December 11, America’s Other Day of Infamy – When the US Supreme Court Abdicated Its Responsibilities

I will continue to say what I have been saying. And pieces of shit like you will continue to gloat as the country dies.

Look at the bright side, the Gator will be one of the first to die.
Look at the bright side, the Gator will be one of the first to die.

How do you figure? It is not like any of you on here have the balls to do anything but whine on the internet and I am also willing to bet I am far better armed than you
How do you figure? It is not like any of you on here have the balls to do anything but whine on the internet and I am also willing to bet I am far better armed than you

You rely on uncle sugar to take care of your useless ass. When the crises truly hits, which is rapidly approaching, you are going to starve to death.

Or you will get shot trying to steal from those who have food.

Either way you are screwed.
You rely on uncle sugar to take care of your useless ass. When the crises truly hits, which is rapidly approaching, you are going to starve to death.

Or you will get shot trying to steal from those who have food.

Either way you are screwed.

You are so damn cute when you talk out of your ass.

I rely on me and mine, nobody else.

But at least you proved me correct that you are too much of a pussy to do anything but whine and talk smack on the internet.

If you people believed half of what you post on here the shooting would have started a long time ago.

Be careful which fire-hydrant you let your dog pee on, poster Death. High risk of you being splashed.

To wit: Don Trump on December 3rd, 2022: "..... the termination of all rules and regulations, articles, even in the Constitution."



At the point that it's proven that the election is rigged - the rules in regard to the election are moot.

I don't agree with Trump that THIS rises to that level, but I DO agree with Trump that acts which DO rise to the level of outright treason - and this teeters precariously close - do suspend constitutional protections for those acts.
What a sad day it will be in history forever to come.

Wow... thanks for this

Excerpt from site that sums things up:

The 2020 election was truly like no other. Hundreds, thousands of everyday Americans risked their reputations and even their livelihoods to come forward and make signed statements, under threat of perjury, about the election fraud they witnessed. They were universally harassed and intimidated and even threatened, sometimes by the very institutions that were supposed to hear and respond to their claims (like the FBI). At the same time, hundreds of data scientists and mathematicians, including over 300 individuals who had formerly worked for one of our national security agencies, came out publicly, in unison, and stated that the results of the election were statistically and scientifically impossible apart from widespread fraud. Mathematics is the language of science. Where were those who are always saying, “follow the science”?
Standing wasn't given as the reason the USSC declined to hear the case.
When certain states do NOT follow the Constitution the court needs to at least hear the evidence, otherwise we have a "banana republic".
“The State of Texas’s motion for leave to file a bill of complaint is denied for lack of standing under Article III of the Constitution,” the Supreme Court’s order reads.

Please, try to be more educated next time.

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