Debunking another new atheist's baby talk on Youtube

"I think it's comical when the thumpers console each other," Hollie muttered bitterly.

"Yes, yes, go on, Hollie," Dr. Spot encourage as Hollie vent her spleen.

Hollie balled up her fist and shook it at heaven. "You thumpers are all creeps, talking about me, calling me Jewish."

"We're all here for you, Hollie," Dr. Spot assured her.

Hollie took another pull on her crack pipe and cackled at the sky . . . then, suddenly, a cloud of sheer madness passed over her features leaving behind a scowl of such rage the veins in her forehead stood out and throbbed. "You sons of bitches," she spit out as she leapt to her feet from the couch. "You talk about evidence, loopholes, paradigms . . . on pox your gods!"

Dr. Spot filled a fresh syringe with a sedative.

She accusingly pointed her finger at Dr. Spot. "Look at yourself," she said contemptuously. "How dare you steal my childhood, my life? How dare you talk of gods and rituals and codes? How dare you build churches?"

The look on her eyes was now wild and feverish. The moment of rage passed. It was the look of one as mad as a hatter . . . but the angry scowl had faded. She looked about the room at everything and at nothing at the same time.

"Where are you?" Dr Spot asked her soothingly

"I should be outside somewhere, not here talking about these things," Hollie whined. I should be dancing with the daisies, singing Barry Manilow tunes, painting flowers on my face and talking to to fairies."

Then just as suddenly as it came and went, the storm of rage was back again! "Instead, I'm here with you talking about sectarian strife and chants and magic beads and incense," she babbled incoherently.

Spot reached for the straitjacket beneath his chair.

"Bastards!" Hollied exclaimed. "Icons, prayers, effigies, worship. . . ."

Yes. Go on. And how does that make you feel?
Hollie has no answer to ding’s argument.
What did you expect?

If she had any answers she wouldnt be an....whatever she is, lol.
A militant atheist? Is that the word you were looking for?

She’s also Jewish.
So she inherited one of the best religious faith system s in the world and rejected it?

Or can you still be Jewish and not believe in God? Someone told me that you can still be considered Jewish of you dont believe in God because of the ethnic dimension of bheing Jewish.
Or can you still be Jewish and not believe in God?

can you believe in the Almighty from a scripture ...

can you be any of the desert religions without reading their book ... that is what they worship, the christian thumpers, they have all abandoned the prescribed religion as reflected by their uninterrupted histories of persecution and victimization of the innocent and have no repentance for their sins.

the religion of antiquity is not bound by deity but the required accomplishment as the necessity for admission to the Everlasting.
I keep asking for some evidence of these gods you refer to but I’m left with “.... because I say so” as the usual sidestep.

“Shirley”, as long as the thumper‘s "objectivity" remains biased towards a predisposed conclusion (i.e., that a faith in the gods goes unquestioned), one cannot ever view the issue in a nonpartisan way. Evidence really is meaningless to this paradigm because claims to the gods nullifies actual proofs-- a convenient loophole of angry thumpers.
You seem to be caught in your own loop of denial.

I've patiently explained the logical and rational case for God over and over again. Get a new act.
I keep asking for some evidence of these gods you refer to but I’m left with “.... because I say so” as the usual sidestep.

“Shirley”, as long as the thumper‘s "objectivity" remains biased towards a predisposed conclusion (i.e., that a faith in the gods goes unquestioned), one cannot ever view the issue in a nonpartisan way. Evidence really is meaningless to this paradigm because claims to the gods nullifies actual proofs-- a convenient loophole of angry thumpers.
You seem to be caught in your own loop of denial.

I've patiently explained the logical and rational case for God over and over again. Get a new act.

You have made no rational case for supernatural entities.

Think that through; a rational case for supernatural entities.

Supernatural is inarguably outside the bound of rationality. Please make a rational case for various entities that are outside or the rational / natural world.

Please link to the specific post where you have made a rational case for your gods.
Hollie has no answer to ding’s argument.
What did you expect?

