Debunking the rightwing "class warfare" retard rhetoric

I like how you paint a privileged group of people as victims and paint the disadvantaged as the villians who steal despite the wealth gap getting wider with the privileged getting richer. If their was class warfare the gap would be narrowing Mr Britpatard.

The fact that you're a loser who can't earn enough to pay your bills does not make you a "victim." Poor people can be victims, and rich people can be victims. Just ask the police. However, in the case of taxation, productive people are clearly the victims.

There is no credible evidence that the gap is widening. Furthermore, liberal democrats trying to protect their union thug constituents are the ones who made is more difficult for investors to take control of corporations where the executives were not doing their jobs and looting the company treasury. Liberals are responsible for the vast increase in CEO pay.

I pay my bills and have a job Mr Bripatard and the wealth gap has been widening for years, seems you never check the stats.
Is it the fault of those who have found their way to additional income while those who've fallen farther behind? Really?
So I bust my ass to make a better life for myself that makes ME evil?
I was one of the poor. Shit job. Shit income. Too much spending. I decided I had it with trying to keep up with the rat race. So I found something I was going to be good at, educated myself and networked until I found something I wanted to do where I could make a good living. If in your eyes that makes me a bad person, you can kiss me ass in Macy's window.
I am sick and tired of people like you talking out of your ass. You people ARE the problem.
In your world , no one who achieves( one who is part of the alleged expanding wealth gap) is a decent person. We're all evil. Bite me.
Once again the right, in its infinite ignorance and cowardice, is whining about the ‘evil government’ taking their money by force and redistributing it to the unworthy. And yet they cite no case law in support of this position, if what’s being done is so wrong and un-Constitutional, why isn’t anyone here filing suit in Federal court?

And the right provides no specific plan to reconfigure the government in such a way as to address this great injustice, all we get is meaningless, pointless, subjective, ignorant opinion.

It’s quite tedious.

Challenge to the right: What’s your plan to make things they way you believe they should be? Cite the case law and policy in support of this plan (hint: the Federalist Papers or other Foundation Era primary documents aren’t case law).

In short: either put up or shut up.

They whine about any program that does not help them

But question those programs and laws that help them? You are UnAmerican
The word is Republican. And you would recognize that fact if you'd take your partisan hate-tinged glasses off, dipshit, and ask how a President of either Party "presides" over a "surplus."

In the case of Bubba Clintube, it took a Republican controlled Congress. It helped to "preside" fortuitously over the dot-com bubble, too.

But go ahead and be an obvious asshole, Basshole, by ignoring all facts that undermine your silly "point."


It took Al Sharpton and his racist blacks to guilt republicans into meeting their demands of free mortgages.

Because you know, credit is racist.
Oh no.....Qualifying for credit and demanding loans be satisfied per the contract is racist.....face palm

Giving homes to people who cant afford them because they have no income is wrong but Clinton and Sharpton didn't fucking care.

Allowing those said fools use their free home as collateral for credit is wrong - yet Clinton and Sharpton didn't care.

Why the fuck do you think the economy was "booming" under Clinton??

All that needless materialist shit people bought on plastic - thats why...

Well guess what?? now its time to pay for all that shit and those who racked up all that debt cant pay for it...

Now the banks wont lend you shit unless you have an all star credit rating, and even if you can get credit it will me a minute amount with an epic interest rate.
Thats not the same thing, all Americans benefit from community projects..

Oh, and if you want to get technical - I went to private school for several years, hence my parents didn't get their value on their property taxes.

What value do people get out of the welfare crowed??? how does a lazy clown with free money is his pocket benefit me??

I get no benefit out of that yet I pay for it...

Oh and here in moonbat libfuck Illinois we have tolls - so not only are we taxed to fund these fucking roads we're charged a 1.50 toll every 10 or so miles to drive on them.

Of course it is the same thing!!! No wonder you can't grasp it, you went to private schools working for a proifit, being paid to pass your sorry ass along to keep the money pouring in.

They are the workers who will return to adjust your drip in the hospital, fix your roads again, serve you a hamburger or make your gasoline, or design a bridge or educate your children. And who said you need a value from people who paid taxes in, so they could use safety nets, or disability or social security or medicare, etc.? You act like you did it for them!! Dumb fuck, you did for yourself, so if you have a time in need, it will be there. If you cut off your hand, there will be medical & other disability nets to retrain you, help pay your bills, etc. You are only covering your own ass, no one elses, you pay the same as everybody else, and not a penny more. So get over yourself.

