Debunking the rightwing "class warfare" retard rhetoric

Of course I'm angry...

You seem to not have a problem with irresponsible assclowns who are being pandered to for their vote for democrats.

Democrats only fucked up the economy and sold hardworking Americans out, destroyed their wealth so the lazy could have some cake without having to earn it.

We're all suffering now so some useless tools could have the same objects as the guy who works for those objects does...

Any logical poor person would know better than to buy something they cant afford - poor democrats on the other hand feel entitled to materialist possessions they cant afford. They live for today and they will worry about tomorrow when they wake up the next day.

Then when the bank comes to repossess their shit they get all bent..

Unfucking believable.

You do have the angry white man act down pat. It is pathetic watching you com on the board every day and whine like a little bitch.

I do feel sorry for you

"The angry white man act."

What is that supposed to justify??

You're not refuting anything I assert so I'm going to assume you're proud of being an asshat and you're justification of all this insanity is that you believe I'm an angry white man?

Thanks for showing all of us how mentally screwed you are.

God forbid anyone be pissed by the deception committed by progressive communists. Yeah the anger by the responsible is far worse than the treason being committed by democrats.

Little Nicky....

Have you noticed your daily hate filled diatribes are starting to sound like Tim McVeigh?
You do have the angry white man act down pat. It is pathetic watching you com on the board every day and whine like a little bitch.

I do feel sorry for you

"The angry white man act."

What is that supposed to justify??

You're not refuting anything I assert so I'm going to assume you're proud of being an asshat and you're justification of all this insanity is that you believe I'm an angry white man?

Thanks for showing all of us how mentally screwed you are.

God forbid anyone be pissed by the deception committed by progressive communists. Yeah the anger by the responsible is far worse than the treason being committed by democrats.

Little Nicky....

Have you noticed your daily hate filled diatribes are starting to sound like Tim McVeigh?

Have you noticed your assertions of hatred don't work??

Yeah, I'm not one of your whipping boy neo-cons you can just control by asserting that my anger is unjustified and wrong.

I have every fucking right to hate you.

Your Marxist ilk hate me... But the thing is - my ideas don't affect you - your ideas affect me...

Your progressive communists destroyed the economy in the name of equality..
When democrats stop redistributing wealth, paying off their voting base and wasting money I'm sure no one will have a problem paying taxes.

The only needed federal taxes are for defense and payroll and thats it. Beyond that its up to the states to offer social programs..

In that scenario people can use their liberty and vote with their feet if they don't agree with the direction their state is going, and thats exactly the idea behind the Tenth Amendment.

This is a nation of states and state rights - not one gigantic state.

Think real hard, why do we need taxes for defense when we are not defending anything? And you premise that the General Welfare Clause doesn't exist is flawed.

Oh, we're defending.

The right is smart enough to realize fighting the enemy on our own soil is bad for the "general welfare" of the people.

The notion that Islamic extremists don't want to kill us, or progressives in reality would be factually incorrect. We're just fighting them in their own hood right now.

Oh and define "general welfare" - sounds like you're attempting to justify laziness.

Supporting ones self is not a "choice." If you can you do and if you don't you should get nothing.

When you have welfare fucks who have never worked a job in their lives collecting free money - thats a fucking problem.

I'm from Chicago - have you ever seen a housing project???

Then you know what I'm talking about (well, probably not since you probably don't actually KNOW anyone on welfare). So.....if you can find just ONE person who would rather live in a housing project instead of working in a good job and living in their own house I'll buy you a steak dinner.

Bottom line? You don't have a clue as to what you're talking about.

It's pretty much a given that I pay far more taxes than you do and I'm not complaining. The fact that YOU are speaks volumes.

How is that a given? You're a union thug. I make a lot more than any of the union morons I've ever met. Furthermore, who cares if you're complaining? People who don't complain when they are being shaken down and mulcted are what most of us call "fools" and "imbeciles."

You want to keep more of your money? Then you can start by paying what you owe your nation first. Why is it people like you always want to talk about their money but refuse to acknowledge your debt?

