Debt is Pushing the US Into Fascism

Yet he’s worth over $100 billion. Wow...he must really know how to invest his money.

He owns 54.4 million shares of Amazon, so yeah.
And yet he pays his workers peanuts, while he works them to death.

He’s a psychopath.

Yes, Comrade. $15 minimum is paying them nothing and government goes and forces his employees to work for him. They aren't accepting his offer.

How did you ever think you weren't a left wing Democrat, Karl?
Yet he’s worth over $100 billion. Wow...he must really know how to invest his money.

He owns 54.4 million shares of Amazon, so yeah.
And yet he pays his workers peanuts, while he works them to death.

He’s a psychopath.

Yes, Comrade. $15 minimum is paying them nothing and government goes and forces his employees to work for him. They aren't accepting his offer.

How did you ever think you weren't a left wing Democrat, Karl?
Shut up Nazi! Heil Hitler!
Yet he’s worth over $100 billion. Wow...he must really know how to invest his money.

He owns 54.4 million shares of Amazon, so yeah.
And yet he pays his workers peanuts, while he works them to death.

He’s a psychopath.

And yet he pays his workers peanuts,

If only they were free to find employment elsewhere.......DURR

while he works them to death.


He’s a psychopath.

Yet he’s worth over $100 billion. Wow...he must really know how to invest his money.

He owns 54.4 million shares of Amazon, so yeah.
And yet he pays his workers peanuts, while he works them to death.

He’s a psychopath.

And yet he pays his workers peanuts,

If only they were free to find employment elsewhere.......DURR

while he works them to death.

View attachment 388998

He’s a psychopath.

View attachment 388999
Debt and human overpopulation = 100% the result of sold out big government that only cares about elections = THE END OF AMERICA AND FREEDOM
Is the US borrowing its way to Fascism?

20th century versions of the merger of state and corporate power (Germany, Japan, Italy, and Spain) interacted differently in each country's particular history and conditions.

If it comes here, the Federal Reserve will play a key role:

Richard D. Wolff - The U.S. Is Borrowing Its Way to Fascism | Brave New Europe

"Today’s crisis-ridden capitalist economy is more dependent on credit than at any time in the system’s history.

"More than ever, credit sustains the purchasing power of consumers and of government programs.

"Capitalists depend on that purchasing power..."

"Once it was mostly private entities—rich families, banks, insurance companies, and pension funds—that were the chief lenders to corporations. They bought and held the corporate bonds and IOUs.

"Now those private lenders increasingly sell their corporate bonds to the Federal Reserve.

"That happens when the corporate loans get packaged into asset-backed securities sold to the Federal Reserve.

"More recently, the Fed has undertaken the market purchase of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) composed of corporate bonds and of corporate bonds direct from their private issuers."

Some Things Never Change
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Renegade Inc - Michael Hudson: He died for our debts, not our sins | Brave New Europe

DEBT responsible for the push to Fascism? No, that would be the Democratic Party, with help from this nation's enemies - China, Iran, Russia, Soros, etc... - they have aligned themselves with / sold out to.
Yet he’s worth over $100 billion. Wow...he must really know how to invest his money.

He owns 54.4 million shares of Amazon, so yeah.
And yet he pays his workers peanuts, while he works them to death.

He’s a psychopath.

And yet he pays his workers peanuts,

If only they were free to find employment elsewhere.......DURR

while he works them to death.

View attachment 388998

He’s a psychopath.

View attachment 388999

I agree, but enough about you.
DEBT responsible for the push to Fascism? No, that would be the Democratic Party, with help from this nation's enemies - China, Iran, Russia, Soros, etc... - they have aligned themselves with / sold out to
For thousands of years, debt destroyed empires, and it is doing it again today.

"Jesus’ first reported sermon in Luke 4 documents his announcement that he had come to revive the enforcement of the Jubilee Year.

"The term 'gospel' (or ‘good news’) was used specifically to refer to debt cancellation which became the major political fight of the imperial Roman epoch, pitting Jesus against the pro-creditor Pharisees, (a political party and social movement that became the foundation for Rabbinic Judaism around 167 BC)."

Renegade Inc - Michael Hudson: He died for our debts, not our sins | Brave New Europe
Be specific. What exactly would you have prevented. I am open to your opinions, but I need something more than "Some people did something I don't like!" .... what specifically? What is it that you think they should not have been able to do? What specific action?
One obvious specific action would have been to prevent a crony capitalist from becoming POTUS
Capitalism, instead of making slaves of workers and having to provide everything for them, allows the owners/management to keep the vast majority of metal chips will giving just enough metal chips to workers so they died and stop coming to work.

"'When you have a massive build up of debt that can’t be paid, either you wipe out the debt and start-over like Germany did during "the 1947 Miracle" when the Allies forgave all its debts except for minimum balances, or you let the creditors foreclose as Obama did in America after the 2008 crisis and 10 million American families lost their homes to foreclosure,' he said."

