Debunking the rightwing "class warfare" retard rhetoric

How do you know he didn't earn it? And people like you should be sucking my cock.

Because only a needy clown would beg the government to raise taxes because they get something out of it...

Either that or hes just an authoritarian socialist moonbat that gets his rocks off on Marxist philosophy...

So corporations are needy clowns who benefit from raising taxes, the rich are needy clowns who support raising taxes to support Isreal and other foreign countrys and the military machine. I got it now!!:lol:

No, the rich don't need the government - the "poor" who believe they're entitled to more than they're capable of providing for themselves do.
You want to end class warfare? It's easy. A flat tax at a low rate. < 10%. That way everyone pays their fair share. An equal burden on all people. We eliminate the artificial classes that have only been created because of our Government. And we can all start looking at each others as equals and brothers instead of being angry at our brothers because of how much or how little they earn.

Every American should be paying their fair share.
That would only make the elitists mad. The ones crying about class warfare on here are the very ones that would hate a plan like that because it is FAIR!!!
Just remember folks whether or not the debt cieling is raised there are 6 congressmen and senators worth over 2 trillion dollars. and the rest in congress follow close behind in worth. Whether the bills get paid they will still be on the tax payers payroll, with all that money. Wanting the tax payers to give more of their hard earned money to them.

When are you people going to wake up?
I say let Israel defend itself...not my concern what happens there. They can take care of themselves. I dont care whether they raise taxes or not but capitalism is all about class warfare. Thats why we need all kids going for training beyond high school. That way there are more high paying jobs. No more blue collar training.

You do realize socal welfare is also a form of class warfare?
We've had bazillions of dollars thrown at that crap (not to mention all the well-heeled and fully benefited bureaucrats to administer those programs), yet still those problems persist...Like failure is evidence that liberoidal do-gooders need even more money and power.

We've been throwing taxcuts at the rich since Bush enacted the taxcuts and it has not spurred job creation nor has it stimulated the economy, in fact they've helped run up nothing but deficits, but it hasn't stopped you retarded from claiming that they are the answer.


BTW, we haven't had a democratic preside over a balanced budget, let alone a surplus, either.

Time for you fake "moderates" to quit pretending you're not liberoidal statists.

You're a deluded liar, look at the stats:

U.S. Department of Commerce. Bureau of Economic Analysis

Row 27 shows deficit or surplus, now tell me, who was president from 1998-2001? Who, in 2002 took a 24.6 billion dollar surplus and turned it into a nearly 307 billion dollar deficit, a Democrat or Republican? Please respond with facts, not rightwing retarded rants.

If class warfare is defined as having money taken from the rich and given to the poor, why are the poor getting poorer and the rich getting richer? Who's really waging class warfare against whom financed by the Koch Brothers?
What does that have to do with your OP?
No my assertions just don't jibe with what you want to believe, and how you rationalize the government stealing money and redistributing it.

The government takes money from one via force and threat - then gives it to another with no strings attached.

Thats called redistribution of wealth.

That money is forcefully taken - NOT given - its not a present or charity.

So who paid for and supported your education? Who paid for the highways, waterways, and other infrastructure you enjoy in America that was forcefully taken from others and given to you, no strings attached?:lol::lol:

Thats not the same thing, all Americans benefit from community projects..

Oh, and if you want to get technical - I went to private school for several years, hence my parents didn't get their value on their property taxes.

What value do people get out of the welfare crowed??? how does a lazy clown with free money is his pocket benefit me??

I get no benefit out of that yet I pay for it...

Oh and here in moonbat libfuck Illinois we have tolls - so not only are we taxed to fund these fucking roads we're charged a 1.50 toll every 10 or so miles to drive on them.

Of course it is the same thing!!! No wonder you can't grasp it, you went to private schools working for a proifit, being paid to pass your sorry ass along to keep the money pouring in.

They are the workers who will return to adjust your drip in the hospital, fix your roads again, serve you a hamburger or make your gasoline, or design a bridge or educate your children. And who said you need a value from people who paid taxes in, so they could use safety nets, or disability or social security or medicare, etc.? You act like you did it for them!! Dumb fuck, you did for yourself, so if you have a time in need, it will be there. If you cut off your hand, there will be medical & other disability nets to retrain you, help pay your bills, etc. You are only covering your own ass, no one elses, you pay the same as everybody else, and not a penny more. So get over yourself.
Of course it is the same thing!!! No wonder you can't grasp it, you went to private schools working for a proifit, being paid to pass your sorry ass along to keep the money pouring in.