I don't owe diddly to anyone, dirt bag.

What "debt" to the federal government have I incurred?

Every budget that YOUR government passes that has debt belongs to ALL OF US, fuckwad. Unless you're not a citizen of the U.S..

Giving homes to people who cant afford them because they have no income is wrong but Clinton and Sharpton didn't fucking care.

Allowing those said fools use their free home as collateral for credit is wrong - yet Clinton and Sharpton didn't care.

Why the fuck do you think the economy was "booming" under Clinton??

All that needless materialist shit people bought on plastic - thats why...

Well guess what?? now its time to pay for all that shit and those who racked up all that debt cant pay for it...
Now the banks wont lend you shit unless you have an all star credit rating, and even if you can get credit it will me a minute amount with an epic interest rate.

What elective office does Al Sharpton hold?

What "elective" office to lobbyists hold??

But for sake of argument - Shelia Jackson, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, Barney Frank just to name a few activists who were democratically elected and do believe in socialism to reward their constituents.

Oh and don't even get me started with the DOJ and Obamas Czars...

And just what "socialism" are you referring to?

Of course I'm angry...

You seem to not have a problem with irresponsible assclowns who are being pandered to for their vote for democrats.

Democrats only fucked up the economy and sold hardworking Americans out, destroyed their wealth so the lazy could have some cake without having to earn it.

We're all suffering now so some useless tools could have the same objects as the guy who works for those objects does...

Any logical poor person would know better than to buy something they cant afford - poor democrats on the other hand feel entitled to materialist possessions they cant afford. They live for today and they will worry about tomorrow when they wake up the next day.

Then when the bank comes to repossess their shit they get all bent..

Unfucking believable.
"The angry white man act."

What is that supposed to justify??

You're not refuting anything I assert so I'm going to assume you're proud of being an asshat and you're justification of all this insanity is that you believe I'm an angry white man?

Thanks for showing all of us how mentally screwed you are.

God forbid anyone be pissed by the deception committed by progressive communists. Yeah the anger by the responsible is far worse than the treason being committed by democrats.
Liberals need not respond, just allow you both to continue to type and post. Your ignorance and hate speak well for you, doing more damage to the right’s cause than anything a liberal might say.
Think real hard, why do we need taxes for defense when we are not defending anything? And you premise that the General Welfare Clause doesn't exist is flawed.

Oh, we're defending.

The right is smart enough to realize fighting the enemy on our own soil is bad for the "general welfare" of the people.

The notion that Islamic extremists don't want to kill us, or progressives in reality would be factually incorrect. We're just fighting them in their own hood right now.

Oh and define "general welfare" - sounds like you're attempting to justify laziness.

Supporting ones self is not a "choice." If you can you do and if you don't you should get nothing.

When you have welfare fucks who have never worked a job in their lives collecting free money - thats a fucking problem.

I'm from Chicago - have you ever seen a housing project???

Then you know what I'm talking about (well, probably not since you probably don't actually KNOW anyone on welfare). So.....if you can find just ONE person who would rather live in a housing project instead of working in a good job and living in their own house I'll buy you a steak dinner.

Bottom line? You don't have a clue as to what you're talking about.

How is that a given? You're a union thug. I make a lot more than any of the union morons I've ever met. Furthermore, who cares if you're complaining? People who don't complain when they are being shaken down and mulcted are what most of us call "fools" and "imbeciles."

You want to keep more of your money? Then you can start by paying what you owe your nation first. Why is it people like you always want to talk about their money but refuse to acknowledge your debt?

I don't owe diddly to anyone, dirt bag.

What "debt" to the federal government have I incurred?

Every budget that YOUR government passes that has debt belongs to ALL OF US, fuckwad. Unless you're not a citizen of the U.S..


I know lots on welfare and many are proud of it...

I may of went to a private school an all that but I grew up in the hood... I'm not a rich man, my parents always lived modestly (and still do).

My parents didn't make it until I was an adult. We did move from the ghetto to a nice middle class neighborhood when I was 16 tho.

