Debunking the rightwing "class warfare" retard rhetoric

Democrats have yet to redistribute wealth...if so, show me the numbers
8 to 10 trillion dollars since 1964 have been spent on anti-poverty programs.

So, yes, Democrats have redistributed a great deal of wealth. Unless you want to make the case that all that money came from poor people.

8 to 10 trillion in almost 50 years?

How much additional wealth have the richest 4% accumulated in that time? Doesnt seem to be hurting much does it?
Hardly the point. That money was taken from ALL taxpayers.
Once again, a lib is exposed for wanting to tax for the purpose of punishing.
You said so yourself. You used the word "hurt". As in pain. As though taxation should be painful.
So you don't know how much was spent. Further, your saying your Capitalist system is a fucking failure if you still have poor after 50 years. How many poor you got now than in 64'?

Not as high a percentage.

And America is a better and more fair place than it was in 1964.

But you are missing the point.

Countries that invest in their citizens like Switzerland and Germany and Sweden have strong economies and stable societies.

How do they invest? Thru social programs, education, and medical care.

Republicans hate all of these things. They want American to be Dickinsean England.
You want America to be the Soviet Union circa 1958.

How'd that turn out for them? No, it won't work with American leftists in charge. Really.


Invest in people thru social programs, education, and medical care.

It works. The Swedish economy is growing at a 5% rate right now. The Germans are doing well also. And they don't have nearly the resources we do.

But we are wasting our resources on war, tax breaks for the wealthy, and foreign oil.
The US is the greatest civilization in the history of mankind. Great civilizations do not let the less fortunate starve. Turning portions of the US into Calcutta would not have made us stronger
It's interesting how the left promises people just enough to get by, but not enough to rise above their situation.

You want to keep people dependent on government and dutifully pulling the D lever.

Don't say you give a damn about people, because you don't. You just want their votes.

Exactly the point I was tring to make
8 to 10 trillion in almost 50 years?

How much additional wealth have the richest 4% accumulated in that time? Doesnt seem to be hurting much does it?

Why does it matter??

You act like the rich are stealing from you when in reality they're supporting you.

Do you not understand that?

All the energy you spend obsessing over the rich could make you rich.

How much time do you think you spend obsessing over those who have more than you do???

Now imagine if you used that time to learn something that would pay you well??

At one point the top 26 hedge fund managers were averaging $825 million dollars a year in income.

This is when they were running their $516 TRILLION DOLLAR derivative Ponzi scheme.

Then when the scheme ran out, we, the American taxpayer, bailed them out.

The were stealing from us.
How so? Was any of your money taken from you in the dead of night?
You people seem to think that when one increases their income, that money could have somehow end up in your pocket even though it was never intended to get there.

Look here mark and remember. It is none of your business how anyone makes a living or how much they earn as long as it breaks no laws and causes no harm to you.
If you people exerted as much effort trying to better yourselves as you do wringing you hands over what other people are doing, you'd be millionaires yourselves.
You want government to punish people then transfer their property to you.
That is the definition of greed.
Not as high a percentage.

And America is a better and more fair place than it was in 1964.

But you are missing the point.

Countries that invest in their citizens like Switzerland and Germany and Sweden have strong economies and stable societies.

How do they invest? Thru social programs, education, and medical care.

Republicans hate all of these things. They want American to be Dickinsean England.
You want America to be the Soviet Union circa 1958.

How'd that turn out for them? No, it won't work with American leftists in charge. Really.


Invest in people thru social programs, education, and medical care.

It works. The Swedish economy is growing at a 5% rate right now. The Germans are doing well also. And they don't have nearly the resources we do.

But we are wasting our resources on war, tax breaks for the wealthy, and foreign oil.
And both those nations are a lot smaller than we are, aren't they?

What worked in your grandparents' hippie commune (and it didn't work all that well) won't work across the US.

For proof, look at California. Leftist policies are digging them deeper in debt, with no way out. And they're not fighting wars or giving anyone tax breaks, are they?
Why does it matter??

You act like the rich are stealing from you when in reality they're supporting you.

Do you not understand that?

All the energy you spend obsessing over the rich could make you rich.

How much time do you think you spend obsessing over those who have more than you do???

Now imagine if you used that time to learn something that would pay you well??

At one point the top 26 hedge fund managers were averaging $825 million dollars a year in income.

This is when they were running their $516 TRILLION DOLLAR derivative Ponzi scheme.

