Debate #1 -- Clinton v Trump --- 2016 -- OFFICIAL THREAD.

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No, I only saw the outcome of his mental laziness tonight.

Well shoot. You are privy to things I am not. I would like to see some proof that he didn't prepare, and is lazy.

Tonight's debate is my evidence, he wasn't prepared.

Says who? You?

Yes. But don't let me get in your conspiracies about Clinton's eyes and brain damage, hypocrite.

That's the best you've got??? I guess she didn't face plant either. I didn't start this on her sticking eyes..someone else why call me a hypocrite...........which btw makes no sense at all.

No, you only commented on it, believed it and asked for no real evidence.
The logic for it is stupid. We aren't the 900 lb gorilla any longer. We can't afford it. Other countries have to carry their own weight now.

That's largely irrelevant to my point.

It does not matter to the generals, the politicians, or the defense companies. The debt can inflate sky high, and they do not give a damn as long as everyone is making money and getting promotions. Believing that the US is going to surrender its influence and hegemony is beyond wishful thinking.
That is rich. Calling Trump lazy. Have another beer.

He should prepare for the most important job in the world, he didn't. He's lazy unless he is enriching himself.

Do you know him? Do you follow him around all day to see what he is doing? uh huh..what I thought. Just as I don't.

No, I only saw the outcome of his mental laziness tonight.

Well shoot. You are privy to things I am not. I would like to see some proof that he didn't prepare, and is lazy.
The proof was his performance during the "debate". Do you believe Frump looked prepared? Really? If so, have another shooter or two!

When someone can't even say a name properly you expect to be taken seriously??? Grow up.
And btw...I don't all. (alcohol)
And they don't object to Hillary's massive tax increase, boondoggle spending and massive increases in regulation?

They do not perceive a threat, and honestly I do not either. It is more talk than it is game.

They see Hillary Clinton as the moderate establishment candidate, and they are already accommodated to the stabilization of the current economy, in which she presents little threat. Donald's socialist rhetoric on regulating trade is way more risky and costly than any environmental regulation or meager tax increase Clinton will employ.

Again, look at the facts. The capitalists are flocking towards Clinton, and not Donald. You can make a case for why they should move in a different direction all you want, but no level of arguing will change the facts.
If you don't, then you're stupid. Hillary will double down on Obama's CO2 regulations. Those are going to kill our economy, and will definitely make us less competitive in world trade, but you don't perceive it as a threat?

Do you even know what Hillary plans to do?

The so-called "businessmen" who like Hillary are crony capitalists. They can thrive under a fascist regime like Hillary plans. It's medium and small business that will suffer, and that means we all suffer.
Well shoot. You are privy to things I am not. I would like to see some proof that he didn't prepare, and is lazy.

Tonight's debate is my evidence, he wasn't prepared.

Says who? You?

Yes. But don't let me get in your conspiracies about Clinton's eyes and brain damage, hypocrite.

That's the best you've got??? I guess she didn't face plant either. I didn't start this on her sticking eyes..someone else why call me a hypocrite...........which btw makes no sense at all.

No, you only commented on it, believed it and asked for no real evidence.

How do you know what I believe? Just a mere comment proves nothing. I am just enjoying the discussion..........except some of you vile trash mouths are starting to filter in. (not saying you...just saying)
The stupid woman can't figure out what the damn c meant on a simple email, it would be impossible for the liar to figure anything else out.

That's just the thing. I don't believe she is really that stupid. I think grade school kids would easily guess what the "c" means.

What bothers me is that she is lying to cover for the fact that she knew she was pulling a fast one. She deliberately risked national security in order to keep the State Dept. and anyone else from looking over her shoulder as she conducted her business. She skirted FOIA laws and made sure she didn't comply with the law when it came time to turn over all documents and emails when she left the State Dept.

People had to go through the Clinton Foundation if they wanted to meet with Sec. of State Clinton. She acted like she owned the State Dept. instead of working for us. She turned the office into an extension of her private business and favors were granted to Clinton donors.

She thinks so little of the American people that she insults everyone by claiming that policy decisions favoring countries who donated to the foundation were just coincidences. When she claimed not to know how to wipe a server or not being able to log into the complicated State Dept. secure server, it should have raised red flags for anyone with a brain. Then she tops that with the claim that she didn't know how classified material was marked. Un-fucking-real.

She wants everyone to believe two opposing realities. One, that she is a senile old woman who is confused by technology and can't remember anything about anything. On the other hand, she wants people to believe she is capable of handling the most important job in the country. I doubt if she could handle working at a convenience store with her poor memory and lack of understanding about computers.
Did you notice she never looked to her right without facing in that direction? If she faces forward and looks right, her left eye sticks and won't come back to center. She's got brain damage that she's hiding and I'm wondering why her Secret Service detail isn't leaking that to Fox or Drudge or somebody who will report it.

You are such a fucking idiot. Nothing is wrong with her eyes.

One eye not following the other is on video, moron.

No, it isn't, moron. It's a low quality video that doesn't show anything clearly, idiot. And if her eyes were doing that, 100,000,000 people would've all seen it tonight, moron.

They have. I saw it clearly on a very clear video.

There is no "clear" video of her eyes doing anything abnormal. There is only unclear video, which plays tricks on the brain.
You're in denial, douche bag.
Tonight's debate is my evidence, he wasn't prepared.

Says who? You?

Yes. But don't let me get in your conspiracies about Clinton's eyes and brain damage, hypocrite.

That's the best you've got??? I guess she didn't face plant either. I didn't start this on her sticking eyes..someone else why call me a hypocrite...........which btw makes no sense at all.

No, you only commented on it, believed it and asked for no real evidence.

How do you know what I believe? Just a mere comment proves nothing. I am just enjoying the discussion..........except some of you vile trash mouths are starting to filter in. (not saying you...just saying)

You hold idiotic conspiracies to a lower standard.
Trump really hurt himself with young voters when he said that $1 million is a small amount of money. He came off real smug and out of touch with the average citizen.

At the same time, people here are reporting Hillary didn't tell any lies? Well did Trump get a $1 million loan from his dad to start his business or a $14 million loan like Hillary said?
The logic for it is stupid. We aren't the 900 lb gorilla any longer. We can't afford it. Other countries have to carry their own weight now.

That's largely irrelevant to my point.

It does not matter to the generals, the politicians, or the defense companies. The debt can inflate sky high, and they do not give a damn as long as everyone is making money and getting promotions. Believing that the US is going to surrender its influence and hegemony is beyond wishful thinking.
Who cares if it matters to them? It matters to the taxpayer. Personally, I'm sick of carrying the load for these deadbeats. We no longer have hegemony. The only reason we had "influence" was the fact that we were responsible 25% of the world GDP at one time. The percentage has gone way down since that time. Yet, we still pay for 90% of the world's defense.

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