They are the workers who will return to adjust your drip in the hospital, fix your roads again, serve you a hamburger or make your gasoline, or design a bridge or educate your children. And who said you need a value from people who paid taxes in, so they could use safety nets, or disability or social security or medicare, etc.? You act like you did it for them!! Dumb fuck, you did for yourself, so if you have a time in need, it will be there. If you cut off your hand, there will be medical & other disability nets to retrain you, help pay your bills, etc. You are only covering your own ass, no one elses, you pay the same as everybody else, and not a penny more. So get over yourself.
No, it's not the same thing, dumb fuck.

Amenities like roads and gubmint schools are not only state and local concerns and available to (mostly) everyone, federal welfare handouts are just plain old looting.

Little wonder a mental midget like you can't make the distinction.
Please read row 27 from the years 1998-2001 Mr Kochtard, and tell me what it says, deficit or surplus? Look at data from last 30 years and show me one Republitard president that has presided over a surplus. If the stats show that the ideology you retards spew and defend day and day out on this forum has a track record of *FAIL* why personally attack me?

The word is Republican. And you would recognize that fact if you'd take your partisan hate-tinged glasses off, dipshit, and ask how a President of either Party "presides" over a "surplus."

In the case of Bubba Clintube, it took a Republican controlled Congress. It helped to "preside" fortuitously over the dot-com bubble, too.

But go ahead and be an obvious asshole, Basshole, by ignoring all facts that undermine your silly "point."


It took Al Sharpton and his racist blacks to guilt republicans into meeting their demands of free mortgages.

Because you know, credit is racist.
Oh no.....Qualifying for credit and demanding loans be satisfied per the contract is racist.....face palm
I say let Israel defend itself...not my concern what happens there. They can take care of themselves. I dont care whether they raise taxes or not but capitalism is all about class warfare. Thats why we need all kids going for training beyond high school. That way there are more high paying jobs. No more blue collar training.

You do realize socal welfare is also a form of class warfare?


If the producers and AMerican Taxpayers fail or refuse to pay their "fair share" the federal government will send its domestic army - IRS AGENTS WITH BIG GUNS - to forcefully seize and confiscate their property.
Because only a needy clown would beg the government to raise taxes because they get something out of it...

Either that or hes just an authoritarian socialist moonbat that gets his rocks off on Marxist philosophy...

So corporations are needy clowns who benefit from raising taxes, the rich are needy clowns who support raising taxes to support Isreal and other foreign countrys and the military machine. I got it now!!:lol:

No, the rich don't need the government - the "poor" who believe they're entitled to more than they're capable of providing for themselves do.

Why do the rich have lobbyists, and the poor don't? Who feels entitled now? And where are these poor who feel entitled? Maybe the ones who were taxed so they could have a safety net available if they needed it? I don't think, I know, IF you needed it, you would be there with your greedy hand out and whining like a bitch having cramps. Don't you lie to me fucker! I know that is the truth.
Of course it is the same thing!!! No wonder you can't grasp it, you went to private schools working for a proifit, being paid to pass your sorry ass along to keep the money pouring in.

They are the workers who will return to adjust your drip in the hospital, fix your roads again, serve you a hamburger or make your gasoline, or design a bridge or educate your children. And who said you need a value from people who paid taxes in, so they could use safety nets, or disability or social security or medicare, etc.? You act like you did it for them!! Dumb fuck, you did for yourself, so if you have a time in need, it will be there. If you cut off your hand, there will be medical & other disability nets to retrain you, help pay your bills, etc. You are only covering your own ass, no one elses, you pay the same as everybody else, and not a penny more. So get over yourself.
No, it's not the same thing, dumb fuck.

Amenities like roads and gubmint schools are not only state and local concerns and available to (mostly) everyone, federal welfare handouts are just plain old looting.

Little wonder a mental midget like you can't make the distinction.

No, I'm afraid it is the same thing

As a function of a society they are all parts of the services provided to the people. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it invalid
The rightwingers like to make the bogus claim that higher taxes on the rich constitutes "class warfare," but conveniently ignore the fact that their efforts to cut funding for the poor and disadvantaged, unemployment assistance, funding to schools, funding to improve inner city decay, etc, are all examples of the worst kind of class warfare in themselves.

Of course they like to make their own form of class warfare under the mask of calling it "fiscal conservatism," but we all know the deal about Republican "fiscal conservatism. As I posted in another thread, Republitards are the party of big government and deficits, in the past 30 years not one Republitard president has presided over a surplus while and office and each year the size of government grew while the rich got richer and the poor got poorer, so can the real party of class warfare please stand up?