If she had any answers she wouldnt be an....whatever she is, lol.
A militant atheist? Is that the word you were looking for?

She’s also Jewish.
So she inherited one of the best religious faith system s in the world and rejected it?

Or can you still be Jewish and not believe in God? Someone told me that you can still be considered Jewish of you dont believe in God because of the ethnic dimension of bheing Jewish.
Or can you still be Jewish and not believe in God?

can you believe in the Almighty from a scripture ...

can you be any of the desert religions without reading their book ... that is what they worship, the christian thumpers, they have all abandoned the prescribed religion as reflected by their uninterrupted histories of persecution and victimization of the innocent and have no repentance for their sins.

the religion of antiquity is not bound by deity but the required accomplishment as the necessity for admission to the Everlasting.

Exactly. How does a book written by men support the existence of partisan gods?
You have made no rational case for supernatural entities.

Think that through; a rational case for supernatural entities.

Supernatural is inarguably outside the bound of rationality. Please make a rational case for various entities that are outside or the rational / natural world.
(of a manifestation or event) attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature.

There are lots of things beyond the understanding of science (like gravity, for instance...Believe It or Not, Science Still Can't Explain Gravity ). Science knows how gravity behaves and effects other objects. We have no idea what it is and how it interacts with everything in the universe.
Do tell me what is "irrational" about gravity?

Come up with a better explanation for all we see and know all around us and I'll be happy to abandon this "God" business.
Absent that, fuck off with your nonsense.
You have made no rational case for supernatural entities.

Think that through; a rational case for supernatural entities.

Supernatural is inarguably outside the bound of rationality. Please make a rational case for various entities that are outside or the rational / natural world.
(of a manifestation or event) attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature.

There are lots of things beyond the understanding of science (like gravity, for instance...Believe It or Not, Science Still Can't Explain Gravity ). Science knows how gravity behaves and effects other objects. We have no idea what it is and how it interacts with everything in the universe.
Do tell me what is "irrational" about gravity?

Come up with a better explanation for all we see and know all around us and I'll be happy to abandon this "God" business.
Absent that, fuck off with your nonsense.

Gee, whiz. You're still angry and emotive. Your being unable to force your religious beliefs on others is not an excuse for profanity. You're not prepared emotionally or intellectually for these debates.

I note your retreat from providing the specific post where you presented a rational case for supernatural gods. That was expected.

There is nothing supernatural about the natural world. The rational (natural) world is explainable, understandable and knowable. We have no need for "faith" to understand that the force of gravity is relentlessly consistent across all of the universe we have discovered. For your enlightenment, gravity is both a fact and a theory. Over the last century, we even witnessed one theory of gravity (Newton's) as it was replaced by a newer, better theory of gravity (Einstein's). But the fact of gravity remained through the entire time period. Apples did not suspend themselves in mid-air waiting for the outcome.
Gee, whiz. You're still angry and emotive. Your being unable to force your religious beliefs on others is not an excuse for profanity. You're not prepared emotionally or intellectually for these debates.
Profanity sometimes impresses on the dull minded a sense of seriousness that other language cannot convey.
Looks like it worked again.

I note your retreat from providing the specific post where you presented a rational case for supernatural gods. That was expected.
I have done nothing but present rational arguments for God. Your denials on the other hand...not so much. Simply repeating "no it isn't" over and over is childish and intellectually impoverished stuff.

There is nothing supernatural about the natural world.
I intentionally went to the trouble of including
a definition of the word supernatural knowing how your simple mind would work. Try again.

The rational (natural) world is explainable, understandable and knowable.
Yet we really don't understand how and why gravity works at all, hence my citation.Yet it exists...just like God.
Thanks for following along.

We have no need for "faith" to understand that the force of gravity is relentlessly consistent across all of the universe we have discovered.
No one is asking you to take gravity on faith. We can see it in action all the time.
Just as we can observe how gravity effects the universe that God put into place. Not asking you to take God on faith either.
When you see gravity at work you are looking at the handiwork of God, if you are smart and perceptive enough to realize it, which it seems you are not.

