Debate #1 -- Clinton v Trump --- 2016 -- OFFICIAL THREAD.

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My prediction is trump insults hillary so bad in the second debate, he takes a huge hit for it and hillary skips debating the nut for a 3rd time and have him rant and rave like Hitler all the way to election day.
Hillary skipping a debate would only make her look worse.
Not if he makes a complete ass out of himself and embarrasses and/or insults her so crudely that she shouldn't even dignify another debate. If he goes Rosey O on her she should just say to the American people, "look, if that's what you want, then vote for Trump" and listen to Trump say stupid thing after stupid thing for the next 35 days. He's already doing it. We already here the excuses now. Is that part of the strategy? Complain the system is rigged? Does that help? Let's see.
My prediction is trump insults hillary so bad in the second debate, he takes a huge hit for it and hillary skips debating the nut for a 3rd time and have him rant and rave like Hitler all the way to election day.
Hillary skipping a debate would only make her look worse.
Not if he makes a complete ass out of himself and embarrasses and/or insults her so crudely that she shouldn't even dignify another debate. If he goes Rosey O on her she should just say to the American people, "look, if that's what you want, then vote for Trump" and listen to Trump say stupid thing after stupid thing for the next 35 days. He's already doing it. We already here the excuses now. Is that part of the strategy? Complain the system is rigged? Does that help? Let's see.
and let's say all that happens and he still wins, so what?
Hillary Clinton Won The First Presidential Debate, Polling Finds | Huffington Post

By a 27-point margin, 49 percent to 22 percent, Americans said Clinton did a better job than Trump. Twenty-two percent said neither had done a better job, while 8 percent were unsure.

A majority, 56 percent, said that Clinton displayed a presidential temperament during the debate. Just 34 percent said the same of Trump, who claimed during the debate that his temperament was his “strongest asset.”

Independents who were polled also favored Clinton, saying by a 14-point margin, 39 percent to 25 percent, that she won the debate over Trump. Forty-four percent felt she displayed a presidential temperament, while just 35 percent said the same of Trump.
"Donald Trump won the first presidential debate"

Donald Trump won the first presidential debate, CNBC, Time magazine online polls say

The key word in your headline is "online". Anyone can vote in an online poll, and they can vote as many times as they want to, thereby making it less than accurate.

The real polls that are currently coming out are heavily in favor of Hillary.

But, if you want to take comfort in the online polls, go right ahead. Follow what they say and watch how badly Trump loses the general election in Nov.
and running a phone poll where 90% of the callers are democrat isn't scientific.
My prediction is trump insults hillary so bad in the second debate, he takes a huge hit for it and hillary skips debating the nut for a 3rd time and have him rant and rave like Hitler all the way to election day.
what do you want to bet?
How about if Hillary wins, you can't talk politics for one year. You can go in the flame zone, current events, sports, economy, science, religion, pets, etc. but you can't reply to any politics for 1 year. And I will do the same if Hillary loses. I will stay out of politics for 1 year. You can read posts but not reply. You can even like or agree or winner people but no posts.
My prediction is trump insults hillary so bad in the second debate, he takes a huge hit for it and hillary skips debating the nut for a 3rd time and have him rant and rave like Hitler all the way to election day.
Hillary skipping a debate would only make her look worse.
Not if he makes a complete ass out of himself and embarrasses and/or insults her so crudely that she shouldn't even dignify another debate. If he goes Rosey O on her she should just say to the American people, "look, if that's what you want, then vote for Trump" and listen to Trump say stupid thing after stupid thing for the next 35 days. He's already doing it. We already here the excuses now. Is that part of the strategy? Complain the system is rigged? Does that help? Let's see.
and let's say all that happens and he still wins, so what?
I'll still wake up the next morning and turn on the news either way. True.
Hillary Clinton Won The First Presidential Debate, Polling Finds | Huffington Post

By a 27-point margin, 49 percent to 22 percent, Americans said Clinton did a better job than Trump. Twenty-two percent said neither had done a better job, while 8 percent were unsure.

A majority, 56 percent, said that Clinton displayed a presidential temperament during the debate. Just 34 percent said the same of Trump, who claimed during the debate that his temperament was his “strongest asset.”

