Debt Ceiling Threats Not a Winning Formula


No Party Affiliation
Dec 15, 2008
I'm wondering how a party is going to re-brand themselves as the party of fiscal responsibility by threatening not to pay their bills?

What kind of climate does that create for big business when they can't know for sure whether or not the United States of America is goiing to pay their bills? It's impossible for business to thrive in a climate in which the U.S. has to haggle over whether or not to default every two years (or less).

"Yeah, I know we signed a contract with you for 25 planes (or 10 miles of road, or repairs to a dock, etc ...) but now we're thinking we just might not pay for it. Just depends on what the other guys are willing to do for US."

I think I join almost everyone in wanting to see some meaningful cuts in government spending. (Personally, I'd favor about 5% across the board - NO sacred cows - to start with.) But the uncertainty and damage done to EVERYONE by taking us to the brink of default is just wrong. It merely supports the claim that you are putting the good of the country on the back burner in order to promote your personal political agenda.

If that's NOT what you're doing, then prove it. Don't play political football with the debt ceiling. Make your case to the people - pressure the Democrats that way. I think it's a winning issue.
How is borrowing money paying bills?? My God, you liberals are literally brain dead.
I'm wondering how a party is going to re-brand themselves as the party of fiscal responsibility by threatening not to pay their bills?

What kind of climate does that create for big business when they can't know for sure whether or not the United States of America is goiing to pay their bills? It's impossible for business to thrive in a climate in which the U.S. has to haggle over whether or not to default every two years (or less).

"Yeah, I know we signed a contract with you for 25 planes (or 10 miles of road, or repairs to a dock, etc ...) but now we're thinking we just might not pay for it. Just depends on what the other guys are willing to do for US."

I think I join almost everyone in wanting to see some meaningful cuts in government spending. (Personally, I'd favor about 5% across the board - NO sacred cows - to start with.) But the uncertainty and damage done to EVERYONE by taking us to the brink of default is just wrong. It merely supports the claim that you are putting the good of the country on the back burner in order to promote your personal political agenda.

If that's NOT what you're doing, then prove it. Don't play political football with the debt ceiling. Make your case to the people - pressure the Democrats that way. I think it's a winning issue.

That will be up to the Democrats.

The Republicans will certainly pass the needed legislation to raise the debt ceiling.
we will see.

and we will see what they demand "in return."

Not the place to play chicken. You'd think they would have learned that from the fiscal cliff issue. They are in no better position (right now) to win a stare down on the debt ceiling. Now, if they get out in fron, and present legislation to raise the debt ceiling that also includes spending cuts that appear reasonable to a majority, then they have a chance to do what you say - put the impetus on the Democrats to agree or be blamed.

But if they have to be careful not to step too far - else THEY will bear the burden of playing political football with something that should be routine - paying your bills.
if demoncraps will stop spending this izzewe will go away!

For the first time I can remember, I actually agree with something you've posted.
Yes, serious and meaningful spending cuts will (imho) take this issue off the table.

But if you think it's only Democrats who have participated in over-spending, then you've just been duped. BOTH parties have jumped at the chance to shower their buddies with goodies and favors in return for their support - using OUR money.
if demoncraps will stop spending this izzewe will go away!

For the first time I can remember, I actually agree with something you've posted.
Yes, serious and meaningful spending cuts will (imho) take this issue off the table.

But if you think it's only Democrats who have participated in over-spending, then you've just been duped. BOTH parties have jumped at the chance to shower their buddies with goodies and favors in return for their support - using OUR money.

So now that the House has a chance to get possible meaningful cuts you want them to cave.
No, we the people and Republicans should just bend over to the thug Obama and his comrades in arms along with their Lapdog lamestream media..

WE will be blamed anyway

people better start understanding the LAMEsteam media has become a enemy to a lot of us in this country
if demoncraps will stop spending this izzewe will go away!

For the first time I can remember, I actually agree with something you've posted.
Yes, serious and meaningful spending cuts will (imho) take this issue off the table.

But if you think it's only Democrats who have participated in over-spending, then you've just been duped. BOTH parties have jumped at the chance to shower their buddies with goodies and favors in return for their support - using OUR money.

obama has been in office four years, is starting his fifth year and he's added 6 trillion to the national debt. at the end of the 8 years it will be easily 20 trillion dollars. at some point the economy will collapse.
No, we the people and Republicans should just bend over to the thug Obama and his comrades in arms along with their Lapdog lamestream media..

WE will be blamed anyway

people better start understanding the LAMEsteam media has become a enemy to a lot of us in this country

You are NOT the majority.

the minority doesnt get its way in a democracy
How is borrowing money paying bills?? My God, you liberals are literally brain dead.

This guy ought to work for MSLSD. Gotta love his spin. :clap2:

Seriously, if you don't know what the debt ceiling has to do with paying the bills, you REALLY need to stay out of the discussion on the issue. Sure, you have every right to your opinion - but why not do a little bit of reading and make your opinion mean something. Otherwise, it's just useless noise and hinders your credibility on others things - things you actually MAY have a clue about.
if demoncraps will stop spending this izzewe will go away!

For the first time I can remember, I actually agree with something you've posted.
Yes, serious and meaningful spending cuts will (imho) take this issue off the table.

But if you think it's only Democrats who have participated in over-spending, then you've just been duped. BOTH parties have jumped at the chance to shower their buddies with goodies and favors in return for their support - using OUR money.

obama has been in office four years, is starting his fifth year and he's added 6 trillion to the national debt. at the end of the 8 years it will be easily 20 trillion dollars. at some point the economy will collapse.

Then why did you cheer for unpaid wars and tax cuts while waging them?
No, we the people and Republicans should just bend over to the thug Obama and his comrades in arms along with their Lapdog lamestream media..

WE will be blamed anyway

people better start understanding the LAMEsteam media has become a enemy to a lot of us in this country

You are NOT the majority. the minority doesnt get its way in a democracy

Someone bookmark this and add it to your signature line...its like "true democracy isn't democracy". Another of her gems. :clap2:
No, we the people and Republicans should just bend over to the thug Obama and his comrades in arms along with their Lapdog lamestream media..

WE will be blamed anyway

people better start understanding the LAMEsteam media has become a enemy to a lot of us in this country

You are NOT the majority.

the minority doesnt get its way in a democracy

LOL, that my dear is just something you dream about..but too bad for you we aren't there, yet..
You might want to check some other countries that are, let us know how it is.

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