Debunking the rightwing "class warfare" retard rhetoric

United States Department of Health and Human Services


United States Department of Health and Human Services - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Show me what percentage of wealth those recipients have vs the wealthiest Americans?

Show where their percentage of wealth has been increasing

So you justify redistribution of wealth by this government because you have a problem with people who have money..

Typical authoritarian...

It's your claim Little Nicky....not mine

You said Democrats have been redistributing wealth. Show me where any class but the wealthy has been gaining more wealth in the last 30 years

That's what redistribution is
Raising taxes to pay for the non productive IS redistribution of wealth.

Look up the definition of redistribution of wealth, you rightwing rhetorical slant doesn't fit it.

No my assertions just don't jibe with what you want to believe, and how you rationalize the government stealing money and redistributing it.

The government takes money from one via force and threat - then gives it to another with no strings attached.

Thats called redistribution of wealth.

That money is forcefully taken - NOT given - its not a present or charity.
Raising taxes to pay for the non productive IS redistribution of wealth.

Look up the definition of redistribution of wealth, you rightwing rhetorical slant doesn't fit it.

Just admit you are FOS and the discussion can move forward.

Just the existence of welfare has punked all of you.

How does that equate to a redistribution of wealth when those giving are gaining more wealth than those receiving?

Wealth is moving upward not downward
For all you numbnuts who think congress wants to help the poor and need and give extra taxes
What I would like to point out is that the top 6 congressmen and senators net worth is 2,347,027,028 trillion dollars. Since they help too create the debt and 5 of the top 6 ARE DEMOCRATS WHY DON'T THY PAY THE BILL.?
Net Worth, | Personal Finance Disclosure | OpenSecrets

Good idea....let's raise their tax rate back up to 39%

I bet they would vote for it

So you can have some of the wealth?? so you can go buy a bike you didn't earn yourself??

Lazy people like you belong on skidrow eating my trash.

How do you know he didn't earn it? And people like you should be sucking my cock.

Show me what percentage of wealth those recipients have vs the wealthiest Americans?

Show where their percentage of wealth has been increasing

So you justify redistribution of wealth by this government because you have a problem with people who have money..

Typical authoritarian...

It's your claim Little Nicky....not mine

You said Democrats have been redistributing wealth. Show me where any class but the wealthy has been gaining more wealth in the last 30 years

That's what redistribution is

Do you not know what welfare is???

Foodstamps? the fucking stimulus??

If it wasn't for the wealthy having their wealth redistributed the welfare crowed would be in the goddamn streets right now with NO food, NO place to live, no free money in their pockets...

Who the fuck you believe pays for the lazy welfare clowns? Obama??? that bitch Pelosi??

NO its me and every productive US citizen.

What the fuck is wrong with you??
Democrats have yet to redistribute wealth...if so, show me the numbers

United States Department of Health and Human Services


United States Department of Health and Human Services - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Show me what percentage of wealth those recipients have vs the wealthiest Americans?

Show where their percentage of wealth has been increasing

Repeat after

Lynn Anderson

WE NEVER PROMISED YOU A ROSE GARDEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[ame=]‪Lynn Anderson -- Rose Garden‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

The rightwingers like to make the bogus claim that higher taxes on the rich constitutes "class warfare," but conveniently ignore the fact that their efforts to cut funding for the poor and disadvantaged, unemployment assistance, funding to schools, funding to improve inner city decay, etc, are all examples of the worst kind of class warfare in themselves.

Of course they like to make their own form of class warfare under the mask of calling it "fiscal conservatism," but we all know the deal about Republican "fiscal conservatism. As I posted in another thread, Republitards are the party of big government and deficits, in the past 30 years not one Republitard president has presided over a surplus while and office and each year the size of government grew while the rich got richer and the poor got poorer, so can the real party of class warfare please stand up?
Yer kidding, right?
You just removed all doubt as to your being out of touch with reality.
For 7 decades American taxpayers have dumped trillions of dollars into programs you mentioned above and NOTHING has changed.
The only thing that these programs have accomplished is the creation of a permanent underclass of mostly minority people who have no hope. That underclass has become the entitlement class.
With all the evidence that social programs do nothing to improve the conditions under recipients live , those on the Left insist on continuing along the same path.
The definition of insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting a different result.
The producers can no longer afford this foolishness.
You can bend and twist this all you like. You can accuse the right of what the left does and hope they will defend the charge rather than argue the issue. It won't work.
Your premise is out of gas.
Look up the definition of redistribution of wealth, you rightwing rhetorical slant doesn't fit it.

Just admit you are FOS and the discussion can move forward.

Just the existence of welfare has punked all of you.

How does that equate to a redistribution of wealth when those giving are gaining more wealth than those receiving?

Wealth is moving upward not downward

Is that question from the book of ebonics? Didnt Bass just ask for proof about class warfare.

Jesus the group of you together couldnt pass an SAT
Good idea....let's raise their tax rate back up to 39%

I bet they would vote for it

So you can have some of the wealth?? so you can go buy a bike you didn't earn yourself??

Lazy people like you belong on skidrow eating my trash.

How do you know he didn't earn it? And people like you should be sucking my cock.

Because only a needy clown would beg the government to raise taxes because they get something out of it...