Independents who were polled also favored Clinton, saying by a 14-point margin, 39 percent to 25 percent, that she won the debate over Trump. Forty-four percent felt she displayed a presidential temperament, while just 35 percent said the same of Trump.
"Donald Trump won the first presidential debate"

Donald Trump won the first presidential debate, CNBC, Time magazine online polls say

The key word in your headline is "online". Anyone can vote in an online poll, and they can vote as many times as they want to, thereby making it less than accurate.

The real polls that are currently coming out are heavily in favor of Hillary.

But, if you want to take comfort in the online polls, go right ahead. Follow what they say and watch how badly Trump loses the general election in Nov.
and running a phone poll where 90% of the callers are democrat isn't scientific.
My prediction is trump insults hillary so bad in the second debate, he takes a huge hit for it and hillary skips debating the nut for a 3rd time and have him rant and rave like Hitler all the way to election day.
After the first debate, Trump admits he didn't go after her family. He will probably do so in the second debate in lieu of actually debating anything of any importance. I think in the second debate, Donald is going to show America just how mentally unbalanced he really is.
Exactly. I think he's going to accuse her of killing Vince Foster.
Not if he makes a complete ass out of himself and embarrasses and/or insults her so crudely that she shouldn't even dignify another debate. If he goes Rosey O on her she should just say to the American people, "look, if that's what you want, then vote for Trump" and listen to Trump say stupid thing after stupid thing for the next 35 days. He's already doing it. We already here the excuses now. Is that part of the strategy? Complain the system is rigged? Does that help? Let's see.
I've long been on record thinking he won't win, but watching LWLs shit their pantsuits over Trump has been very, very amusing.
Not if he makes a complete ass out of himself and embarrasses and/or insults her so crudely that she shouldn't even dignify another debate. If he goes Rosey O on her she should just say to the American people, "look, if that's what you want, then vote for Trump" and listen to Trump say stupid thing after stupid thing for the next 35 days. He's already doing it. We already here the excuses now. Is that part of the strategy? Complain the system is rigged? Does that help? Let's see.
I've long been on record thinking he won't win, but watching LWLs shit their pantsuits over Trump has been very, very amusing.
It was perfectly fine he won the GOP nomination but the thought of him being president was unacceptable.

If the Senate and House were Democratic controlled I would be a trump supporter.

If there wasn't a supreme court nominee at stake I'd be a trump supporter.

And if he won the Democratic primary and was running against Kasich or Rubio or Canadian Cruz, I'd be his biggest fan.
My prediction is trump insults hillary so bad in the second debate, he takes a huge hit for it and hillary skips debating the nut for a 3rd time and have him rant and rave like Hitler all the way to election day.
Hillary skipping a debate would only make her look worse.
Not if he makes a complete ass out of himself and embarrasses and/or insults her so crudely that she shouldn't even dignify another debate. If he goes Rosey O on her she should just say to the American people, "look, if that's what you want, then vote for Trump" and listen to Trump say stupid thing after stupid thing for the next 35 days. He's already doing it. We already here the excuses now. Is that part of the strategy? Complain the system is rigged? Does that help? Let's see.
and let's say all that happens and he still wins, so what?
I'll still wake up the next morning and turn on the news either way. True.
i'd hope so.

The key word in your headline is "online". Anyone can vote in an online poll, and they can vote as many times as they want to, thereby making it less than accurate.

The real polls that are currently coming out are heavily in favor of Hillary.

But, if you want to take comfort in the online polls, go right ahead. Follow what they say and watch how badly Trump loses the general election in Nov.
and running a phone poll where 90% of the callers are democrat isn't scientific.
My prediction is trump insults hillary so bad in the second debate, he takes a huge hit for it and hillary skips debating the nut for a 3rd time and have him rant and rave like Hitler all the way to election day.
what do you want to bet?
How about if Hillary wins, you can't talk politics for one year. You can go in the flame zone, current events, sports, economy, science, religion, pets, etc. but you can't reply to any politics for 1 year. And I will do the same if Hillary loses. I will stay out of politics for 1 year. You can read posts but not reply. You can even like or agree or winner people but no posts.
what determines the win? I'm good with the outline, except I need to know how to validate it.
The key word in your headline is "online". Anyone can vote in an online poll, and they can vote as many times as they want to, thereby making it less than accurate.

The real polls that are currently coming out are heavily in favor of Hillary.

