Debt is Pushing the US Into Fascism

You can't really pay employees with stock, because the employees can't use the stock to pay bills. Can't go to the grocery store, and pay for food by handing the cashier stock in Amazon.
You could fund your retirement with Amazon stock.

Billionaires won corona

"Jeff Bezos, founder and chief executive of Amazon, has decided to give you a bonus. In fact, he has decided to give every single employee of Amazon — some 876,000 people — a one-time pandemic bonus. A $105,000 bonus. Serious money. The kind of money that, if invested over a couple of decades, would give you a real retirement nest egg..."

"The pandemic threatens to drive half a billion human beings into poverty around the world, according to the report, which is titled 'Power, Profits and the Pandemic.'

"Even so, 32 of the world’s biggest corporations will see profits swell by $109 billion in 2020."
Say... a computer guy... gets lets say.... $10 Million. He buys another business for $5 Million, and then invests the other $5 Million into the company, to upgrade equipment and adding more employees, and he'll end up making Billions, and becoming more wealthy.
Does he accomplish that by exploiting his workers and dodging taxes like Trump? Here's another take on that $10 million lottery winnings: Form a non-profit and invest your winnings at a 5% return. Maybe $480,000 a years after fees? Find an eighty unit section 8 senior apartment building and provide each unit with an additional $6000/year. Or find a local meals-on-wheels non-profit and add $5-$10 dollars an hour to each employee's pay check. See the difference?
You can't really pay employees with stock, because the employees can't use the stock to pay bills. Can't go to the grocery store, and pay for food by handing the cashier stock in Amazon.
You could fund your retirement with Amazon stock.

Billionaires won corona

"Jeff Bezos, founder and chief executive of Amazon, has decided to give you a bonus. In fact, he has decided to give every single employee of Amazon — some 876,000 people — a one-time pandemic bonus. A $105,000 bonus. Serious money. The kind of money that, if invested over a couple of decades, would give you a real retirement nest egg..."

"The pandemic threatens to drive half a billion human beings into poverty around the world, according to the report, which is titled 'Power, Profits and the Pandemic.'

"Even so, 32 of the world’s biggest corporations will see profits swell by $109 billion in 2020."
It could be the corona virus scam is being perpetrated by the ultra wealthy, with the belief that impovishing millions will make them more wealthy. It’s crazy I know, but crazy is what the ultra wealthy do.
Again, you don't pay the 'surplus value' created when someone adds a deck to your house that increases the value of your house.
Where's the board of directors and shareholders when someone adds that deck to your house? "The difference (between the Marxian and mainstream definition of corporation) is the surplus value appropriated by the corporation's board of directors."

What difference does that make? You are the employer of the guy that is building your deck. Do you pay that guy working for your benefit, the full value he has created?

No you don't. Board of directors and shareholders doesn't matter. Either it is ok to not pay an employee the value he has created, or it is. It can't be both. It can't be perfectly fine for you to pay someone working for you, less than the value he creates, but not ok for someone else to do that.

Because all you do, is add in more people... and you have a corporation. Otherwise, there is zero difference between you hiring someone, and a corporation hiring someone. Both are exactly the same thing... both are individuals agreeing to sell their labor, to someone else, for a give price (wage), and both are "exploitative" if you think that not paying someone the full value their labor creates is exploitative.

You are the one exploiting. You gain more value from their labor, than how much you pay for their labor. This includes even blacktopping a drive way. Just doing that, raises the sale price of them, which when you look at your net worth, your home is the primary value the middle class have.

So you are directly exploiting people for your personal wealth. Having board of directors doesn't matter.

Are you saying that no private company is exploitative? Many companies like Mejiers without shareholders or a board of directors.
Say... a computer guy... gets lets say.... $10 Million. He buys another business for $5 Million, and then invests the other $5 Million into the company, to upgrade equipment and adding more employees, and he'll end up making Billions, and becoming more wealthy.
Does he accomplish that by exploiting his workers and dodging taxes like Trump? Here's another take on that $10 million lottery winnings: Form a non-profit and invest your winnings at a 5% return. Maybe $480,000 a years after fees? Find an eighty unit section 8 senior apartment building and provide each unit with an additional $6000/year. Or find a local meals-on-wheels non-profit and add $5-$10 dollars an hour to each employee's pay check. See the difference?

Everyone, including you, dodges taxes. Are you telling me that you don't take every deduction you qualify for? Then prove it by posting your last 5 years of tax returns.

