Debbie Wasserman-Schultz-Pakistani Espionage Case'..."CRIME SYNDICATE"...Where was the FBI?

You got a link with any FACTS in it?
How about the fact that the guy was arrested at the airport? Is that fact enough for you?

Now what does that have to do with the Dems? Weren't they the victims of the thefts?

They hired them fer fuks sake!!
And this is after they knew they were criminals.
Sounds like blackmail, to me. It wouldn't surprise me one bit, either.

So you're saying DWS was willing to throw America under the bus to save her own ass?
You got a link with any FACTS in it?
How about the fact that the guy was arrested at the airport? Is that fact enough for you?

Now what does that have to do with the Dems? Weren't they the victims of the thefts?

When it comes to national security, the "victim" of a breach can get in trouble if they did not adequately protect the information they were responsible for. In this case, it looks like the democrats were severely remiss in providing such protection.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You're full of shit.
Yes, it's a conspiracy by the Dems to steal computer equipment belonging to Dem house members to damage the Dems? :laugh2:
well sure it is when you want to try and bring down individuals who are the opposition.
You got a link with any FACTS in it?

Just because the main stream "we will protect the Democrats at all costs" media didn't report on this debacle didn't mean its not true. This has been going on since February AND it's been a criminal case.

This stupid bitch kept him on her payroll up till the giant bust yesterday. You know the same bitch who headed up the DNC when it was supposedly hacked by Russians.


He had her password. The whole IT clan is under investigation for cyber security issues as well as fraud. He had her password. The lot of them could read all their mail. This is really going to heat up.


A House IT aide working for Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Fla.), the former Democratic National Committee chairwoman, was arrested this week on bank fraud charges while trying to leave the country.

Fox News reported that Imran Awan was arrested Monday night at Dulles International Airport in Virginia about 30 miles outside Washington, D.C.

Feds/USCP bust Hse IT staffer Imran Awan & charge him with multiple counts of bank fraud as part of Hse IT procurement scandal

— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) July 25, 2017
Feds/USCP picked up Imran Awan at Dulles Aiport last night as he was "trying to leave the country." Has been arraigned. Surrendered passport

— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) July 25, 2017
Awan, an IT staffer who has worked for many House Democrats and was employed by Wasserman Schultz, was allegedly at the center of a scheme that involved double-charging the House for IT equipment, and may also have exposed House information online, according to Fox.

A spokesperson for Wasserman Schultz said that Awan had been fired on Tuesday.

“Mr. Awan previously served as an employee in our office, but his services have been terminated," Wasserman Schultz' spokesman David Damron said in a statement.

Awan and his family have reportedly worked for House Democrats for years. He declared bankruptcy in 2012, but has made millions of dollars on the House payroll over at least a decade of work for various members, according to a Politico report.

In March, a group of House Democrats fired Awan and one other staffer over their alleged involvement in the scheme and the looming criminal investigation. However, Fox News reported Tuesday that Wasserman Schultz still has Awan on her staff's payroll despite him being barred from accessing the House's computer system since February.

At the time, Reps. Gregory Meeks (D-N.Y.) and Marcia Fudge (D-Ohio) both defended Awan.

Wasserman Schultz staffer arrested trying to leave the country
Thanks. This is the article I had read before, but I appreciate the courtesy.
As usual, Easy is spreading shit.
looks like the russia thing is solved. now we know where it actually originated. A Pakistani man working for the DNC who had DNC passwords.

How in the world do you jump to that conclusion?
well we know russia didn't do anything. so the point of origin to leaked emails has been identified.

How do you know this?
I have. They do not corroborate your claims.


"The Awans are “accused of stealing equipment from members’ offices without their knowledge and committing serious, potentially illegal, violations on the House IT network,” according to Politico. Many of the Democrats who employed the Awans are members of the House Committee on Homeland Security, the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence."
- Sources: Democratic Aide Suspected Of Major Security Breach Under Government Protection In Pakistan

Despite being banned from the House, ordered to have no access to classified House Files, and placed under investigation for espionage, DWS ignored all of that and re-hired Awan:

"Capitol police ordered that Imran was no longer to come near House servers during the investigation, but Schultz decided to get around that by keeping Imran on a “advisory position.”