But, if you want to take comfort in the online polls, go right ahead. Follow what they say and watch how badly Trump loses the general election in Nov.
and running a phone poll where 90% of the callers are democrat isn't scientific.
My prediction is trump insults hillary so bad in the second debate, he takes a huge hit for it and hillary skips debating the nut for a 3rd time and have him rant and rave like Hitler all the way to election day.
what do you want to bet?
How about if Hillary wins, you can't talk politics for one year. You can go in the flame zone, current events, sports, economy, science, religion, pets, etc. but you can't reply to any politics for 1 year. And I will do the same if Hillary loses. I will stay out of politics for 1 year. You can read posts but not reply. You can even like or agree or winner people but no posts.
what determines the win? I'm good with the outline, except I need to know how to validate it.
If President Trump wins, I can't talk in or on any Political thread. Visa versa for you.
and running a phone poll where 90% of the callers are democrat isn't scientific.
My prediction is trump insults hillary so bad in the second debate, he takes a huge hit for it and hillary skips debating the nut for a 3rd time and have him rant and rave like Hitler all the way to election day.
what do you want to bet?
How about if Hillary wins, you can't talk politics for one year. You can go in the flame zone, current events, sports, economy, science, religion, pets, etc. but you can't reply to any politics for 1 year. And I will do the same if Hillary loses. I will stay out of politics for 1 year. You can read posts but not reply. You can even like or agree or winner people but no posts.
what determines the win? I'm good with the outline, except I need to know how to validate it.
If President Trump wins, I can't talk in or on any Political thread. Visa versa for you.
you mean the election? oh, I'm good with that. I thought the bet was the next debate.

The key word in your headline is "online". Anyone can vote in an online poll, and they can vote as many times as they want to, thereby making it less than accurate.

The real polls that are currently coming out are heavily in favor of Hillary.

But, if you want to take comfort in the online polls, go right ahead. Follow what they say and watch how badly Trump loses the general election in Nov.
and running a phone poll where 90% of the callers are democrat isn't scientific.
My prediction is trump insults hillary so bad in the second debate, he takes a huge hit for it and hillary skips debating the nut for a 3rd time and have him rant and rave like Hitler all the way to election day.
After the first debate, Trump admits he didn't go after her family. He will probably do so in the second debate in lieu of actually debating anything of any importance. I think in the second debate, Donald is going to show America just how mentally unbalanced he really is.
Sure right after Hillary tried to shame him in the first debate.

You folks make me laugh
I'm sure Hillary would have no problem debating the issues with Trump. However, his inability to do so made it impossible. From almost the beginning of his campaign, he started launching personal attacks toward Hillary, leaders in his own party, Muslims, Hispanics, Blacks, Women, the disabled, every president back to LBJ, and a long list of public figures. People in this country want someone that will fight for them, not some blowhard that get's a perverse pleasure out of name calling and verbal jousting. This is not courage. This is a deep seated mental problem that can cause huge problems for the nation.
The key word in your headline is "online". Anyone can vote in an online poll, and they can vote as many times as they want to, thereby making it less than accurate.

The real polls that are currently coming out are heavily in favor of Hillary.

But, if you want to take comfort in the online polls, go right ahead. Follow what they say and watch how badly Trump loses the general election in Nov.
and running a phone poll where 90% of the callers are democrat isn't scientific.
My prediction is trump insults hillary so bad in the second debate, he takes a huge hit for it and hillary skips debating the nut for a 3rd time and have him rant and rave like Hitler all the way to election day.
After the first debate, Trump admits he didn't go after her family. He will probably do so in the second debate in lieu of actually debating anything of any importance. I think in the second debate, Donald is going to show America just how mentally unbalanced he really is.
Sure right after Hillary tried to shame him in the first debate.

You folks make me laugh
I'm sure Hillary would have no problem debating the issues with Trump. However, his inability to do so made it impossible. From almost the beginning of his campaign, he started launching personal attacks toward Hillary, leaders in his own party, Muslims, Hispanics, Blacks, Women, the disabled, every president back to LBJ, and a long list public figures. People in this country want someone that will fight for them, not some blowhard that get's a perverse pleasure out of name calling and verbal jousting. This is not courage. This is a deep seated mental problem that can cause huge problems for the nation.
you still don't get the muslim position. I wish stoopid fks like you actually listened when people speak. but that is just one of the flaws that is libturdism.
The key word in your headline is "online". Anyone can vote in an online poll, and they can vote as many times as they want to, thereby making it less than accurate.