Then when the scheme ran out, we, the American taxpayer, bailed them out.

The were stealing from us.
How so? Was any of your money taken from you in the dead of night?
You people seem to think that when one increases their income, that money could have somehow end up in your pocket even though it was never intended to get there.

Look here mark and remember. It is none of your business how anyone makes a living or how much they earn as long as it breaks no laws and causes no harm to you.
If you people exerted as much effort trying to better yourselves as you do wringing you hands over what other people are doing, you'd be millionaires yourselves.
You want government to punish people then transfer their property to you.
That is the definition of greed.

Breaks no laws? Plenty of law were broken.

It was a Ponzi scheme and they knew it.

And they stole all of our money because the U.S. taxpayer bailed them out.

And I work seven days a week and make 100K, so don't give me any shit about not exerting myself.
8 to 10 trillion in almost 50 years?

How much additional wealth have the richest 4% accumulated in that time? Doesnt seem to be hurting much does it?

Why does it matter??

You act like the rich are stealing from you when in reality they're supporting you.

Do you not understand that?

All the energy you spend obsessing over the rich could make you rich.

How much time do you think you spend obsessing over those who have more than you do???

Now imagine if you used that time to learn something that would pay you well??

The point is this my friend....

Even though we as a country help the less fortunate, the wealthiest are not impacted. In fact, the gained a bigger percentage of wealth

Thus shooting down your bogus claim that Democrats are redistributing wealth
Please stop the nonsense.
You've been reduced to spewing non sequiturs.
Why does it matter??

You act like the rich are stealing from you when in reality they're supporting you.

Do you not understand that?

All the energy you spend obsessing over the rich could make you rich.

How much time do you think you spend obsessing over those who have more than you do???

Now imagine if you used that time to learn something that would pay you well??

The point is this my friend....

Even though we as a country help the less fortunate, the wealthiest are not impacted. In fact, the gained a bigger percentage of wealth

Thus shooting down your bogus claim that Democrats are redistributing wealth
Please stop the nonsense.
You've been reduced to spewing non sequiturs.

And your post said absolutely nothing.

But here's a question for you.

Why should the Forbes 400 pay taxes at a lower rate than the rest of us?
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They'd have accumulated more...and so would the middle class...if the Left hadn't taken it from them at gunpoint and given it to people who didn't earn it.

You really do feel proud of yourself for being generous with other people's money, don't you?

The US is the greatest civilization in the history of mankind. Great civilizations do not let the less fortunate starve. Turning portions of the US into Calcutta would not have made us stronger
It's interesting how the left promises people just enough to get by, but not enough to rise above their situation.

You want to keep people dependent on government and dutifully pulling the D lever.

Don't say you give a damn about people, because you don't. You just want their votes.

Interesting how the right plays both sides of the fence isn't it?

Oppose any kind of a safety net while also opposing educational, childcare or urban stimulus program
Democrats have yet to redistribute wealth...if so, show me the numbers
8 to 10 trillion dollars since 1964 have been spent on anti-poverty programs.

So, yes, Democrats have redistributed a great deal of wealth. Unless you want to make the case that all that money came from poor people.

So you don't know how much was spent. Further, your saying your Capitalist system is a fucking failure if you still have poor after 50 years. How many poor you got now than in 64'?
It's OUR capitalist system. And it will always be that way.
Actually capitalism has nothing to do with it.
The federal government set up the welfare state with the idea that it would end poverty.
THAT is the failure. Government has FAILED.
The only accomplishment of the welfare state is the creation of a permanent underclass.
With all the money that has gone to social programs, the poor have been brutalized by government FAILURE.
8 to 10 trillion in almost 50 years?

How much additional wealth have the richest 4% accumulated in that time? Doesnt seem to be hurting much does it?

Why does it matter??

You act like the rich are stealing from you when in reality they're supporting you.

Do you not understand that?

All the energy you spend obsessing over the rich could make you rich.

How much time do you think you spend obsessing over those who have more than you do???

Now imagine if you used that time to learn something that would pay you well??

The point is this my friend....

Even though we as a country help the less fortunate, the wealthiest are not impacted. In fact, the gained a bigger percentage of wealth

Thus shooting down your bogus claim that Democrats are redistributing wealth

Who gives a fuck??

I have little to nothing - you see me bitching???

If I want something I have to earn it and it's my responsibility to do so.

I know I'm more intelligent than you are yet I bet you probably make more than I do.

How fair is that?