Back then I was a gangster punk liberal tho.... I didn't even become libertarian/conservative until I was like 21 and I'm 31 now.

Even today I'm not a rich man, nor would I call myself "middle class" however I do have a moral compass, and I do know right from wrong and I do know I have to work my way up the ladder to be a successful person and I do know believing that I'm oppressed is only counter productive, despite the notion your party does everything in its power to push guys like me to the ground.

As your ilk would say "you don't know me hommie."
I say let Israel defend itself...not my concern what happens there. They can take care of themselves. I dont care whether they raise taxes or not but capitalism is all about class warfare. Thats why we need all kids going for training beyond high school. That way there are more high paying jobs. No more blue collar training.

You do realize socal welfare is also a form of class warfare?

Says who, the Koch Brothers and other rightwing retards?

Social welfare is given to the poor class taken by legal armed robbory from those who have.
Just remember folks whether or not the debt ceiling is raised there will still be 6 congressmen and senators total worth over 2 trillion dollars still on the tax payers payroll. The rest in congress follow close behind in worth. Whether the bills get paid they will still be on the tax payers payroll, with all that money.
Creating a new tax forcing the tax payers to give more of their hard earned money to them.

When are you people going to wake up​s/overview.php
Of course I'm angry...

You seem to not have a problem with irresponsible assclowns who are being pandered to for their vote for democrats.

Democrats only fucked up the economy and sold hardworking Americans out, destroyed their wealth so the lazy could have some cake without having to earn it.

We're all suffering now so some useless tools could have the same objects as the guy who works for those objects does...

Any logical poor person would know better than to buy something they cant afford - poor democrats on the other hand feel entitled to materialist possessions they cant afford. They live for today and they will worry about tomorrow when they wake up the next day.

Then when the bank comes to repossess their shit they get all bent..

Unfucking believable.
"The angry white man act."

What is that supposed to justify??

You're not refuting anything I assert so I'm going to assume you're proud of being an asshat and you're justification of all this insanity is that you believe I'm an angry white man?

Thanks for showing all of us how mentally screwed you are.

God forbid anyone be pissed by the deception committed by progressive communists. Yeah the anger by the responsible is far worse than the treason being committed by democrats.
Liberals need not respond, just allow you both to continue to type and post. Your ignorance and hate speak well for you, doing more damage to the right’s cause than anything a liberal might say.

I tell the truth, you want to believe in a delusion.

I'm just shattering your delusions.

I used to be just like you, the world is what you want it to be... Of course I realized that was selfish and ignorant and I was only insulting my own intelligence believing in false realities.
Once again the right, in its infinite ignorance and cowardice, is whining about the ‘evil government’ taking their money by force and redistributing it to the unworthy. And yet they cite no case law in support of this position, if what’s being done is so wrong and un-Constitutional, why isn’t anyone here filing suit in Federal court? .

Mr dumb ass sir:

1- 26 U.S.C. §7421 - the anti-injunction act

2- Article III courts have been substantially abolished - welfare/warfare states judges will dismiss a case challenging taxes faster than you can say Heil Hitler;

3- But if you really want to know about the IRS abuses, read the transcripts from the Complete History of IRS Oversight (Roth) Hearings, April 1998

IRS Oversight Hearings - April 1998

Oh, we're defending.

The right is smart enough to realize fighting the enemy on our own soil is bad for the "general welfare" of the people.

The notion that Islamic extremists don't want to kill us, or progressives in reality would be factually incorrect. We're just fighting them in their own hood right now.

Oh and define "general welfare" - sounds like you're attempting to justify laziness.

Supporting ones self is not a "choice." If you can you do and if you don't you should get nothing.

When you have welfare fucks who have never worked a job in their lives collecting free money - thats a fucking problem.

I'm from Chicago - have you ever seen a housing project???

Then you know what I'm talking about (well, probably not since you probably don't actually KNOW anyone on welfare). So.....if you can find just ONE person who would rather live in a housing project instead of working in a good job and living in their own house I'll buy you a steak dinner.

