Debunking the rightwing "class warfare" retard rhetoric

Democrats have yet to redistribute wealth...if so, show me the numbers
They've redistributed trillions of dollars from the productive, into the pockets of produce-nothing bureaucrats, over the course of the last 50 years.

The numbers show that over the last 30 years, wealth has been redistributed from working Americans to the wealthy
Wealth ain't distributed, it's earned.

Nonetheless, is that supposed to be some kind of proof of the success of the socialistic moocher state?

Let me guess, the bureaucrats and the moochers just haven't looted enough, quickly enough, from the productive....Right?
Democrats have yet to redistribute wealth...if so, show me the numbers
They've redistributed trillions of dollars from the productive, into the pockets of produce-nothing bureaucrats, over the course of the last 50 years.

The numbers show that over the last 30 years, wealth has been redistributed from working Americans to the wealthy
Wealth ain't distributed, it's earned.

Nonetheless, is that supposed to be some kind of proof of the success of the socialistic moocher state?

Let me guess, the bureaucrats and the moochers just haven't looted enough, quickly enough, from the productive....Right?

So you have no proof of numbers just rightwing claptrap. You can only mumble the crap in different way so many times before you punch yourself out.
Poor rightwingtards, they think if they increase the extremist rhetoric and scare people wnough people will believe them and ignore the facts.
You want America to be the Soviet Union circa 1958.

How'd that turn out for them? No, it won't work with American leftists in charge. Really.


Invest in people thru social programs, education, and medical care.

It works. The Swedish economy is growing at a 5% rate right now. The Germans are doing well also. And they don't have nearly the resources we do.

But we are wasting our resources on war, tax breaks for the wealthy, and foreign oil.

No it wont work..

This is a nation of 300,000,000 people. It would take an authoritarian government to make that work in which the progressives are pushing...

I bet its easy to control and make 10 million people obedient.

Oh and lets not forget that socialism is illegal to boot.

Shit, people flee China in shipping crates and they spend months in dark boxes and you want what individuals are fleeing from???

It worked fine until George Bush was appointed president by the Supreme Court.

And don't give me that socialism crap.

Social Security, Medicare, and education are not socialism.

Socialism is when the government owns the means of production.

In our case the corporations own the government.
There's class warfare, all right, but it's my class, the rich class, that's making war, and we're winning.
Warren Buffett
November 26, 2006

Invest in people thru social programs, education, and medical care.

It works. The Swedish economy is growing at a 5% rate right now. The Germans are doing well also. And they don't have nearly the resources we do.

But we are wasting our resources on war, tax breaks for the wealthy, and foreign oil.
If you despise this country so much, I suggest you move out.
Those other countries survive on the backs of the people of the United States. And don't you ever forget it.

That's not an answer.

Other countries do a lot of things better than we do.

We would arrogant not to learn from them.

The only thing other countries do better than America is control it's people.

Buy a fucking rap album.

I see fools rolling around all day with cars, rims and systems worth more than their homes.

The most expensive cloths and hats you can buy...

So tell me how one can drive a Caddy worth 30 grand + rims and a nice system and live in a 27k home??

You failed to answer my question.

Again.....are you telling me these same people you "profess to know" would turn down a good paying job? I think you know the answer but you have painted yourself into a corner and don't know how to get out of it. :lol:

And I don't listen to that "rap crap". And since you obviously buy the albums I wonder what kind of fool would buy music made by fools?

And....what's a "hommie" again? LOL


Quit using ignorant subjective terms like "good paying job."

What the fuck does that mean?

I can answer questions, but I cannot interpret your nonsense or your bullshit.

Translated: I have no good answer so I'll try and deflect.

Again....."What's a "hommie"?

Left vs Right in todays USA, is a show to keep people from communicating long enough to see what kind of BS is going in with our government.

A couple days ago a airship built by lockheed for the US Air Force, costing $150 million was launched and in minutes crashed. Thats 150 million of US tax dollars wasted on an unmanned aircraft based on a blimp. Its job was to see if they could use a high altitude airship to relay communications like a satellite. Supposedly this would allow for satellite-like communications ability and a claimed "fraction" of the cost of a satellite. First 150 mil is hardly what I would consider cheap. Second the cavalier manner that lockheed and the air force responded told me everything I wanted to know. To them it was oh well we will get it next time.

We got debt that threatens to close critical government functions and they take that kind attitude? And whats worse most people didn't even care either... Why? Because they are occupied with watching a bunch over paid, barely working, fat, lazy, bullshit artists point the finger at one another.

No one seems to notice that for the past 10 years (8 of one administration and 2 with the current) virtually nothing has changed. Health care reform just made the government liable for unpaid medical bills, bailing out automakers just saved the executives of those companies, and the debt has increased exponentially because of it. We are still at war and looks to be no end in sight for them, and this despite Obama's claims to end them...

