December 11, America’s Other Day of Infamy – When the US Supreme Court Abdicated Its Responsibilities

Jesus! Are you losers EVER going to stop whining?
How many pounds of brain damage does it take to think America will EVER allow the man who attempted a coup anywhere near the Oval Office again? How brain dead do you have to be to think America wants a man who declared the Constitution terminated back in the Oval Office?
Whining? How about those "reparations"?
How many times are dems gonna play the "race card"?

We agree Trump is "damaged goods". But Trump is NOT the point of this thread.

The thread is about some states ILLEGALLY changing voting laws. Please try to stay on topic.
Oh boy, that the most interesting thought I've read on this Political forum for several days.
So, poster you gonna do it?
I mean, just what geographies got to which of the various constitutencies?
Which lands do the Republicans get? Why?
Which do the Democrats get? Why?
Which do ultra right wing Consevatives get?
Which do ultra left wing Progressives get?
What about the Catholics? Shouldn't they get their share too?
And the Protestants? .... tho that may get awfully splintery in the end.
And importantly, what about the Independents? Don't they outnumber most everybody?
And the Communists? There aren't very many but as American citizens aren't they entitled to a sliver? A few million acres?
So the Muslims get any part? Why? Or Why not?

That would be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court that poster Oddball is referencing.

So, poster us.
Show us this 'manifesto' (?) you have access to.

And while you are at us the manifest that has his name on it. K?
The poster made that statement because our government has become what the founding fathers fought against.
"The poster made that statement because our government has become ......"

Well, that's nice, poster 22lc.
But that ain't what I asked about.

I wanted to know how the fringie-world of the right would suggest we split up America.

Do you have a suggestion about that issue, poster 22?
They didn't miss anything. As long as they get a win, the constitution be damned

Exactly, they could care less if the Constitution was violated, it's exactly what they're trying to destroy, so all the usual assholes are in here ignorantly cheering it on. I can't wait until it gets to the point where their rights are violated and there's no one left with the ability to stop it.
The anti-constitution faction?

Be careful which fire-hydrant you let your dog pee on, poster Death. High risk of you being splashed.

To wit: Don Trump on December 3rd, 2022: "..... the termination of all rules and regulations, articles, even in the Constitution."


Be careful which fire-hydrant you let your dog pee on, poster Death. High risk of you being splashed.

To wit: Don Trump on December 3rd, 2022: "..... the termination of all rules and regulations, articles, even in the Constitution."

Donald Trump spoke WORDS
The supreme Court performed an ACTION
Donald Trump spoke WORDS

Yupper, he did. He said this: "..... the termination of all rules and regulations, articles, even in the Constitution."

Accordingly, good poster Death, let us let, good ol' Mathew (in 12:37) help you in that aspect.
To wit: "For by your shall be condemned."

Funny how words have meaning.
Funny how words matter.
You missed the point.

Some states ILLEGALLY changed the election rules. That's un-Constitutional. I know dems don't understand "The Law".
Got it. So now, the Supreme Court, which is the highest authority on what is or isn't illegal, allows an illegal action to stand, At least that seems to be what you are complaining about. I DEMAND A RECOUNT!!
Roberts is among the constant proof that Republicans nominate objective judges to the SCOTUS while Democrats nominate activists that merely do the will of the radical left/woke.
If they rule those members did not violate their oath then they have violated their oath and the whole country will be crushed.


And then what will do about it other than whine even more on this forum?
I will continue to say what I have been saying. And pieces of shit like you will continue to gloat as the country dies.

So I was correct, you will continue to do nothing but whine on this forum. Which proves you do not actually believe the things that you post on here

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