Debbie Wasserman-Schultz-Pakistani Espionage Case'..."CRIME SYNDICATE"...Where was the FBI?

Giving people with no security clearance access to sensitive information removes one from "victim" status, does it not? This isn't quite like an employee copying a list of SSN's and selling them.

And let's not forget DWS gave Awan access to the DNC e-mail accounts along with the usernames and passwords to those accounts. This makes DWS a willing participant in the crimes committed as a result.

Wait, don't tell me...she is innocent because she, too, was too stupid to know she was breaking the law?!

Awan made 4 mil, it's said. Do you suppose he was blackmailing members with the stuff he found in their personal emails?
While I don't doubt this was happening, it does not mean they were behind the Russian hacks or the Wikileaks dumps. These characters were up to no good. They are not the source of the Russian hacks, though. I still trust my 17 intelligence agencies. I'm sorry you don't.
Nice opinion....too bad it is unfounded so far. I just don't buy the unusual amount of 'coincidences'.

Bill was working for the KGB.

The Clinton Foundation getting millions from Uranium Purchase deal benefactors.

Campaign manager Podesta receiving thousands of shares of un-reported stock and 1/3rd of his company's Board of Directors were / are Russian Businessmen connected to the Kremlin / Putin

Podesta's brother was working for the KGB bank and the Russian Spy Agency that supposedly hacked the DNC's E-mails.

DWS's terrorist-connected spies were given access to those same exact hacked e-mails along with their usernames and passwords (who needs advanced technology when you have all that?)

DWS was immediately hired by Hillary after getting canned for her part in the Pakistani Spy Scandal.

That's a helluva lot of coincidences....
You're still giving me a bunch of unverified stuff...."Bill was working for the KGB?" I didn't really need to go any farther than that, although I did read it all. Every time I reply it just prompts you to vomit more silliness, and then you mock my posts with a funny, so I'm done discussing it. Now you will claim a win, being you.
Just because the main stream "we will protect the Democrats at all costs" media didn't report on this debacle didn't mean its not true. This has been going on since February AND it's been a criminal case.

This stupid bitch kept him on her payroll up till the giant bust yesterday. You know the same bitch who headed up the DNC when it was supposedly hacked by Russians.


He had her password. The whole IT clan is under investigation for cyber security issues as well as fraud. He had her password. The lot of them could read all their mail. This is really going to heat up.


A House IT aide working for Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Fla.), the former Democratic National Committee chairwoman, was arrested this week on bank fraud charges while trying to leave the country.

Fox News reported that Imran Awan was arrested Monday night at Dulles International Airport in Virginia about 30 miles outside Washington, D.C.

Feds/USCP bust Hse IT staffer Imran Awan & charge him with multiple counts of bank fraud as part of Hse IT procurement scandal

— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) July 25, 2017
Feds/USCP picked up Imran Awan at Dulles Aiport last night as he was "trying to leave the country." Has been arraigned. Surrendered passport

— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) July 25, 2017
Awan, an IT staffer who has worked for many House Democrats and was employed by Wasserman Schultz, was allegedly at the center of a scheme that involved double-charging the House for IT equipment, and may also have exposed House information online, according to Fox.

A spokesperson for Wasserman Schultz said that Awan had been fired on Tuesday.

“Mr. Awan previously served as an employee in our office, but his services have been terminated," Wasserman Schultz' spokesman David Damron said in a statement.

Awan and his family have reportedly worked for House Democrats for years. He declared bankruptcy in 2012, but has made millions of dollars on the House payroll over at least a decade of work for various members, according to a Politico report.

In March, a group of House Democrats fired Awan and one other staffer over their alleged involvement in the scheme and the looming criminal investigation. However, Fox News reported Tuesday that Wasserman Schultz still has Awan on her staff's payroll despite him being barred from accessing the House's computer system since February.

At the time, Reps. Gregory Meeks (D-N.Y.) and Marcia Fudge (D-Ohio) both defended Awan.

Wasserman Schultz staffer arrested trying to leave the country
Thanks. This is the article I had read before, but I appreciate the courtesy.
As usual, Easy is spreading shit.
The only one spreading shit is you.. Bury your head in your ass and smell it...