If not, I won't believe that you personally pay as little in taxes as you possibly can.... LIKE EVERY PERSON ON THE PLANET.

Here's another take on that $10 million lottery winnings: Form a non-profit and invest your winnings at a 5% return. Maybe $480,000 a years after fees? Find an eighty unit section 8 senior apartment building and provide each unit with an additional $6000/year. Or find a local meals-on-wheels non-profit and add $5-$10 dollars an hour to each employee's pay check. See the difference?

Sharon Tirabassi didn't form a non-profit, or invest her winnings at 5% return.

First off, that statement, doesn't even make sense. You supposedly area against investing. You just said in another post, that shareholders were parasites. Now you are saying Sharon should have invested with a 5% return?

Name one investment, that makes a 5% return, that you don't consider to be a parasite? Amuse me.

But more importantly, you missed the point. Sharon did not invest the money. Most people who win the lottery don't invest the money.

That's the whole issue. You can "well my take is that they should invest the money in (insert whatever)".... the point is... they don't.

The reason poor people are poor, is because they consume the money.

The reason rich people are rich, is because they invest the money.

If Steve Jobs had blown the money like Sharon Tirabassi, and if Sharon Tirabassi had invested the money like Steve jobs.... right now Steve Jobs would have died penniless, and Sharon Triabassi would have been the evil parasite rich people you complain about.

Rich people are rich, because they act wisely with money.
Poor people are poor, because they blow their money.

Which by the way.... is exactly why when you drive the rich out of a country.... the country turns to ruins. If the rich people, and investors and shareholders are all parasites, then why is it that every single country on the face of the Earth, that has ever driven out the rich, ends up poor?

I can answer this. It is the rich and the investors, that create more wealth. The poor people generally speaking, consume wealth.

If you removed all the Steve Jobs type people in this country today, with millions of Sharon Tirabassis.... the country would be impoverished.
You can't really pay employees with stock, because the employees can't use the stock to pay bills. Can't go to the grocery store, and pay for food by handing the cashier stock in Amazon.
You could fund your retirement with Amazon stock.

Billionaires won corona

"Jeff Bezos, founder and chief executive of Amazon, has decided to give you a bonus. In fact, he has decided to give every single employee of Amazon — some 876,000 people — a one-time pandemic bonus. A $105,000 bonus. Serious money. The kind of money that, if invested over a couple of decades, would give you a real retirement nest egg..."

"The pandemic threatens to drive half a billion human beings into poverty around the world, according to the report, which is titled 'Power, Profits and the Pandemic.'

"Even so, 32 of the world’s biggest corporations will see profits swell by $109 billion in 2020."

Right, and how am I going to feed a family with Amazon Stock?

But more importantly, we already know that people are not going to put that Amazon stock in their retirement. They are going to sell it.

But lets even say that some did put the Amazon stock in their retirement. Again, you take away all that stock from Bezo... what happens? Do you know how this works? People who have more stock, end up forcing a takeover of the company.

What happens when Bezo is removed as head of Amazon?

Let me give you a hint. In 1995 to 1997, when Steve jobs was gone from Apple... what happened to Apple? Do you remember?

The companies stock value dropped down to 12¢ a share. Apple laid off thousands of workers.

You take the stock away from Bezo, and someone else ends up head of Amazon, those $160 Billion in stock, could be worth pennies. Thousands of people could end up losing their jobs.

The reason the stock in Amazon that Bezo owns, is worth $180 Billion.... is directly because Bezo owns the majority position at Amazon.

You remove him, and Amazon's value will drop like a rock. UNLESS... you find someone else just as capable to replace him, and that guy who is as good as Bezo, is going to demand compensation just like Bezo.
No, but I do enjoy watching the mindless left-wingers freaking out non-stop . Please continue! I am enjoying this.
Do you enjoy listening to conservative clowns like this?

"Michael Caputo, the assistant secretary of health for public affairs, told a Facebook audience without evidence that left-wing hit squads were being trained for insurrection, and he accused C.D.C. scientists of 'sedition.'"

Trump Health Aide Falsely Alleges Conspiracies and Warns of Armed Revolt

No but I do enjoy watching you freak out about conservative clowns like that.
hey can create paper, yes. That doesn't actually improve anything. Zimbabwe did that, and the result was economic ruins for the government, and the country.

Government can spend and then tax; thereby, putting unused resources to work in order to stimulate production whenever the private sector can't find enough profit to make shareholder's happy.

