Debunking The "Democrats Want Open Borders Lie" -- Obama Deported More Illegals Than Any Other Prez


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President

In the week leading up the midterms -- we saw Fox News doing live broadcasts from the border having a panic attack over the migrant caravan that was still hundreds of miles away -- after the election, that caravan coverage went down to zero -- but trumpers don't want to acknowledge the fact that the GOP is mainly using this fear for votes. If that isn't enough, prominent republican politicians, including the president routinely made the claim that "sneaky Jews/globalists" were behind the caravan -- this conspiracy seemed so creditable to one idiot, that he murdered 11 Jewish Americans over it -- did this make those politicians disavow pushing these conspiracy theories? Nope.

Along with all of that, republicans also claim that all democrats/progressives want open borders and just let illegal immigrants in unimpeded -- but these folks can't point to one single bill or policy calling for open borders -- but they push this lie anyway. So here is my question, how was the last Democrat President able to deport more illegals than any other presidents before him if democrats want open borders? Or is this just shit you trumpers pull out your ass because you are not satisfied with the fact that Obama (who was nicknamed Deporter In Chief) was able to deport illegals without fearmongering and demonizing them?

"According to governmental data, the Obama administration has deported more people than any other president's administration in history. In fact, they have deported more than the sum of all the presidents of the 20th century. "

Here is some advice Trumpers, when you folks have the same disdain for the employers of illegals that you do for the "brown people" -- then you will actually be doing something to cut down on illegal immigration. Instead of getting all warm and fuzzy over the idea of seeing "brown people" rounded up and dehumanized, start having that same fuzzy feeling over the people who hire them being treated the same way -- until then, spare me the fake outrage over illegal immigration and open borders.
Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President

In the week leading up the midterms -- we saw Fox News doing live broadcasts from the border having a panic attack over the migrant caravan that was still hundreds of miles away -- after the election, that caravan coverage went down to zero -- but trumpers don't want to acknowledge the fact that the GOP is mainly using this fear for votes. If that isn't enough, prominent republican politicians, including the president routinely made the claim that "sneaky Jews/globalists" were behind the caravan -- this conspiracy seemed so creditable to one idiot, that he murdered 11 Jewish Americans over it -- did this make those politicians disavow pushing these conspiracy theories? Nope.

Along with all of that, republicans also claim that all democrats/progressives want open borders and just let illegal immigrants in unimpeded -- but these folks can't point to one single bill or policy calling for open borders -- but they push this lie anyway. So here is my question, how was the last Democrat President able to deport more illegals than any other presidents before him if democrats want open borders? Or is this just shit you trumpers pull out your ass because you are not satisfied with the fact that Obama (who was nicknamed Deporter In Chief) was able to deport illegals without fearmongering and demonizing them?

"According to governmental data, the Obama administration has deported more people than any other president's administration in history. In fact, they have deported more than the sum of all the presidents of the 20th century. "

Here is some advice Trumpers, when you folks have the same disdain for the employers of illegals that you do for the "brown people" -- then you will actually be doing something to cut down on illegal immigration. Instead of getting all warm and fuzzy over the idea of seeing "brown people" rounded up and dehumanized, start having that same fuzzy feeling over the people who hire them being treated the same way -- until then, spare me the fake outrage over illegal immigration and open borders.
/——/ Obozo counted those turned away at the border as being deported. It was a democRAT scam as usual.
Obama refused to enforce existing law, protected human traffickers, engaged in human trafficking, allowed and supported federal law-violating Sanctuary cities, allowed violent MS-13 gangs in, armed Mexican Drug Cartels, allowed them into the country, allowed violent illegals and terrorists into the country...

That SOB armed Mexican Drug Cartels with the intent of increasing a DEAD BODY COUNT high enough to go after the 2nd Amendment - he was willing to sacrifice human lives to achieve a socialist agenda!

Democrats are willing to forfeit national security in exchange for votes / power...

'Debunk' hell....
This has been debunked over and over.
DHS: Obama Administration has been inflating deportation numbers

Thu, MAR 13th 2014 @ 11:35 am EDT
In a stunning admission before a House Committee panel on Tuesday, DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson admitted that the Obama Administration has been artificially inflating deportation numbers. While the administration has claimed a "record number" of deportations, earning Pres. Obama the nickname "Deporter in Chief", Johnson admitted that they have been counting border apprehensions that are turned over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers as deportations.

During a House Appropriations Committee hearing, Rep. John Culberson (R-Texas) said to Johnson, "Under the Obama administration, more than half of those removals that were attributed to ICE are actually a result of Border Patrol arrests that wouldn't have been counted in prior administrations."

