Debate #1 -- Clinton v Trump --- 2016 -- OFFICIAL THREAD.

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The kind of tax break is for business's
Ya what's going on now is really working :rolleyes:
You're expecting a Liberal to understand Tax Law?

The stupid woman can't figure out what the damn c meant on a simple email, it would be impossible for the liar to figure anything else out.

She figured out how to win this debate.

She nor he did anything to convince me to vote for either. Just more Dem/Rep BS. They are so much alike and both are not trustworthy. Nothing tonight changed that.

I thought this debate highlighted quite a few differences between them. One is competent the other is Donald Trump. He rambled incoherently about some pretty important issues and she knew exactly what she was saying.

I don't believe either in what they say. They both lie and don't bat an eye. They are both untrustworthy and they have both proved it. Their words are empty and meaningless.
About Trump rambling incoherent answers? No. We all saw it. He lied about his support for the Iraq war, who started the birther movement as well as who kept it going. He lied about calling global warming a conspiracy started by the Chinese, he lied about the legality of stop and frisk, he lied his way through the debate because he doesn't know anything.

Stay on topic please. We were discussing conspiracies. I know nothing of them. You seem to.

We're talking about the debate, you agreed with a poster about her eyes which alludes to some dumb ass conspiracy. I'm pointing out in a thread about the debate where Trump failed.
It's not a conspiracy, dumbass. It's a video.

He/she won't get it.

Get what? That the far right believes in multiple far fetched conspiracies? Or that you guys don't even know what one is?

Neither. That YOU are into conspiracies. You are a conspiracy nut. You brought it own it.
Hillary resided over Benghazi where her idiocy got Americans killed, and then her and Obama lied like hell about it by saying a (video was at fault), she ran an illegal server, she blankety attacks the rich, but she's not the equivalent of a racist by doing so ???? She attacks women her pervert husband molested or took advantage of, she and Obama destabilized the Middle East far worst than could be imagined, and they created Isis as a result of the vacuum they created. They traded super terrorist for a deserter Bergdal. Obama care is absolutely not for the working class in which includes family members because it's to costly to them, but people who won't work and the prisoners get healthcare free ? Terrorist attacks on this soil because of weakness shown in the Democrat resolve and leadership. Regulations killing jobs, threats to coal miners, global warming unproven, but the attempt to transfer millions for fighting it goes on and on, blacks living or occupying some of the poorest conditions because of government dependency promoted on steroids now, corporations running and controlling the outcomes of our elections and jobs in this nation. Lies getting innocent people killed left and right. Clinton stoking the fires of racism for political gain, and on and on.
Excellent comments about the debate. I must say. I wonder what that means, in context.

That's not a post, that's Donald Trump's wall.
******CNN CLINTON WON THE DEBATE 62-27******

Yeah, of course that's with a very Clinton-friendly audience. We'll see what it looks like tomorrow.

Or this. Guess where this comes from.

An unscientific online poll. They are the worst.

Doesn't matter. I think it rather interesting that this a result coming from a liberal publication.
You're expecting a Liberal to understand Tax Law?

The stupid woman can't figure out what the damn c meant on a simple email, it would be impossible for the liar to figure anything else out.

She figured out how to win this debate.

She nor he did anything to convince me to vote for either. Just more Dem/Rep BS. They are so much alike and both are not trustworthy. Nothing tonight changed that.

I thought this debate highlighted quite a few differences between them. One is competent the other is Donald Trump. He rambled incoherently about some pretty important issues and she knew exactly what she was saying.

I don't believe either in what they say. They both lie and don't bat an eye. They are both untrustworthy and they have both proved it. Their words are empty and meaningless.

Well, Clinton's debate performance is being rated as honest for the most part and with Trump were just lucky his pants didn't light his podium on fire.

I hate false equivalency arguments for the sake of keeping things even.
Thirty years of experience being in politics and poor ole' Hillary still does not have much to offer.
She made your guy look like an ill prepared boob. He took every piece of bait she threw out here to get him on the defensive. He got played like a fiddle.

She looked like a blinking, doddering grandma nodding herself into a wind-up chattering teeth toy. Like her entire career, she said nothing of value.

Obviously on prop-up drugs.
Well, I guess the debate changed your mind and you won't be voting for Clinton anymore.
Wonder if Cuban in the front row rattled Trump a bit?