“She’s circumventing the Capitol Police’s direct orders that he’s not supposed to touch House computer systems because he is the suspect in a major criminal investigation,” Rosiak told Loesch. “So she’s having him advise remotely so he could be telling other people what to do in a way that he potentially still has access to this stuff.” “Just looking at the payroll, there’s obvious, huge red flags for nepotism,” Rosiak continued, “and the Capitol Police, of course, have their own evidence.” “Members of Congress are being very unusually protective of these guys who are low level, non-political staffers,” he said."

- Explosive details emerge about investigation into Democrat IT staffer with terrorist ties

"A manager at a tech-services company that works with Democratic House offices said he approached congressional offices, offering their services at one-fourth the price of Awan and his Pakistani brothers, but the members declined. At the time, he couldn’t understand why his offers were rejected but now he suspects the Awans exerted some type of leverage over members.
-- “There’s no question about it: If I was accused of a tenth of what these guys are accused of, they’d take me out in handcuffs that same day, and I’d never work again,” he said."

Caught On Tape: Wasserman Schultz Threatens Police Chief For Investigating Her IT Staff's Crimes | Zero Hedge

"She may be done with the Democratic National Committee, but former chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz was quickly picked up by the Hillary Clinton campaign.

Ms. Wasserman Schultz was widely criticized during the Democratic primary by supporters of Bernie Sanders of using her position at the DNC to tip the race toward Mrs. Clinton. At least some of that was confirmed at the weekend by the release by Wikileaks of internal DNC emails, which forced her to announce her resignation Sunday.

But in a reaction statement to reporters Sunday, Mrs. Clinton gave
Ms. Wasserman Schultz a soft landing by announcing that she would join the Clinton campaign.

“I am glad that she has agreed to serve as honorary chair of my campaign’s 50-state program to gain ground and elect Democrats in every part of the country,” Mrs. Clinton said in the statement."

Debbie Wasserman Schultz immediately joins Hillary Clinton campaign after resignation

Enough of the lies and BS.... don't like it. Do your own research.

Tyler Durden?

You're trusting a report from a fictitious reporter? :laugh2:

easilyfooled65 at it again.
So out of all the links and all of the facts posted proving you lied, THAT is what you want to try to draw attention to? Sorry, snowflake, but there is enough proven evidence, testimony, reports, etc to prove you have no clue that you are talking about and that what you said is BS. You and your argument have been weighed, measured, exposed, and been found to be wanting.

And as I have said before and say for the last time, get off your ass, do your own research, and educate yourself so you can engage in the discussion intelligently.

Sorry, snowflake. You've been had yet again.

I've done research. Only rw rube sites are carrying this story.

house it staffers fired - Google Search
well we know russia didn't do anything. so the point of origin to leaked emails has been identified.

Yes, DWS giving the Pakistanis access to DNC e-mails along with the usernames and passwords for those accounts...

"Imran Awan — the lead suspect in a criminal probe into breaches of House of Representatives information security systems — possessed the password to an iPad used by then-Democratic National Committee Chairperson Debbie Wasserman Schultz when DNC emails were given to WikiLeaks, The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group has learned.

Wasserman Schultz resigned the DNC post in the wake of WikiLeaks posting damaging internal emails, blaming the scandal on hacking by Russians.

Imran and his family members, all of whom worked as IT professionals for members of Congress, were
banned from the House network Feb. 2, 2017, by the House Sergeant at Arms, but Wasserman Schultz has declined to fire him and circumvented the ban by having him “advise” her office.

WikiLeaks emails show that although Imran was employed by her taxpayer-funded House office, the Florida Democrat’s world — and iPad — mixed DNC, House and campaign business, and that Imran was on call for, and on a first-name basis with, top DNC staff."

House IT Aides Fear Suspects In Hill Breach Are Blackmailing Members With Their Own Data

"Another Democratic IT contractor said members “are saying don’t say anything, this will all blow over if we all don’t say anything.” The Awans “had [members] in their pocket,” and “there are a lot of members who could go down over this.”