They were paid to teach me how to stand on my own two feet as a man.

You were taught that it's the government, hence taxpayers civic duty to support you.

I was also taught social philosophy, and Marx and Lenin were covered and my history books showed me the horrors of Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro and his boy Che who was a murdering lunatic...

You never learned any of that because you went to public school and had communists as teachers teaching you how great "equality" is, instead of teaching you facts and allowing you to form your own views.

BTW, I went to public school too - thats where they tried to brainwash me into a loyal sheep, and it worked for a while until I started asking questions and believe me they didn't like that..

Because you don't question those who don't have answers...

It was quite obvious that my public school teachers only gave a fuck about their paycheck, pension and teaching their "liberalism."

Oh and college was worse.. Those communists have something seriously wrong with them. Hell, my uncle is a professor and is buddies with that terrorist commie asshat Bill Ayers and he has a serious problem with his melon despite being a professor. The funny part about that idiot is the fact his communists threw him under the buss when it came to his tenure and hes more socialist than ever now.

What an angry young man

Hope he does not go postal some day. They will come back, read his posts and say.....see? He showed signs even then
Thats not the same thing, all Americans benefit from community projects..

Oh, and if you want to get technical - I went to private school for several years, hence my parents didn't get their value on their property taxes.

What value do people get out of the welfare crowed??? how does a lazy clown with free money is his pocket benefit me??

I get no benefit out of that yet I pay for it...

Oh and here in moonbat libfuck Illinois we have tolls - so not only are we taxed to fund these fucking roads we're charged a 1.50 toll every 10 or so miles to drive on them.

Of course it is the same thing!!! No wonder you can't grasp it, you went to private schools working for a proifit, being paid to pass your sorry ass along to keep the money pouring in.

They are the workers who will return to adjust your drip in the hospital, fix your roads again, serve you a hamburger or make your gasoline, or design a bridge or educate your children. And who said you need a value from people who paid taxes in, so they could use safety nets, or disability or social security or medicare, etc.? You act like you did it for them!! Dumb fuck, you did for yourself, so if you have a time in need, it will be there. If you cut off your hand, there will be medical & other disability nets to retrain you, help pay your bills, etc. You are only covering your own ass, no one elses, you pay the same as everybody else, and not a penny more. So get over yourself.

They were paid to teach me how to stand on my own two feet as a man.

You were taught that it's the government, hence taxpayers civic duty to support you.

So how did that lesson work out for you? Are you living in a tent at the river, or did you get house loan? Car Loan? Use Social Security yet, or will you be refusing that as well? Don't fucking lie to me about how you were taught, or how it is any different from any other American. You couldn't stand on your own two feet in America.

I was also taught social philosophy, and Marx and Lenin were covered and my history books showed me the horrors of Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro and his boy Che who was a murdering lunatic...
Geeze, to bad your missed Hitler, the Bush family, Cheney, Reagan & Rumsfeld, all murders, torturers, & rapists of women & children who are chained & detained.

You never learned any of that because you went to public school and had communists as teachers teaching you how great "equality" is, instead of teaching you facts and allowing you to form your own views.

I never had any Communist teachers, but if you can name one I had, I will be glad to listen. Other wise the koolaide is affecting your brain cells today Boy!! It has you lying and denying reality. You must have had fascist teachers huh?

BTW, I went to public school too - thats where they tried to brainwash me into a loyal sheep, and it worked for a while until I started asking questions and believe me they didn't like that..

Because you don't question those who don't have answers...

It was quite obvious that my public school teachers only gave a fuck about their paycheck, pension and teaching their "liberalism."

Yeah, the intellectuals of America demand to be paid. Of course your private teach demanded t be paid as well, passed you on so they got paid, and taught you all the fascist bullshit was good. Really twisted your mind with propaganda.

Oh and college was worse.. Those communists have something seriously wrong with them. Hell, my uncle is a professor and is buddies with that terrorist commie asshat Bill Ayers and he has a serious problem with his melon despite being a professor. The funny part about that idiot is the fact his communists threw him under the buss when it came to his tenure and hes more socialist than ever now.