Renegade Inc - Michael Hudson: He died for our debts, not our sins | Brave New Europe
The problem is not capitalism per se, it is corporatism running wild.

Capitalism came into existence in the wake of feudalism which, in turn, followed slavery, so what comes after capitalism?

“Fascism should be called corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.”

"The present crisis in the capitalist political economic system, heightened by a tragic and potentially socially devastating if sometimes hysterically over-hyped pandemic, highlights the fact of a system at a severe stage of breakdown and the need for radical transformation that leads to democratic control and ends the bloody farce of a private profit marketplace assuring poverty, unemployment, illness and death to a population innocently financing the economic war killing people here and currently slaughtering thousands across the world.:omg:

"The danger is so great that recent austerity fanatics and fundamentalist public sector destroyers are proposing salvation of the system through methods that would have labeled them socialist-revolutionaries a short while ago."
Greed. Without question. As unjust as that is, it’s even worse because that little fucker Bezos has enormous political power, because of his enormous wealth
Faces of Greed: Jeff Bezos

"Faces of Greed: Jeff Bezos
Amazon founder Jeff Bezos' wealth increases by $275 million every single day. Meanwhile, Amazon workers have to rely on food stamps and public assistance just to survive. This is what a rigged economy is all about."
Greed. Without question. As unjust as that is, it’s even worse because that little fucker Bezos has enormous political power, because of his enormous wealth
Faces of Greed: Jeff Bezos

"Faces of Greed: Jeff Bezos
Amazon founder Jeff Bezos' wealth increases by $275 million every single day. Meanwhile, Amazon workers have to rely on food stamps and public assistance just to survive. This is what a rigged economy is all about."
Sickening. Yet we have Americans who think he deserves his absurd wealth.
Capitalism, instead of making slaves of workers and having to provide everything for them, allows the owners/management to keep the vast majority of metal chips will giving just enough metal chips to workers so they died and stop coming to work.

"'When you have a massive build up of debt that can’t be paid, either you wipe out the debt and start-over like Germany did during "the 1947 Miracle" when the Allies forgave all its debts except for minimum balances, or you let the creditors foreclose as Obama did in America after the 2008 crisis and 10 million American families lost their homes to foreclosure,' he said."

Renegade Inc - Michael Hudson: He died for our debts, not our sins | Brave New Europe
O did a great job of bailing out big banks and corporations, with American taxpayer dollars. Then did almost nothing for Americans who got screwed by those big banks. He claimed to be a progressive, but he lied. Fucking fraud.
Oh yes, I know all about corporations. I used to work for one. They said, Ray you have freedom of speech and thought but if you say or think anything that does not agree with our corporate position, you know where the door is.
US workers have always had to check their democratic rights at the workplace door:

"New York, 1948: Longshoremen in the Chelsea Dock area sit it out after refusing to obey shape-up whistle. The Wildcat Strike on the New York waterfront was a rejection of a 10-cent hourly wage increase which had been accepted by Union leaders. Joseph P. Ryan, President of the International Longshoremen's Association, blamed the walkout on the Taft-Hartley Law."

Defending Democracy Means Organizing Your Workplace
Envy alert...........begging at the moment........taking it after getting power
Amazon employees over 800,000 workers.
One worker is worth $180 billion.
Envy or Greed?
Greed. Without question. As unjust as that is, it’s even worse because that little fucker Bezos has enormous political power, because of his enormous wealth.

How is it unjust?

Did you quit an extremely high paying banking job in NYC, to go work in a garage, packaging books to ship to customers, for 12-hours a day, 7 days a week?

Why is it unfair that he earns tons of money, when he did all the hard work for years, to build the company to what it is?
If you really think he did all the work, you’re deluding yourself. And now he pretty much buys himself more wealth, by buying off politicians and bureaucrats.

Sure he did a bunch of it. I know of CEOs that started by living in their car, in the company parking lot. I know that Steve Jobs and Steve Woznack, were putting computers together by hand, and yes they did it all themselves. I know HP was started in a garage, by the Hewlett and Packard. I know many CEOs and wealthy people, that at the start did everything themselves.

In fact, I know a business owner right now, while we're talking, that is doing everything himself, or at best has his wife help out a few times. He makes the products. He package the product. He ships the product. And he's the one taking the orders. And he's the one answer customers.

I worked for one company, which is now today actually pretty large, but when I was there, we were sending out fliers to all our customers with our new services and products.

It was me, and the CEO/Owner of the company, and a guy from the warehouse. We sat there stuffing envelopes and putting on stamps, and folding fliers, until 9 PM. And that CEO guy, had been there before I showed up at 9 AM.

Now I don't know specifically if Jeff Bezo had zero help or not. I have no idea.