House IT Aides Fear Suspects In Hill Breach Are Blackmailing Members With Their Own Data

“There’s no question about it: If I was accused of a tenth of what these guys are accused of, they’d take me out in handcuffs that same day, and I’d never work again,” he said."

As pointed out above, Wikileaks exposed how Wasserman-Schultz was using her DNC Chairwoman position to tilt the DNC Primaries in Hillary's favor against Sanders.

As pointed out above, DWS gave these Pakistanis illegal access to classified House Files and gave them access to DNC e-mails with the usernames and passwords to those accounts.

As pointed out above in links / reports, DWS by-passed House Bans and espionage investigations to give them those accesses AGAIN.

As pointed out, as soon as DWS was forced to resign for her part in the Pakistani Spy ring, she quickly was offered a job by the criminal candidate for whom she was working for as DNC Chairwoman.

And since it looks like DWS made it all possible, add 'blackmail' to the list of growing potential crimes against her.

(Was Hillary using DWS to get info on her fellow Democrats to ensure they continued to support her run for the Presidency despite the fact she should have been forced out of the race for being under multiple criminal investigations by the FBI for crimes she did commit or did DWS helping tilt the Primary Hillary's way have nothing to do with the Pakistani's?)
this is huge. HUGE. Here is what some of the swamp actually looks like.
I have. They do not corroborate your claims.


"The Awans are “accused of stealing equipment from members’ offices without their knowledge and committing serious, potentially illegal, violations on the House IT network,” according to Politico. Many of the Democrats who employed the Awans are members of the House Committee on Homeland Security, the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence."
- Sources: Democratic Aide Suspected Of Major Security Breach Under Government Protection In Pakistan

Despite being banned from the House, ordered to have no access to classified House Files, and placed under investigation for espionage, DWS ignored all of that and re-hired Awan:

"Capitol police ordered that Imran was no longer to come near House servers during the investigation, but Schultz decided to get around that by keeping Imran on a “advisory position.”

“She’s circumventing the Capitol Police’s direct orders that he’s not supposed to touch House computer systems because he is the suspect in a major criminal investigation,” Rosiak told Loesch. “So she’s having him advise remotely so he could be telling other people what to do in a way that he potentially still has access to this stuff.” “Just looking at the payroll, there’s obvious, huge red flags for nepotism,” Rosiak continued, “and the Capitol Police, of course, have their own evidence.” “Members of Congress are being very unusually protective of these guys who are low level, non-political staffers,” he said."

- Explosive details emerge about investigation into Democrat IT staffer with terrorist ties

"A manager at a tech-services company that works with Democratic House offices said he approached congressional offices, offering their services at one-fourth the price of Awan and his Pakistani brothers, but the members declined. At the time, he couldn’t understand why his offers were rejected but now he suspects the Awans exerted some type of leverage over members.
-- “There’s no question about it: If I was accused of a tenth of what these guys are accused of, they’d take me out in handcuffs that same day, and I’d never work again,” he said."

Caught On Tape: Wasserman Schultz Threatens Police Chief For Investigating Her IT Staff's Crimes | Zero Hedge

"She may be done with the Democratic National Committee, but former chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz was quickly picked up by the Hillary Clinton campaign.

Ms. Wasserman Schultz was widely criticized during the Democratic primary by supporters of Bernie Sanders of using her position at the DNC to tip the race toward Mrs. Clinton. At least some of that was confirmed at the weekend by the release by Wikileaks of internal DNC emails, which forced her to announce her resignation Sunday.

But in a reaction statement to reporters Sunday, Mrs. Clinton gave
Ms. Wasserman Schultz a soft landing by announcing that she would join the Clinton campaign.

“I am glad that she has agreed to serve as honorary chair of my campaign’s 50-state program to gain ground and elect Democrats in every part of the country,” Mrs. Clinton said in the statement."

Debbie Wasserman Schultz immediately joins Hillary Clinton campaign after resignation

Enough of the lies and BS.... don't like it. Do your own research.