Sure, Amos, sure.

Obama's gotten black unemployment to 16% but you keeps on keeping on going to your fine public schools

I didn't know the president is the hiring authority for the entire country. You'll have to clue me in on that one. You can't play the race card CrusaderFranktard when your party played the party of the "oppressed white patriots" being threatened by the Black socialist in the White House. Regardless of who has been in office black unemployment has always been proportionally higher.
Yes, but I be willing to bet the national debt of a small country if unemployment among blacks was 6% instead of 20% you'd be crowing about how the Great President Obama( Ass Kicker of United States) solved the joblessness problem.
Such tripe.
Of course it is the same thing!!! No wonder you can't grasp it, you went to private schools working for a proifit, being paid to pass your sorry ass along to keep the money pouring in.

They are the workers who will return to adjust your drip in the hospital, fix your roads again, serve you a hamburger or make your gasoline, or design a bridge or educate your children. And who said you need a value from people who paid taxes in, so they could use safety nets, or disability or social security or medicare, etc.? You act like you did it for them!! Dumb fuck, you did for yourself, so if you have a time in need, it will be there. If you cut off your hand, there will be medical & other disability nets to retrain you, help pay your bills, etc. You are only covering your own ass, no one elses, you pay the same as everybody else, and not a penny more. So get over yourself.
No, it's not the same thing, dumb fuck.

Amenities like roads and gubmint schools are not only state and local concerns and available to (mostly) everyone, federal welfare handouts are just plain old looting.

Little wonder a mental midget like you can't make the distinction.

You are real dumb fuck. The people on the safety net paid taxes as well. And you get more than your share of the value of infrastructure than you every fucking paid in. It was paid by people who are dead. Your taxes wouldn't build a sidewalk in front of your house, lil lone the street. THINK!! That is all you have to do, well,...lay off the crank & pills would help as well.:lol:

Nick here was private schooled & he is pissing because his parents paid for your public education, you fucking mooch!!!
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Just admit you are FOS and the discussion can move forward.

Just the existence of welfare has punked all of you.

How does that equate to a redistribution of wealth when those giving are gaining more wealth than those receiving?

Wealth is moving upward not downward
Because a pretty large chunk of that loot ends up in the pockets of very well paid and benefited bureaucrats, who produce even less than the moochers they cater to.

BTW, nobody is "giving" anything in the welfare plunder-and-loot scam...It's expropriated under threat of force.

Citizens of this country overwhelmingly pay their taxes voluntarily. It is part of being a member of the greatest country in the history of mankind
Once again the right, in its infinite ignorance and cowardice, is whining about the ‘evil government’ taking their money by force and redistributing it to the unworthy. And yet they cite no case law in support of this position, if what’s being done is so wrong and un-Constitutional, why isn’t anyone here filing suit in Federal court?

And the right provides no specific plan to reconfigure the government in such a way as to address this great injustice, all we get is meaningless, pointless, subjective, ignorant opinion.

It’s quite tedious.

Challenge to the right: What’s your plan to make things they way you believe they should be? Cite the case law and policy in support of this plan (hint: the Federalist Papers or other Foundation Era primary documents aren’t case law).

In short: either put up or shut up.
Truman had a surplus?
War surplus maybe

Clinton having a surplus is one of the greatest lies the democrats have ever told up until you get to obama.

That's why the data I posted proves Clinton did preside over a surplus and you keep believing lies.

No Clinton did not have a surplus
In 2001 we had a National Debt of $5.807463 trillion and a deficit of $133.29 billion
In 2000 National Debt was $5.674178 trillion and a deficit of $17.91 billion
In 1999 National Debt was $5.656270 trillion and a deficit of $130.08 billion
So go ahead tell another lie.
You are using a total debt load analysis in which debt can rise even though revenue exceed expenses. This is not how budget deficits and surpluses are calculated. If you use total debt as a means of determining deficits then you are introducing factors into the equation such as changes in interest rates which the administration has no control over. I'll stick with the method used by the CBO and the Office of Budget Management which is the yardstick we have used for years to measure how successful an administration is in managing the countries finances.

Surplus in Billions
1998 69.3
1999 125.6
2000 236.2
2001 128.6

Nominal Dollar Inflation Adjusted
1998 69.2 89.96
1999 125.6 159.512
2000 236.4 290.772
2001 127.3 152,512

History of Deficits and Surpluses In The United States
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If class warfare is defined as having money taken from the rich and given to the poor, why are the poor getting poorer and the rich getting richer? Who's really waging class warfare against whom financed by the Koch Brothers?