The real polls that are currently coming out are heavily in favor of Hillary.

But, if you want to take comfort in the online polls, go right ahead. Follow what they say and watch how badly Trump loses the general election in Nov.
and running a phone poll where 90% of the callers are democrat isn't scientific.
My prediction is trump insults hillary so bad in the second debate, he takes a huge hit for it and hillary skips debating the nut for a 3rd time and have him rant and rave like Hitler all the way to election day.
After the first debate, Trump admits he didn't go after her family. He will probably do so in the second debate in lieu of actually debating anything of any importance. I think in the second debate, Donald is going to show America just how mentally unbalanced he really is.
Sure right after Hillary tried to shame him in the first debate.

You folks make me laugh
I'm sure Hillary would have no problem debating the issues with Trump. However, his inability to do so made it impossible. From almost the beginning of his campaign, he started launching personal attacks toward Hillary, leaders in his own party, Muslims, Hispanics, Blacks, Women, the disabled, every president back to LBJ, and a long list of public figures. People in this country want someone that will fight for them, not some blowhard that get's a perverse pleasure out of name calling and verbal jousting. This is not courage. This is a deep seated mental problem that can cause huge problems for the nation.

It's scary to know 45% of Americans want to blow up the current political and economic system we have going on. And it's not even the poor. It's the middle class tea baggers and libertarians.

So is it successful people or losers who want to blow up the status quo? It seems the people who want to blow up the status quo are not the people living in poverty.

I think the GOP are victims of their own rhetoric. They've been saying the sky is falling for so long that they can't admit that actually, things are looking pretty good right now.

But it's an election year so it's to be expected.
and running a phone poll where 90% of the callers are democrat isn't scientific.
My prediction is trump insults hillary so bad in the second debate, he takes a huge hit for it and hillary skips debating the nut for a 3rd time and have him rant and rave like Hitler all the way to election day.
After the first debate, Trump admits he didn't go after her family. He will probably do so in the second debate in lieu of actually debating anything of any importance. I think in the second debate, Donald is going to show America just how mentally unbalanced he really is.
Sure right after Hillary tried to shame him in the first debate.

You folks make me laugh
I'm sure Hillary would have no problem debating the issues with Trump. However, his inability to do so made it impossible. From almost the beginning of his campaign, he started launching personal attacks toward Hillary, leaders in his own party, Muslims, Hispanics, Blacks, Women, the disabled, every president back to LBJ, and a long list of public figures. People in this country want someone that will fight for them, not some blowhard that get's a perverse pleasure out of name calling and verbal jousting. This is not courage. This is a deep seated mental problem that can cause huge problems for the nation.

It's scary to know 45% of Americans want to blow up the current political and economic system we have going on. And it's not even the poor. It's the middle class tea baggers and libertarians.

So is it successful people or losers who want to blow up the status quo? It seems the people who want to blow up the status quo are not the people living in poverty.

I think the GOP are victims of their own rhetoric. They've been saying the sky is falling for so long that they can't admit that actually, things are looking pretty good right now.

But it's an election year so it's to be expected.
define the middle class. Hitlery couldn't. explain how taxing the 1%ers will help middle class families. hitlery hasn't.
The key word in your headline is "online". Anyone can vote in an online poll, and they can vote as many times as they want to, thereby making it less than accurate.

The real polls that are currently coming out are heavily in favor of Hillary.

But, if you want to take comfort in the online polls, go right ahead. Follow what they say and watch how badly Trump loses the general election in Nov.
and running a phone poll where 90% of the callers are democrat isn't scientific.
My prediction is trump insults hillary so bad in the second debate, he takes a huge hit for it and hillary skips debating the nut for a 3rd time and have him rant and rave like Hitler all the way to election day.
After the first debate, Trump admits he didn't go after her family. He will probably do so in the second debate in lieu of actually debating anything of any importance. I think in the second debate, Donald is going to show America just how mentally unbalanced he really is.
Sure right after Hillary tried to shame him in the first debate.