Yes, well you finally reach the two key words, commie & socialist. Some of your buddies here think they are the same. Probably had private schooling as well.
When democrats stop redistributing wealth, paying off their voting base and wasting money I'm sure no one will have a problem paying taxes.

The only needed federal taxes are for defense and payroll and thats it. Beyond that its up to the states to offer social programs..

In that scenario people can use their liberty and vote with their feet if they don't agree with the direction their state is going, and thats exactly the idea behind the Tenth Amendment.

This is a nation of states and state rights - not one gigantic state.

Democrats have yet to redistribute wealth...if so, show me the numbers

United States Department of Health and Human Services


United States Department of Health and Human Services - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


HOLY SHIT! That's almost 1/10th of the military.....SOCIALISM! :eek:
So corporations are needy clowns who benefit from raising taxes, the rich are needy clowns who support raising taxes to support Isreal and other foreign countrys and the military machine. I got it now!!:lol:

No, the rich don't need the government - the "poor" who believe they're entitled to more than they're capable of providing for themselves do.

Why do the rich have lobbyists, and the poor don't? Who feels entitled now? And where are these poor who feel entitled? Maybe the ones who were taxed so they could have a safety net available if they needed it? I don't think, I know, IF you needed it, you would be there with your greedy hand out and whining like a bitch having cramps. Don't you lie to me fucker! I know that is the truth.

What the fuck are you talking about??

Your president is a fucking lobbyist for the poor, so is Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton or any socialist advocate..... Hell even the MSM takes the social justice side.

Besides its a poor mans fault hes poor...

I would suggest the poor man learns a tool thats in high demand, then he wont be poor.

Quite frankly I believe the poor are all to content with their position and enjoy bitching about it.

With all the energy the poor put into their grievances they could have learned something that will make them - at least - middle class.

Shit, I grew up poor, my parents worked hard and sent me to private school and they stuck with the program... Guess what??? my mom went from a bookkeeper to a CFO in 30 years, my dad went from a radar technician to owning his own audio video company and retiring at 50 over those past 30 years as well.

Why cant the poor do what my parents did? Oh yeah because they're obsessed with what the other guy has.
It took Al Sharpton and his racist blacks to guilt republicans into meeting their demands of free mortgages.

Because you know, credit is racist.
Oh no.....Qualifying for credit and demanding loans be satisfied per the contract is racist.....face palm

Giving homes to people who cant afford them because they have no income is wrong but Clinton and Sharpton didn't fucking care.
Yeah, giving bailouts to wallstreet & bankers who couldn't afford their games is wrong, but Bush, Cheney, Reagan, Rumsfeld don't fucking care.

Allowing those said fools use their free home as collateral for credit is wrong - yet Clinton and Sharpton didn't care.
Handing out free money to foriegners is wrong, yet Bush, Cheney & Rumsfeld didn't care.

Why the fuck do you think the economy was "booming" under Clinton??
Because he knew how to cut, cap, and balance.

All that needless materialist shit people bought on plastic - thats why...
So you think the Reagonomics credit cards were a bad thing, huh?

Well guess what?? now its time to pay for all that shit and those who racked up all that debt cant pay for it...
Yes, years of republican waste has finally cam due.

Now the banks wont lend you shit unless you have an all star credit rating, and even if you can get credit it will me a minute amount with an epic interest rate.

Yeah, and all those banks we bailed out won't loan shit, while wallstreet ran away with the spoon..................LOL!
It took Al Sharpton and his racist blacks to guilt republicans into meeting their demands of free mortgages.

Because you know, credit is racist.
Oh no.....Qualifying for credit and demanding loans be satisfied per the contract is racist.....face palm

Giving homes to people who cant afford them because they have no income is wrong but Clinton and Sharpton didn't fucking care.

Allowing those said fools use their free home as collateral for credit is wrong - yet Clinton and Sharpton didn't care.

Why the fuck do you think the economy was "booming" under Clinton??

All that needless materialist shit people bought on plastic - thats why...

Well guess what?? now its time to pay for all that shit and those who racked up all that debt cant pay for it...
Now the banks wont lend you shit unless you have an all star credit rating, and even if you can get credit it will me a minute amount with an epic interest rate.

What elective office does Al Sharpton hold?
We drop a ton of money on education and the little pukes can't even read and write on par with their grade level.Yet children of similar age in other countries are geniuses compared to our little brats....
Our kids aren't learning for a variety of reasons and it's not that we don't spend enough.