What I do know, is that it would neither be surprising, nor uncommon, if he had done it all himself to start with.

Now obviously as orders started coming in, sure of course he got help, but even then I would not be surprised if he was on the floor working with the guys getting stuff out.

However, let me back up....

I think I know what you are talking about. I worked at one company years ago, and the company was based out of California. Now I don't know if the owner had anything to do with the business there, but he had never been to Ohio, never been to our facility, and no one there had a clue what they were doing. Honestly, none of the management at that building, has ever worked at anything we did, and were utterly clueless about everything that was going on.

And can see if that experience at that company, was your only experience in life, then you would come to the conclusion that company CEOs and Owners were all idiots that had never done anything.

But that would be a grossly false conclusion. Most CEOs and nearly all business owners work their butts off. And most jobs wouldn't exist without them.
No CEO ever should be paid like Bezos. It’s obscene while his thousands of employees work their ass off in difficult work conditions, for little more than minimum wage.

I don’t think people like you have thought this wage disparity through. It’s extremely harmful for workers and the country. Bezos has enormous political power. He essentially can do almost anything he wants without consequences. He’s above the law because of his fraudulent wealth.

You desperately want to believe he is deserving, because you think this is capitalism. It isn’t capitalism. It’s something else.

Well... I would disagree with that. Actually Amazon pays pretty well. Now they do expect you to work... but it's not any different than say, UPS.

Truthfully, I know people who worked at UPS, and people that worked at Amazon. UPS starts at $11/hour here in Ohio. You start at $15/hour at Amazon, and you can after a few years of service, you can end up making $17 or $18, just handling packages.

But you guys ignore UPS because they are Union, and Unions are pro Democrat. But Amazon which pays better, you hate.

I don’t think people like you have thought this wage disparity through. It’s extremely harmful for workers and the country.

No, we have. It just isn't as bad as you claim. When you look at countries with much lower wage disparities, like Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, and on and on and on.

All the places where you have more of a flat level of wages, are places that suck.

The only places where you think there is less wage disparity, are places where you don't know what the wage disparity is.

Take Denmark. The rich in Denmark, are rich. The poor in Denmark, are poor.

I was reading about the family that owns Legos. You have no idea what their net worth is, because they don't publish that information. One of the daughters, owns a pony ranch, where she breeds show ponies, and has them trained on a private massive ranch. Hundreds of millions of dollars.

But you don't know it. So because you don't know it, you think wage disparity is lower in Denmark. You know how much wealth Bezo has, because the numbers are published. You know how many shares he has in Amazon, and you know how much each share is worth, so therefore you can figure out how much his net worth is.

Simply because you can't do that in Denmark, you make up... that wage disparity is lower.

I was reading about a guy in Norway, who had hundreds of millions of dollars in property around the world, including a Penthouse in NYC, and prime real estate in London. But if you looked at just his numbers, you would think that wage disparity was lowers in Norway.

It's all garbage. The wealthy are wealthy everywhere. The poor are poor everywhere.

The only question is, which place does everyone do better?

The reality is, the poorest working people in our country, do better than the middle class of 90% of the world.

There are middle class people in Mexico, that can only dream of living as well off as the poor people in the US.

Honestly, most of us live better, more wealthy lives, than those in Europe. I've been there. My college apartment for $350, was larger than some of the family of four homes I saw people living in, in Europe, and they didn't have A/C, or a washer and drier.

So no, there is no problem with wage disparity. The only problem with wage disparity, is greed and envy driven people using 'wage disparity' as a reason to justify their greed and envy.

You desperately want to believe he is deserving, because you think this is capitalism. It isn’t capitalism. It’s something else.

I don't 'want to believe'... he earned it, and therefore it is rightfully his. That's how this works. What you earn is yours, and what he earned is his.

If he created nothing of value to the public, they wouldn't be buying stuff from Amazon. Every single day, that someone clicks one purchase from Amazon's website, is proof he is getting what he earned.
The problem is not capitalism per se, it is corporatism running wild.

Capitalism came into existence in the wake of feudalism which, in turn, followed slavery, so what comes after capitalism?

“Fascism should be called corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.”

"The present crisis in the capitalist political economic system, heightened by a tragic and potentially socially devastating if sometimes hysterically over-hyped pandemic, highlights the fact of a system at a severe stage of breakdown and the need for radical transformation that leads to democratic control and ends the bloody farce of a private profit marketplace assuring poverty, unemployment, illness and death to a population innocently financing the economic war killing people here and currently slaughtering thousands across the world.:omg:

"The danger is so great that recent austerity fanatics and fundamentalist public sector destroyers are proposing salvation of the system through methods that would have labeled them socialist-revolutionaries a short while ago."

Capitalism came into existence in the wake of feudalism which, in turn, followed slavery, so what comes after capitalism?

Not communism.

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