And still people buy into the BS... Seriously, NAFTA, CAFTA, and all other trade deals that opened the door for jobs to be outsourced and companies to move manufacturing to cheaper labor countries, that gutted the middle class took BOTH sides to pull off. Half the freaking lefties that supported going to war in Iraq who then backpedaled and claimed they were tricked are now part and parcel to not only the continuation of the conflicts and new ones, but now helped to make the dam debt problems we have right now. And the righties who claimed they wanted fiscal responsibility and small government supported every dam thing that Bush did to make the government bigger than ever and spend more and more without even a shred of that responsibility.

Yet people still buy it... Yeah it was the democrats or yeah it was the republicans, hell take your pick. It doesn't matter anyway. You want to figure out why some people look to the tea party groups? Well there is your answer man, its not rocket science. Some people see the lunacy of it all and want more from their government than placating and finger-pointing.

TO get anything done in congress it takes at least SOME support across sides. And to continue to play along while both parties act like teenagers with their parents credit card is not only ignorant to a fault but completely inexcusable in todays age of information. Look around you people.

The politicians rely on us being to willfully ignorant to call them on their BS. And the major media will not help you. Not anymore, we can thank ourselves for that too. We allowed ourselves to be told that allowing corporations to buy up local media would be a good thing and we would get better news for it. Low and behold here we are with media that now takes political sides.. left or right, anytime a peoples first line of defense takes a political side the people no longer have that first line of defense.

If you want the truth these days you have to think critically and ask questions. Questions about everything you see on TV, hear on the radio, read about in the papers or web, and even questions about what you perceive vs what you are told. We have to stop taking the bold headlines and making assumptions, stop assuming that the media is being completely open and honest and stop trusting that what you are being told isn't misleading or inaccurate. When you read a headline next time if its on the web follow the sources, or in the paper ask yourself who owns that paper or if there is another side to this story. And if its on the TV remember that each news network is owned by a corporation now. Corporations that DO have a dog in the fight..

If we don't stop being led by the nose and bickering over the "Pro-Wrasslin" like sideshow, we will never see things any better...
The rightwingers like to make the bogus claim that higher taxes on the rich constitutes "class warfare," but conveniently ignore the fact that their efforts to cut funding for the poor and disadvantaged, unemployment assistance, funding to schools, funding to improve inner city decay, etc, are all examples of the worst kind of class warfare in themselves.

Of course they like to make their own form of class warfare under the mask of calling it "fiscal conservatism," but we all know the deal about Republican "fiscal conservatism. As I posted in another thread, Republitards are the party of big government and deficits, in the past 30 years not one Republitard president has presided over a surplus while and office and each year the size of government grew while the rich got richer and the poor got poorer, so can the real party of class warfare please stand up?

What a dummy.

Class warfare politics in 2011..................

You want America to be the Soviet Union circa 1958.

How'd that turn out for them? No, it won't work with American leftists in charge. Really.


Invest in people thru social programs, education, and medical care.

It works. The Swedish economy is growing at a 5% rate right now. The Germans are doing well also. And they don't have nearly the resources we do.

But we are wasting our resources on war, tax breaks for the wealthy, and foreign oil.

No it wont work..

This is a nation of 300,000,000 people. It would take an authoritarian government to make that work in which the progressives are pushing...

I bet its easy to control and make 10 million people obedient.

Oh and lets not forget that socialism is illegal to boot.

Shit, people flee China in shipping crates and they spend months in dark boxes and you want what individuals are fleeing from???

One of the most uninformed and disrespectful posts I have ever read

In the 200+ years of the US, our citizenry has never had to be forced to be obedient. Our citizens are informed, patriotic and loyal to the greatest country in the history of mankind. We have the most powerful military in history, yet the majority of our military force is deployed overseas and in non populated areas.
There has never been a need to use our military to make our population "obedient"
The rightwingers like to make the bogus claim that higher taxes on the rich constitutes "class warfare," but conveniently ignore the fact that their efforts to cut funding for the poor and disadvantaged, unemployment assistance, funding to schools, funding to improve inner city decay, etc, are all examples of the worst kind of class warfare in themselves.

Of course they like to make their own form of class warfare under the mask of calling it "fiscal conservatism," but we all know the deal about Republican "fiscal conservatism. As I posted in another thread, Republitards are the party of big government and deficits, in the past 30 years not one Republitard president has presided over a surplus while and office and each year the size of government grew while the rich got richer and the poor got poorer, so can the real party of class warfare please stand up?

There is no 'class' in America. We are not a class based society. 'Class' is a political weapon, devised and used by those who seek to keep Americans from looking too closely at what our politicians are actually doing to our country.

Anyone - left or right - who uses the 'class' argument is a fucking idiot.
No one seems to notice that for the past 10 years (8 of one administration and 2 with the current) virtually nothing has changed. Health care reform just made the government liable for unpaid medical bills, bailing out automakers just saved the executives of those companies, and the debt has increased exponentially because of it. We are still at war and looks to be no end in sight for them, and this despite Obama's claims to end them...

And still people buy into the BS... Seriously, NAFTA, CAFTA, and all other trade deals that opened the door for jobs to be outsourced and companies to move manufacturing to cheaper labor countries, that gutted the middle class took BOTH sides to pull off. Half the freaking lefties that supported going to war in Iraq who then backpedaled and claimed they were tricked are now part and parcel to not only the continuation of the conflicts and new ones, but now helped to make the dam debt problems we have right now. And the righties who claimed they wanted fiscal responsibility and small government supported every dam thing that Bush did to make the government bigger than ever and spend more and more without even a shred of that responsibility.

