Debate #1 -- Clinton v Trump --- 2016 -- OFFICIAL THREAD.

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How do you know what I believe? Just a mere comment proves nothing. I am just enjoying the discussion..........except some of you vile trash mouths are starting to filter in. (not saying you...just saying)

You hold idiotic conspiracies to a lower standard.

I wouldn't know. YOU seem to be the conspiracy guy. ;)

About Trump rambling incoherent answers? No. We all saw it. He lied about his support for the Iraq war, who started the birther movement as well as who kept it going. He lied about calling global warming a conspiracy started by the Chinese, he lied about the legality of stop and frisk, he lied his way through the debate because he doesn't know anything.

Stay on topic please. We were discussing conspiracies. I know nothing of them. You seem to.

We're talking about the debate, you agreed with a poster about her eyes which alludes to some dumb ass conspiracy. I'm pointing out in a thread about the debate where Trump failed.

Overall the thread is about the debate, yes. But YOU started in on me about conspiracies. I am the LAST person that is into conspiracies. LOL Funny.
Like I said, when you quote me...then reply to what i posted. surely you can manage that??
Frank Luntz tweet:

So far, 17 people in my group say Hillary is winning; 3 say Trump. Tax question weakened him, birther question destroyed him.
Hillary resided over Benghazi where her idiocy got Americans killed, and then her and Obama lied like hell about it by saying a (video was at fault), she ran an illegal server, she blankety attacks the rich, but she's not the equivalent of a racist by doing so ???? She attacks women her pervert husband molested or took advantage of, she and Obama destabilized the Middle East far worst than could be imagined, and they created Isis as a result of the vacuum they created. They traded super terrorist for a deserter Bergdal. Obama care is absolutely not for the working class in which includes family members because it's to costly to them, but people who won't work and the prisoners get healthcare free ? Terrorist attacks on this soil because of weakness shown in the Democrat resolve and leadership. Regulations killing jobs, threats to coal miners, global warming unproven, but the attempt to transfer millions for fighting it goes on and on, blacks living or occupying some of the poorest conditions because of government dependency promoted on steroids now, corporations running and controlling the outcomes of our elections and jobs in this nation. Lies getting innocent people killed left and right. Clinton stoking the fires of racism for political gain, and on and on.
Excellent comments about the debate. I must say. I wonder what that means, in context.
I matter to me, moron, and other people matter to themselves. You're sounding like a real establishment douche bag now.

I am criticizing the establishment, and if my words did not go over your head, you would of realized that.

These are facts. You are completely irrelevant to the system. You do not matter to anyone with power. What you believe is right does not make a difference.

Want to contest that? Well...
The issue is what should the voters support. They all support paying less to carry free loaders. End of story. Who gives a fuck what "the system" wants?
Wonder if Cuban in the front row rattled Trump a bit?

Yeah Trump had to look at an actual billionaire close up.

What does a billionaire look like? They don't look like a human being? They have horns or stars or something?

They look like someone that pays their taxes and would release their tax return for the American people to have a look at. They don't look like Trump.

Why? So Harry Reid can lie about it from the floor of the Senate with immunity as he lied about Romney's taxes in 2012?....We now know you scum lie about everything!!!

No, if Trump released his taxes he could shut up any potential liars. It's that simple.

I agree, if there is nothing there though he would have done it long ago. For a derp that whined and bitched about seeing a birth certificate Trump sure is hiding things now.
You hold idiotic conspiracies to a lower standard.

I wouldn't know. YOU seem to be the conspiracy guy. ;)

About Trump rambling incoherent answers? No. We all saw it. He lied about his support for the Iraq war, who started the birther movement as well as who kept it going. He lied about calling global warming a conspiracy started by the Chinese, he lied about the legality of stop and frisk, he lied his way through the debate because he doesn't know anything.

Stay on topic please. We were discussing conspiracies. I know nothing of them. You seem to.

We're talking about the debate, you agreed with a poster about her eyes which alludes to some dumb ass conspiracy. I'm pointing out in a thread about the debate where Trump failed.
It's not a conspiracy, dumbass. It's a video.

He/she won't get it.
You hold idiotic conspiracies to a lower standard.

I wouldn't know. YOU seem to be the conspiracy guy. ;)

About Trump rambling incoherent answers? No. We all saw it. He lied about his support for the Iraq war, who started the birther movement as well as who kept it going. He lied about calling global warming a conspiracy started by the Chinese, he lied about the legality of stop and frisk, he lied his way through the debate because he doesn't know anything.

Stay on topic please. We were discussing conspiracies. I know nothing of them. You seem to.

We're talking about the debate, you agreed with a poster about her eyes which alludes to some dumb ass conspiracy. I'm pointing out in a thread about the debate where Trump failed.
It's not a conspiracy, dumbass. It's a video.

