Debate #1 -- Clinton v Trump --- 2016 -- OFFICIAL THREAD.

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You must be a blue collar uneducated worker.

More of your bigotry and liberal intolerance of others. At least he isn't a drug dealer or tax evader, oh wait that is acceptable to you.

History will look back and note that Republicans in Congress treated President Obama with unprecedented disrespect. He was the first president to be denied a hearing on a Supreme Court nominee, the first to be denied a hearing on his budget, and the first to be asked to show his birth certificate. Obama faced more than 500 filibusters.

The shabby treatment of Obama is part of why the GOP is saddled with Donald Trump as its presidential nominee too. Republicans would like to believe that Trump just fell out of the sky, and somehow mysteriously became the nominee of their party. But that is not how it is. Trump is no anomaly. He is the monster that Republicans built. He is their Frankenstein’s monster. They own him.
I doubt history will look back, we seem to forget it as fast as it happens. Only partisan nutters will see it differently.

Hillary Clinton Won The First Presidential Debate, Polling Finds | Huffington Post

By a 27-point margin, 49 percent to 22 percent, Americans said Clinton did a better job than Trump. Twenty-two percent said neither had done a better job, while 8 percent were unsure.

A majority, 56 percent, said that Clinton displayed a presidential temperament during the debate. Just 34 percent said the same of Trump, who claimed during the debate that his temperament was his “strongest asset.”

Independents who were polled also favored Clinton, saying by a 14-point margin, 39 percent to 25 percent, that she won the debate over Trump. Forty-four percent felt she displayed a presidential temperament, while just 35 percent said the same of Trump.

WTF does this have to do with history, who won the debate in the 1940 election? How about the 36 election?

I don't care who won the debate, Some labeled this "The Great Debate". I labeled it Dumb and Dumber.
We would love to have a serious debate with a serious conservative. One who won't just stick to the montras of lower taxes on the rich and lower regulations.
You must be a blue collar uneducated worker.

More of your bigotry and liberal intolerance of others. At least he isn't a drug dealer or tax evader, oh wait that is acceptable to you.

History will look back and note that Republicans in Congress treated President Obama with unprecedented disrespect. He was the first president to be denied a hearing on a Supreme Court nominee, the first to be denied a hearing on his budget, and the first to be asked to show his birth certificate. Obama faced more than 500 filibusters.

The shabby treatment of Obama is part of why the GOP is saddled with Donald Trump as its presidential nominee too. Republicans would like to believe that Trump just fell out of the sky, and somehow mysteriously became the nominee of their party. But that is not how it is. Trump is no anomaly. He is the monster that Republicans built. He is their Frankenstein’s monster. They own him.
I doubt history will look back, we seem to forget it as fast as it happens. Only partisan nutters will see it differently.

Hillary Clinton Won The First Presidential Debate, Polling Finds | Huffington Post

By a 27-point margin, 49 percent to 22 percent, Americans said Clinton did a better job than Trump. Twenty-two percent said neither had done a better job, while 8 percent were unsure.

A majority, 56 percent, said that Clinton displayed a presidential temperament during the debate. Just 34 percent said the same of Trump, who claimed during the debate that his temperament was his “strongest asset.”

Independents who were polled also favored Clinton, saying by a 14-point margin, 39 percent to 25 percent, that she won the debate over Trump. Forty-four percent felt she displayed a presidential temperament, while just 35 percent said the same of Trump.
"Donald Trump won the first presidential debate"

Donald Trump won the first presidential debate, CNBC, Time magazine online polls say
And it wouldn't be a presidential debate without bringing up George Dubya. I have to laugh my ass off that Hitlery blamed Bush for the 2011 pull out of Iraq. Like Obummer or her couldn't do anything else. Nope George said so, so we must. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Well it's the same thing as NAFTA. Isn't it interesting while Trump is blaming Clinton for NAFTA, more Republicans signed NAFTA than Democrats. Did you know that? It was the GOP's baby! HW invented the fucking idea. So republican dummies cheer when Trump says Clinton signed NAFTA, the worst fucking trade deal in the history of the world Trump says. Yet you can't seem to understand that was the Republicans who pushed NAFTA. You righties need to stop denying the truth. So why aren't you going to punish Republicans for voting for NAFTA?

