Debate commission says it will mute Trump, Biden while opponent talks


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
These filthy, China First animals are going to mute Trump and make it an uncontested infomercial for Biden. I'm not even sure how Trump can accept these terms. They are going to turn a debate into Biden just reciting something he wrote down for a future ad.

If Trump wins, good luck to Western intel. China is going to be playing with a mouse while a handful of lazy "elite". The elite don't have their asses on the line though.

If it's just for the opening 2 min, maybe I it will be acceptable and fair.
However, they need to debate back and forth, and who is to know if the won't mute at their own discretion? Like men. Like leaders. May the best man win.

Debate commission says it will mute Trump, Biden while opponent talks

The Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) will mute President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden during the two-minute response times allotted to their opponents for commenting on topics during Thursday's debate in Nashville.

The commission said in a statement that it "had determined that it is appropriate to adopt measures intended to promote adherence to agreed-upon rules and inappropriate to make changes to those rules.”

Also included in the debate will be an open discussion forum that won't include the mute option. Thursday’s debate will consist of six 15-minute segments, totaling 90 minutes in all as in the first debate.

Trump's and Biden's initial debate was widely panned as both candidates faced backlash for their behavior. The two candidates skipped the second presidential debate after Trump was diagnosed with the novel coronavirus and declined to participate in a virtual format.

Announced on Monday, the new rule drew scrutiny from the Trump campaign, which urged the commission earlier in the day to include more discussion of foreign policy in the next debate.
"These filthy, China First animals are going to mute Trump and make it an uncontested infomercial for Biden."

They are muting Biden too.

Are they making it an "uncontested infomercial for Trump" then?

Only if it's only employed for the first two minutes, but how can someone with their former credential be trusted? In fact, I proposed such an idea on here after the last debate. Let them speak for 2 min each and then fight for their policies.
The only way President Trump should agree to the censorship in this debate is to insist the "moderator" be muted when President Trump speaks for his 2 minutes. If the "moderator," a grotesque, DNC/Fake News hack, interrupts continually like the other DNC hacks he needs to have time added back.
This is just more tit for tat, for the dems to distract.
They are just jealeous because Trump is not a career politician, and cant be bought.
Biden ain't gonna show. The debate commission is trying to get Trump to drop out with new rules every 20 minutes.

debating sometimes needs shouting...However, squelching the opposing debater's reply is censoring.
The impeached president trump agreed to this? That is indeed, doubtful.

Such action has never been done before, but then, past presidential candidates have acted civilized. Unfortunately, acting civilized is something the impeached president trump has proven himself incapable of doing. Also, his devoted fanatics believe the candidate who shouts loudest and interrupts his opponent and the moderator most, wins the debate.

Substance as we've all seen, means nothing to the RWNJs.

The impeached president trump agreed to this? That is indeed, doubtful.

Such action has never been done before, but then, past presidential candidates have acted civilized. Unfortunately, acting civilized is something the impeached president trump has proven himself incapable of doing. Also, his devoted fanatics believe the candidate who shouts loudest and interrupts his opponent and the moderator most, wins the debate.

Substance as we've all seen, means nothing to the RWNJs.


The far right has no substance.

All they have is hate.

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