You folks make me laugh
I'm sure Hillary would have no problem debating the issues with Trump. However, his inability to do so made it impossible. From almost the beginning of his campaign, he started launching personal attacks toward Hillary, leaders in his own party, Muslims, Hispanics, Blacks, Women, the disabled, every president back to LBJ, and a long list of public figures. People in this country want someone that will fight for them, not some blowhard that get's a perverse pleasure out of name calling and verbal jousting. This is not courage. This is a deep seated mental problem that can cause huge problems for the nation.
. I know the answer here... Quit thinking Trump is a 6'3 inch tall push over when attacking him, because if ya mess with a bull, you get the horns. Libs love playing the weaklings in distress once they challenge a bull or lion. The people need to ask why is Trump the way that he is, and always keep an open mind about it. I have seen Trump hold back until someone jumps first, then it's on after that. They (ones in the line of fire), well their only defence is resorting to telling everybody to look at this great big ole bully beating me up y'all. HILARIOUS, but very telling about the game being played out over and over again with the libs.
and running a phone poll where 90% of the callers are democrat isn't scientific.
My prediction is trump insults hillary so bad in the second debate, he takes a huge hit for it and hillary skips debating the nut for a 3rd time and have him rant and rave like Hitler all the way to election day.
After the first debate, Trump admits he didn't go after her family. He will probably do so in the second debate in lieu of actually debating anything of any importance. I think in the second debate, Donald is going to show America just how mentally unbalanced he really is.
Sure right after Hillary tried to shame him in the first debate.

You folks make me laugh
I'm sure Hillary would have no problem debating the issues with Trump. However, his inability to do so made it impossible. From almost the beginning of his campaign, he started launching personal attacks toward Hillary, leaders in his own party, Muslims, Hispanics, Blacks, Women, the disabled, every president back to LBJ, and a long list of public figures. People in this country want someone that will fight for them, not some blowhard that get's a perverse pleasure out of name calling and verbal jousting. This is not courage. This is a deep seated mental problem that can cause huge problems for the nation.

It's scary to know 45% of Americans want to blow up the current political and economic system we have going on. And it's not even the poor. It's the middle class tea baggers and libertarians.

So is it successful people or losers who want to blow up the status quo? It seems the people who want to blow up the status quo are not the people living in poverty.

I think the GOP are victims of their own rhetoric. They've been saying the sky is falling for so long that they can't admit that actually, things are looking pretty good right now.

But it's an election year so it's to be expected.
I agree, Trump supporters are not just the poor. I believe his support comes mostly from people that are strongly influenced by the media. If you were an ardent follower of the news media last summer, with all the forest fires and homes being burn, you might well conclude we're living a hell called global warming. Likewise if you paid attention to the news media last winter, you might well might conclude global warming is nonsense and we are going into an ice age. The news media not only exaggerates everything, but it repeats stories over, and over, and over which makes them even more important in the minds of viewers.

This over attention and exaggeration by the media and the media's ever increasing need to make stories more sensational, have convinced ten's of millions of voters that this country is going to the dogs. Politicians are all incompetent crooks or idiots, the government is hiding the truth about everything, and the condition of the American people is at an all time low. Of course this is nonsense, but millions believe it. These people are easy pickings for Trump because the media has already laid the groundwork. For people that take the news media with a grain of salt, Trump's claims seem silly.
and running a phone poll where 90% of the callers are democrat isn't scientific.
My prediction is trump insults hillary so bad in the second debate, he takes a huge hit for it and hillary skips debating the nut for a 3rd time and have him rant and rave like Hitler all the way to election day.
After the first debate, Trump admits he didn't go after her family. He will probably do so in the second debate in lieu of actually debating anything of any importance. I think in the second debate, Donald is going to show America just how mentally unbalanced he really is.
Sure right after Hillary tried to shame him in the first debate.

You folks make me laugh
I'm sure Hillary would have no problem debating the issues with Trump. However, his inability to do so made it impossible. From almost the beginning of his campaign, he started launching personal attacks toward Hillary, leaders in his own party, Muslims, Hispanics, Blacks, Women, the disabled, every president back to LBJ, and a long list of public figures. People in this country want someone that will fight for them, not some blowhard that get's a perverse pleasure out of name calling and verbal jousting. This is not courage. This is a deep seated mental problem that can cause huge problems for the nation.
. I know the answer here... Quit thinking Trump is a 6'3 inch tall push over when attacking him, because if ya mess with a bull, you get the horns. Libs love playing the weaklings in distress once they challenge a bull or lion. The people need to ask why is Trump the way that he is, and always keep an open mind about it. I have seen Trump hold back until someone jumps first, then it's on after that. They (ones in the line of fire), well their only defence is resorting to telling everybody to look at this great big ole bully beating me up y'all. HILARIOUS, but very telling about the game being played out over and over again with the libs.
Yes trump has no class and does not have the temperament to be potus.
My prediction is trump insults hillary so bad in the second debate, he takes a huge hit for it and hillary skips debating the nut for a 3rd time and have him rant and rave like Hitler all the way to election day.
After the first debate, Trump admits he didn't go after her family. He will probably do so in the second debate in lieu of actually debating anything of any importance. I think in the second debate, Donald is going to show America just how mentally unbalanced he really is.
Sure right after Hillary tried to shame him in the first debate.

