Debunking White Nationalism


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2013
I used to post to Stormfront to try and counter their propaganda with facts. I always made sure I posted evidence to support my statements. It didn't
matter.Anything I submitted which countered their propaganda was never approved by the moderators.
This bit about homogenous societies being more successful is pure hogwash. The two most powerful superpowers the world has ever seen, the USA and the USSR, were both racially mixed.
The USSR included a huge Asian population in central Asia in places like Uzbekistan, Kazakistan, and Mongolia. Britain is still powerful and she has loads of non-whites from her former African colonies.France has loads of Asian immigrants from her former colonies in Indochina.

There is an internet blog which debunks the entries on Stormfront one at time. It also debunks some racist and anti-semitic tall tales.
I can't post the URL yet, but it's name is:Genocidal Race Traitor:Fun With Stormfront. If you put that in your browser, you'll find it.

Good luck
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You are pointing out countries with whites being the overwhelming majority.
You are pointing out countries with whites being the overwhelming majority.

Whites re not the overwhelming majority in the USA or what was the USSR.

Correct, Sarge. The last estimate I saw for the USA was only 65% white.That doesn't
overwhelm anybody.

BTW, I was in the U.S. Navy for 6 years.
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And if America was 65% black what do you think it would be like?
And if America was 65% black what do you think it would be like?

Much better than 65% white nationalist.I don't have a problem with Blacks. I have a big problem with racists.
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What will you say when the extremely homogenous China passes the USA in 2016 like it passed up Russia long ago?
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What will you say when the extremely homogenous China passes the USA in 2016 like it passed up Russia long ago?

What did it pass Russia in?Have you got reliable statistics on that?
Lots of people are afraid of the Russians. I don't know anybody who is afraid of the
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And if America was 65% black what do you think it would be like?

Much better than 65% white nationalist.I don't have a problem with Blacks. I have a big problem with racists.
Well tell us about the great countries that are majority black.

I deal with people one at a time, as individuals.The Blacks I know are all tolerable to me.
I cannot tolerate a racist.
China is extremely Racist & Homogenous. In China black fathers also abandon their children.
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The Chinese mostly believe their culture is superior to others.
It's a very old culture which has accomplished much in it's long history.

Now is the first time in history that they have had any significant military power.
They have the world's largest standing army and lots of modern weapons. They have
put satellites into space.
Daddy said waaaaaaaaaay back in 1960 or so that we need to keep an eyeball on the chinese. He said THEY would be our future problem. I wonder if he will wind up being correct.

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