Same thing with global warming. Finally the GOP nominee is willing to admit global warming isn't really a hoax created by the Chinese. Trump was a crazy but he is no longer a crazy global warming denier nut.
global warming is a hoax. not sure he wanted to get into more two on one. But hey, let's let two moderators run the next one and each party provides a person and stop this bias shit that we witnessed Monday night.

Nafta was a republican initiative and sponsored by Billy boy. he signed it. can't rewrite history. She wanted TPP and you can't rewrite history. kapeesh?
Are you trying to ignore HW bush ceremoniously signed NAFTA with the Mexican and Canadian president just before he lost re election?

So then it's a fact NAFTA would have happened if bush was re elected. And more Republicans in the Senate and house signed NAFTA than did Democrats.

And in retrospect, free trade with the rest of the world was inevitable. You Republicans are ridiculous. You are pandering to the millions of white trash that can't do college or start their own business. Trumps not bringing back union wages.
I just listened to a man running for president who:

-defended why he was sued by the Justice Department for not giving housing to African-Americans in the 1970's by saying "everyone else was doing it"
-defended calling some women pigs and slobs
-defended hoping for a recession in 2006/7, because it was "good for business"
-defended singling out President Obama on his birth certificate
-was confused about nuclear weapons and alliances
-refused to release his tax returns, and was proud about using loopholes that only help the wealthy, calling himself "smart" for not paying any taxes
-defended not paying people for their work
-said we're in a 3rd-world-country because he can't land his private jet at every airport
-called for a law ruled unconstitutional to go nationwide
-said it was a good thing for Russia to hack us
-doesn't think blowing up people from other countries (because they were rude) would start a war
-was supremely obnoxious
...and so much more, while only offering the old "trickle down" policies to help us, and thought repeating certain words made him look tough when he looked panicky.

Trump cannot become President.
. Let's talk about housing...... You think that owners of rental property or their private property in which they purchased and paid their hard earned money for, should be told that they must rent or lease their property or investments made, to people of any dam character regardless of color ??? A character or characters that will destroy that property, lower the value of other private properties around it, and destroy the safety of the community because the federal government tells them to ??????????

I don't blame any private property owners, investors or citizens with private interest in property, for resisting the government's idiotic demands to do with their properties what the government wants them to do with them. We have had years of this ridiculous notion or idea, and the ridiculous federal government demanding this nation to become complete fools in it all has been tragic.

Trump was right to fight the feds on many idiotic issues that took away private property rights from those who look to use their properties to enhance this nation's health and well being, and enhance the communities around them in the same way as a result of... The idea is to keep the properties from ending up like we have seen so many properties and lost investments end up as over the years, and this can only be done by getting the government out of the citizens wallets in which it should not be controlling in this respect or way at all.

The feds experimenting with everything it could in a communist or socialistic way, and doing it for political reasons mostly has been tragic for this nation in so many ways. The feds have repeatedly ignored the hard facts or results of their thinking in it all, and it ignored the results on the ground. It has screwed this country big time in a lot of ways without challenge..

Just look at the federal housing program that started in the seventies, and how we had thousands upon thousands of abandoned government housing all over the place, and how these houses became boarded up all over the place, used by homeless people, made into drug dens and etc. Look at all the projects, and how they became unsafe places to live, gangs running rampant in them, slums, baby making factories where the kids born in them died in them by the hundreds if they weren't aborted in the genocide abortion factories first, falling down (no maintenance), etc.
So Trump tried to protect his investments from all this, and he got sued eh ???? Everything the feds touch goes to hell afterwards. It's just that simple. Everyone here knows of neighborhoods they grew up in, and how after years of government policies and intervention, many of them are pure slums where tragic results are found as a result of..
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Trump win the first débate even if it is no fun to CNN.,
They said, expect the result will come by soon it warns us in advance that most voters are Democrats and that the signs are marked behind Hillary then understand our publicté for Hillary and vote for her.
That's all, Good night, this is CNN.! Yes Big bullshit
"Because her lips were moving: Why Hillary lost the debate

There was a popular saying among intelligence officers during the Iran-contra affair: How do you know an Iranian is lying? Because his lips are moving.

Hillary Clinton’s debate performance reminded me of that saying, because every time she opened her mouth to lay out her opposition research on Donald Trump, she lied or misrepresented the truth to such an extent it became unrecognizable.
American voters aren’t quite as stupid as Clinton (or the “insiders” at Politico) think, and as a slew of after-event polls showed, they weren’t falling for her lies about Trump, her phony statistics, or her breath-taking claim that life in America’s inner-cities has improved over the past twenty years. Or that her plan to raise taxes on the middle class and businesses will help the middle class and create jobs."