You folks make me laugh
I'm sure Hillary would have no problem debating the issues with Trump. However, his inability to do so made it impossible. From almost the beginning of his campaign, he started launching personal attacks toward Hillary, leaders in his own party, Muslims, Hispanics, Blacks, Women, the disabled, every president back to LBJ, and a long list of public figures. People in this country want someone that will fight for them, not some blowhard that get's a perverse pleasure out of name calling and verbal jousting. This is not courage. This is a deep seated mental problem that can cause huge problems for the nation.

It's scary to know 45% of Americans want to blow up the current political and economic system we have going on. And it's not even the poor. It's the middle class tea baggers and libertarians.

So is it successful people or losers who want to blow up the status quo? It seems the people who want to blow up the status quo are not the people living in poverty.

I think the GOP are victims of their own rhetoric. They've been saying the sky is falling for so long that they can't admit that actually, things are looking pretty good right now.

But it's an election year so it's to be expected.
I agree, Trump supporters are not just the poor. I believe his support comes mostly from people that are strongly influenced by the media. If you were an ardent follower of the news media last summer, with all the forest fires and homes being burn, you might well conclude we're living a hell called global warming. Likewise if you paid attention to the news media last winter, you might well might conclude global warming is nonsense and we are going into an ice age. The news media not only exaggerates everything, but it repeats stories over, and over, and over which makes them even more important in the minds of viewers.

This over attention and exaggeration by the media and the media's ever increasing need to make stories more sensational, have convinced ten's of millions of voters that this country is going to the dogs. Politicians are all incompetent crooks or idiots, the government is hiding the truth about everything, and the condition of the American people is at an all time low. Of course this is nonsense, but millions believe it. These people are easy pickings for Trump because the media has already laid the groundwork. For people that take the news media with a grain of salt, Trump's claims seem silly.
. This would work if the media had been for Trump all along, but it's been the opposite case where as the media, Hollywood & government has been in the tank for libs for way to long now in this country, and that is why we have gotten what we have gotten out of it all for way to long, and it hasn't been good.
My prediction is trump insults hillary so bad in the second debate, he takes a huge hit for it and hillary skips debating the nut for a 3rd time and have him rant and rave like Hitler all the way to election day.
After the first debate, Trump admits he didn't go after her family. He will probably do so in the second debate in lieu of actually debating anything of any importance. I think in the second debate, Donald is going to show America just how mentally unbalanced he really is.
Sure right after Hillary tried to shame him in the first debate.

You folks make me laugh
I'm sure Hillary would have no problem debating the issues with Trump. However, his inability to do so made it impossible. From almost the beginning of his campaign, he started launching personal attacks toward Hillary, leaders in his own party, Muslims, Hispanics, Blacks, Women, the disabled, every president back to LBJ, and a long list of public figures. People in this country want someone that will fight for them, not some blowhard that get's a perverse pleasure out of name calling and verbal jousting. This is not courage. This is a deep seated mental problem that can cause huge problems for the nation.
. I know the answer here... Quit thinking Trump is a 6'3 inch tall push over when attacking him, because if ya mess with a bull, you get the horns. Libs love playing the weaklings in distress once they challenge a bull or lion. The people need to ask why is Trump the way that he is, and always keep an open mind about it. I have seen Trump hold back until someone jumps first, then it's on after that. They (ones in the line of fire), well their only defence is resorting to telling everybody to look at this great big ole bully beating me up y'all. HILARIOUS, but very telling about the game being played out over and over again with the libs.
Yes trump has no class and does not have the temperament to be potus.
. And you think the Clinton's have class ?????? Good grief.
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