you’re saying the leash on this is getting kind of short here, that the president has got to do something presumably sooner rather than later and stringing this along could ultimately hurt us.

Trump: Well, he has either got to do something or not do something, perhaps, because perhaps shouldn’t be doing it yet and perhaps we should be waiting for the United Nations, you know. He’s under a lot of pressure. He’s — I think he’s doing a very good job. But, of course, if you look at the polls, a lot of people are getting a little tired. I think the Iraqi situation is a problem. And I think the economy is a much bigger problem as far as the president is concerned.

In an interview just 3 days after the invasion Trump seems more optimistic about the stock market due to the war than criticizing it.

Trump, March 21, 2003: Well, I think Wall Street’s waiting to see what happens but even before the fact they’re obviously taking it a little bit for granted that it looks like a tremendous success from a military standpoint and I think this is really nothing compared to what you’re going to see after the war is over.

Cavuto: What do you mean?

Trump: Well, I think Wall Street’s just going to go up like a rocket even beyond and it’s going to continue and – you know we have a strong and powerful country and let’s hope it all works out.

Cavuto: … Why are you so optimistic?

Trump: Well, I think a couple of things. I really feel that the key is that interest rates — beyond the war interest rates are going to have to stay stable and low. That’s going to be very important. And if you really look at Wall Street, Wall Street’s come down thousands and thousands of points over the last number of years. So really, I remember when we were sitting here saying two years ago that Wall Street is going to be double what it was two years ago and a lot of people didn’t believe that and I didn’t believe that, but there were plenty of very intelligent people who said yes. I think that Wall Street will be going up and the market will be going up and there’s great confidence in this great country.

Cavuto: You know there is a feeling abroad, Donald, that the French don’t like us, the Germans don’t like us. There were protests abroad still continuing around the globe today from Asia to Africa and that there’s going to be hell to pay that maybe some of these same people will prove their wrath by not investing in this country, by doing all sorts of nasty things, do you buy that?

Trump: Well, the I guess the French never liked us much except when we were bailing them out, to be totally honest with you. But certainly were going to have to work on our public relations because there’s no question there are a lot of countries right now that aren’t too fond of us. I think that can be solved and probably pretty quickly. The main thing is to get the war over with and just make it a tremendously successful campaign and it will be very interesting to see what kind of weapons they find.

Cavuto: … Does this put a chill on things economically? Does it scare people into buying [real estate] or not buying, renting and not renting?

Trump: In a nutshell Neil, the office market is just okay at best. The hotel market is nonexistent. But the residential market for buying, for condos, has been the strongest I’ve ever seen it. It’s amazing. Now, a lot of that has to do I believe with interest rates. You know money is so cheap and people are buying and they are paying the lowest interest rates in 40 years. But the market has been very strong in that sense. There’s been a lot of optimism in New York.

Sept 11, 2003 in an interview with MSNBC's John Scarborough:

It wasn’t a mistake to fight terrorism and fight it hard, and I guess maybe if I had to do it, I would have fought terrorism but not necessarily Iraq.

That is well after the war started. He lied about opposing it before it began. Jesus, you people.



I guess people aren't allowed to change their minds, then.
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