Sources inside the Intel community are livid.. This breach was massive and they are trying like hell to figure out how deep the intrusion went..
Good! I already said. Just don't make huge leaps. I'm not seeing the connections here, except in the minds of those who are still bitterly disappointed that Hillary et al are not behind bars. When we've got the actual connections between his criminal activity and some kind of willingness to share that information by DWS, fine! Electrocute her.
overwhelming evidence is being swept under the rug for fantasy evidence on Trump... SO you believe the made up stuff and ignore the facts that can be proven? Tell me again where is there ANY evidence, cooberated against trump?
Where is there ANY evidence that DWS or Hillary were involved in this employee's bad actions?
Look at you trying to rationalize!! Im proud!
Now, if you will only apply that CONSISTENTLY :thup:
I'm still pissed off that this was only handed over to the Capitol Police when even back in February Congress knew under Paul Ryan that the D's had been compromised. Everyone has been enduring this national nightmare of the "Russians" did it and now Trump has Mueller crawling all over him.

Paul Ryan has some splainin to do Lucy! So do a lot of Democrats.

Meet The Awan Brothers - The (Not-Russian) IT Staff Who Allegedly Hacked Congress' Computer Systems

by Tyler Durden
Feb 4, 2017 4:20 PM
In an ironic twist, it appears it may not have been 'The Russians' that hacked America's political system last year. As The Daily Caller reports, three brothers (Abid, Imran, and Jamal Awan) who managed office IT for members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and other lawmakers were abruptly relieved of their duties on suspicion that they accessed congressional computer networks without permission.

As Luke Rosiak repoerts, the brothers were barred from computer networks at the House of Representatives Thursday, The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group has learned.

Three members of the intelligence panel and five members of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs were among the dozens of members who employed the suspects on a shared basis. The two committees deal with many of the nation’s most sensitive issues, information and documents, including those related to the war on terrorism.

The brothers are suspected of serious violations, including accessing members’ computer networks without their knowledge and stealing equipment from Congress.

Meet The Awan Brothers - The (Not-Russian) IT Staff Who Allegedly Hacked Congress' Computer Systems | Zero Hedge
Awan made 4 mil, it's said. Do you suppose he was blackmailing members with the stuff he found in their personal emails?
While I don't doubt this was happening, it does not mean they were behind the Russian hacks or the Wikileaks dumps. They did not have the sophisticated software to change the IP addresses that the CIA apparently has.
These characters were up to no good. They are not the source of the Russian hacks, though. I still trust my 17 intelligence agencies. I'm sorry you don't.

Please tell me you know that 17 intelligence agencies did not sign on. Please tell me you know it was reduced to four. Only 4. And none of those agencies ever examined the DNC server.

Because the DNC wouldn't allow them to examine the servers. Not one government agency was allowed. Now we might have the answers to why the DNC wouldn't turn them over and its bigger than the DNC not wanting anyone to know about how they were screwing over Bernie.

Here's my concern. Because of a politicized intelligence community we have been thrown into an international nightmare with the Russians, let alone months upon months of investigations all on the basis of CrowdStrike's assessment that this was the Russians.

And CrowdStrike is a DNC employee.
You're still giving me a bunch of unverified stuff...."Bill was working for the KGB?"
Once again you are trying to blame me for your willful ignorance. Once again, if you do not know what is going on and don't want to believe anything I post, DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH AND LEAVE ME ALONE.

"As a Russian state nuclear corporation sought a majority share of Uranium One, a leading Uranium producer with mining rights in the U.S., former President Clinton was invited to Moscow to give a speech to Renaissance Capital.

Renaissance Capital is an investment bank, “with ties to the Kremlinaccording to the NY Times. Clinton was paid $500,000 for the one-hour speech."
- Pictures of Bill Clinton's $500k Speech in Moscow

"Bill Clinton visited Moscow to give a keynote speech for $500,000 to Renaissance Capital, a Russian investment bank owned by Mikhail Prokhorov, who owns the Brooklyn Nets, Barclays Center Arena, and several other entertainment venues in Brooklyn. In 2015, The Wall Street Journal reported that Clinton received a personal thank you note for the speech from Vladimir Putin and a press release from Renaissance Capital noted that the conference was attended by several Russian officials and corporate leaders. However, Clinton’s relationship with Russian elites began long before this speech."
- The Clintons’ Neoliberal Dystopian Ties to Russia’s Billionaires
You got a link with any FACTS in it?
How about the fact that the guy was arrested at the airport? Is that fact enough for you?

Now what does that have to do with the Dems? Weren't they the victims of the thefts?
You know what it has to do with it, stop pretending.

I'm not pretending at all.
Please explain what you believe is about.
The Dems were the victims and somehow the perps at the same time?
By DWS stopping investigations and her willfully allowing access to known terrorists she is no victim... SHE IS A WILLING PARTICIPANT just like the Clinton's are.

Stopping investigations?
Known terrorists?

You're stating facts that aren't in evidence.
You got a link with any FACTS in it?

Just because the main stream "we will protect the Democrats at all costs" media didn't report on this debacle didn't mean its not true. This has been going on since February AND it's been a criminal case.