Because her lips were moving: Why Hillary lost the debate

Hilly should get together with her handlers before the next debate.

I just listened to a man running for president who:

-defended why he was sued by the Justice Department for not giving housing to African-Americans in the 1970's by saying "everyone else was doing it"
-defended calling some women pigs and slobs
-defended hoping for a recession in 2006/7, because it was "good for business"
-defended singling out President Obama on his birth certificate
-was confused about nuclear weapons and alliances
-refused to release his tax returns, and was proud about using loopholes that only help the wealthy, calling himself "smart" for not paying any taxes
-defended not paying people for their work
-said we're in a 3rd-world-country because he can't land his private jet at every airport
-called for a law ruled unconstitutional to go nationwide
-said it was a good thing for Russia to hack us
-doesn't think blowing up people from other countries (because they were rude) would start a war
-was supremely obnoxious
...and so much more, while only offering the old "trickle down" policies to help us, and thought repeating certain words made him look tough when he looked panicky.

Trump cannot become President.

you have said some very racist comments on this board. So please don't criticize a person that did something almost 40 years ago. He never used "loopholes" he used legal deductions to bring his tax rate down, just like every other American. The rest of your post is so full of shit, you should need to go for two months.
You must be a blue collar uneducated worker.

More of your bigotry and liberal intolerance of others. At least he isn't a drug dealer or tax evader, oh wait that is acceptable to you.

History will look back and note that Republicans in Congress treated President Obama with unprecedented disrespect. He was the first president to be denied a hearing on a Supreme Court nominee, the first to be denied a hearing on his budget, and the first to be asked to show his birth certificate. Obama faced more than 500 filibusters.

The shabby treatment of Obama is part of why the GOP is saddled with Donald Trump as its presidential nominee too. Republicans would like to believe that Trump just fell out of the sky, and somehow mysteriously became the nominee of their party. But that is not how it is. Trump is no anomaly. He is the monster that Republicans built. He is their Frankenstein’s monster. They own him.
I doubt history will look back, we seem to forget it as fast as it happens. Only partisan nutters will see it differently.

Hillary Clinton Won The First Presidential Debate, Polling Finds | Huffington Post

By a 27-point margin, 49 percent to 22 percent, Americans said Clinton did a better job than Trump. Twenty-two percent said neither had done a better job, while 8 percent were unsure.

A majority, 56 percent, said that Clinton displayed a presidential temperament during the debate. Just 34 percent said the same of Trump, who claimed during the debate that his temperament was his “strongest asset.”

Independents who were polled also favored Clinton, saying by a 14-point margin, 39 percent to 25 percent, that she won the debate over Trump. Forty-four percent felt she displayed a presidential temperament, while just 35 percent said the same of Trump.
"Donald Trump won the first presidential debate"

Donald Trump won the first presidential debate, CNBC, Time magazine online polls say

The key word in your headline is "online". Anyone can vote in an online poll, and they can vote as many times as they want to, thereby making it less than accurate.

The real polls that are currently coming out are heavily in favor of Hillary.

But, if you want to take comfort in the online polls, go right ahead. Follow what they say and watch how badly Trump loses the general election in Nov.
And it wouldn't be a presidential debate without bringing up George Dubya. I have to laugh my ass off that Hitlery blamed Bush for the 2011 pull out of Iraq. Like Obummer or her couldn't do anything else. Nope George said so, so we must. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Well it's the same thing as NAFTA. Isn't it interesting while Trump is blaming Clinton for NAFTA, more Republicans signed NAFTA than Democrats. Did you know that? It was the GOP's baby! HW invented the fucking idea. So republican dummies cheer when Trump says Clinton signed NAFTA, the worst fucking trade deal in the history of the world Trump says. Yet you can't seem to understand that was the Republicans who pushed NAFTA. You righties need to stop denying the truth. So why aren't you going to punish Republicans for voting for NAFTA?

Same thing with global warming. Finally the GOP nominee is willing to admit global warming isn't really a hoax created by the Chinese. Trump was a crazy but he is no longer a crazy global warming denier nut.
global warming is a hoax. not sure he wanted to get into more two on one. But hey, let's let two moderators run the next one and each party provides a person and stop this bias shit that we witnessed Monday night.