Either that or hes just an authoritarian socialist moonbat that gets his rocks off on Marxist philosophy...
Raising taxes to pay for the non productive IS redistribution of wealth.

Look up the definition of redistribution of wealth, you rightwing rhetorical slant doesn't fit it.

No my assertions just don't jibe with what you want to believe, and how you rationalize the government stealing money and redistributing it.

The government takes money from one via force and threat - then gives it to another with no strings attached.

Thats called redistribution of wealth.

That money is forcefully taken - NOT given - its not a present or charity.

So who paid for and supported your education? Who paid for the highways, waterways, and other infrastructure you enjoy in America that was forcefully taken from others and given to you, no strings attached?:lol::lol:
So you justify redistribution of wealth by this government because you have a problem with people who have money..

Typical authoritarian...

It's your claim Little Nicky....not mine

You said Democrats have been redistributing wealth. Show me where any class but the wealthy has been gaining more wealth in the last 30 years

That's what redistribution is

Do you not know what welfare is???

Foodstamps? the fucking stimulus??

If it wasn't for the wealthy having their wealth redistributed the welfare crowed would be in the goddamn streets right now with NO food, NO place to live, no free money in their pockets...

Who the fuck you believe pays for the lazy welfare clowns? Obama??? that bitch Pelosi??

NO its me and every productive US citizen.

What the fuck is wrong with you??

God, Little our education system that bad? Or has the right wing corrupted you so badly?

You live in a society, do you know what that means. It means as a society, we look out for the well being of all. If you do that, the society as a whole, prospers

In the last thirty years one small sector has prospered at the expense of the rest
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Look up the definition of redistribution of wealth, you rightwing rhetorical slant doesn't fit it.

Just admit you are FOS and the discussion can move forward.

Just the existence of welfare has punked all of you.

How does that equate to a redistribution of wealth when those giving are gaining more wealth than those receiving?

Wealth is moving upward not downward
Because a pretty large chunk of that loot ends up in the pockets of very well paid and benefited bureaucrats, who produce even less than the moochers they cater to.

BTW, nobody is "giving" anything in the welfare plunder-and-loot scam...It's expropriated under threat of force.
So you can have some of the wealth?? so you can go buy a bike you didn't earn yourself??

Lazy people like you belong on skidrow eating my trash.

How do you know he didn't earn it? And people like you should be sucking my cock.

Because only a needy clown would beg the government to raise taxes because they get something out of it...

Either that or hes just an authoritarian socialist moonbat that gets his rocks off on Marxist philosophy...

So corporations are needy clowns who benefit from raising taxes, the rich are needy clowns who support raising taxes to support Isreal and other foreign countrys and the military machine. I got it now!!:lol:
For all you numbnuts who think congress wants to help the poor and need and give extra taxes
What I would like to point out is that the top 6 congressmen and senators net worth is 2,347,027,028 trillion dollars. Since they help too create the debt and 5 of the top 6 ARE DEMOCRATS WHY DON'T THY PAY THE BILL.?
Net Worth, | Personal Finance Disclosure | OpenSecrets

Good idea....let's raise their tax rate back up to 39%

I bet they would vote for it

No since they made the debt they should pay for it, after all the top six in congress total worth is 2,347,027,028 trillion dollars. I mean you liberals should go for that the need of the many out weighs the needs of the few., it's just 6 people I am sure they would be allowed on their very own welfare system.
I say let Israel defend itself...not my concern what happens there. They can take care of themselves. I dont care whether they raise taxes or not but capitalism is all about class warfare. Thats why we need all kids going for training beyond high school. That way there are more high paying jobs. No more blue collar training.
Look up the definition of redistribution of wealth, you rightwing rhetorical slant doesn't fit it.

No my assertions just don't jibe with what you want to believe, and how you rationalize the government stealing money and redistributing it.

The government takes money from one via force and threat - then gives it to another with no strings attached.

Thats called redistribution of wealth.

That money is forcefully taken - NOT given - its not a present or charity.

So who paid for and supported your education? Who paid for the highways, waterways, and other infrastructure you enjoy in America that was forcefully taken from others and given to you, no strings attached?:lol::lol:

Thats not the same thing, all Americans benefit from community projects..

Oh, and if you want to get technical - I went to private school for several years, hence my parents didn't get their value on their property taxes.

What value do people get out of the welfare crowed??? how does a lazy clown with free money is his pocket benefit me??

I get no benefit out of that yet I pay for it...

Oh and here in moonbat libfuck Illinois we have tolls - so not only are we taxed to fund these fucking roads we're charged a 1.50 toll every 10 or so miles to drive on them.
How about forming two countries out of what the USA is today, one capitalist based the other socialist based, and we see who does better. Everyones happy cause they get what they want.


Why not take it further and repeal all laws concerning worker safety, child labor and environment? Who needs overtime pay, minimum wages and 40 hour work weeks? Of course we can always count on corporations to do the right thing by the people who make their money for them, right? :up:

you have worn out the all or nothing straw man argument .
Oh, what's wrong with working more than 40 hours per week? A lot of us do just that. So what? Only takers and weenies whine about working more than 40 hours.
You do the job and keep doing it until the requirements are met. No employer wants clock watchers on their payroll. Just get to work and you'll be told when it's time to go home. If you don't like it, quit and go find another job or start you own business. Those are the choices.

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