Clinton having brain damage is a conspiracy, toad.
Trump: 4,000 people killed in Chicago alone since Obama took office.

Hillary: The level of violence is fine, lower than 1991.

Trump: 4,000 people killed is fine???

Hillary: Its fine, nothing to see. Now those 2 police shootings...

Trump: 2 vs 4,000???

Hillary: The police are out of control that's the problem, they need training.

Trump: What planet are you living on?

Hillary: And the leading cause of African American deaths is a gun epidemic.

Trump: Bad African Americans who are felons need to be stopped and frisked, their guns taken away.

Hillary: No way, that's not constitutional.

Trump: What, they have killed 4,000 in Chicago alone.

Hillary: Hey PC will be maintained even if it cost 4,000 people their lives.

Trump: Is her brain detached from its brain stem?
But we don't care about all those 1st graders gunned down in Connecticut......
Does Trump ever stop lying. Ever? And he's still on the birther thing. There is something mentally loose in there, Jesus.

Hillary started the birther controversy....nobody with a working brain doubts that. I thought Trump could have made it clearer who Sidney Blumenthal is and why Obama refused to give him a job after showing what racists the Clinturds really are.
She never did. That's why everyone is laughing.

He went on forever about why he was against the war. Ask Sean! Ask Sean!

Lester implied that Trump was FOR that war....Hannity has said time and again he wasn't...but then you leftist trash don't care what's true and what's lies...that's why you're leftists.
Hannity is running for President?
Yeah Trump had to look at an actual billionaire close up.

What does a billionaire look like? They don't look like a human being? They have horns or stars or something?

They look like someone that pays their taxes and would release their tax return for the American people to have a look at. They don't look like Trump.

Why? So Harry Reid can lie about it from the floor of the Senate with immunity as he lied about Romney's taxes in 2012?....We now know you scum lie about everything!!!

No, if Trump released his taxes he could shut up any potential liars. It's that simple.

I agree, if there is nothing there though he would have done it long ago. For a derp that whined and bitched about seeing a birth certificate Trump sure is hiding things now.

2016 Trump should take 2012 Trump's advice to Romney.
Trump's campaign manager is probably drinking herself stupid tonight.

I'll be curious to see how roadmapped her eyes look in the morning.

Personally, I think Trump screwed up by listening to his kids and firing Corey. Oh well, sucks for Trump!


Connoway has done a masterful job.

Somehow she didn't get him ready for this one though.

He's almost pulled even. Now, we'll see if that holds.
What I don't understand, when Hillary brought up Trump's sexist remarks, why didn't he bring up Hillary calling Bill's accusers names?

That's what Trump was referring to when he said he was going to say something really nasty. He took the high ground. I think he should had destroyed her by bringing up all the women BJ raped and she helped discredit.
Stand by for this evening's tweets......:lol:
It will be interesting to see what leverage is available to the campaigns in the morning.

Trump is going to have to basically ignore tonight.

He was pathetic.
Trump's campaign manager is probably drinking herself stupid tonight.

I'll be curious to see how roadmapped her eyes look in the morning.

Personally, I think Trump screwed up by listening to his kids and firing Corey. Oh well, sucks for Trump!


Connoway has done a masterful job.

Somehow she didn't get him ready for this one though.

He's almost pulled even. Now, we'll see if that holds.

Because Corey seemed to have a better knack for what people would respond to. His philosophy was to "Let Trump be Trump," and things in their campaign seem to have changed a bit since. I could be wrong though, of course, but it seems like before he was more "on point" and now he's made some bizarre decisions (like the birther press conference) and his bumbling debate performance.
I wouldn't know. YOU seem to be the conspiracy guy. ;)

About Trump rambling incoherent answers? No. We all saw it. He lied about his support for the Iraq war, who started the birther movement as well as who kept it going. He lied about calling global warming a conspiracy started by the Chinese, he lied about the legality of stop and frisk, he lied his way through the debate because he doesn't know anything.

Stay on topic please. We were discussing conspiracies. I know nothing of them. You seem to.

We're talking about the debate, you agreed with a poster about her eyes which alludes to some dumb ass conspiracy. I'm pointing out in a thread about the debate where Trump failed.
It's not a conspiracy, dumbass. It's a video.

He/she won't get it.

Get what? That the far right believes in multiple far fetched conspiracies? Or that you guys don't even know what one is?
The issue is what should the voters support. They all support paying less to carry free loaders. End of story.

The voters do not matter.

I have doubted your convictions in the past. Do you really believe your vote makes a difference?

Who gives a fuck what "the system" wants?

Anyone with a capacity for intelligence.

If you do not understand the system then you are just another tool. Everyone, including yourself, has been subject to manipulators like Clinton and Donald.
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