Nafta was a republican initiative and sponsored by Billy boy. he signed it. can't rewrite history. She wanted TPP and you can't rewrite history. kapeesh?
Are you trying to ignore HW bush ceremoniously signed NAFTA with the Mexican and Canadian president just before he lost re election?

So then it's a fact NAFTA would have happened if bush was re elected. And more Republicans in the Senate and house signed NAFTA than did Democrats.

And in retrospect, free trade with the rest of the world was inevitable. You Republicans are ridiculous. You are pandering to the millions of white trash that can't do college or start their own business. Trumps not bringing back union wages.
I just listened to a man running for president who:

-defended why he was sued by the Justice Department for not giving housing to African-Americans in the 1970's by saying "everyone else was doing it"
-defended calling some women pigs and slobs
-defended hoping for a recession in 2006/7, because it was "good for business"
-defended singling out President Obama on his birth certificate
-was confused about nuclear weapons and alliances
-refused to release his tax returns, and was proud about using loopholes that only help the wealthy, calling himself "smart" for not paying any taxes
-defended not paying people for their work
-said we're in a 3rd-world-country because he can't land his private jet at every airport
-called for a law ruled unconstitutional to go nationwide
-said it was a good thing for Russia to hack us
-doesn't think blowing up people from other countries (because they were rude) would start a war
-was supremely obnoxious
...and so much more, while only offering the old "trickle down" policies to help us, and thought repeating certain words made him look tough when he looked panicky.

Trump cannot become President.
. Let's talk about housing...... You think that owners of rental property or their private property in which they purchased and paid their hard earned money for, should be told that they must rent or lease their property or investments made, to people of any dam character regardless of color ??? A character or characters that will destroy that property, lower the value of other private properties around it, and destroy the safety of the community because the federal government tells them to ??????????

I don't blame any private property owners, investors or citizens with private interest in property, for resisting the government's idiotic demands to do with their properties what the government wants them to do with them. We have had years of this ridiculous notion or idea, and the ridiculous federal government demanding this nation to become complete fools in it all has been tragic.

Trump was right to fight the feds on many idiotic issues that took away private property rights from those who look to use their properties to enhance this nation's health and well being, and enhance the communities around them in the same way as a result of... The idea is to keep the properties from ending up like we have seen so many properties and lost investments end up as over the years, and this can only be done by getting the government out of the citizens wallets in which it should not be controlling in this respect or way at all.

The feds experimenting with everything it could in a communist or socialistic way, and doing it for political reasons mostly has been tragic for this nation in so many ways. The feds have repeatedly ignored the hard facts or results of their thinking in it all, and it ignored the results on the ground. It has screwed this country big time in a lot of ways without challenge..

Just look at the federal housing program that started in the seventies, and how we had thousands upon thousands of abandoned government housing all over the place, and how these houses became boarded up all over the place, used by homeless people, made into drug dens and etc. Look at all the projects, and how they became unsafe places to live, gangs running rampant in them, slums, baby making factories where the kids born in them died in them by the hundreds if they weren't aborted in the genocide abortion factories first, falling down (no maintenance), etc.
So Trump tried to protect his investments from all this, and he got sued eh ???? Everything the feds touch goes to hell afterwards. It's just that simple. Everyone here knows of neighborhoods they grew up in, and how after years of government policies and intervention, many of them are pure slums where tragic results are found as a result of..
You make a point. I'm sure in the 1960 white Detroit landlords were told they had to rent to blacks. Their property values went down when the blacks moved in. Private property should be private.
Apparently Trump told 32 lies during the debate. All confirmed. A lie every 2.8 minutes. That's pretty hard to do.
Trump doesn't lie because he believes what he says is true; that is if he says it, then he believes it's true. It's just part of his break with reality which has gotten progressively worst with the pressure of the campain.
More of your bigotry and liberal intolerance of others. At least he isn't a drug dealer or tax evader, oh wait that is acceptable to you.

History will look back and note that Republicans in Congress treated President Obama with unprecedented disrespect. He was the first president to be denied a hearing on a Supreme Court nominee, the first to be denied a hearing on his budget, and the first to be asked to show his birth certificate. Obama faced more than 500 filibusters.