Spot on!

Partisans are blinded by their team spirit.

Guess all those high school pep rallies really worked, eh?

They taught so many of us to think only in terms of what TEAM they're own.

Those exercises in "team spirit" encourage people to NOT THINK.

And it works on so many of us because thinking for yourself, is so much less satisfying that being ON A TEAM that does all your thinking FOR YOU.

No wonder the elite power brokers have such contempt for democracy.

They know perfectly well they can always hire one worker to kill the other.
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The US is the greatest civilization in the history of mankind. Great civilizations do not let the less fortunate starve. Turning portions of the US into Calcutta would not have made us stronger
It's interesting how the left promises people just enough to get by, but not enough to rise above their situation.

You want to keep people dependent on government and dutifully pulling the D lever.

Don't say you give a damn about people, because you don't. You just want their votes.

Interesting how the right plays both sides of the fence isn't it?

Oppose any kind of a safety net while also opposing educational, childcare or urban stimulus program
You'd have a point, if you weren't lying.

Conservatives support a safety net for those who can't support themselves.

Liberals, however, support a safety net for those who won't support themselves.

Invest in people thru social programs, education, and medical care.

It works. The Swedish economy is growing at a 5% rate right now. The Germans are doing well also. And they don't have nearly the resources we do.

But we are wasting our resources on war, tax breaks for the wealthy, and foreign oil.
And both those nations are a lot smaller than we are, aren't they?

What worked in your grandparents' hippie commune (and it didn't work all that well) won't work across the US.

For proof, look at California. Leftist policies are digging them deeper in debt, with no way out. And they're not fighting wars or giving anyone tax breaks, are they?

Regarding CA.

The economy has lowered the sales tax revenues and income tax revenues. The revenues don't support all the programs the law requires them to pay.

That isn't a left or a right wing problem.

Partisanship is a fucking bore.
Yes, it's a left-wing problem in CA. Their little experiment in direct democracy is a dismal failure.

Invest in people thru social programs, education, and medical care.

It works. The Swedish economy is growing at a 5% rate right now. The Germans are doing well also. And they don't have nearly the resources we do.

But we are wasting our resources on war, tax breaks for the wealthy, and foreign oil.
And both those nations are a lot smaller than we are, aren't they?

What worked in your grandparents' hippie commune (and it didn't work all that well) won't work across the US.

For proof, look at California. Leftist policies are digging them deeper in debt, with no way out. And they're not fighting wars or giving anyone tax breaks, are they?

93% of the National Debt was created by Reagan and the two Bushes....
Irrelevant to the discussion of leftist failure. But I can understand why you're desperate to distract attention away from it.
Interesting how the right plays both sides of the fence isn't it?

Oppose any kind of a safety net while also opposing educational, childcare or urban stimulus program

At least they’re consistent in their duplicity.
If you weren't so gullible that you believe any old stupid thing the left tells you to believe, you'd see there is no duplicity.
The rightwingers like to make the bogus claim that higher taxes on the rich constitutes "class warfare," but conveniently ignore the fact that their efforts to cut funding for the poor and disadvantaged, unemployment assistance, funding to schools, funding to improve inner city decay, etc, are all examples of the worst kind of class warfare in themselves.

Of course they like to make their own form of class warfare under the mask of calling it "fiscal conservatism," but we all know the deal about Republican "fiscal conservatism. As I posted in another thread, Republitards are the party of big government and deficits, in the past 30 years not one Republitard president has presided over a surplus while and office and each year the size of government grew while the rich got richer and the poor got poorer, so can the real party of class warfare please stand up?

There is no 'class' in America. We are not a class based society. 'Class' is a political weapon, devised and used by those who seek to keep Americans from looking too closely at what our politicians are actually doing to our country.

Anyone - left or right - who uses the 'class' argument is a fucking idiot.

So says Pollyanna

Anyone who can't acknowledge that not only do we have a defacto class system in this country but that the separation between the classes is growing wider is totally out of touch with reality
So who's winning here? Is Bass 2.0 making any headway?


The economy has lowered the sales tax revenues and income tax revenues. The revenues don't support all the programs the law requires them to pay.

That isn't a left or a right wing problem.

Partisanship is a fucking bore.

RE: California.. True that partisianship is a fucking bore. True that the economy has lowered the sales tax revenues and income tax revenues. HOWEVER -- the problem of revenues has been made much worse by the completely warped progressive (read leftist) California tax tables. There is LITERALLY a cadre of just 40,000 rich taxpayers in california that are carrying close to 30% of the tax burden.. If 20% of those left -- Cali would cease to exist as we know it.. Only leftist class warfare jihadists could conceive of such a fragile mechanism for funding an entire state. THAT -- and the MASSIVE explosion of "defined benefits" pension costs that collusion between leftist politicians and the unions have contrived over the past decade.. There IS a partisian problem in terms of Cali economics. It's virtually undeniable..

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