Tyler Durden?

You're trusting a report from a fictitious reporter? :laugh2:

easilyfooled65 at it again.
So out of all the links and all of the facts posted proving you lied, THAT is what you want to try to draw attention to? Sorry, snowflake, but there is enough proven evidence, testimony, reports, etc to prove you have no clue that you are talking about and that what you said is BS. You and your argument have been weighed, measured, exposed, and been found to be wanting.

And as I have said before and say for the last time, get off your ass, do your own research, and educate yourself so you can engage in the discussion intelligently.

Sorry, snowflake. You've been had yet again.

I've done research. Only rw rube sites are carrying this story.

house it staffers fired - Google Search
well duh... we know that. all of the left stations are anti-trump and wouldn't report any news like this like EVAH!!!!
well we know russia didn't do anything. so the point of origin to leaked emails has been identified.

Yes, DWS giving the Pakistanis access to DNC e-mails along with the usernames and passwords for those accounts...

"Imran Awan — the lead suspect in a criminal probe into breaches of House of Representatives information security systems — possessed the password to an iPad used by then-Democratic National Committee Chairperson Debbie Wasserman Schultz when DNC emails were given to WikiLeaks, The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group has learned.

Wasserman Schultz resigned the DNC post in the wake of WikiLeaks posting damaging internal emails, blaming the scandal on hacking by Russians.

Imran and his family members, all of whom worked as IT professionals for members of Congress, were
banned from the House network Feb. 2, 2017, by the House Sergeant at Arms, but Wasserman Schultz has declined to fire him and circumvented the ban by having him “advise” her office.

WikiLeaks emails show that although Imran was employed by her taxpayer-funded House office, the Florida Democrat’s world — and iPad — mixed DNC, House and campaign business, and that Imran was on call for, and on a first-name basis with, top DNC staff."

House IT Aides Fear Suspects In Hill Breach Are Blackmailing Members With Their Own Data

"Another Democratic IT contractor said members “are saying don’t say anything, this will all blow over if we all don’t say anything.” The Awans “had [members] in their pocket,” and “there are a lot of members who could go down over this.”


So huge in fact, I can't find a story beyond the angry patriot movement or the blaze. :laugh2:
Just because the main stream "we will protect the Democrats at all costs" media didn't report on this debacle didn't mean its not true. This has been going on since February AND it's been a criminal case.

This stupid bitch kept him on her payroll up till the giant bust yesterday. You know the same bitch who headed up the DNC when it was supposedly hacked by Russians.


He had her password. The whole IT clan is under investigation for cyber security issues as well as fraud. He had her password. The lot of them could read all their mail. This is really going to heat up.


A House IT aide working for Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Fla.), the former Democratic National Committee chairwoman, was arrested this week on bank fraud charges while trying to leave the country.

Fox News reported that Imran Awan was arrested Monday night at Dulles International Airport in Virginia about 30 miles outside Washington, D.C.

Feds/USCP bust Hse IT staffer Imran Awan & charge him with multiple counts of bank fraud as part of Hse IT procurement scandal

— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) July 25, 2017
Feds/USCP picked up Imran Awan at Dulles Aiport last night as he was "trying to leave the country." Has been arraigned. Surrendered passport

— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) July 25, 2017
Awan, an IT staffer who has worked for many House Democrats and was employed by Wasserman Schultz, was allegedly at the center of a scheme that involved double-charging the House for IT equipment, and may also have exposed House information online, according to Fox.

A spokesperson for Wasserman Schultz said that Awan had been fired on Tuesday.

“Mr. Awan previously served as an employee in our office, but his services have been terminated," Wasserman Schultz' spokesman David Damron said in a statement.

Awan and his family have reportedly worked for House Democrats for years. He declared bankruptcy in 2012, but has made millions of dollars on the House payroll over at least a decade of work for various members, according to a Politico report.

In March, a group of House Democrats fired Awan and one other staffer over their alleged involvement in the scheme and the looming criminal investigation. However, Fox News reported Tuesday that Wasserman Schultz still has Awan on her staff's payroll despite him being barred from accessing the House's computer system since February.