"Just as modern money is created from nothing by spending it into circulation, money is destroyed through taxation.

"The ‘taxpayer dollar’ funds nothing — it is deleted from the money supply, nothing more.

"Taxes do not fund spending because it is impossible for a monetarily sovereign government to need its citizens’ fiat paper to alter numbers in a spreadsheet.

"Taxation’s most important function is to generate a base-level of demand for the currency by ensuring those who benefit from participating in the nation’s economic production or commerce must also use some of its currency.

"Since taxation removes currency from circulation, taxation is also a lever to fine-tune inflation."

You can say that, but it's never worked in all human history. Every single time the state prints endless currency, the result in economic ruins and inflation.

Doesn't matter how many articles you post on the subject... the proof is already before us in history.
Is the US borrowing its way to Fascism?

20th century versions of the merger of state and corporate power (Germany, Japan, Italy, and Spain) interacted differently in each country's particular history and conditions.

If it comes here, the Federal Reserve will play a key role:

Richard D. Wolff - The U.S. Is Borrowing Its Way to Fascism | Brave New Europe

"Today’s crisis-ridden capitalist economy is more dependent on credit than at any time in the system’s history.

"More than ever, credit sustains the purchasing power of consumers and of government programs.

"Capitalists depend on that purchasing power..."

"Once it was mostly private entities—rich families, banks, insurance companies, and pension funds—that were the chief lenders to corporations. They bought and held the corporate bonds and IOUs.

"Now those private lenders increasingly sell their corporate bonds to the Federal Reserve.

"That happens when the corporate loans get packaged into asset-backed securities sold to the Federal Reserve.

"More recently, the Fed has undertaken the market purchase of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) composed of corporate bonds and of corporate bonds direct from their private issuers."

Some Things Never Change
View attachment 387406
Renegade Inc - Michael Hudson: He died for our debts, not our sins | Brave New Europe

It's the other way round. Fascism is bankrupting this country. Dems spend money they don't have to appease the corporations that have bought them.
Envy alert...........begging at the moment........taking it after getting power
Amazon employees over 800,000 workers.
One worker is worth $180 billion.
Envy or Greed?

Neither. Bezo created all those jobs. Not the workers. Bezos has directed and created the growth of the company. Not the employees.

Not greed or envy, for a person to be compensated for what he rightly created.

What *IS* greed and envy, is for people who have not built a business of any kind, to cry about how much people who do, make.

You are displaying greed and envy. Not him. He's getting paid a justified amount of money, for the work he does.

Bezos always had a relentless work ethic. A former classmate told Wired that once Bezos made it clear that he intended to be high school valedictorian, "everyone else understood they were working for second place."​
The early days at Amazon were characterized by working 12-hour days, seven days a week, and being up until 3 a.m. to get books shipped.​
Now that Amazon's a giant, Bezos personally emails teams about customer service issues and has them present directly to him about how they're going to solve them, according to an excerpt from Brad Stone's book, The Everything Store.​
Relentless work ethic.
12-hour days, 7 days a week.
Staying until 3 AM to get products shipped to customers.

Have you done that? Which of the hourly employees at Amazon is putting in that level of dedication? None?

Why should they earn as much as Bezo? Why should Bezo who went through all the hard work to build Amazon, not be paid more? And I mean significantly more?

That's not greed or envy that got Bezo his billions. He made it happen with his hard work and dedication. You realize this is a guy that quit his high paying job in NYC banking, and went to work out of his garage, to ship books in the mail.

He gave up millions of dollars, to start working in a garage packaging books. But you don't think he has earned the money he has? Well you are wrong.
Envy alert...........begging at the moment........taking it after getting power
Amazon employees over 800,000 workers.
One worker is worth $180 billion.
Envy or Greed?
Greed. Without question. As unjust as that is, it’s even worse because that little fucker Bezos has enormous political power, because of his enormous wealth.

How is it unjust?

Did you quit an extremely high paying banking job in NYC, to go work in a garage, packaging books to ship to customers, for 12-hours a day, 7 days a week?

Why is it unfair that he earns tons of money, when he did all the hard work for years, to build the company to what it is?
Envy alert...........begging at the moment........taking it after getting power
Amazon employees over 800,000 workers.
One worker is worth $180 billion.
Envy or Greed?
Greed. Without question. As unjust as that is, it’s even worse because that little fucker Bezos has enormous political power, because of his enormous wealth.