The way to fix this if you ask a Lib is we need to spend more money on education.....
Enough already...It's a joke only it's not fukin funny.

Not near enough money is spent on education, I do not know who you think you are fooling.
Of course it is the same thing!!! No wonder you can't grasp it, you went to private schools working for a proifit, being paid to pass your sorry ass along to keep the money pouring in.

They are the workers who will return to adjust your drip in the hospital, fix your roads again, serve you a hamburger or make your gasoline, or design a bridge or educate your children. And who said you need a value from people who paid taxes in, so they could use safety nets, or disability or social security or medicare, etc.? You act like you did it for them!! Dumb fuck, you did for yourself, so if you have a time in need, it will be there. If you cut off your hand, there will be medical & other disability nets to retrain you, help pay your bills, etc. You are only covering your own ass, no one elses, you pay the same as everybody else, and not a penny more. So get over yourself.

They were paid to teach me how to stand on my own two feet as a man.

You were taught that it's the government, hence taxpayers civic duty to support you.

I was also taught social philosophy, and Marx and Lenin were covered and my history books showed me the horrors of Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro and his boy Che who was a murdering lunatic...

You never learned any of that because you went to public school and had communists as teachers teaching you how great "equality" is, instead of teaching you facts and allowing you to form your own views.

BTW, I went to public school too - thats where they tried to brainwash me into a loyal sheep, and it worked for a while until I started asking questions and believe me they didn't like that..

Because you don't question those who don't have answers...

It was quite obvious that my public school teachers only gave a fuck about their paycheck, pension and teaching their "liberalism."

Oh and college was worse.. Those communists have something seriously wrong with them. Hell, my uncle is a professor and is buddies with that terrorist commie asshat Bill Ayers and he has a serious problem with his melon despite being a professor. The funny part about that idiot is the fact his communists threw him under the buss when it came to his tenure and hes more socialist than ever now.

What an angry young man

Hope he does not go postal some day. They will come back, read his posts and say.....see? He showed signs even then

Of course I'm angry...

You seem to not have a problem with irresponsible assclowns who are being pandered to for their vote for democrats.

Democrats only fucked up the economy and sold hardworking Americans out, destroyed their wealth so the lazy could have some cake without having to earn it.

We're all suffering now so some useless tools could have the same objects as the guy who works for those objects does...

Any logical poor person would know better than to buy something they cant afford - poor democrats on the other hand feel entitled to materialist possessions they cant afford. They live for today and they will worry about tomorrow when they wake up the next day.

Then when the bank comes to repossess their shit they get all bent..

Unfucking believable.
Oh no.....Qualifying for credit and demanding loans be satisfied per the contract is racist.....face palm

Giving homes to people who cant afford them because they have no income is wrong but Clinton and Sharpton didn't fucking care.

Allowing those said fools use their free home as collateral for credit is wrong - yet Clinton and Sharpton didn't care.

Why the fuck do you think the economy was "booming" under Clinton??

All that needless materialist shit people bought on plastic - thats why...

Well guess what?? now its time to pay for all that shit and those who racked up all that debt cant pay for it...
Now the banks wont lend you shit unless you have an all star credit rating, and even if you can get credit it will me a minute amount with an epic interest rate.

What elective office does Al Sharpton hold?

Well he is the de-facto leader of Black America, right? Or, is he as I suspect, just a racist blowhard?
In what universe does a person with little money have to be a "democrat?"

Once again democrats believe they own people like the little pukes they are...

Democrats believe they own the poor, blacks, Mexicans, gays, Muslims, woman etc...

They want to group everyone against the white Christian male.... Those racists believe the white Christian male is the devil...

Paranoid? Delusional?
Oh no.....Qualifying for credit and demanding loans be satisfied per the contract is racist.....face palm

Giving homes to people who cant afford them because they have no income is wrong but Clinton and Sharpton didn't fucking care.

Allowing those said fools use their free home as collateral for credit is wrong - yet Clinton and Sharpton didn't care.

Why the fuck do you think the economy was "booming" under Clinton??

All that needless materialist shit people bought on plastic - thats why...

Well guess what?? now its time to pay for all that shit and those who racked up all that debt cant pay for it...
Now the banks wont lend you shit unless you have an all star credit rating, and even if you can get credit it will me a minute amount with an epic interest rate.