For your enlightenment, gravity is both a fact and a theory. Over the last century, we even witnessed one theory of gravity (Newton's) as it was replaced by a newer, better theory of gravity (Einstein's). But the fact of gravity remained through the entire time period. Apples did not suspend themselves in mid-air waiting for the outcome.
Thanks for the needless explanation of how gravity effects apples. It was, ummm....instructive.
Einstein sees God in the workings of the universe, displayed in many ways, like how gravity can warp time and space.
Are you calling Albert Einstein an ignorant buffoon taken in by spooks and talking snakes?

Why does he see God at work in the universe through it's perfect seamless order while you remain stuck in place
simply denying everything you cannot even hope to understand? Maybe some self examination would do you good.
Gee, whiz. You're still angry and emotive. Your being unable to force your religious beliefs on others is not an excuse for profanity. You're not prepared emotionally or intellectually for these debates.
Profanity sometimes impresses on the dull minded a sense of seriousness that other language cannot convey.
Looks like it worked again.

I note your retreat from providing the specific post where you presented a rational case for supernatural gods. That was expected.
I have done nothing but present rational arguments for God. Your denials on the other hand...not so much. Simply repeating "no it isn't" over and over is childish and intellectually impoverished stuff.

There is nothing supernatural about the natural world.
I intentionally went to the trouble of including
a definition of the word supernatural knowing how your simple mind would work. Try again.

The rational (natural) world is explainable, understandable and knowable.
Yet we really don't understand how and why gravity works at all, hence my citation.Yet it exists...just like God.
Thanks for following along.

We have no need for "faith" to understand that the force of gravity is relentlessly consistent across all of the universe we have discovered.
No one is asking you to take gravity on faith. We can see it in action all the time.
Just as we can observe how gravity effects the universe that God put into place. Not asking you to take God on faith either.
When you see gravity at work you are looking at the handiwork of God, if you are smart and perceptive enough to realize it, which it seems you are not.

For your enlightenment, gravity is both a fact and a theory. Over the last century, we even witnessed one theory of gravity (Newton's) as it was replaced by a newer, better theory of gravity (Einstein's). But the fact of gravity remained through the entire time period. Apples did not suspend themselves in mid-air waiting for the outcome.
Thanks for the needless explanation of how gravity effects apples. It was, ummm....instructive.
Einstein sees God in the workings of the universe, displayed in many ways, like how gravity can warp time and space.
Are you calling Albert Einstein an ignorant buffoon taken in by spooks and talking snakes?

Why does he see God at work in the universe through it's perfect seamless order while you remain stuck in place
simply denying everything you cannot even hope to understand? Maybe some self examination would do you good.

Can you identify how your gods created the universe? You make claims regarding supernatural gods doing supernatural tasks but you offer nothing but "....because I say so" to support your claims.

Once again, your angry and emotive responses do nothing to support your claims to supernaturalism.

What "perfect and seamless order" do you see in a violent and chaotic universe?

Collisions of galaxies tend to make your "perfect order" comment a laughable joke.
You have made no rational case for supernatural entities.

Think that through; a rational case for supernatural entities.

Supernatural is inarguably outside the bound of rationality. Please make a rational case for various entities that are outside or the rational / natural world.
(of a manifestation or event) attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature.

There are lots of things beyond the understanding of science (like gravity, for instance...Believe It or Not, Science Still Can't Explain Gravity ). Science knows how gravity behaves and effects other objects. We have no idea what it is and how it interacts with everything in the universe.
Do tell me what is "irrational" about gravity?

Come up with a better explanation for all we see and know all around us and I'll be happy to abandon this "God" business.
Absent that, fuck off with your nonsense.
That's an argument from ignorance/god of the gaps fallacy. You said your belief was rational, it's not and you just admitted it's merely a placeholder for a better explanation. That's not a reason to believe something, it's a cop-out from admitting not knowing.
Can you identify how your gods created the universe? You make claims regarding supernatural gods doing supernatural tasks but you offer nothing but "....because I say so" to support your claims.