How is it unjust?

Did you quit an extremely high paying banking job in NYC, to go work in a garage, packaging books to ship to customers, for 12-hours a day, 7 days a week?

Why is it unfair that he earns tons of money, when he did all the hard work for years, to build the company to what it is?
If you really think he did all the work, you’re deluding yourself. And now he pretty much buys himself more wealth, by buying off politicians and bureaucrats.
Envy alert...........begging at the moment........taking it after getting power
Amazon employees over 800,000 workers.
One worker is worth $180 billion.
Envy or Greed?
Greed. Without question. As unjust as that is, it’s even worse because that little fucker Bezos has enormous political power, because of his enormous wealth.

How is it unjust?

Did you quit an extremely high paying banking job in NYC, to go work in a garage, packaging books to ship to customers, for 12-hours a day, 7 days a week?

Why is it unfair that he earns tons of money, when he did all the hard work for years, to build the company to what it is?
If you really think he did all the work, you’re deluding yourself. And now he pretty much buys himself more wealth, by buying off politicians and bureaucrats.

Sure he did a bunch of it. I know of CEOs that started by living in their car, in the company parking lot. I know that Steve Jobs and Steve Woznack, were putting computers together by hand, and yes they did it all themselves. I know HP was started in a garage, by the Hewlett and Packard. I know many CEOs and wealthy people, that at the start did everything themselves.

In fact, I know a business owner right now, while we're talking, that is doing everything himself, or at best has his wife help out a few times. He makes the products. He package the product. He ships the product. And he's the one taking the orders. And he's the one answer customers.

I worked for one company, which is now today actually pretty large, but when I was there, we were sending out fliers to all our customers with our new services and products.

It was me, and the CEO/Owner of the company, and a guy from the warehouse. We sat there stuffing envelopes and putting on stamps, and folding fliers, until 9 PM. And that CEO guy, had been there before I showed up at 9 AM.

Now I don't know specifically if Jeff Bezo had zero help or not. I have no idea.

What I do know, is that it would neither be surprising, nor uncommon, if he had done it all himself to start with.

Now obviously as orders started coming in, sure of course he got help, but even then I would not be surprised if he was on the floor working with the guys getting stuff out.

However, let me back up....

I think I know what you are talking about. I worked at one company years ago, and the company was based out of California. Now I don't know if the owner had anything to do with the business there, but he had never been to Ohio, never been to our facility, and no one there had a clue what they were doing. Honestly, none of the management at that building, has ever worked at anything we did, and were utterly clueless about everything that was going on.

And can see if that experience at that company, was your only experience in life, then you would come to the conclusion that company CEOs and Owners were all idiots that had never done anything.

But that would be a grossly false conclusion. Most CEOs and nearly all business owners work their butts off. And most jobs wouldn't exist without them.
Envy alert...........begging at the moment........taking it after getting power
Amazon employees over 800,000 workers.
One worker is worth $180 billion.
Envy or Greed?
Greed. Without question. As unjust as that is, it’s even worse because that little fucker Bezos has enormous political power, because of his enormous wealth.

How is it unjust?

Did you quit an extremely high paying banking job in NYC, to go work in a garage, packaging books to ship to customers, for 12-hours a day, 7 days a week?

Why is it unfair that he earns tons of money, when he did all the hard work for years, to build the company to what it is?
If you really think he did all the work, you’re deluding yourself. And now he pretty much buys himself more wealth, by buying off politicians and bureaucrats.

Sure he did a bunch of it. I know of CEOs that started by living in their car, in the company parking lot. I know that Steve Jobs and Steve Woznack, were putting computers together by hand, and yes they did it all themselves. I know HP was started in a garage, by the Hewlett and Packard. I know many CEOs and wealthy people, that at the start did everything themselves.

In fact, I know a business owner right now, while we're talking, that is doing everything himself, or at best has his wife help out a few times. He makes the products. He package the product. He ships the product. And he's the one taking the orders. And he's the one answer customers.

I worked for one company, which is now today actually pretty large, but when I was there, we were sending out fliers to all our customers with our new services and products.

It was me, and the CEO/Owner of the company, and a guy from the warehouse. We sat there stuffing envelopes and putting on stamps, and folding fliers, until 9 PM. And that CEO guy, had been there before I showed up at 9 AM.

Now I don't know specifically if Jeff Bezo had zero help or not. I have no idea.

