Debunking the rightwing "class warfare" retard rhetoric

Can I just ask any ole lefty in this thread??

WHAT taxes are you talking about levying on poor Jay Leno and the Kansas City Chiefs? What do you think that would accomplish? And what will you wager on those results????
Can I just ask any ole lefty in this thread??

WHAT taxes are you talking about levying on poor Jay Leno and the Kansas City Chiefs? What do you think that would accomplish? And what will you wager on those results????

Leno- I would tax him on every bad joke. Then I would tax him on every joke he stole from Johnny Carson and repackaged it to make it his his own. Is there such a thing as a smirk tax?

Kansas City Chiefs- I would tax them for every year since their last Super Bowl win, then tax them for every lame QB they had tried to sell as a legitimate NFL Quarterback

I wager that would resolve the debt
Can I just ask any ole lefty in this thread??

WHAT taxes are you talking about levying on poor Jay Leno and the Kansas City Chiefs? What do you think that would accomplish? And what will you wager on those results????

Leno- I would tax him on every bad joke. Then I would tax him on every joke he stole from Johnny Carson and repackaged it to make it his his own. Is there such a thing as a smirk tax?

Kansas City Chiefs- I would tax them for every year since their last Super Bowl win, then tax them for every lame QB they had tried to sell as a legitimate NFL Quarterback

I wager that would resolve the debt

Now THAT'S the best plan I've read in the entire thread!! How about those filthy rich lottery winners? Or Justin Bieber.. Maybe a "hair care" tax would be just the thing.. Tiger Woods --- that's just too easy. An "affair tax" with a premium on porn stars would certainly be fair.. After all -- he's not sharing enough of that with me -- and that's not fair..
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It's interesting how the left promises people just enough to get by, but not enough to rise above their situation.

You want to keep people dependent on government and dutifully pulling the D lever.

Don't say you give a damn about people, because you don't. You just want their votes.

Interesting how the right plays both sides of the fence isn't it?

Oppose any kind of a safety net while also opposing educational, childcare or urban stimulus program
You'd have a point, if you weren't lying.

Conservatives support a safety net for those who can't support themselves.

Liberals, however, support a safety net for those who won't support themselves.

Both sides want the same, but these systems are taken advantage of in any country.

Invest in people thru social programs, education, and medical care.

It works. The Swedish economy is growing at a 5% rate right now. The Germans are doing well also. And they don't have nearly the resources we do.

But we are wasting our resources on war, tax breaks for the wealthy, and foreign oil.

No it wont work..

This is a nation of 300,000,000 people. It would take an authoritarian government to make that work in which the progressives are pushing...

I bet its easy to control and make 10 million people obedient.

Oh and lets not forget that socialism is illegal to boot.

Shit, people flee China in shipping crates and they spend months in dark boxes and you want what individuals are fleeing from???

One of the most uninformed and disrespectful posts I have ever read

In the 200+ years of the US, our citizenry has never had to be forced to be obedient. Our citizens are informed, patriotic and loyal to the greatest country in the history of mankind. We have the most powerful military in history, yet the majority of our military force is deployed overseas and in non populated areas.
There has never been a need to use our military to make our population "obedient"

You forgot about the Civil War RW.
As long as a society has wildly different socioeconomic classes?

there will be class warfare in politics and government.

It is unavoidable.
As long as a society has wildly different socioeconomic classes?

there will be class warfare in politics and government.

It is unavoidable.

And the utopian ideal would be the completely classLESS society.

Absolute fantasy.

Not even a mildly desirable fantasy, however.

In related news, people will continue to be born with differing abilities, too. It is expected that this could lead to disparity in the way in which they live their lives and the things they might achieve in life.

Holy unfairness, Batman!
I need a wheelchair lots of places wont bother giving me a job why should i feel the need to
engage in class warfare, i just deal with it and do the best i can, whats wrong with the rest
of the world.

No, not everyone is equal or worth the same amount, its not unfair its reality.

Should i get paid to not run when you need to hire someone who can?

