Debt to hit $16T in time to crash Democratic convention

That would be devastating for Obama's re-election bid if it were due to his policies that we have that debt. Just devastating.
If only the rich and greedy corporations paid their "fair share" this debt would not be
That would be devastating for Obama's re-election bid if it were due to his policies that we have that debt. Just devastating.

Are you denying that it was under Obama our debt went from 10T to 16 T in less then 4 years............. Yes it was his policies that contributed to most of this debt. He keeps wanting to raise the debt ceiling to give to his agenda.. Solyndra ring a bell. He just signed another Executive order for more money to go to this failed industry President Obama Issues Executive Order on Carbon Emissions and Industrial Efficiency |
That would be devastating for Obama's re-election bid if it were due to his policies that we have that debt. Just devastating.

Are you denying that it was under Obama our debt went from 10T to 16 T in less then 4 years............. Yes it was his policies that contributed to most of this debt. He keeps wanting to raise the debt ceiling to give to his agenda.. Solyndra ring a bell. He just signed another Executive order for more money to go to this failed industry President Obama Issues Executive Order on Carbon Emissions and Industrial Efficiency |

Is 6 most of 16? You did good at math I see.

The debt ceiling was raised scores of times before he came to office.

You don't have facts to support your claim.
That would be devastating for Obama's re-election bid if it were due to his policies that we have that debt. Just devastating.

Are you denying that it was under Obama our debt went from 10T to 16 T in less then 4 years............. Yes it was his policies that contributed to most of this debt. He keeps wanting to raise the debt ceiling to give to his agenda.. Solyndra ring a bell. He just signed another Executive order for more money to go to this failed industry President Obama Issues Executive Order on Carbon Emissions and Industrial Efficiency |

Is 6 most of 16? You did good at math I see.

The debt ceiling was raised scores of times before he came to office.

You don't have facts to support your claim.
If we give him 4 more years it will be 6 or more trillion.. What comes after a trillion I wonder.:confused: He has put more in debt in less then 4 years then Bush did in 8 with 2 wars..
The Democrats were attacking Republicans for "celebrating during a hurricane," yet they go and celebrate after adding another trillion dollars to our national debt?
The same kinds of people caused the debt problems in Greece, ect. People that want to live off the government and spend like it is going out of style.

The Moonie Times? BTW, thank Bush for the $16 trillion debt.

Otherwise, factually prove how much Obama has added to debt that wasn't a direct or indirect result of Bush actions and policies. Hint: Bush tax cuts...

the blame bush is over.. This is all on OBAMA . He is in charge. He said himself if he doesnt cut the debt buy his 3rd year he would be a one term president. He LIED. He said he would cut the debt in half . HE LIED. He should have stepped down and let another candidate run since he is way over his head

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