December 13, 68 degrees

65 degrees on Christmas Eve...

No Global warming?

Republicans are so dumb

Laughably liberal loons still persist in conflating weather with climate.

(Psst. It's never in the history of recorded temperatures EVER been warm in December before. Pass it on. leftwhiner will lap that bullshit right up!)
65 degrees on Christmas Eve...

No Global warming?

Republicans are so dumb
Currently 45 degrees, temps dropped 20+ degrees since the OP. At this rate, we'll be down to absolute zero right after New Years
Now, you know conservatives don't need 'links,' the truth and facts are anathema to rightwing dogma.

Apparently facts are anathema to AGW Faith Based True Believers.

Meanwhile, even you, Adam_Clayton must (dimly at least) recognize that leftwhiner conflated weather with climate.
65 degrees on Christmas Eve...

No Global warming?

Republicans are so dumb

Laughably liberal loons still persist in conflating weather with climate.

(Psst. It's never in the history of recorded temperatures EVER been warm in December before. Pass it on. leftwhiner will lap that bullshit right up!)
You have no understanding of science
65 degrees on Christmas Eve...

No Global warming?

Republicans are so dumb

Laughably liberal loons still persist in conflating weather with climate.

(Psst. It's never in the history of recorded temperatures EVER been warm in December before. Pass it on. leftwhiner will lap that bullshit right up!)
You have no understanding of science


I understand something you clearly do not.

The December 2015 average temperature in a portion of the United States is indicative of weather; not climate change.

It is your understanding that is lacking.

Pretty fully.
68 degrees a few days ago, we add more CO2 and temperature PLUMMETS.

how does the AGWCult explain it?
Given the CO2 added since 12/13, it should be over 70 today. Why are we 25 degrees below that?

New ice age?
65 degrees on Christmas Eve...

No Global warming?

Republicans are so dumb

Once we were able to start swimming in April now it is well after Memorial Day and this is in Texas. Weather manipulation and the global dimming that comes with it is what is causing the weird weather anomalies and your masters are blaming you and wanting you to pay for it. Now that is dumb....wake up, learn, grow and evolve. I am here to help.
65 degrees on Christmas Eve...

No Global warming?

Republicans are so dumb
Currently 45 degrees, temps dropped 20+ degrees since the OP. At this rate, we'll be down to absolute zero right after New Years
Now, you know conservatives don't need 'links,' the truth and facts are anathema to rightwing dogma.
I am not a rightwinger and I know way more about this topic than you do. Global change/ dimming is being blamed on petroleum use when it is actually being caused by the geo-engineering program that has been going on in earnest since at least 1997. We are getting up to 20 percent less sunlight now so please tell me how it could be possible that the planet is heating up? The fact is, it isn't. This is the Hegelian Dialectic being played out right in front of you. Cause the crisis, frighten the masses into begging for a solution and then proposing one that benefits the creator of the crisis. Nano-particulates of barium, strontium and aluminium are being sprayed into the atmosphere and then being heated up with ionospheric heaters to manipulate the jet stream and control weather fronts. This is real and it is happening. Your masters want you to believe that the environmental crisis that they have created in order to bring about global governance is YOUR fault. This was an idea that was created by the originators of the Iron Mountain Report that was leaked to the public in 1967. The Club of Rome, an offshoot of the U.N took the idea and started running with it in the early 70's and they found the leftwing sheeple to be the most useful pawns in this fraud....congrats.
65 degrees on Christmas Eve...

No Global warming?

Republicans are so dumb
Currently 45 degrees, temps dropped 20+ degrees since the OP. At this rate, we'll be down to absolute zero right after New Years
Now, you know conservatives don't need 'links,' the truth and facts are anathema to rightwing dogma.
I am not a rightwinger and I know way more about this topic than you do. Global change/ dimming is being blamed on petroleum use when it is actually being caused by the geo-engineering program that has been going on in earnest since at least 1997. We are getting up to 20 percent less sunlight now so please tell me how it could be possible that the planet is heating up? The fact is, it isn't. This is the Hegelian Dialectic being played out right in front of you. Cause the crisis, frighten the masses into begging for a solution and then proposing one that benefits the creator of the crisis. Nano-particulates of barium, strontium and aluminium are being sprayed into the atmosphere and then being heated up with ionospheric heaters to manipulate the jet stream and control weather fronts. This is real and it is happening. Your masters want you to believe that the environmental crisis that they have created in order to bring about global governance is YOUR fault. This was an idea that was created by the originators of the Iron Mountain Report that was leaked to the public in 1967. The Club of Rome, an offshoot of the U.N took the idea and started running with it in the early 70's and they found the leftwing sheeple to be the most useful pawns in this fraud....congrats.