More than 15 million Americans are unemployed, homelessness has increased by 50 percent in some cities, and 38 million people are receiving food stamps, more than at any time in the program’s almost 50-year history. The top 1% control 42% of the wealth and the top 5% control control 69% of the wealth.

Yet, there is really no class warfare in this country except in the minds of political junkies. IMHO, when people find themselves in hopeless financial situations without the basic necessities, food, healthcare, and shelter you have real class warfare. We have not reached that point, at least not yet.
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More than 15 million Americans are unemployed, homelessness has increased by 50 percent in some cities, and 38 million people are receiving food stamps, more than at any time in the program’s almost 50-year history. The top 1% control 42% of the wealth and the top 5% control control 69% of the wealth.

Yet, there is really no class warfare in this country except in the minds of political junkies. IMHO, when people find themselves in hopeless financial situations without the basic necessities, food, healthcare, and shelter you have real class warfare. We have not reached that point, at least not yet.

Everything you say is about money, nothing is about opportunity or responsibility. Anyone can make it in this country. You'd be a lot more effective encouraging people to work, save and invest rather then vote Democrat and wait for the check. Once it's gone, they just want another check. You treat the poor like a dog at the table begging for scraps and then guess how they act. It may not be your intent, but read your own post and see why it's reality.
Interesting how the right plays both sides of the fence isn't it?

Oppose any kind of a safety net while also opposing educational, childcare or urban stimulus program
You'd have a point, if you weren't lying.

Conservatives support a safety net for those who can't support themselves.

Liberals, however, support a safety net for those who won't support themselves.

Both sides want the same, but these systems are taken advantage of in any country.
Wrong. Liberals have encouraged generational dependency. This is undeniable.
You'd have a point, if you weren't lying.

Conservatives support a safety net for those who can't support themselves.

Liberals, however, support a safety net for those who won't support themselves.

Both sides want the same, but these systems are taken advantage of in any country.
Wrong. Liberals have encouraged generational dependency. This is undeniable.

Go tell it to your Union-loving Grandfather so he can chuckle knowing why we called HIS the greatest generation, you fucking thick-necked toe-head.
Both sides want the same, but these systems are taken advantage of in any country.
Wrong. Liberals have encouraged generational dependency. This is undeniable.

Go tell it to your Union-loving Grandfather so he can chuckle knowing why we called HIS the greatest generation, you fucking thick-necked toe-head.
Actually, my dad is a WWII veteran. He's in the Greatest Generation.

He never cared much for being in the union. And the current Entitled and Lazy Generation are the antithesis of everything my dad's generation fought and sacrificed for.
More than 15 million Americans are unemployed, homelessness has increased by 50 percent in some cities, and 38 million people are receiving food stamps, more than at any time in the program’s almost 50-year history. The top 1% control 42% of the wealth and the top 5% control control 69% of the wealth.

Yet, there is really no class warfare in this country except in the minds of political junkies. IMHO, when people find themselves in hopeless financial situations without the basic necessities, food, healthcare, and shelter you have real class warfare. We have not reached that point, at least not yet.

Everything you say is about money, nothing is about opportunity or responsibility. Anyone can make it in this country. You'd be a lot more effective encouraging people to work, save and invest rather then vote Democrat and wait for the check. Once it's gone, they just want another check. You treat the poor like a dog at the table begging for scraps and then guess how they act. It may not be your intent, but read your own post and see why it's reality.
Encouraging people to take responsibility for their lives, finding a job, saving, and investing is great, but people have to believe they can be successful or they won't try. After your parents tell you that you'll never make it, you've flunked out school, lost a few jobs, and had a few run ends the with police, taking away your food stamps is not going to turn you around. Taking away support does not make that happen. You find another means of support such as other government programs, charities, family, friends, or crime. Taking people off government subsidies solves one problem but creates social problems that can be even more costly than the subsidies.

The solution is programs that offer encouragement, training and jobs. We've mostly abandon such programs because of the cost so now we just pay people not to work.
The solution is programs that offer encouragement, training and jobs. We've mostly abandon such programs because of the cost so now we just pay people not to work.

True. These programs have also been abandoned per rightist dogma, having no basis in fact.

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