What I do know, is that it would neither be surprising, nor uncommon, if he had done it all himself to start with.

Now obviously as orders started coming in, sure of course he got help, but even then I would not be surprised if he was on the floor working with the guys getting stuff out.

However, let me back up....

I think I know what you are talking about. I worked at one company years ago, and the company was based out of California. Now I don't know if the owner had anything to do with the business there, but he had never been to Ohio, never been to our facility, and no one there had a clue what they were doing. Honestly, none of the management at that building, has ever worked at anything we did, and were utterly clueless about everything that was going on.

And can see if that experience at that company, was your only experience in life, then you would come to the conclusion that company CEOs and Owners were all idiots that had never done anything.

But that would be a grossly false conclusion. Most CEOs and nearly all business owners work their butts off. And most jobs wouldn't exist without them.
No CEO ever should be paid like Bezos. It’s obscene while his thousands of employees work their ass off in difficult work conditions, for little more than minimum wage.

I don’t think people like you have thought this wage disparity through. It’s extremely harmful for workers and the country. Bezos has enormous political power. He essentially can do almost anything he wants without consequences. He’s above the law because of his fraudulent wealth.

You desperately want to believe he is deserving, because you think this is capitalism. It isn’t capitalism. It’s something else.
But they don't deserve credit for changing the rules of the game like Bezos. They don't get the credit for what he did.
I'm not sure which rules you imagine Bezos broke?
He didn't change anything about the politically constructed laws that structure economic activity in such a way he could use those laws to amass $180 billion. He certainly didn't accomplish anything without the Internet which was created by the US taxpayer. Bezos in just another parasite getting rich off the productive labor of others.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

You don't know what rules of the game Bezos changed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG, you're delirious
Is the US borrowing its way to Fascism?

20th century versions of the merger of state and corporate power (Germany, Japan, Italy, and Spain) interacted differently in each country's particular history and conditions.

If it comes here, the Federal Reserve will play a key role:

Richard D. Wolff - The U.S. Is Borrowing Its Way to Fascism | Brave New Europe

"Today’s crisis-ridden capitalist economy is more dependent on credit than at any time in the system’s history.

"More than ever, credit sustains the purchasing power of consumers and of government programs.

"Capitalists depend on that purchasing power..."

"Once it was mostly private entities—rich families, banks, insurance companies, and pension funds—that were the chief lenders to corporations. They bought and held the corporate bonds and IOUs.

"Now those private lenders increasingly sell their corporate bonds to the Federal Reserve.

"That happens when the corporate loans get packaged into asset-backed securities sold to the Federal Reserve.

"More recently, the Fed has undertaken the market purchase of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) composed of corporate bonds and of corporate bonds direct from their private issuers."

Some Things Never Change
View attachment 387406
Renegade Inc - Michael Hudson: He died for our debts, not our sins | Brave New Europe
More Chinese, Russian, Iranian, North Korean propaganda.
Envy alert...........begging at the moment........taking it after getting power
Amazon employees over 800,000 workers.
One worker is worth $180 billion.
Envy or Greed?
Greed. Without question. As unjust as that is, it’s even worse because that little fucker Bezos has enormous political power, because of his enormous wealth.

How is it unjust?

Did you quit an extremely high paying banking job in NYC, to go work in a garage, packaging books to ship to customers, for 12-hours a day, 7 days a week?

Why is it unfair that he earns tons of money, when he did all the hard work for years, to build the company to what it is?
If you really think he did all the work, you’re deluding yourself. And now he pretty much buys himself more wealth, by buying off politicians and bureaucrats.

Sure he did a bunch of it. I know of CEOs that started by living in their car, in the company parking lot. I know that Steve Jobs and Steve Woznack, were putting computers together by hand, and yes they did it all themselves. I know HP was started in a garage, by the Hewlett and Packard. I know many CEOs and wealthy people, that at the start did everything themselves.

In fact, I know a business owner right now, while we're talking, that is doing everything himself, or at best has his wife help out a few times. He makes the products. He package the product. He ships the product. And he's the one taking the orders. And he's the one answer customers.

I worked for one company, which is now today actually pretty large, but when I was there, we were sending out fliers to all our customers with our new services and products.

It was me, and the CEO/Owner of the company, and a guy from the warehouse. We sat there stuffing envelopes and putting on stamps, and folding fliers, until 9 PM. And that CEO guy, had been there before I showed up at 9 AM.