At the time, Reps. Gregory Meeks (D-N.Y.) and Marcia Fudge (D-Ohio) both defended Awan.

Wasserman Schultz staffer arrested trying to leave the country
Thanks. This is the article I had read before, but I appreciate the courtesy.
As usual, Easy is spreading shit.
looks like the russia thing is solved. now we know where it actually originated. A Pakistani man working for the DNC who had DNC passwords.

How in the world do you jump to that conclusion?
well we know russia didn't do anything. so the point of origin to leaked emails has been identified.

How do you know this?
it's called evidence. the government now has all of the equipment that was damaged, the guy in custody who damaged said equipment and now have access to DWS PC with access. oops!!!!!! BTW, this info on DWS PC was just released.
I have. They do not corroborate your claims.


"The Awans are “accused of stealing equipment from members’ offices without their knowledge and committing serious, potentially illegal, violations on the House IT network,” according to Politico. Many of the Democrats who employed the Awans are members of the House Committee on Homeland Security, the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence."
- Sources: Democratic Aide Suspected Of Major Security Breach Under Government Protection In Pakistan

Despite being banned from the House, ordered to have no access to classified House Files, and placed under investigation for espionage, DWS ignored all of that and re-hired Awan:

"Capitol police ordered that Imran was no longer to come near House servers during the investigation, but Schultz decided to get around that by keeping Imran on a “advisory position.”

“She’s circumventing the Capitol Police’s direct orders that he’s not supposed to touch House computer systems because he is the suspect in a major criminal investigation,” Rosiak told Loesch. “So she’s having him advise remotely so he could be telling other people what to do in a way that he potentially still has access to this stuff.” “Just looking at the payroll, there’s obvious, huge red flags for nepotism,” Rosiak continued, “and the Capitol Police, of course, have their own evidence.” “Members of Congress are being very unusually protective of these guys who are low level, non-political staffers,” he said."

- Explosive details emerge about investigation into Democrat IT staffer with terrorist ties

"A manager at a tech-services company that works with Democratic House offices said he approached congressional offices, offering their services at one-fourth the price of Awan and his Pakistani brothers, but the members declined. At the time, he couldn’t understand why his offers were rejected but now he suspects the Awans exerted some type of leverage over members.
-- “There’s no question about it: If I was accused of a tenth of what these guys are accused of, they’d take me out in handcuffs that same day, and I’d never work again,” he said."

Caught On Tape: Wasserman Schultz Threatens Police Chief For Investigating Her IT Staff's Crimes | Zero Hedge

"She may be done with the Democratic National Committee, but former chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz was quickly picked up by the Hillary Clinton campaign.

Ms. Wasserman Schultz was widely criticized during the Democratic primary by supporters of Bernie Sanders of using her position at the DNC to tip the race toward Mrs. Clinton. At least some of that was confirmed at the weekend by the release by Wikileaks of internal DNC emails, which forced her to announce her resignation Sunday.

But in a reaction statement to reporters Sunday, Mrs. Clinton gave
Ms. Wasserman Schultz a soft landing by announcing that she would join the Clinton campaign.

“I am glad that she has agreed to serve as honorary chair of my campaign’s 50-state program to gain ground and elect Democrats in every part of the country,” Mrs. Clinton said in the statement."

Debbie Wasserman Schultz immediately joins Hillary Clinton campaign after resignation

Enough of the lies and BS.... don't like it. Do your own research.

Tyler Durden?

You're trusting a report from a fictitious reporter? :laugh2:

easilyfooled65 at it again.
So out of all the links and all of the facts posted proving you lied, THAT is what you want to try to draw attention to? Sorry, snowflake, but there is enough proven evidence, testimony, reports, etc to prove you have no clue that you are talking about and that what you said is BS. You and your argument have been weighed, measured, exposed, and been found to be wanting.

And as I have said before and say for the last time, get off your ass, do your own research, and educate yourself so you can engage in the discussion intelligently.