Yeah Trump had to look at an actual billionaire close up.

What does a billionaire look like? They don't look like a human being? They have horns or stars or something?

They look like someone that pays their taxes and would release their tax return for the American people to have a look at. They don't look like Trump.

Why? So Harry Reid can lie about it from the floor of the Senate with immunity as he lied about Romney's taxes in 2012?....We now know you scum lie about everything!!!

No, if Trump released his taxes he could shut up any potential liars. It's that simple.

No, Romney released his and Reid continued to lie!
Wonder if Cuban in the front row rattled Trump a bit?

Yeah Trump had to look at an actual billionaire close up.

What does a billionaire look like? They don't look like a human being? They have horns or stars or something?

They look like someone that pays their taxes and would release their tax return for the American people to have a look at. They don't look like Trump.

Why? So Harry Reid can lie about it from the floor of the Senate with immunity as he lied about Romney's taxes in 2012?....We now know you scum lie about everything!!!

Har har, hardy har har. Everyone knows he's hiding it because it will send him to jail and end whatever career he had left. Defending it is passe. Find a new schtick.

By the way, what is up with Trump and his sniffing. It looks like his health is failing him as well. Poor thing, I hope they have a doctor offstage at the next debate, that is if he shows up.

More bullshit from another subversive liar....
Yeah Trump had to look at an actual billionaire close up.

What does a billionaire look like? They don't look like a human being? They have horns or stars or something?

They look like someone that pays their taxes and would release their tax return for the American people to have a look at. They don't look like Trump.

Why? So Harry Reid can lie about it from the floor of the Senate with immunity as he lied about Romney's taxes in 2012?....We now know you scum lie about everything!!!

Har har, hardy har har. Everyone knows he's hiding it because it will send him to jail and end whatever career he had left. Defending it is passe. Find a new schtick.

By the way, what is up with Trump and his sniffing. It looks like his health is failing him as well. Poor thing, I hope they have a doctor offstage at the next debate, that is if he shows up.

More bullshit from another subversive liar....

You funny Peter-son.
Trump says Hillary doesn't know how to win. Just wondering who's won more political elections, Trump or Hillary?
Stick a fork in Trump. He's done. Medium orange.
You're an asshole.
Trump did quite well considering he didn't have a script in the back of his mind.
Really, I think it is more like he lacked a brain in the back of his forehead. He did very poorly, failed to address the major topics repeatedly.
Shake the rocks out of your old head and review the debate.
I watched every minute of the debate, don't have to review it. And Trump was vague, and spent half his time talking about what a great person Trump is.
Yes he did, didn't he?
What does a billionaire look like? They don't look like a human being? They have horns or stars or something?

They look like someone that pays their taxes and would release their tax return for the American people to have a look at. They don't look like Trump.

Why? So Harry Reid can lie about it from the floor of the Senate with immunity as he lied about Romney's taxes in 2012?....We now know you scum lie about everything!!!

Har har, hardy har har. Everyone knows he's hiding it because it will send him to jail and end whatever career he had left. Defending it is passe. Find a new schtick.

By the way, what is up with Trump and his sniffing. It looks like his health is failing him as well. Poor thing, I hope they have a doctor offstage at the next debate, that is if he shows up.

More bullshit from another subversive liar....

You funny Peter-son.

Truth hurts leftists!

As per usual the Gateway Pundit shows why he is the dumbest man on the internet (after Bripat).

That was an interview where Trump just wanted Bush to make a decision, he didn't state whether he was for or against it.

Cavuto: If you had to sort of breakdown for the president, if you were advising him, how much time do you commit to Iraq versus how much time you commit to the economy, what would you say?

Trump: Well, I’m starting to think that people are much more focused now on the economy. They are getting a little bit tired of hearing, we’re going in, we’re not going in, the — you know, whatever happened to the days of the Douglas MacArthur. He would go and attack. He wouldn’t talk. We have to — you know, it’s sort like either do it or don’t do it. When I watch Dan Rather explaining how we are going to be attacking, where we’re going to attack, what routes we’re taking, what kind of planes we’re using, how to stop them, how to stop us, it is a little bit disconcerting. I’ve never seen this, where newscasters are telling you how — telling the enemy how we’re going about it, we have just found out this and that. It is ridiculous.

