Debate #1 -- Clinton v Trump --- 2016 -- OFFICIAL THREAD.

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Says who? You?

Yes. But don't let me get in your conspiracies about Clinton's eyes and brain damage, hypocrite.

That's the best you've got??? I guess she didn't face plant either. I didn't start this on her sticking eyes..someone else why call me a hypocrite...........which btw makes no sense at all.

No, you only commented on it, believed it and asked for no real evidence.

How do you know what I believe? Just a mere comment proves nothing. I am just enjoying the discussion..........except some of you vile trash mouths are starting to filter in. (not saying you...just saying)

You hold idiotic conspiracies to a lower standard.

I wouldn't know. YOU seem to be the conspiracy guy. ;)
The so-called "businessmen" who like Hillary are crony capitalists. They can thrive under a fascist regime like Hillary plans. It's medium and small business that will suffer, and that means we all suffer.

I agree. Are you expecting me to defend Hillary Clinton as being a saintly politician and economist?

Don't mistake that as an avocation that Donald is any better. He just represents a smaller interest group in which he is actually a member of.
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Trump really hurt himself with young voters when he said that $1 million is a small amount of money. He came off real smug and out of touch with the average citizen.

At the same time, people here are reporting Hillary didn't tell any lies? Well did Trump get a $1 million loan from his dad to start his business or a $14 million loan like Hillary said?
You're delusional. Millennials aren't as stupid as you think they are. They understand that $1 million is small in relation to $10 billion. They can do simple math, even if you can't.
Really? Has he fallen off a curb, lost a shoe and been tossed into a SUV lately?

Or done a face I said..they really juiced her up good tonight.

Did you notice she never looked to her right without facing in that direction? If she faces forward and looks right, her left eye sticks and won't come back to center. She's got brain damage that she's hiding and I'm wondering why her Secret Service detail isn't leaking that to Fox or Drudge or somebody who will report it.

You are such a fucking idiot. Nothing is wrong with her eyes.

One eye not following the other is on video, moron.

No, it isn't, moron. It's a low quality video that doesn't show anything clearly, idiot. And if her eyes were doing that, 100,000,000 people would've all seen it tonight, moron.
Here's another one that is perfectly crystal clear:

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Well, I remember the "stupid American Public" falling for BO crap. "I am going to sit with JOE and go over the budget line by line and cut out all un-neccessary"....went up $10T. Never sat with JOE. Raised spending across all boards. Lied about phony stimulus.

All sorts of these and voters bought it hook line and sinker. HRC knows if she can stand up? She can run out the clock. Trump is on the rise, but a bit desperate to rush answers.
Trump really hurt himself with young voters when he said that $1 million is a small amount of money. He came off real smug and out of touch with the average citizen.

At the same time, people here are reporting Hillary didn't tell any lies? Well did Trump get a $1 million loan from his dad to start his business or a $14 million loan like Hillary said?
You're delusional. Millennials aren't as stupid as you think they are. They understand that $1 million is small in relation to $10 billion. They can do simple math, even if you can't.

For cripes sakes...He actually didn't even correct Hillary, and said that $14 million was a small amount of money.

...and according to how things are looking, Millennials are smarter than you and can see that Trump has no clue about the average US citizen and what it is like to live a regular middle class life.
Who cares if it matters to them? It matters to the taxpayer.

The taxpayer is irrelevant.

What are you not getting about that? The system does not work for the common working class man.

Personally, I'm sick of carrying the load for these deadbeats.

That is a bad misrepresentation of what is going on.

They are not deadbeats. On the contrary, these nations are being exploited to work for the US military-industrial complex. They are not begging for money, but rather the US is just giving it to them because it supports a mutually beneficial interest.

There are people in these countries that want their government to stop accepting military aid and drive US/UK/FR/DE/IT soldiers out of their country. I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment.

We no longer have hegemony.

We do not, but the ruling class does.

They have all the power and the money, including about 35 geopolitical entities which will go to war at their bidding.

You still look at the world from a US-Centrism lens, which is stone age thinking. The picture is a lot greater than you paint it out to be.
Trump did HORRIBLY. It was one of the worst debate performances I've ever seen. He was rambling, all over the place, stumbling over his words, constantly interrupting, it was terrible. Just terrible.
Hillary kept sighing. Gore lost the debates because of that. Also, did anybody else get dizzy watching her eyes shift and and forth for no reason? . It wasn't like she was reading a TelePrompTer.
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You're delusional. Millennials aren't as stupid as you think they are. They understand that $1 million is small in relation to $10 billion. They can do simple math, even if you can't. was $1mil in 1970s' dollars........not that theres' anything wrong with that. :biggrin:
Who cares if it matters to them? It matters to the taxpayer.

The taxpayer is irrelevant.

What are you not getting about that? The system does not work for the common working class man.

Personally, I'm sick of carrying the load for these deadbeats.

That is a bad misrepresentation of what is going on.

They are not deadbeats. On the contrary, these nations are being exploited to work for the US military-industrial complex. They are not begging for money, but rather the US is just giving it to them because it supports a mutually beneficial interest.

There are people in these countries that want their government to stop military aid and drive US/UK/FR/DE/IT soldiers out of their country. I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment.

We no longer have hegemony.

We do not, but the ruling class does.

They have all the power and the money, including about 35 geopolitical entities which will go to war at their bidding.
I'm the taxpayer, moron. You just told me I'm irrelevant. That's all I read because that was enough stupid for an entire post.
When conservatives lose, they retreat into conspiracy theories. It gives them comfort. It's their security blanket.

Calling the fiasco's your Rat puppet-masters get caught red-handed at "conspiracies" is always good for a laugh...and believe us when we tell you we're laughing harder at you puppets than them....them we are about to start indicting. Be glad you're too useful an idiot to have ever gotten involved in their schemes.

Was this post written in English?

Yeah, you want it in pig-latin next time, asshole?
When conservatives lose, they retreat into conspiracy theories. It gives them comfort. It's their security blanket.

Calling the fiasco's your Rat puppet-masters get caught red-handed at "conspiracies" is always good for a laugh...and believe us when we tell you we're laughing harder at you puppets than them....them we are about to start indicting. Be glad you're too useful an idiot to have ever gotten involved in their schemes.

Was this post written in English?

Yeah, you want it in pig-latin next time, asshole?
The grammar wasn't perfect, but I understood it.
Wonder if Cuban in the front row rattled Trump a bit?

Yeah Trump had to look at an actual billionaire close up.

What does a billionaire look like? They don't look like a human being? They have horns or stars or something?

They look like someone that pays their taxes and would release their tax return for the American people to have a look at. They don't look like Trump.
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