Sorry, snowflake. You've been had yet again.

I've done research. Only rw rube sites are carrying this story.

house it staffers fired - Google Search
well duh... we know that. all of the left stations are anti-trump and wouldn't report any news like this like EVAH!!!!

It must be true then. :laugh2:
Only rw rube sites are carrying this story.

Of course the Fake News All-In Liberal Ass-Protecting Media is not covering this:


DWS was using her position to tilt the DNC Primaries to Hillary over Sanders

DWS ignored House Bans and Espionage Violations to give terrorist-connected
Pakistanis illegal, national security-threatening access to critical classified US Intel and Homeland Security information

DWS gave terrorist-connected Pakistani spies access to DNC e-mails, usernames, and passwords...

...which means she facilitated ESPIONAGE and BLACKMAIL

Hillary immediately hired DWS when the story began to break, dragging the DNC's criminal candidate into yet another scandal involving US National Security being jeopardized....

Bwuhahahaha....that definitely explains the silence from the liberal left media. :p
Thanks. This is the article I had read before, but I appreciate the courtesy.
As usual, Easy is spreading shit.
looks like the russia thing is solved. now we know where it actually originated. A Pakistani man working for the DNC who had DNC passwords.

How in the world do you jump to that conclusion?
well we know russia didn't do anything. so the point of origin to leaked emails has been identified.

How do you know this?
it's called evidence. the government now has all of the equipment that was damaged, the guy in custody who damaged said equipment and now have access to DWS PC with access. oops!!!!!! BTW, this info on DWS PC was just released.

So, the Intel chiefs are lying then?
well we know russia didn't do anything. so the point of origin to leaked emails has been identified.

Yes, DWS giving the Pakistanis access to DNC e-mails along with the usernames and passwords for those accounts...

"Imran Awan — the lead suspect in a criminal probe into breaches of House of Representatives information security systems — possessed the password to an iPad used by then-Democratic National Committee Chairperson Debbie Wasserman Schultz when DNC emails were given to WikiLeaks, The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group has learned.

Wasserman Schultz resigned the DNC post in the wake of WikiLeaks posting damaging internal emails, blaming the scandal on hacking by Russians.

Imran and his family members, all of whom worked as IT professionals for members of Congress, were
banned from the House network Feb. 2, 2017, by the House Sergeant at Arms, but Wasserman Schultz has declined to fire him and circumvented the ban by having him “advise” her office.

WikiLeaks emails show that although Imran was employed by her taxpayer-funded House office, the Florida Democrat’s world — and iPad — mixed DNC, House and campaign business, and that Imran was on call for, and on a first-name basis with, top DNC staff."

House IT Aides Fear Suspects In Hill Breach Are Blackmailing Members With Their Own Data

"Another Democratic IT contractor said members “are saying don’t say anything, this will all blow over if we all don’t say anything.” The Awans “had [members] in their pocket,” and “there are a lot of members who could go down over this.”


So huge in fact, I can't find a story beyond the angry patriot movement or the blaze. :laugh2:
again fool, it will be the only place. let me laugh at you.
Only rw rube sites are carrying this story.

Of course the Fake News All-In Liberal Ass-Protecting Media is not covering this:


DWS was using her position to tilt the DNC Primaries to Hillary over Sanders

DWS ignored House Bans and Espionage Violations to give terrorist-connected
Pakistanis illegal, national security-threatening access to critical classified US Intel and Homeland Security information

DWS gave terrorist-connected Pakistani spies access to DNC e-mails, usernames, and passwords...

...which means she facilitated ESPIONAGE and BLACKMAIL

Hillary immediately hired DWS when the story began to break, dragging the DNC's criminal candidate into yet another scandal involving US National Security being jeopardized....

Bwuhahahaha....that definitely explains the silence from the liberal left media. :p
and just a few minutes ago it was reported the feds now have access to DWS PC. uh oh
Democrats who these Pakistani Spies worked for are trying to disappear, avoid the issue at all costs, as the DWS-Pakistani Spy case explodes in the Democrats' faces.