So who exactly is spraying and then heating these nano particulates?!

I always wanted to get into this Club of Rome, never had any damn luck, the bouncers always used to give me a hard time, and let in the good looking chicks wearing mini skirts, just like that.
65 degrees on Christmas Eve...

No Global warming?

Republicans are so dumb
Currently 45 degrees, temps dropped 20+ degrees since the OP. At this rate, we'll be down to absolute zero right after New Years
Now, you know conservatives don't need 'links,' the truth and facts are anathema to rightwing dogma.
I am not a rightwinger and I know way more about this topic than you do. Global change/ dimming is being blamed on petroleum use when it is actually being caused by the geo-engineering program that has been going on in earnest since at least 1997. We are getting up to 20 percent less sunlight now so please tell me how it could be possible that the planet is heating up? The fact is, it isn't. This is the Hegelian Dialectic being played out right in front of you. Cause the crisis, frighten the masses into begging for a solution and then proposing one that benefits the creator of the crisis. Nano-particulates of barium, strontium and aluminium are being sprayed into the atmosphere and then being heated up with ionospheric heaters to manipulate the jet stream and control weather fronts. This is real and it is happening. Your masters want you to believe that the environmental crisis that they have created in order to bring about global governance is YOUR fault. This was an idea that was created by the originators of the Iron Mountain Report that was leaked to the public in 1967. The Club of Rome, an offshoot of the U.N took the idea and started running with it in the early 70's and they found the leftwing sheeple to be the most useful pawns in this fraud....congrats.

So who exactly is spraying and then heating these nano particulates?!

I always wanted to get into this Club of Rome, never had any damn luck, the bouncers always used to give me a hard time, and let in the good looking chicks wearing mini skirts, just like that.

ROTFLMAO! Sorry, but you don't want ANY part of that club.....I promise you....but thanks for the tongue in cheek humor...I need that sometimes. This spraying program falls under the D.O.D and is under national security..... it is being done by the military for the most part. One plane can spray 250 square miles. They mostly fly from island bases especially on the west coast because that is the area being sprayed the most. The portable ionospheric heaters come from the technology learned from the first HAARP facility ( High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) in Alaska that was set up in 1983 but they have streamlined the technology to where they have portable ionospheric heaters where they can heat up the nano-particulates anywhere they choose. It's actually Nikola Tesla technology that was stolen from the patent offices after they disposed of him. People need to understand that the military industrial complex is at least 50 years ahead of what we are allowed to know when it comes to technology. DARPA has developed weapons systems that would blow your mind.......
Currently 45 degrees, temps dropped 20+ degrees since the OP. At this rate, we'll be down to absolute zero right after New Years
Now, you know conservatives don't need 'links,' the truth and facts are anathema to rightwing dogma.
I am not a rightwinger and I know way more about this topic than you do. Global change/ dimming is being blamed on petroleum use when it is actually being caused by the geo-engineering program that has been going on in earnest since at least 1997. We are getting up to 20 percent less sunlight now so please tell me how it could be possible that the planet is heating up? The fact is, it isn't. This is the Hegelian Dialectic being played out right in front of you. Cause the crisis, frighten the masses into begging for a solution and then proposing one that benefits the creator of the crisis. Nano-particulates of barium, strontium and aluminium are being sprayed into the atmosphere and then being heated up with ionospheric heaters to manipulate the jet stream and control weather fronts. This is real and it is happening. Your masters want you to believe that the environmental crisis that they have created in order to bring about global governance is YOUR fault. This was an idea that was created by the originators of the Iron Mountain Report that was leaked to the public in 1967. The Club of Rome, an offshoot of the U.N took the idea and started running with it in the early 70's and they found the leftwing sheeple to be the most useful pawns in this fraud....congrats.

So who exactly is spraying and then heating these nano particulates?!

I always wanted to get into this Club of Rome, never had any damn luck, the bouncers always used to give me a hard time, and let in the good looking chicks wearing mini skirts, just like that.

