Debunking the rightwing "class warfare" retard rhetoric

Democrats have yet to redistribute wealth...if so, show me the numbers
8 to 10 trillion dollars since 1964 have been spent on anti-poverty programs.

So, yes, Democrats have redistributed a great deal of wealth. Unless you want to make the case that all that money came from poor people.

8 to 10 trillion in almost 50 years?

How much additional wealth have the richest 4% accumulated in that time? Doesnt seem to be hurting much does it?
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Democrats have yet to redistribute wealth...if so, show me the numbers
8 to 10 trillion dollars since 1964 have been spent on anti-poverty programs.

So, yes, Democrats have redistributed a great deal of wealth. Unless you want to make the case that all that money came from poor people.

8 to 10 trillion in almost 50 years?

How much additional wealth have the richest 4% accumulated in that time? Doesnt seem to be hurting much does it?

They'd have accumulated more...and so would the middle class...if the Left hadn't taken it from them at gunpoint and given it to people who didn't earn it.

You really do feel proud of yourself for being generous with other people's money, don't you?
I laughed my ass off at your reply. I didn't realize that you were just being funny, my apologies. :lol:

I have more than a generation on you and, like your parents, worked my way out of the "hood". Having grown up poor and in a poor area I find your contention that ANYONE would be "PROUD" to be on welfare and would NOT want a good job and a house in the "burbs" laughable. But I'll chalk your ignorance up to your young age.'s "HOMEY", kiddo, not "hommie". :eusa_whistle:



Buy a fucking rap album.

I see fools rolling around all day with cars, rims and systems worth more than their homes.

The most expensive cloths and hats you can buy...

So tell me how one can drive a Caddy worth 30 grand + rims and a nice system and live in a 27k home??

You failed to answer my question.

Again.....are you telling me these same people you "profess to know" would turn down a good paying job? I think you know the answer but you have painted yourself into a corner and don't know how to get out of it. :lol:

And I don't listen to that "rap crap". And since you obviously buy the albums I wonder what kind of fool would buy music made by fools?

And....what's a "hommie" again? LOL


Quit using ignorant subjective terms like "good paying job."

What the fuck does that mean?

I can answer questions, but I cannot interpret your nonsense or your bullshit.
8 to 10 trillion dollars since 1964 have been spent on anti-poverty programs.

So, yes, Democrats have redistributed a great deal of wealth. Unless you want to make the case that all that money came from poor people.

8 to 10 trillion in almost 50 years?

How much additional wealth have the richest 4% accumulated in that time? Doesnt seem to be hurting much does it?

They'd have accumulated more...and so would the middle class...if the Left hadn't taken it from them at gunpoint and given it to people who didn't earn it.

You really do feel proud of yourself for being generous with other people's money, don't you?

The US is the greatest civilization in the history of mankind. Great civilizations do not let the less fortunate starve. Turning portions of the US into Calcutta would not have made us stronger
Democrats have yet to redistribute wealth...if so, show me the numbers
8 to 10 trillion dollars since 1964 have been spent on anti-poverty programs.

So, yes, Democrats have redistributed a great deal of wealth. Unless you want to make the case that all that money came from poor people.

8 to 10 trillion in almost 50 years?

How much additional wealth have the richest 4% accumulated in that time? Doesnt seem to be hurting much does it?

Why does it matter??

You act like the rich are stealing from you when in reality they're supporting you.

Do you not understand that?

All the energy you spend obsessing over the rich could make you rich.

How much time do you think you spend obsessing over those who have more than you do???

Now imagine if you used that time to learn something that would pay you well??
8 to 10 trillion dollars since 1964 have been spent on anti-poverty programs.

So, yes, Democrats have redistributed a great deal of wealth. Unless you want to make the case that all that money came from poor people.

8 to 10 trillion in almost 50 years?

How much additional wealth have the richest 4% accumulated in that time? Doesnt seem to be hurting much does it?

Why does it matter??

You act like the rich are stealing from you when in reality they're supporting you.

Do you not understand that?

All the energy you spend obsessing over the rich could make you rich.

How much time do you think you spend obsessing over those who have more than you do???

Now imagine if you used that time to learn something that would pay you well??

At one point the top 26 hedge fund managers were averaging $825 million dollars a year in income.

This is when they were running their $516 TRILLION DOLLAR derivative Ponzi scheme.

Then when the scheme ran out, we, the American taxpayer, bailed them out.

The were stealing from us.
8 to 10 trillion dollars since 1964 have been spent on anti-poverty programs.

So, yes, Democrats have redistributed a great deal of wealth. Unless you want to make the case that all that money came from poor people.

8 to 10 trillion in almost 50 years?

How much additional wealth have the richest 4% accumulated in that time? Doesnt seem to be hurting much does it?

Why does it matter??

You act like the rich are stealing from you when in reality they're supporting you.

Do you not understand that?

All the energy you spend obsessing over the rich could make you rich.

How much time do you think you spend obsessing over those who have more than you do???

Now imagine if you used that time to learn something that would pay you well??

The point is this my friend....

Even though we as a country help the less fortunate, the wealthiest are not impacted. In fact, the gained a bigger percentage of wealth

Thus shooting down your bogus claim that Democrats are redistributing wealth
8 to 10 trillion in almost 50 years?

How much additional wealth have the richest 4% accumulated in that time? Doesnt seem to be hurting much does it?

Why does it matter??

You act like the rich are stealing from you when in reality they're supporting you.

Do you not understand that?

All the energy you spend obsessing over the rich could make you rich.

How much time do you think you spend obsessing over those who have more than you do???

Now imagine if you used that time to learn something that would pay you well??

The point is this my friend....