The shabby treatment of Obama is part of why the GOP is saddled with Donald Trump as its presidential nominee too. Republicans would like to believe that Trump just fell out of the sky, and somehow mysteriously became the nominee of their party. But that is not how it is. Trump is no anomaly. He is the monster that Republicans built. He is their Frankenstein’s monster. They own him.
I doubt history will look back, we seem to forget it as fast as it happens. Only partisan nutters will see it differently.

Hillary Clinton Won The First Presidential Debate, Polling Finds | Huffington Post

By a 27-point margin, 49 percent to 22 percent, Americans said Clinton did a better job than Trump. Twenty-two percent said neither had done a better job, while 8 percent were unsure.

A majority, 56 percent, said that Clinton displayed a presidential temperament during the debate. Just 34 percent said the same of Trump, who claimed during the debate that his temperament was his “strongest asset.”

Independents who were polled also favored Clinton, saying by a 14-point margin, 39 percent to 25 percent, that she won the debate over Trump. Forty-four percent felt she displayed a presidential temperament, while just 35 percent said the same of Trump.
"Donald Trump won the first presidential debate"

Donald Trump won the first presidential debate, CNBC, Time magazine online polls say

The key word in your headline is "online". Anyone can vote in an online poll, and they can vote as many times as they want to, thereby making it less than accurate.

The real polls that are currently coming out are heavily in favor of Hillary.

But, if you want to take comfort in the online polls, go right ahead. Follow what they say and watch how badly Trump loses the general election in Nov.
and running a phone poll where 90% of the callers are democrat isn't scientific.
Apparently Trump told 32 lies during the debate. All confirmed. A lie every 2.8 minutes. That's pretty hard to do.
Trump doesn't lie because he believes what he says is true; that is if he says it, then he believes it's true. It's just part of his break with reality which has gotten progressively worst with the pressure of the campain.
like clinton thinking she didn't kill four americans in benghazi. And that 33K of emails were personal. righhhhhhhhhhht.
History will look back and note that Republicans in Congress treated President Obama with unprecedented disrespect. He was the first president to be denied a hearing on a Supreme Court nominee, the first to be denied a hearing on his budget, and the first to be asked to show his birth certificate. Obama faced more than 500 filibusters.

The shabby treatment of Obama is part of why the GOP is saddled with Donald Trump as its presidential nominee too. Republicans would like to believe that Trump just fell out of the sky, and somehow mysteriously became the nominee of their party. But that is not how it is. Trump is no anomaly. He is the monster that Republicans built. He is their Frankenstein’s monster. They own him.
I doubt history will look back, we seem to forget it as fast as it happens. Only partisan nutters will see it differently.

Hillary Clinton Won The First Presidential Debate, Polling Finds | Huffington Post

By a 27-point margin, 49 percent to 22 percent, Americans said Clinton did a better job than Trump. Twenty-two percent said neither had done a better job, while 8 percent were unsure.

A majority, 56 percent, said that Clinton displayed a presidential temperament during the debate. Just 34 percent said the same of Trump, who claimed during the debate that his temperament was his “strongest asset.”

Independents who were polled also favored Clinton, saying by a 14-point margin, 39 percent to 25 percent, that she won the debate over Trump. Forty-four percent felt she displayed a presidential temperament, while just 35 percent said the same of Trump.
"Donald Trump won the first presidential debate"

Donald Trump won the first presidential debate, CNBC, Time magazine online polls say

The key word in your headline is "online". Anyone can vote in an online poll, and they can vote as many times as they want to, thereby making it less than accurate.

The real polls that are currently coming out are heavily in favor of Hillary.

But, if you want to take comfort in the online polls, go right ahead. Follow what they say and watch how badly Trump loses the general election in Nov.
and running a phone poll where 90% of the callers are democrat isn't scientific.
My prediction is trump insults hillary so bad in the second debate, he takes a huge hit for it and hillary skips debating the nut for a 3rd time and have him rant and rave like Hitler all the way to election day.
My prediction is trump insults hillary so bad in the second debate, he takes a huge hit for it and hillary skips debating the nut for a 3rd time and have him rant and rave like Hitler all the way to election day.
Hillary skipping a debate would only make her look worse.
I doubt history will look back, we seem to forget it as fast as it happens. Only partisan nutters will see it differently.

Hillary Clinton Won The First Presidential Debate, Polling Finds | Huffington Post

By a 27-point margin, 49 percent to 22 percent, Americans said Clinton did a better job than Trump. Twenty-two percent said neither had done a better job, while 8 percent were unsure.