What elective office does Al Sharpton hold?

What "elective" office to lobbyists hold??

But for sake of argument - Shelia Jackson, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, Barney Frank just to name a few activists who were democratically elected and do believe in socialism to reward their constituents.

Oh and don't even get me started with the DOJ and Obamas Czars...
They were paid to teach me how to stand on my own two feet as a man.

You were taught that it's the government, hence taxpayers civic duty to support you.

I was also taught social philosophy, and Marx and Lenin were covered and my history books showed me the horrors of Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro and his boy Che who was a murdering lunatic...

You never learned any of that because you went to public school and had communists as teachers teaching you how great "equality" is, instead of teaching you facts and allowing you to form your own views.

BTW, I went to public school too - thats where they tried to brainwash me into a loyal sheep, and it worked for a while until I started asking questions and believe me they didn't like that..

Because you don't question those who don't have answers...

It was quite obvious that my public school teachers only gave a fuck about their paycheck, pension and teaching their "liberalism."

Oh and college was worse.. Those communists have something seriously wrong with them. Hell, my uncle is a professor and is buddies with that terrorist commie asshat Bill Ayers and he has a serious problem with his melon despite being a professor. The funny part about that idiot is the fact his communists threw him under the buss when it came to his tenure and hes more socialist than ever now.

What an angry young man

Hope he does not go postal some day. They will come back, read his posts and say.....see? He showed signs even then

Of course I'm angry...

You seem to not have a problem with irresponsible assclowns who are being pandered to for their vote for democrats.

Democrats only fucked up the economy and sold hardworking Americans out, destroyed their wealth so the lazy could have some cake without having to earn it.

We're all suffering now so some useless tools could have the same objects as the guy who works for those objects does...

Any logical poor person would know better than to buy something they cant afford - poor democrats on the other hand feel entitled to materialist possessions they cant afford. They live for today and they will worry about tomorrow when they wake up the next day.

Then when the bank comes to repossess their shit they get all bent..

Unfucking believable.

You do have the angry white man act down pat. It is pathetic watching you com on the board every day and whine like a little bitch.

I do feel sorry for you
Oh yeah, Louis Gutierrez and Jessie Jackson Jr are a couple of the more outspoken socialist racist crackpots around...

Hell, Gutierrez doesn't even live in the United States, despite being an Illinois congressmen. He has a home here but he spends most of his time in Puerto Rico and he absolutely hates white people.
Bass 2.O

If no one else will take at this one --- I will...

Black unemployment started to rise when the recession took place, not when Obama took office and please point out what Obama policies cause the black unemployment rate to rise, give the name of said policy(ies) and show how they impacted black unemployment.

In the 1st 2 years of his admin, B.O. (and more significantly Pelosi/Reid) held EVERY ASPECT of the American hostage with legislative uncertainty..

** The healthcare abortion (whateverthefuck it was that nobody read) that hung over the heads of every employer..

** The threat of cap/trade energy policy and the delegation to the EPA of powers to treat CO2 as a pollutant (as I live and breathe).. Hold your breath, we're still not there..

** The bush tax cuts. This one went right up until the last f'in minute and we're STILL arguing about it.

** The wars abroad.. Still no definitive policy or conclusion.

** Frank/Dodd legislation which wasn't really legislation (just an empty place-holder for regs) and is being developed (Slowly) in back room deals by unaccountable bureaucrats..

EVERRY SINGLE ASPECT of the American economy has been held CAPTIVE by the Pelosi/Reid socialist steam roller and now a more neutered Chief Exec. The UNCERTAINTY of all this for employers is why blacks (and whites) will CONTINUE to suffer in the workforce.. Get a clue --- clear the decks. And tell your troops to catch up on their "in boxes"....

One of the things I find so damn amusing about the healthcare debate is how Republitards argue that so called "Obama Care" is going to hurt employers when in reality it stands to benefit employers just as much as the employees. The health care plan is going to be affordable even to the full time worker and McDonald's, that my friends is going to cost employers less money paying for health care for their employees, a simple way to cut costs, now how could it be job killing legislation?
Really? How? Answer that?
BTW, many large companies have asked for and received waivers from Obamacare.