It means nothing to me because I know my intellect is in high demand and I will easily surpass you because I spent nearly a decade (21-31) reading books I didn't want to.

Now I can hang with pretty much anyone on the planet....

At the end of the day that all means nothing tho - not when stubborn people are fucking over others.
You want America to be the Soviet Union circa 1958.

How'd that turn out for them? No, it won't work with American leftists in charge. Really.


Invest in people thru social programs, education, and medical care.

It works. The Swedish economy is growing at a 5% rate right now. The Germans are doing well also. And they don't have nearly the resources we do.

But we are wasting our resources on war, tax breaks for the wealthy, and foreign oil.
And both those nations are a lot smaller than we are, aren't they?

What worked in your grandparents' hippie commune (and it didn't work all that well) won't work across the US.

For proof, look at California. Leftist policies are digging them deeper in debt, with no way out. And they're not fighting wars or giving anyone tax breaks, are they?

Regarding CA.

The economy has lowered the sales tax revenues and income tax revenues. The revenues don't support all the programs the law requires them to pay.

That isn't a left or a right wing problem.

Partisanship is a fucking bore.
You want America to be the Soviet Union circa 1958.

How'd that turn out for them? No, it won't work with American leftists in charge. Really.


Invest in people thru social programs, education, and medical care.

It works. The Swedish economy is growing at a 5% rate right now. The Germans are doing well also. And they don't have nearly the resources we do.

But we are wasting our resources on war, tax breaks for the wealthy, and foreign oil.
And both those nations are a lot smaller than we are, aren't they?

What worked in your grandparents' hippie commune (and it didn't work all that well) won't work across the US.

For proof, look at California. Leftist policies are digging them deeper in debt, with no way out. And they're not fighting wars or giving anyone tax breaks, are they?

93% of the National Debt was created by Reagan and the two Bushes....

According to Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 1950 - 1999, the debt at the end of the 1980 fiscal year, on September 30th, 1980, was $907,701,000,000. On September 30th, 1981, it was $997,855,000,000. Averaging it out over the year gives a debt of $246,997,260.27 per day.

Reagan took office 112 days later on January 20th, 1981. The debt on that date could be estimated as $907,701,000,000 plus 112 x $246,997,260.27, or $935,364,693,151.

Bill Clinton was the first president to slow the rate of the accrual of debt after the current out-of-control spending began with the Borrow and Spend Republicans in 1981.

The final amount of the senior Bush debt was $4,174,218,594,232.91 (according to Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)), and Clinton became president on January 20th, 1993. Bill Clinton saw $1,553,558,144,071.73 added to the national debt during the eight years of his presidency.

However, from the start of fiscal year 1994 (7 months after Clinton became president), until the start of fiscal year 2002 (7 months after Bush took office), the amount of money paid toward interest on the existing Federal debt was $2,767,282,794,374.59 (Government - Interest Expense on the Debt Outstanding).

Therefore, no amount of the national debt is attributable to Bill Clinton - his policies of higher taxes and reduced spending actually simultaneously reduced the debt and brought about the strongest economy since World War II, despite the fiscal disaster left in the wake of Reagan and the first Bush.

The debt was at $5,727,776,738,304.64 on January 19th, 2001, the last business day before George W. Bush took the office of president. The debt was at $10,628,881,485,510.23 on January 16th, 2009, the last business day before Barack H. Obama became president.

During his administration, George W. Bush
increased the national debt by $4,901,104,747,205.59
and personally approved of the creation of 46% of the entire national debt,
in only 8 years. Calculation Details
Not as high a percentage.

And America is a better and more fair place than it was in 1964.

But you are missing the point.

Countries that invest in their citizens like Switzerland and Germany and Sweden have strong economies and stable societies.

How do they invest? Thru social programs, education, and medical care.

Republicans hate all of these things. They want American to be Dickinsean England.
You want America to be the Soviet Union circa 1958.

How'd that turn out for them? No, it won't work with American leftists in charge. Really.


Invest in people thru social programs, education, and medical care.

It works. The Swedish economy is growing at a 5% rate right now. The Germans are doing well also. And they don't have nearly the resources we do.

But we are wasting our resources on war, tax breaks for the wealthy, and foreign oil.
If you despise this country so much, I suggest you move out.
Those other countries survive on the backs of the people of the United States. And don't you ever forget it.
You want America to be the Soviet Union circa 1958.

How'd that turn out for them? No, it won't work with American leftists in charge. Really.


Invest in people thru social programs, education, and medical care.