Bottom line? You don't have a clue as to what you're talking about.

How is that a given? You're a union thug. I make a lot more than any of the union morons I've ever met. Furthermore, who cares if you're complaining? People who don't complain when they are being shaken down and mulcted are what most of us call "fools" and "imbeciles."

I don't owe diddly to anyone, dirt bag.

What "debt" to the federal government have I incurred?

Every budget that YOUR government passes that has debt belongs to ALL OF US, fuckwad. Unless you're not a citizen of the U.S..


I know lots on welfare and many are proud of it...

I may of went to a private school an all that but I grew up in the hood... I'm not a rich man, my parents always lived modestly (and still do).

My parents didn't make it until I was an adult. We did move from the ghetto to a nice middle class neighborhood when I was 16 tho.

Back then I was a gangster punk liberal tho.... I didn't even become libertarian/conservative until I was like 21 and I'm 31 now.

Even today I'm not a rich man, nor would I call myself "middle class" however I do have a moral compass, and I do know right from wrong and I do know I have to work my way up the ladder to be a successful person and I do know believing that I'm oppressed is only counter productive, despite the notion your party does everything in its power to push guys like me to the ground.

As your ilk would say "you don't know me hommie."

I laughed my ass off at your reply. I didn't realize that you were just being funny, my apologies. :lol:

I have more than a generation on you and, like your parents, worked my way out of the "hood". Having grown up poor and in a poor area I find your contention that ANYONE would be "PROUD" to be on welfare and would NOT want a good job and a house in the "burbs" laughable. But I'll chalk your ignorance up to your young age.'s "HOMEY", kiddo, not "hommie". :eusa_whistle:

They whine about any program that does not help them.

Heh, they seem to be whining about every program these days, whether it helps them or not.
Of course I'm angry...

You seem to not have a problem with irresponsible assclowns who are being pandered to for their vote for democrats.

As you seem to not have a problem with irresponsible assclowns who are being pandered to for their vote for republicans.
They whine about any program that does not help them.

Heh, they seem to be whining about every program these days, whether it helps them or not.
Of course I'm angry...

You seem to not have a problem with irresponsible assclowns who are being pandered to for their vote for democrats.

As you seem to not have a problem with irresponsible assclowns who are being pandered to for their vote for republicans.

You seem to take great issue with members of congress following through for the reason they were sent.
Then you know what I'm talking about (well, probably not since you probably don't actually KNOW anyone on welfare). So.....if you can find just ONE person who would rather live in a housing project instead of working in a good job and living in their own house I'll buy you a steak dinner.

Bottom line? You don't have a clue as to what you're talking about.

Every budget that YOUR government passes that has debt belongs to ALL OF US, fuckwad. Unless you're not a citizen of the U.S..


I know lots on welfare and many are proud of it...

I may of went to a private school an all that but I grew up in the hood... I'm not a rich man, my parents always lived modestly (and still do).

My parents didn't make it until I was an adult. We did move from the ghetto to a nice middle class neighborhood when I was 16 tho.

Back then I was a gangster punk liberal tho.... I didn't even become libertarian/conservative until I was like 21 and I'm 31 now.

Even today I'm not a rich man, nor would I call myself "middle class" however I do have a moral compass, and I do know right from wrong and I do know I have to work my way up the ladder to be a successful person and I do know believing that I'm oppressed is only counter productive, despite the notion your party does everything in its power to push guys like me to the ground.

As your ilk would say "you don't know me hommie."

I laughed my ass off at your reply. I didn't realize that you were just being funny, my apologies. :lol:

I have more than a generation on you and, like your parents, worked my way out of the "hood". Having grown up poor and in a poor area I find your contention that ANYONE would be "PROUD" to be on welfare and would NOT want a good job and a house in the "burbs" laughable. But I'll chalk your ignorance up to your young age.'s "HOMEY", kiddo, not "hommie". :eusa_whistle:



Buy a fucking rap album.

I see fools rolling around all day with cars, rims and systems worth more than their homes.

