Debt Limit bill passes House

This goes back to the car loan example. Saying "I'm not doing anything to pay the loan" doesn't make the obligation go away. The only difference is that everyone who is supposed to receive payment in this case has an ability to demand payment in full (to the extent a cause of action exists). You're right that the spending does not pre-authorize the borrowing, but then again, no one is claiming it does.
This goes back to the car loan example. Saying "I'm not doing anything to pay the loan" doesn't make the obligation go away. The only difference is that everyone who is supposed to receive payment in this case has an ability to demand payment in full (to the extent a cause of action exists). You're right that the spending does not pre-authorize the borrowing, but then again, no one is claiming it does.

Tell you what, here is the fucking bill, go read it and cite the parts that do what you claim they do. They shouldn't be hard to find since the bill is only 8 pages long.
We all heard Boehner say we should pay China first, pay US troops later. Well, here it is.

Debt Limit Bill Passes House, Ordering Obama To Pay Only Some U.S. Creditors On Time

The House passed a measure Thursday that would amount to the rough equivalent of declaring bankruptcy for the United States, directing the government to meet only certain obligations if Congress failed to raise the country's borrowing limit.

Republicans characterized the measure as a responsible step to mitigate the fallout from such a failure, but Democrats slammed it as the "Pay China First Act."

well if obama didn't put us in such deep debt we wouldn't have this issue now would we

Feel free.

Go on.

What "deep debt" did Obama add.

And by the way. The Deficit's been cut by OVER a half. True it was one year late.

But better late, then never..right?


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