A majority, 56 percent, said that Clinton displayed a presidential temperament during the debate. Just 34 percent said the same of Trump, who claimed during the debate that his temperament was his “strongest asset.”

Independents who were polled also favored Clinton, saying by a 14-point margin, 39 percent to 25 percent, that she won the debate over Trump. Forty-four percent felt she displayed a presidential temperament, while just 35 percent said the same of Trump.
"Donald Trump won the first presidential debate"

Donald Trump won the first presidential debate, CNBC, Time magazine online polls say

The key word in your headline is "online". Anyone can vote in an online poll, and they can vote as many times as they want to, thereby making it less than accurate.

The real polls that are currently coming out are heavily in favor of Hillary.

But, if you want to take comfort in the online polls, go right ahead. Follow what they say and watch how badly Trump loses the general election in Nov.
and running a phone poll where 90% of the callers are democrat isn't scientific.
My prediction is trump insults hillary so bad in the second debate, he takes a huge hit for it and hillary skips debating the nut for a 3rd time and have him rant and rave like Hitler all the way to election day.
what do you want to bet?
I doubt history will look back, we seem to forget it as fast as it happens. Only partisan nutters will see it differently.

Hillary Clinton Won The First Presidential Debate, Polling Finds | Huffington Post

By a 27-point margin, 49 percent to 22 percent, Americans said Clinton did a better job than Trump. Twenty-two percent said neither had done a better job, while 8 percent were unsure.

A majority, 56 percent, said that Clinton displayed a presidential temperament during the debate. Just 34 percent said the same of Trump, who claimed during the debate that his temperament was his “strongest asset.”

Independents who were polled also favored Clinton, saying by a 14-point margin, 39 percent to 25 percent, that she won the debate over Trump. Forty-four percent felt she displayed a presidential temperament, while just 35 percent said the same of Trump.
"Donald Trump won the first presidential debate"

Donald Trump won the first presidential debate, CNBC, Time magazine online polls say

The key word in your headline is "online". Anyone can vote in an online poll, and they can vote as many times as they want to, thereby making it less than accurate.

The real polls that are currently coming out are heavily in favor of Hillary.

But, if you want to take comfort in the online polls, go right ahead. Follow what they say and watch how badly Trump loses the general election in Nov.
and running a phone poll where 90% of the callers are democrat isn't scientific.
My prediction is trump insults hillary so bad in the second debate, he takes a huge hit for it and hillary skips debating the nut for a 3rd time and have him rant and rave like Hitler all the way to election day.
After the first debate, Trump admits he didn't go after her family. He will probably do so in the second debate in lieu of actually debating anything of any importance. I think in the second debate, Donald is going to show America just how mentally unbalanced he really is.
Hillary Clinton Won The First Presidential Debate, Polling Finds | Huffington Post

By a 27-point margin, 49 percent to 22 percent, Americans said Clinton did a better job than Trump. Twenty-two percent said neither had done a better job, while 8 percent were unsure.

A majority, 56 percent, said that Clinton displayed a presidential temperament during the debate. Just 34 percent said the same of Trump, who claimed during the debate that his temperament was his “strongest asset.”

Independents who were polled also favored Clinton, saying by a 14-point margin, 39 percent to 25 percent, that she won the debate over Trump. Forty-four percent felt she displayed a presidential temperament, while just 35 percent said the same of Trump.
"Donald Trump won the first presidential debate"

Donald Trump won the first presidential debate, CNBC, Time magazine online polls say

The key word in your headline is "online". Anyone can vote in an online poll, and they can vote as many times as they want to, thereby making it less than accurate.

The real polls that are currently coming out are heavily in favor of Hillary.

But, if you want to take comfort in the online polls, go right ahead. Follow what they say and watch how badly Trump loses the general election in Nov.
and running a phone poll where 90% of the callers are democrat isn't scientific.
My prediction is trump insults hillary so bad in the second debate, he takes a huge hit for it and hillary skips debating the nut for a 3rd time and have him rant and rave like Hitler all the way to election day.
After the first debate, Trump admits he didn't go after her family. He will probably do so in the second debate in lieu of actually debating anything of any importance. I think in the second debate, Donald is going to show America just how mentally unbalanced he really is.
Sure right after Hillary tried to shame him in the first debate.

You folks make me laugh
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