ROTFLMAO! Sorry, but you don't want ANY part of that club.....I promise you....but thanks for the tongue in cheek humor...I need that sometimes. This spraying program falls under the D.O.D and is under national security..... it is being done by the military for the most part. One plane can spray 250 square miles. They mostly fly from island bases especially on the west coast because that is the area being sprayed the most. The portable ionospheric heaters come from the technology learned from the first HAARP facility ( High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) in Alaska that was set up in 1983 but they have streamlined the technology to where they have portable ionospheric heaters where they can heat up the nano-particulates anywhere they choose. It's actually Nikola Tesla technology that was stolen from the patent offices after they disposed of him. People need to understand that the military industrial complex is at least 50 years ahead of what we are allowed to know when it comes to technology. DARPA has developed weapons systems that would blow your mind.......

Aha! I knew those aliens in area 52 in New Mexcio were up to no good! Not only did they form this secret club that they don't let guys like me in, but they're heating up our atmosphere by injecting it with heated fart particles. Why don't we just nuke that place and get it over with!

Also, can you please advise the board what type of pot it is you're smoking and where it can be obtained? Thanks.
Now, you know conservatives don't need 'links,' the truth and facts are anathema to rightwing dogma.
I am not a rightwinger and I know way more about this topic than you do. Global change/ dimming is being blamed on petroleum use when it is actually being caused by the geo-engineering program that has been going on in earnest since at least 1997. We are getting up to 20 percent less sunlight now so please tell me how it could be possible that the planet is heating up? The fact is, it isn't. This is the Hegelian Dialectic being played out right in front of you. Cause the crisis, frighten the masses into begging for a solution and then proposing one that benefits the creator of the crisis. Nano-particulates of barium, strontium and aluminium are being sprayed into the atmosphere and then being heated up with ionospheric heaters to manipulate the jet stream and control weather fronts. This is real and it is happening. Your masters want you to believe that the environmental crisis that they have created in order to bring about global governance is YOUR fault. This was an idea that was created by the originators of the Iron Mountain Report that was leaked to the public in 1967. The Club of Rome, an offshoot of the U.N took the idea and started running with it in the early 70's and they found the leftwing sheeple to be the most useful pawns in this fraud....congrats.

So who exactly is spraying and then heating these nano particulates?!

I always wanted to get into this Club of Rome, never had any damn luck, the bouncers always used to give me a hard time, and let in the good looking chicks wearing mini skirts, just like that.

ROTFLMAO! Sorry, but you don't want ANY part of that club.....I promise you....but thanks for the tongue in cheek humor...I need that sometimes. This spraying program falls under the D.O.D and is under national security..... it is being done by the military for the most part. One plane can spray 250 square miles. They mostly fly from island bases especially on the west coast because that is the area being sprayed the most. The portable ionospheric heaters come from the technology learned from the first HAARP facility ( High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) in Alaska that was set up in 1983 but they have streamlined the technology to where they have portable ionospheric heaters where they can heat up the nano-particulates anywhere they choose. It's actually Nikola Tesla technology that was stolen from the patent offices after they disposed of him. People need to understand that the military industrial complex is at least 50 years ahead of what we are allowed to know when it comes to technology. DARPA has developed weapons systems that would blow your mind.......

Aha! I knew those aliens in area 52 in New Mexcio were up to no good! Not only did they form this secret club that they don't let guys like me in, but they're heating up our atmosphere by injecting it with heated fart particles. Why don't we just nuke that place and get it over with!

Also, can you please advise the board what type of pot it is you're smoking and where it can be obtained? Thanks.

Trust me, there are days that I wish I didn't know the shit that I do....I am like a sponge...I soak up information, do the vetting and attack it from a hundred different angles because it takes forever to build credibility but you can lose it with a single post. There are many days that I would love to get some good shit and toke but I am too paranoid that I would get busted..LOL!
What about last year when we had record cold temps and snowfall in the same region? But wait, that fits into the global warming scheme as well! Heats up, it's global warming, gets cold, it's global warming. It's a win win theory.

Remember in 2004 when we had all those strong hurricanes and the GW freaks said this would happen every year and when it didn't happen and we had almost no hurricanes, they said it was a result of global warming? Climate there anything that it can't do?

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