This stupid bitch kept him on her payroll up till the giant bust yesterday. You know the same bitch who headed up the DNC when it was supposedly hacked by Russians.


He had her password. The whole IT clan is under investigation for cyber security issues as well as fraud. He had her password. The lot of them could read all their mail. This is really going to heat up.


A House IT aide working for Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Fla.), the former Democratic National Committee chairwoman, was arrested this week on bank fraud charges while trying to leave the country.

Fox News reported that Imran Awan was arrested Monday night at Dulles International Airport in Virginia about 30 miles outside Washington, D.C.

Feds/USCP bust Hse IT staffer Imran Awan & charge him with multiple counts of bank fraud as part of Hse IT procurement scandal

— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) July 25, 2017
Feds/USCP picked up Imran Awan at Dulles Aiport last night as he was "trying to leave the country." Has been arraigned. Surrendered passport

— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) July 25, 2017
Awan, an IT staffer who has worked for many House Democrats and was employed by Wasserman Schultz, was allegedly at the center of a scheme that involved double-charging the House for IT equipment, and may also have exposed House information online, according to Fox.

A spokesperson for Wasserman Schultz said that Awan had been fired on Tuesday.

“Mr. Awan previously served as an employee in our office, but his services have been terminated," Wasserman Schultz' spokesman David Damron said in a statement.

Awan and his family have reportedly worked for House Democrats for years. He declared bankruptcy in 2012, but has made millions of dollars on the House payroll over at least a decade of work for various members, according to a Politico report.

In March, a group of House Democrats fired Awan and one other staffer over their alleged involvement in the scheme and the looming criminal investigation. However, Fox News reported Tuesday that Wasserman Schultz still has Awan on her staff's payroll despite him being barred from accessing the House's computer system since February.

At the time, Reps. Gregory Meeks (D-N.Y.) and Marcia Fudge (D-Ohio) both defended Awan.

Wasserman Schultz staffer arrested trying to leave the country
Thanks. This is the article I had read before, but I appreciate the courtesy.
As usual, Easy is spreading shit.
The only one spreading shit is you.. Bury your head in your ass and smell it...

Sources inside the Intel community are livid.. This breach was massive and they are trying like hell to figure out how deep the intrusion went..
Good! I already said. Just don't make huge leaps. I'm not seeing the connections here, except in the minds of those who are still bitterly disappointed that Hillary et al are not behind bars. When we've got the actual connections between his criminal activity and some kind of willingness to share that information by DWS, fine! Electrocute her.
overwhelming evidence is being swept under the rug for fantasy evidence on Trump... SO you believe the made up stuff and ignore the facts that can be proven? Tell me again where is there ANY evidence, cooberated against trump?
overwhelming evidence is being swept under the rug for fantasy evidence on Trump


What does one have to do with the other?
Considering CrowdStrike is all D's and their report on Fancy Bear looks and reads like a Marvel comic AND the DNC would not allow the FBI to examine the servers...........

ta dah!!!! the plot really really thickens.

What does that have to do with the theft of computer equipment belonging to House members?
Well, except for the giant leap you are taking about DWS and Hillary, that all makes sense.
I will admit it is a leap...but why would Hillary and her team IMMEDIATELY hired DWS after she was fired when this began to break? WHY, already besieged with scandal, would she involve herself in such a mushrooming scandal?

Just another 'Clinton coincidence'?
You'd have to ask Clinton about that. I thought it was imprudent.
Since you have had an uneducated opinion on everything else this morning, I just thought you might have one regarding this question as well. My bad.
I have read the links you provided and tiny, and yet you call me uneducated. So it's your fault if I'm not informed enough on it.

I've read every link as well and they don't corroborate their assertions in any way.
Considering CrowdStrike is all D's and their report on Fancy Bear looks and reads like a Marvel comic AND the DNC would not allow the FBI to examine the servers...........

ta dah!!!! the plot really really thickens.

What does that have to do with the theft of computer equipment belonging to House members?

That's only part of it. Cyber security is part f the criminal investigation. It is beleived they were hacking the D members.
You got a link with any FACTS in it?

Just because the main stream "we will protect the Democrats at all costs" media didn't report on this debacle didn't mean its not true. This has been going on since February AND it's been a criminal case.

This stupid bitch kept him on her payroll up till the giant bust yesterday. You know the same bitch who headed up the DNC when it was supposedly hacked by Russians.


He had her password. The whole IT clan is under investigation for cyber security issues as well as fraud. He had her password. The lot of them could read all their mail. This is really going to heat up.