I love the way you deliberately fail to get the point.

In the first place, the poor are not getting poorer. That's pure leftwing horseshit without a shred of visible support. Second, not the word "take" in the definition. To "take" means to use force to retrieve something from the person who owns it. Government takes when it taxes you. Getting paid less than you would like because you're crack whore who can't keep her legs together or an alcoholic with no skills is not an example of "taking."

I like how you paint a privileged group of people as victims and paint the disadvantaged as the villians who steal despite the wealth gap getting wider with the privileged getting richer. If their was class warfare the gap would be narrowing Mr Britpatard.
Ahh the racist buzz words are back in full use...
Privileged = White
Disadvantaged = Black
You're such a hypocrite.. Your use of these words presupposes the non existence of poor Whites and wealthy blacks.
Now, you retort with "where did I post that?"....Don't bother. I'd have to accuse you of playing the stupid card. We both know to what you refer when those terms are used.
So who paid for and supported your education? Who paid for the highways, waterways, and other infrastructure you enjoy in America that was forcefully taken from others and given to you, no strings attached?:lol::lol:

Thats not the same thing, all Americans benefit from community projects..

Oh, and if you want to get technical - I went to private school for several years, hence my parents didn't get their value on their property taxes.

What value do people get out of the welfare crowed??? how does a lazy clown with free money is his pocket benefit me??

I get no benefit out of that yet I pay for it...

Oh and here in moonbat libfuck Illinois we have tolls - so not only are we taxed to fund these fucking roads we're charged a 1.50 toll every 10 or so miles to drive on them.

Of course it is the same thing!!! No wonder you can't grasp it, you went to private schools working for a proifit, being paid to pass your sorry ass along to keep the money pouring in.

They are the workers who will return to adjust your drip in the hospital, fix your roads again, serve you a hamburger or make your gasoline, or design a bridge or educate your children. And who said you need a value from people who paid taxes in, so they could use safety nets, or disability or social security or medicare, etc.? You act like you did it for them!! Dumb fuck, you did for yourself, so if you have a time in need, it will be there. If you cut off your hand, there will be medical & other disability nets to retrain you, help pay your bills, etc. You are only covering your own ass, no one elses, you pay the same as everybody else, and not a penny more. So get over yourself.

They were paid to teach me how to stand on my own two feet as a man.

You were taught that it's the government, hence taxpayers civic duty to support you.

I was also taught social philosophy, and Marx and Lenin were covered and my history books showed me the horrors of Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro and his boy Che who was a murdering lunatic...

You never learned any of that because you went to public school and had communists as teachers teaching you how great "equality" is, instead of teaching you facts and allowing you to form your own views.

BTW, I went to public school too - thats where they tried to brainwash me into a loyal sheep, and it worked for a while until I started asking questions and believe me they didn't like that..

Because you don't question those who don't have answers...

It was quite obvious that my public school teachers only gave a fuck about their paycheck, pension and teaching their "liberalism."

Oh and college was worse.. Those communists have something seriously wrong with them. Hell, my uncle is a professor and is buddies with that terrorist commie asshat Bill Ayers and he has a serious problem with his melon despite being a professor. The funny part about that idiot is the fact his communists threw him under the buss when it came to his tenure and hes more socialist than ever now.
So corporations are needy clowns who benefit from raising taxes, the rich are needy clowns who support raising taxes to support Isreal and other foreign countrys and the military machine. I got it now!!:lol:

No, the rich don't need the government - the "poor" who believe they're entitled to more than they're capable of providing for themselves do.

[B]Why do the rich have lobbyists, and the poor don't? Who feels entitled now? [/B].

Mr Shitnao, Sir:

The rich are trying to peacefully protect their property.....while they can.

The poor , who have been convinced by demagogues that the government owes them a living, are trying to steal their property.

You MO comes directly out of the Communist Manifesto which direct the parasitic hordes to:

""The proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degree, all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralize all instruments of production in the hands of the state&#8230;"


I say let Israel defend itself...not my concern what happens there. They can take care of themselves. I dont care whether they raise taxes or not but capitalism is all about class warfare. Thats why we need all kids going for training beyond high school. That way there are more high paying jobs. No more blue collar training.

You do realize socal welfare is also a form of class warfare?

Says who, the Koch Brothers and other rightwing retards?

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