Even though we as a country help the less fortunate, the wealthiest are not impacted. In fact, the gained a bigger percentage of wealth

Thus shooting down your bogus claim that Democrats are redistributing wealth

You are right the wealthy will never be touched because they will always be on the tax payers payroll unless they do not win their election.
Democrats have yet to redistribute wealth...if so, show me the numbers
8 to 10 trillion dollars since 1964 have been spent on anti-poverty programs.

So, yes, Democrats have redistributed a great deal of wealth. Unless you want to make the case that all that money came from poor people.

So you don't know how much was spent. Further, your saying your Capitalist system is a fucking failure if you still have poor after 50 years. How many poor you got now than in 64'?
8 to 10 trillion in almost 50 years?

How much additional wealth have the richest 4% accumulated in that time? Doesnt seem to be hurting much does it?

They'd have accumulated more...and so would the middle class...if the Left hadn't taken it from them at gunpoint and given it to people who didn't earn it.

You really do feel proud of yourself for being generous with other people's money, don't you?

The US is the greatest civilization in the history of mankind. Great civilizations do not let the less fortunate starve. Turning portions of the US into Calcutta would not have made us stronger
It's interesting how the left promises people just enough to get by, but not enough to rise above their situation.

You want to keep people dependent on government and dutifully pulling the D lever.

Don't say you give a damn about people, because you don't. You just want their votes.
8 to 10 trillion in almost 50 years?

How much additional wealth have the richest 4% accumulated in that time? Doesnt seem to be hurting much does it?

They'd have accumulated more...and so would the middle class...if the Left hadn't taken it from them at gunpoint and given it to people who didn't earn it.

You really do feel proud of yourself for being generous with other people's money, don't you?

The US is the greatest civilization in the history of mankind. Great civilizations do not let the less fortunate starve. Turning portions of the US into Calcutta would not have made us stronger

the welfare system was never designed to substain people for a lifetime. It was created as a safety net, until a person found a way to provide for themself. You have people who think being on welfare is their job and they think their benifit check is a pay check.
Democrats have yet to redistribute wealth...if so, show me the numbers
8 to 10 trillion dollars since 1964 have been spent on anti-poverty programs.

So, yes, Democrats have redistributed a great deal of wealth. Unless you want to make the case that all that money came from poor people.

So you don't know how much was spent. Further, your saying your Capitalist system is a fucking failure if you still have poor after 50 years. How many poor you got now than in 64'?

Not as high a percentage.

And America is a better and more fair place than it was in 1964.

But you are missing the point.

Countries that invest in their citizens like Switzerland and Germany and Sweden have strong economies and stable societies.

How do they invest? Thru social programs, education, and medical care.

Republicans hate all of these things. They want American to be Dickinsean England.
Democrats have yet to redistribute wealth...if so, show me the numbers
8 to 10 trillion dollars since 1964 have been spent on anti-poverty programs.

So, yes, Democrats have redistributed a great deal of wealth. Unless you want to make the case that all that money came from poor people.

So you don't know how much was spent.
It's in the trillions. If you have another figure, let's see it.
Further, your saying your Capitalist system is a fucking failure if you still have poor after 50 years. How many poor you got now than in 64'?
I'm not saying that, because only stupid people would say that. That' explains why you're saying it.

What's a failure is the War On Poverty. The War To Keep People Dependent on Government and Voting Democrat, however, is a huge success.

Got that? The policies you support encourage people to remain poor.

But you don't care, as long as they keep voting Dem.
8 to 10 trillion dollars since 1964 have been spent on anti-poverty programs.

So, yes, Democrats have redistributed a great deal of wealth. Unless you want to make the case that all that money came from poor people.

So you don't know how much was spent. Further, your saying your Capitalist system is a fucking failure if you still have poor after 50 years. How many poor you got now than in 64'?

Not as high a percentage.

And America is a better and more fair place than it was in 1964.

But you are missing the point.

Countries that invest in their citizens like Switzerland and Germany and Sweden have strong economies and stable societies.

How do they invest? Thru social programs, education, and medical care.

Republicans hate all of these things. They want American to be Dickinsean England.
You want America to be the Soviet Union circa 1958.

How'd that turn out for them? No, it won't work with American leftists in charge. Really.
8 to 10 trillion in almost 50 years?

How much additional wealth have the richest 4% accumulated in that time? Doesnt seem to be hurting much does it?

Why does it matter??

You act like the rich are stealing from you when in reality they're supporting you.

Do you not understand that?

All the energy you spend obsessing over the rich could make you rich.

How much time do you think you spend obsessing over those who have more than you do???

Now imagine if you used that time to learn something that would pay you well??

At one point the top 26 hedge fund managers were averaging $825 million dollars a year in income.

This is when they were running their $516 TRILLION DOLLAR derivative Ponzi scheme.

Then when the scheme ran out, we, the American taxpayer, bailed them out.

The were stealing from us.

I don't care..........

Obama ripped off GM stock holders...

No one cared about that...

I suppose those who had nothing invested are safe.....

I'd bet anything the majority of the wealthy are either in the hole or are in or around what they invested and lost.....

But hey, you wont become rich unless you take that risk...

Oh and those that understand what I'm saying - don't invest in union businesses.
They'd have accumulated more...and so would the middle class...if the Left hadn't taken it from them at gunpoint and given it to people who didn't earn it.

You really do feel proud of yourself for being generous with other people's money, don't you?

The US is the greatest civilization in the history of mankind. Great civilizations do not let the less fortunate starve. Turning portions of the US into Calcutta would not have made us stronger
It's interesting how the left promises people just enough to get by, but not enough to rise above their situation.

You want to keep people dependent on government and dutifully pulling the D lever.

Don't say you give a damn about people, because you don't. You just want their votes.

Exactly the point I was tring to make

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