Now I don't know specifically if Jeff Bezo had zero help or not. I have no idea.

What I do know, is that it would neither be surprising, nor uncommon, if he had done it all himself to start with.

Now obviously as orders started coming in, sure of course he got help, but even then I would not be surprised if he was on the floor working with the guys getting stuff out.

However, let me back up....

I think I know what you are talking about. I worked at one company years ago, and the company was based out of California. Now I don't know if the owner had anything to do with the business there, but he had never been to Ohio, never been to our facility, and no one there had a clue what they were doing. Honestly, none of the management at that building, has ever worked at anything we did, and were utterly clueless about everything that was going on.

And can see if that experience at that company, was your only experience in life, then you would come to the conclusion that company CEOs and Owners were all idiots that had never done anything.

But that would be a grossly false conclusion. Most CEOs and nearly all business owners work their butts off. And most jobs wouldn't exist without them.
No CEO ever should be paid like Bezos. It’s obscene while his thousands of employees work their ass off in difficult work conditions, for little more than minimum wage.

I don’t think people like you have thought this wage disparity through. It’s extremely harmful for workers and the country. Bezos has enormous political power. He essentially can do almost anything he wants without consequences. He’s above the law because of his fraudulent wealth.

You desperately want to believe he is deserving, because you think this is capitalism. It isn’t capitalism. It’s something else.

No CEO ever should be paid like Bezos.

He's paid about $1.7 million/yr.
Envy alert...........begging at the moment........taking it after getting power
Amazon employees over 800,000 workers.
One worker is worth $180 billion.
Envy or Greed?
Greed. Without question. As unjust as that is, it’s even worse because that little fucker Bezos has enormous political power, because of his enormous wealth.

How is it unjust?

Did you quit an extremely high paying banking job in NYC, to go work in a garage, packaging books to ship to customers, for 12-hours a day, 7 days a week?

Why is it unfair that he earns tons of money, when he did all the hard work for years, to build the company to what it is?
If you really think he did all the work, you’re deluding yourself. And now he pretty much buys himself more wealth, by buying off politicians and bureaucrats.

Sure he did a bunch of it. I know of CEOs that started by living in their car, in the company parking lot. I know that Steve Jobs and Steve Woznack, were putting computers together by hand, and yes they did it all themselves. I know HP was started in a garage, by the Hewlett and Packard. I know many CEOs and wealthy people, that at the start did everything themselves.

In fact, I know a business owner right now, while we're talking, that is doing everything himself, or at best has his wife help out a few times. He makes the products. He package the product. He ships the product. And he's the one taking the orders. And he's the one answer customers.

I worked for one company, which is now today actually pretty large, but when I was there, we were sending out fliers to all our customers with our new services and products.

It was me, and the CEO/Owner of the company, and a guy from the warehouse. We sat there stuffing envelopes and putting on stamps, and folding fliers, until 9 PM. And that CEO guy, had been there before I showed up at 9 AM.

Now I don't know specifically if Jeff Bezo had zero help or not. I have no idea.

What I do know, is that it would neither be surprising, nor uncommon, if he had done it all himself to start with.

Now obviously as orders started coming in, sure of course he got help, but even then I would not be surprised if he was on the floor working with the guys getting stuff out.

However, let me back up....

I think I know what you are talking about. I worked at one company years ago, and the company was based out of California. Now I don't know if the owner had anything to do with the business there, but he had never been to Ohio, never been to our facility, and no one there had a clue what they were doing. Honestly, none of the management at that building, has ever worked at anything we did, and were utterly clueless about everything that was going on.

And can see if that experience at that company, was your only experience in life, then you would come to the conclusion that company CEOs and Owners were all idiots that had never done anything.

But that would be a grossly false conclusion. Most CEOs and nearly all business owners work their butts off. And most jobs wouldn't exist without them.
No CEO ever should be paid like Bezos. It’s obscene while his thousands of employees work their ass off in difficult work conditions, for little more than minimum wage.

I don’t think people like you have thought this wage disparity through. It’s extremely harmful for workers and the country. Bezos has enormous political power. He essentially can do almost anything he wants without consequences. He’s above the law because of his fraudulent wealth.

You desperately want to believe he is deserving, because you think this is capitalism. It isn’t capitalism. It’s something else.

No CEO ever should be paid like Bezos.

He's paid about $1.7 million/yr.

Yet he’s worth over $100 billion. Wow...he must really know how to invest his money.

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