Cavuto: Well, the problem right there.

Trump: Either you attack or you don’t attack.

Cavuto: The problem there, Donald, is you’re watching Dan Rather. Maybe you should just be watching Fox.

Trump: Well, no, I watch Dan Rather, but not necessarily fondly. But I happened to see it the other night. And I must tell you it was rather amazing as they were explaining the different — I don’t know if it is fact or if it is fiction, but the concept of a newscaster talking about the routes is — just seems ridiculous. So the point is either you do it or you don’t do it, or you — but I just — or if you don’t do it, just don’t talk about it. When you do it, you start talking about it.

Cavuto: So you’re saying the leash on this is getting kind of short here, that the president has got to do something presumably sooner rather than later and stringing this along could ultimately hurt us.

Trump: Well, he has either got to do something or not do something, perhaps, because perhaps shouldn’t be doing it yet and perhaps we should be waiting for the United Nations, you know. He’s under a lot of pressure. He’s — I think he’s doing a very good job. But, of course, if you look at the polls, a lot of people are getting a little tired. I think the Iraqi situation is a problem. And I think the economy is a much bigger problem as far as the president is concerned.

In an interview just 3 days after the invasion Trump seems more optimistic about the stock market due to the war than criticizing it.

Trump, March 21, 2003: Well, I think Wall Street’s waiting to see what happens but even before the fact they’re obviously taking it a little bit for granted that it looks like a tremendous success from a military standpoint and I think this is really nothing compared to what you’re going to see after the war is over.

Cavuto: What do you mean?

Trump: Well, I think Wall Street’s just going to go up like a rocket even beyond and it’s going to continue and – you know we have a strong and powerful country and let’s hope it all works out.

Cavuto: … Why are you so optimistic?

Trump: Well, I think a couple of things. I really feel that the key is that interest rates — beyond the war interest rates are going to have to stay stable and low. That’s going to be very important. And if you really look at Wall Street, Wall Street’s come down thousands and thousands of points over the last number of years. So really, I remember when we were sitting here saying two years ago that Wall Street is going to be double what it was two years ago and a lot of people didn’t believe that and I didn’t believe that, but there were plenty of very intelligent people who said yes. I think that Wall Street will be going up and the market will be going up and there’s great confidence in this great country.

Cavuto: You know there is a feeling abroad, Donald, that the French don’t like us, the Germans don’t like us. There were protests abroad still continuing around the globe today from Asia to Africa and that there’s going to be hell to pay that maybe some of these same people will prove their wrath by not investing in this country, by doing all sorts of nasty things, do you buy that?

Trump: Well, the I guess the French never liked us much except when we were bailing them out, to be totally honest with you. But certainly were going to have to work on our public relations because there’s no question there are a lot of countries right now that aren’t too fond of us. I think that can be solved and probably pretty quickly. The main thing is to get the war over with and just make it a tremendously successful campaign and it will be very interesting to see what kind of weapons they find.

Cavuto: … Does this put a chill on things economically? Does it scare people into buying [real estate] or not buying, renting and not renting?

Trump: In a nutshell Neil, the office market is just okay at best. The hotel market is nonexistent. But the residential market for buying, for condos, has been the strongest I’ve ever seen it. It’s amazing. Now, a lot of that has to do I believe with interest rates. You know money is so cheap and people are buying and they are paying the lowest interest rates in 40 years. But the market has been very strong in that sense. There’s been a lot of optimism in New York.
You're expecting a Liberal to understand Tax Law?

The stupid woman can't figure out what the damn c meant on a simple email, it would be impossible for the liar to figure anything else out.

She figured out how to win this debate.

She nor he did anything to convince me to vote for either. Just more Dem/Rep BS. They are so much alike and both are not trustworthy. Nothing tonight changed that.

I thought this debate highlighted quite a few differences between them. One is competent the other is Donald Trump. He rambled incoherently about some pretty important issues and she knew exactly what she was saying.

I don't believe either in what they say. They both lie and don't bat an eye. They are both untrustworthy and they have both proved it. Their words are empty and meaningless.
In the grand economy of it all, I agree.
But "I" agree from the stand point that God measures time morally. And it's just about 12 o'clock.
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