A House IT aide working for Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Fla.), the former Democratic National Committee chairwoman, was arrested this week on bank fraud charges while trying to leave the country.

Fox News reported that Imran Awan was arrested Monday night at Dulles International Airport in Virginia about 30 miles outside Washington, D.C.

Feds/USCP bust Hse IT staffer Imran Awan & charge him with multiple counts of bank fraud as part of Hse IT procurement scandal

— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) July 25, 2017
Feds/USCP picked up Imran Awan at Dulles Aiport last night as he was "trying to leave the country." Has been arraigned. Surrendered passport

— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) July 25, 2017
Awan, an IT staffer who has worked for many House Democrats and was employed by Wasserman Schultz, was allegedly at the center of a scheme that involved double-charging the House for IT equipment, and may also have exposed House information online, according to Fox.

A spokesperson for Wasserman Schultz said that Awan had been fired on Tuesday.

“Mr. Awan previously served as an employee in our office, but his services have been terminated," Wasserman Schultz' spokesman David Damron said in a statement.

Awan and his family have reportedly worked for House Democrats for years. He declared bankruptcy in 2012, but has made millions of dollars on the House payroll over at least a decade of work for various members, according to a Politico report.

In March, a group of House Democrats fired Awan and one other staffer over their alleged involvement in the scheme and the looming criminal investigation. However, Fox News reported Tuesday that Wasserman Schultz still has Awan on her staff's payroll despite him being barred from accessing the House's computer system since February.

At the time, Reps. Gregory Meeks (D-N.Y.) and Marcia Fudge (D-Ohio) both defended Awan.

Wasserman Schultz staffer arrested trying to leave the country
Thanks. This is the article I had read before, but I appreciate the courtesy.
As usual, Easy is spreading shit.
looks like the russia thing is solved. now we know where it actually originated. A Pakistani man working for the DNC who had DNC passwords.

How in the world do you jump to that conclusion?
You obviously have not looked at all the links I have posted, to include the ones yesterday, which are at the core of what OL and I have been discussing this morning. I will tell you the same thing I told her...ignore what I posted and do your own research. Educate yourself.
You got a link with any FACTS in it?
How about the fact that the guy was arrested at the airport? Is that fact enough for you?

Now what does that have to do with the Dems? Weren't they the victims of the thefts?

When it comes to national security, the "victim" of a breach can get in trouble if they did not adequately protect the information they were responsible for. In this case, it looks like the democrats were severely remiss in providing such protection.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You're full of shit.
Yes, it's a conspiracy by the Dems to steal computer equipment belonging to Dem house members to damage the Dems? :laugh2:
Stories like this are exactly why Trump is trying to light a fire under Sessions. If this is in the Daily Caller then why are these people not being investigated by the DOJ? I think someone got to him, someone in the swamp got to Sessions.
Well, except for the giant leap you are taking about DWS and Hillary, that all makes sense.
I will admit it is a leap...but why would Hillary and her team IMMEDIATELY hired DWS after she was fired when this began to break? WHY, already besieged with scandal, would she involve herself in such a mushrooming scandal?

Just another 'Clinton coincidence'?
You'd have to ask Clinton about that. I thought it was imprudent.
Since you have had an uneducated opinion on everything else this morning, I just thought you might have one regarding this question as well. My bad.
I have read the links you provided and tiny, and yet you call me uneducated. So it's your fault if I'm not informed enough on it.

I've read every link as well and they don't corroborate their assertions in any way.
Sometimes these guys make me wonder if I'm the one losing my mind. Thanks.
Considering CrowdStrike is all D's and their report on Fancy Bear looks and reads like a Marvel comic AND the DNC would not allow the FBI to examine the servers...........

ta dah!!!! the plot really really thickens.

What does that have to do with the theft of computer equipment belonging to House members?

That's only part of it. Cyber security is part f the criminal investigation. It is beleived they were hacking the D members.

Which has what to do with the Russia investigation?
I will admit it is a leap...but why would Hillary and her team IMMEDIATELY hired DWS after she was fired when this began to break? WHY, already besieged with scandal, would she involve herself in such a mushrooming scandal?

Just another 'Clinton coincidence'?
You'd have to ask Clinton about that. I thought it was imprudent.
Since you have had an uneducated opinion on everything else this morning, I just thought you might have one regarding this question as well. My bad.
I have read the links you provided and tiny, and yet you call me uneducated. So it's your fault if I'm not informed enough on it.

I've read every link as well and they don't corroborate their assertions in any way.
Sometimes these guys make me wonder if I'm the one losing my mind. Thanks.

Don't ever feel that way. easilyfooled65 latches onto every stupid theory that comes through rw media and regurgitates it as gospel.

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