Stop being a Schmuck....
What Does It Take To Get An ObamaCare Waiver? - David Whelan - Health Dollars - Forbes

Approved Applications for Waiver of the Annual Limits Requirements of the PHS Act Section 2711 as of September 30, 2010 |
Eight of the 30 listed employ more than 1,000 people. Three more than 100,000.
The fact is that low to moderate wage earners will be exempt from paying into Obamacare. It is those who earn over the $62k threshold that will be charged 18% of their gross income to pay for the "free" healthcare coverage.

Oh yeas...This link tells how ObamaCare is going to be the greatest thing since the invention of the super absorbent paper towel.
Face it. You libs/progressives want a single payer government rum health insurance system.
A style of health insurance that has proven to be a failure elsewhere. A failure that will bring us new taxes, higher existing taxes, rationed care and a drop off in the quality of care. Fewer companies willing to invent new technologies.
As a matter of fact, single payer looks to retard medical technology because the only way a collective medical system can work is if the age of the population DECREASES. As it happens in England and Germany, elderly people and others who's care is deemed too expensive will be denied care.
No, the rich don't need the government - the "poor" who believe they're entitled to more than they're capable of providing for themselves do.

Why do the rich have lobbyists, and the poor don't? Who feels entitled now? And where are these poor who feel entitled? Maybe the ones who were taxed so they could have a safety net available if they needed it? I don't think, I know, IF you needed it, you would be there with your greedy hand out and whining like a bitch having cramps. Don't you lie to me fucker! I know that is the truth.

What the fuck are you talking about??
Is it the drugs today? You claimed "No, the rich don't need the government - " I showed you were full of shit. Understand now?
Your president is a fucking lobbyist for the poor, so is Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton or any socialist advocate..... Hell even the MSM takes the social justice side.
That only boosts my argument that your are full of shit in your fantasyland claim.
Besides its a poor mans fault hes poor...

I would suggest the poor man learns a tool thats in high demand, then he wont be poor.
Yes, they need educating to be tooled.

Quite frankly I believe the poor are all to content with their position and enjoy bitching about it.
Hmm, I don't hear them complaining. Where do you hear them complaining at?

With all the energy the poor put into their grievances they could have learned something that will make them - at least - middle class.
I don't hear any grievances from the poor. Where are you hearing that? Seriously, I hear cons complaining about the poor, and the social net, but the poor really don't have a voice until the jump off a building.

Shit, I grew up poor, my parents worked hard and sent me to private school and they stuck with the program... Guess what??? my mom went from a bookkeeper to a CFO in 30 years, my dad went from a radar technician to owning his own audio video company and retiring at 50 over those past 30 years as well.

Why cant the poor do what my parents did? Oh yeah because they're obsessed with what the other guy has.

No one can duplicate what our parents did through working, as there are to many obstacles. My dad's first house was like $900. My first house was $27,000. This one I just bought is a million. Same studs in the wall, same building materials, etc. Look at cars. My first car was $300. My 300 was $40,000. Same transportation. And jobs, where are the jobs? Mine were around the West Coast. Today they are in the ME or EU. Even a history book or encyclopedia or dictionary has gained a thousand pages since we graduated. Methods of math & teaching in general has changed.

There are jobs in this global economy, people have to learn to go to China & the EU to get them.
What an angry young man

Hope he does not go postal some day. They will come back, read his posts and say.....see? He showed signs even then

Of course I'm angry...

You seem to not have a problem with irresponsible assclowns who are being pandered to for their vote for democrats.

Democrats only fucked up the economy and sold hardworking Americans out, destroyed their wealth so the lazy could have some cake without having to earn it.

We're all suffering now so some useless tools could have the same objects as the guy who works for those objects does...

Any logical poor person would know better than to buy something they cant afford - poor democrats on the other hand feel entitled to materialist possessions they cant afford. They live for today and they will worry about tomorrow when they wake up the next day.

Then when the bank comes to repossess their shit they get all bent..

Unfucking believable.

You do have the angry white man act down pat. It is pathetic watching you com on the board every day and whine like a little bitch.

I do feel sorry for you

"The angry white man act."

What is that supposed to justify??

You're not refuting anything I assert so I'm going to assume you're proud of being an asshat and you're justification of all this insanity is that you believe I'm an angry white man?

Thanks for showing all of us how mentally screwed you are.

God forbid anyone be pissed by the deception committed by progressive communists. Yeah the anger by the responsible is far worse than the treason being committed by democrats.

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