The most expensive cloths and hats you can buy...

So tell me how one can drive a Caddy worth 30 grand + rims and a nice system and live in a 27k home??
They whine about any program that does not help them.

Heh, they seem to be whining about every program these days, whether it helps them or not.
Of course I'm angry...

You seem to not have a problem with irresponsible assclowns who are being pandered to for their vote for democrats.

As you seem to not have a problem with irresponsible assclowns who are being pandered to for their vote for republicans.

And I only bash neo-cons just as hard as I destroy your progressive ass.
"The angry white man act."

What is that supposed to justify??

You're not refuting anything I assert so I'm going to assume you're proud of being an asshat and you're justification of all this insanity is that you believe I'm an angry white man?

Thanks for showing all of us how mentally screwed you are.

God forbid anyone be pissed by the deception committed by progressive communists. Yeah the anger by the responsible is far worse than the treason being committed by democrats.

Little Nicky....

Have you noticed your daily hate filled diatribes are starting to sound like Tim McVeigh?

Have you noticed your assertions of hatred don't work??

Yeah, I'm not one of your whipping boy neo-cons you can just control by asserting that my anger is unjustified and wrong.

I have every fucking right to hate you.

Your Marxist ilk hate me... But the thing is - my ideas don't affect you - your ideas affect me...

Your progressive communists destroyed the economy in the name of equality..

Sorry Little Nicky..

Your angry white boy act is wearing thin

"Fucking commies...."
I know lots on welfare and many are proud of it...

I may of went to a private school an all that but I grew up in the hood... I'm not a rich man, my parents always lived modestly (and still do).

My parents didn't make it until I was an adult. We did move from the ghetto to a nice middle class neighborhood when I was 16 tho.

Back then I was a gangster punk liberal tho.... I didn't even become libertarian/conservative until I was like 21 and I'm 31 now.

Even today I'm not a rich man, nor would I call myself "middle class" however I do have a moral compass, and I do know right from wrong and I do know I have to work my way up the ladder to be a successful person and I do know believing that I'm oppressed is only counter productive, despite the notion your party does everything in its power to push guys like me to the ground.

As your ilk would say "you don't know me hommie."

I laughed my ass off at your reply. I didn't realize that you were just being funny, my apologies. :lol:

I have more than a generation on you and, like your parents, worked my way out of the "hood". Having grown up poor and in a poor area I find your contention that ANYONE would be "PROUD" to be on welfare and would NOT want a good job and a house in the "burbs" laughable. But I'll chalk your ignorance up to your young age.'s "HOMEY", kiddo, not "hommie". :eusa_whistle:



Buy a fucking rap album.

I see fools rolling around all day with cars, rims and systems worth more than their homes.

The most expensive cloths and hats you can buy...

So tell me how one can drive a Caddy worth 30 grand + rims and a nice system and live in a 27k home??

You failed to answer my question.

Again.....are you telling me these same people you "profess to know" would turn down a good paying job? I think you know the answer but you have painted yourself into a corner and don't know how to get out of it. :lol:

And I don't listen to that "rap crap". And since you obviously buy the albums I wonder what kind of fool would buy music made by fools?

And....what's a "hommie" again? LOL

You failed to answer my question.

You're not alone.


Buy a fucking rap album.

I see fools rolling around all day with cars, rims and systems worth more than their homes.

The most expensive cloths and hats you can buy...

So tell me how one can drive a Caddy worth 30 grand + rims and a nice system and live in a 27k home??

Whoa, dude, you’ve got some big-time ignorance and race-hating issues going on here.

Seek mental health counseling – immediately, if not sooner.
Democrats have yet to redistribute wealth...if so, show me the numbers
8 to 10 trillion dollars since 1964 have been spent on anti-poverty programs.

So, yes, Democrats have redistributed a great deal of wealth. Unless you want to make the case that all that money came from poor people.
Why are we arguing about the rich? taking money from them? You know thew rich will not vote for a tax hike on themself. You do realize the rich are our elected officals.

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