It works. The Swedish economy is growing at a 5% rate right now. The Germans are doing well also. And they don't have nearly the resources we do.

But we are wasting our resources on war, tax breaks for the wealthy, and foreign oil.
If you despise this country so much, I suggest you move out.
Those other countries survive on the backs of the people of the United States. And don't you ever forget it.

That's not an answer.

Other countries do a lot of things better than we do.

We would arrogant not to learn from them.
Not as high a percentage.

And America is a better and more fair place than it was in 1964.

But you are missing the point.

Countries that invest in their citizens like Switzerland and Germany and Sweden have strong economies and stable societies.

How do they invest? Thru social programs, education, and medical care.

Republicans hate all of these things. They want American to be Dickinsean England.
You want America to be the Soviet Union circa 1958.

How'd that turn out for them? No, it won't work with American leftists in charge. Really.


Invest in people thru social programs, education, and medical care.

It works. The Swedish economy is growing at a 5% rate right now. The Germans are doing well also. And they don't have nearly the resources we do.

But we are wasting our resources on war, tax breaks for the wealthy, and foreign oil.

No it wont work..

This is a nation of 300,000,000 people. It would take an authoritarian government to make that work in which the progressives are pushing...

I bet its easy to control and make 10 million people obedient.

Oh and lets not forget that socialism is illegal to boot.

Shit, people flee China in shipping crates and they spend months in dark boxes and you want what individuals are fleeing from???
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You want America to be the Soviet Union circa 1958.

How'd that turn out for them? No, it won't work with American leftists in charge. Really.


Invest in people thru social programs, education, and medical care.

It works. The Swedish economy is growing at a 5% rate right now. The Germans are doing well also. And they don't have nearly the resources we do.

But we are wasting our resources on war, tax breaks for the wealthy, and foreign oil.

No it wont work..

This is a nation of 300,000,000 people. It would take an authoritarian government to make that work in which the progressives are pushing...

I bet its easy to control and make 10 million people obedient.

Oh and lets not forget that socialism is illegal to boot.

Shit, people flee China in shipping crates and they spend months in dark boxes and you want what individuals are fleeing from???

[ame=]‪Congressman John Dingell: Control The People‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
The rightwingers like to make the bogus claim that higher taxes on the rich constitutes "class warfare," but conveniently ignore the fact that their efforts to cut funding for the poor and disadvantaged, unemployment assistance, funding to schools, funding to improve inner city decay, etc, are all examples of the worst kind of class warfare in themselves.

Of course they like to make their own form of class warfare under the mask of calling it "fiscal conservatism," but we all know the deal about Republican "fiscal conservatism. As I posted in another thread, Republitards are the party of big government and deficits, in the past 30 years not one Republitard president has presided over a surplus while and office and each year the size of government grew while the rich got richer and the poor got poorer, so can the real party of class warfare please stand up?

I'll never truly understand the mentality of the left. The efforts to reduce funding for the poor and disadvantaged is virtually nonexistent. There is not one fiscal year where the federal government actually cut or reduced funding to any welfare program in the last decade.

If you look at the percentage of the annual federal expenditure of welfare from that beginning of the horse.... war on poverty to present you would find that those programs have steady outpaced inflation. Food stamps has commercials.

A record number of people can't feed themselves. When was the last time someone died of starvation that was not a victim of abuse? Naturally starved living from day to day?

You really believe a record number of people would starve if they didn't receive their free government money?

But the fundamental difference between you and I is I know that no money is free. The reason that mentality persists is the fact that 51% of Americans pay zero income tax or receive money back without paying any. Roughly 30% profit off the rest.

That is fair to you. :cuckoo:

Invest in people thru social programs, education, and medical care.

It works. The Swedish economy is growing at a 5% rate right now. The Germans are doing well also. And they don't have nearly the resources we do.

But we are wasting our resources on war, tax breaks for the wealthy, and foreign oil.

No it wont work..

This is a nation of 300,000,000 people. It would take an authoritarian government to make that work in which the progressives are pushing...

I bet its easy to control and make 10 million people obedient.

Oh and lets not forget that socialism is illegal to boot.

Shit, people flee China in shipping crates and they spend months in dark boxes and you want what individuals are fleeing from???

[ame=]‪Congressman John Dingell: Control The People‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Maybe progressive socialists should dig this: "
"If you want to get laid, go to college. if you want to learn something, go to a library." Frank Zappa"

Maybe I suppose, maybe...

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