Johnson responded, "Correct."

Jessica Vaughan, the Director of Policy Studies at the Center for Immigration Studies, has been arguing that actual deportations have declined under Pres. Obama. In her research, she says that if you count all removals, including those done by ICE and Border Patrol, then the Obama administration averages 800,000 removals per year. In comparison, George W. Bush would have removed more than 1.3 million illegal aliens per year, and Bill Clinton would have removed more than 1.5 million per year.
Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President

In the week leading up the midterms -- we saw Fox News doing live broadcasts from the border having a panic attack over the migrant caravan that was still hundreds of miles away -- after the election, that caravan coverage went down to zero -- but trumpers don't want to acknowledge the fact that the GOP is mainly using this fear for votes. If that isn't enough, prominent republican politicians, including the president routinely made the claim that "sneaky Jews/globalists" were behind the caravan -- this conspiracy seemed so creditable to one idiot, that he murdered 11 Jewish Americans over it -- did this make those politicians disavow pushing these conspiracy theories? Nope.

Along with all of that, republicans also claim that all democrats/progressives want open borders and just let illegal immigrants in unimpeded -- but these folks can't point to one single bill or policy calling for open borders -- but they push this lie anyway. So here is my question, how was the last Democrat President able to deport more illegals than any other presidents before him if democrats want open borders? Or is this just shit you trumpers pull out your ass because you are not satisfied with the fact that Obama (who was nicknamed Deporter In Chief) was able to deport illegals without fearmongering and demonizing them?

"According to governmental data, the Obama administration has deported more people than any other president's administration in history. In fact, they have deported more than the sum of all the presidents of the 20th century. "

Here is some advice Trumpers, when you folks have the same disdain for the employers of illegals that you do for the "brown people" -- then you will actually be doing something to cut down on illegal immigration. Instead of getting all warm and fuzzy over the idea of seeing "brown people" rounded up and dehumanized, start having that same fuzzy feeling over the people who hire them being treated the same way -- until then, spare me the fake outrage over illegal immigration and open borders.

Token half negro granted amnesty with a pen and a phone. Your lie debunked. The new Nazi party (democrats) need the illegals because they are losing blacks. That’s why they need them here, to replace the black votes they are losing.
Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President

In the week leading up the midterms -- we saw Fox News doing live broadcasts from the border having a panic attack over the migrant caravan that was still hundreds of miles away -- after the election, that caravan coverage went down to zero -- but trumpers don't want to acknowledge the fact that the GOP is mainly using this fear for votes. If that isn't enough, prominent republican politicians, including the president routinely made the claim that "sneaky Jews/globalists" were behind the caravan -- this conspiracy seemed so creditable to one idiot, that he murdered 11 Jewish Americans over it -- did this make those politicians disavow pushing these conspiracy theories? Nope.

Along with all of that, republicans also claim that all democrats/progressives want open borders and just let illegal immigrants in unimpeded -- but these folks can't point to one single bill or policy calling for open borders -- but they push this lie anyway. So here is my question, how was the last Democrat President able to deport more illegals than any other presidents before him if democrats want open borders? Or is this just shit you trumpers pull out your ass because you are not satisfied with the fact that Obama (who was nicknamed Deporter In Chief) was able to deport illegals without fearmongering and demonizing them?

"According to governmental data, the Obama administration has deported more people than any other president's administration in history. In fact, they have deported more than the sum of all the presidents of the 20th century. "

Here is some advice Trumpers, when you folks have the same disdain for the employers of illegals that you do for the "brown people" -- then you will actually be doing something to cut down on illegal immigration. Instead of getting all warm and fuzzy over the idea of seeing "brown people" rounded up and dehumanized, start having that same fuzzy feeling over the people who hire them being treated the same way -- until then, spare me the fake outrage over illegal immigration and open borders.
Dear God you are fucking stupid!
Bonobo ordered the border officials who caught anyone literally crossing the border and turned them around to count that as a 'deportation'.
That way he was able to falsely claim he was deporting thousands of illegals. What a load of bullshit!
As usual, trumpers have a problem with the facts...

"but but but Obama counted those turned away at the border as deportations"

If Democrats are open borders -- why would anyone be turned away at all you idiotic sycophants??

I also like how you idiots dodged going after employers -- guess that demographic hits too close to home huh
As usual, trumpers have a problem with the facts...

"but but but Obama counted those turned away at the border as deportations"

If Democrats are open borders -- why would anyone be turned away at all you idiotic sycophants??

I also like how you idiots dodged going after employers -- guess that demographic hits too close to home huh
We love facts ... We wish YOU would use some instead of propaganda and bullshit....

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