Once again, your angry and emotive responses do nothing to support your claims to supernaturalism.
Can you identify how the vast still expanding universe simply happens to be?
You have used the Big Bang singularity as an escape hatch but what triggered that instant creation of time, matter, space, etc.

You can tap dance around forever but at some point you have to explain how all this stuff got here.
You have no idea.
Can you identify how your gods created the universe? You make claims regarding supernatural gods doing supernatural tasks but you offer nothing but "....because I say so" to support your claims.

Once again, your angry and emotive responses do nothing to support your claims to supernaturalism.
Can you identify how the vast still expanding universe simply happens to be?
You have used the Big Bang singularity as an escape hatch but what triggered that instant creation of time, matter, space, etc.

You can tap dance around forever but at some point you have to explain how all this stuff got here.
You have no idea.
It is science that may give us the answers to your questions. Unfortunately, screeching out "the gods did it" is not an answer.

Explain how your gods put all this stuff here. Explain how your gods told you the universe is expanding.

The Big Bang is not an escape hatch. It is a theory of how the universe came to be. There's no magic or supernaturalism required.

Tell us how your gods magically "poofed" all of creation into existence 6,000 years ago.
The Big Bang is not an escape hatch. It is a theory of how the universe came to be. There's no magic or supernaturalism required.
It is an escape hatch for you unless you can explain what triggered the singularity. Nothing still comes from nothing.
It always has. I'll throw my lot in with people like Einstein and leave the losers to babble about "magic" and "supernaturalism".
The Big Bang is not an escape hatch. It is a theory of how the universe came to be. There's no magic or supernaturalism required.
It is an escape hatch for you unless you can explain what triggered the singularity. Nothing still comes from nothing.
It always has. I'll throw my lot in with people like Einstein and leave the losers to babble about "magic" and "supernaturalism".
If nothing comes from nothing, we have to include your gods in that statement unless you insist on the special pleading sidestep to sidestep around your own admonition.

Human culture has a history of inventing supernatural entities to explain that which we didn't understand or that which we could not readily explain. When there was a gap in our knowledge of processes or mechanisms, it was tempting for societies or cultures to abandon pressing deeper for knowledge and to accept the easy (and lazy) alternative of defeat and say 'the gods did it'.

I see no reason to default to "the gods did it" as you have offered nothing in support of your gods. Fear and ignorance of the natural world is no excuse to retreat to the Dark Ages when living in trembling fear of angry gods enslaved much of humanity.
I like this version of what is the continuing drama of Hollie better:

"I think it's comical when the thumpers console each other," Hollie muttered bitterly.

"Yes, yes, go on, Hollie," Dr. Spot encourage as Hollie vent her spleen.

Hollie balled up her fist and shook it at heaven. "You thumpers are all creeps, talking about me, looking at me . . . calling me Jewish."

"We're all here for you, Hollie," Dr. Spot assured her.

Hollie took another pull on her crack pipe and cackled at the sky . . . then, suddenly, a cloud of sheer madness passed over her features leaving behind a scowl of such rage the veins in her forehead stood out and throbbed. "You sons of bitches," she spat out as she leapt to her feet from the couch. "You talk about evidence, loopholes, paradigms. . . ."

Dr. Spot filled a fresh syringe with a sedative.

She abruptly turned on Dr. Spot and thrust an accusing finger in his face. "Look at yourself," she said contemptuously, eyeing him up and down as if from on high.

"How dare you!" she seethed, her bosom heaving, her face a wall of hatred. "How dare you talk of gods and rituals and codes? How dare you build churches? You've stolen my childhood, my life!"

Her attentioned shifted to her other interventionists—Jim, Ringtone, ding, Eric. She eyed them as if they were cockroaches to be stomped out beneath her boots.

"God believers," she thought out loud, venom dripping from every syllable.

Then the look in her eyes went wild and feverish and distant. The moment of rage had passed. Though she still had the look of one as mad as a hatter, the angry scowl had faded. She looked about the room . . . seemingly at everything and nothing at all simultaneously.