WHY were these IT Techs not fully / thoroughly vetted?
- Basic inquiries exposed criminal records, terrorist connections, link to possible murder / extortion / fraud, etc...

WHY were these Pakistani's FAMILY MEMBERS on the DNC payroll even though they were never around? (The Staff called them 'Ghost Employees').

WHY were they given access to classified US Intelligence, US Homeland Security, and Foreign Affairs files?

WHY did Debbie Wasserman-Schultz IGNORE the House ban and espionage investigation on them and RE-HIRE Pakistani spy Awan after the Pakistanis had been caught engaging in espionage?

WHY was Awan and his family members STILL on the DNC payroll after then had been caught, banned, and fired?

WHY did some Democrats in the House allow the Pakistanis to continue to work for them even after they were banned from the House and placed under investigation for espionage?

WHY did DWS give Awan access to classified House Files AGAIN?

WHY did DWS not only give Awan access to DNC E-mail accounts but also those e-mail accounts' usernames and passwords?

WHY did DWS threaten the Capitol Police with 'consequences' if they did not return a computer they had seized - evidence - as part of the investigation?

WHY did Hillary hire DWS immediately after she was fired / 'resigned' for her part in the crimes?
-- Was DWS collecting info on Democrats for Hillary?
-- Was DWS and the Pakistanis working together?

WHY did the US AG allow the Keystone Capitol Cops to lead the FEDERAL FOREIGN ESPIONAGE case, and WHY has the FBI still not stepped in to take it over?

WHY has DWS been allowed to negotiate with the police, who seek to get her PERMISSION to access a computer they seized (found abandoned in an unused part of a building) as potential evidence...especially when she has denied the computer is even hers to begin with?

WHY has DWS not been 'perp-walked' and placed in a cell yet next to Awan, who was arrested trying to flee the country?

CAN anything be done to work with the Pakistanis to extradite the other family members who have already fled the country and now are in Pakistan under the government's protection?

AGAIN, since this investigation now involves the Pakistani Government, WHEN is the DOJ (SESSIONS), the FBI, and the STATE DEPARTMENT going to step in and take over for the Keystone Capitol Cops?

WHY is the Fake News All-In Liberal Propaganda-Pushing Liberal-A$$-Covering media NOT covering this story (as it should)?

Dem Leader Dodges Questions About Busted IT Employee
They were vetted, by The DNC and By Hillary Clinton. They knew they had Criminal Backgrounds, and KNEW they were Hackers.

You are asking the wrong Questions:

You should ask,


The 2ND you should ask is:





Last edited:
Only rw rube sites are carrying this story.

Of course the Fake News All-In Liberal Ass-Protecting Media is not covering this:


DWS was using her position to tilt the DNC Primaries to Hillary over Sanders

DWS ignored House Bans and Espionage Violations to give terrorist-connected
Pakistanis illegal, national security-threatening access to critical classified US Intel and Homeland Security information

DWS gave terrorist-connected Pakistani spies access to DNC e-mails, usernames, and passwords...

...which means she facilitated ESPIONAGE and BLACKMAIL

Hillary immediately hired DWS when the story began to break, dragging the DNC's criminal candidate into yet another scandal involving US National Security being jeopardized....

Bwuhahahaha....that definitely explains the silence from the liberal left media. :p

Of course the Fake News All-In Liberal Ass-Protecting Media is not covering this

looks like the russia thing is solved. now we know where it actually originated. A Pakistani man working for the DNC who had DNC passwords.

How in the world do you jump to that conclusion?
well we know russia didn't do anything. so the point of origin to leaked emails has been identified.

How do you know this?
it's called evidence. the government now has all of the equipment that was damaged, the guy in custody who damaged said equipment and now have access to DWS PC with access. oops!!!!!! BTW, this info on DWS PC was just released.

So, the Intel chiefs are lying then?
it's why it's called deep state. ever hear that term before? look fool I know one fact, and that is no fking intelligence agency has ever looked at the servers. EVAH!! how could they possibly know anything. LOL. we aren't fools out here, we use logic. until you follow along, you will remain uninformed and behind the times.

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