"Where are you?" Dr Spot asked her soothingly

"I should be outside somewhere, not here talking about these things," Hollie whined. "I should be dancing with the daisies, singing Barry Manilow tunes, painting flowers on my face and talking to the fairies."

But, then, the look in her eyes shifted again. It was now that of a lost, inconsolable, albeit, demented child. "At the very least," she continued. "I should be pulling wings off butterflies, torturing kitties and kicking my brother's dog."

Then just as suddenly as it came and went, the storm of rage was back again! "Instead, I'm here with you talking about sectarian strife and chants and magic beads and incense," she barked incoherently.

Dr. Spot reached for the straitjacket beneath his chair.

"Bastards!" Hollie exclaimed. "Icons, prayers, effigies, worship . . . a pox on your gods!"
I like this version of what is the continuing drama of Hollie better:

"I think it's comical when the thumpers console each other," Hollie muttered bitterly.

"Yes, yes, go on, Hollie," Dr. Spot encourage as Hollie vent her spleen.

Hollie balled up her fist and shook it at heaven. "You thumpers are all creeps, talking about me, looking at me . . . calling me Jewish."

"We're all here for you, Hollie," Dr. Spot assured her.

Hollie took another pull on her crack pipe and cackled at the sky . . . then, suddenly, a cloud of sheer madness passed over her features leaving behind a scowl of such rage the veins in her forehead stood out and throbbed. "You sons of bitches," she spat out as she leapt to her feet from the couch. "You talk about evidence, loopholes, paradigms. . . ."

Dr. Spot filled a fresh syringe with a sedative.

She abruptly turned on Dr. Spot and thrust an accusing finger in his face. "Look at yourself," she said contemptuously, eyeing him up and down as if from on high.

"How dare you!" she seethed, her bosom heaving, her face a wall of hatred. "How dare you talk of gods and rituals and codes? How dare you build churches? You've stolen my childhood, my life!"

Her attentioned shifted to her other interventionists—Jim, Ringtone, ding, Eric. She eyed them as if they were cockroaches to be stomped out beneath her boots.

"God believers," she thought out loud, venom dripping from every syllable.

Then the look in her eyes went wild and feverish and distant. The moment of rage had passed. Though she still had the look of one as mad as a hatter, the angry scowl had faded. She looked about the room . . . seemingly at everything and nothing at all simultaneously.

"Where are you?" Dr Spot asked her soothingly

"I should be outside somewhere, not here talking about these things," Hollie whined. "I should be dancing with the daisies, singing Barry Manilow tunes, painting flowers on my face and talking to the fairies."

But, then, the look in her eyes shifted again. It was now that of a lost, inconsolable, albeit, demented child. "At the very least," she continued. "I should be pulling wings off butterflies, torturing kitties and kicking my brother's dog."

Then just as suddenly as it came and went, the storm of rage was back again! "Instead, I'm here with you talking about sectarian strife and chants and magic beads and incense," she barked incoherently.

Dr. Spot reached for the straitjacket beneath his chair.

"Bastards!" Hollie exclaimed. "Icons, prayers, effigies, worship . . . a pox on your gods!"

I think it's funny to watch as you get so befuddled, you're reduced to incoherent babbling.
If nothing comes from nothing, we have to include your gods in that statement unless you insist on the special pleading sidestep to sidestep around your own admonition.
You already brought this up. I already addressed it, just like all of your weak recycled jabber.
If nothing comes from nothing, we have to include your gods in that statement unless you insist on the special pleading sidestep to sidestep around your own admonition.
You already brought this up. I already addressed it, just like all of your weak recycled jabber.

More of your angry denials.

You have addressed nothing about how your gods magically, supernaturally created all of existence.

It's not just atheists who don't believe in your gods but large swaths of people on the planet who believe in different gods. It's a bit arrogant to suggest that gods which have been worshipped long before the invention of your gods are any less godly. It's also arrogant to suggest that the worshippers of those other gods are any more or less "correct" than those who worship your gods.

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