December 13, 68 degrees

Therein lies your whole problem. There is no vast right wing conspiracy. That is what clouds the Liberal mind. There is only scientific evidence and scientific evidence is not there to support your dire predictions concerning climate change.

And that's why you're called a denier, because you deny the evidence.

I hope you're familiar with Occam's Razor. It says that the simplest theory that explains all of the observed data is most likely to be correct.

Now, which theory is simpler?

A. You screwed up

B. A VastSecretGlobalLiberalPlot exists to fake all the data.

Try getting over yourself. When the whole planet says you're wrong, it doesn't mean you're one of the elite few who understands the RealTruth. It means you're wrong.
What's your degree in? Food service?

I have degrees in electrical engineering and physics, plus experience in running nuclear reactors and making aircraft instrumentation. Though I normally don't bring that up, as it's not relevant. Your knowledge is what matters, not your credentials.

Make up a real good one now.

I could say the same about you. But since I can talk intelligently about the science, I don't need such deflections.

Are you even familiar with instrumentation and measurement? My last project was the design and construction of five state-of-the-art jet engine test facilities for the Navy. The instrumentation design required the data acquisition of several different points of temperature, thrust, torque, pressure and flow. The facilities are computer controlled and include safety monitoring and shutdown accommodating various scenarios.

Familiar stuff, which is why I know it has zippo to do with climate science. The only part of electrical engineering that would help with climate science is the one statistics course you had to take, if indeed you had to take one. And maybe your freshman physics and chemistry.

So again I ask, are you just some kind of little science teacher in a college talking theories or are you really into making science work?
have the time to study
I am vastly superior to you at the science. So are Crick and Old Rocks. Our education and work helps somewhat with that, but it's mainly because we've spent so much time on our own researching the science. The real science, as opposed to political conspiracy blogs. Call it our hobby. The science is out there if you want to find it.

Of course, you let your true motivation show when you started ranting about liberals. Your politics dictates your science, just like the old Soviets. Every hardcore denier I've encountered, without exception, is a member of an extremist-right-wing political cult. Denialism isn't the actual cult, it's a required belief of the political cult. In contrast, the rational people come from every political faction all across the globe. That's because climate science is real science, and real science crosses all political boundaries.

I have yet to meet a Liberal that doesn't quickly declare himself to be the final authority on any subject and the singular most intelligent individual in the world. You do make my point though when you say you have so much time to spend on research. That means you do little else most especially by way of actually working in a scientific field. I don't know what you refer to as a political cult.You must be into science fiction. It appears to me you are a very disturbed person since you speak of such wild things as political cults, political factions political conspiracy, etc. Actually, you appear to me to be somewhat of a mental case.
Deniers, have you noticed how tiny your conspiracy cult has become? It's now just the same few lunatics constantly baying at the moon. Even if you haven't noticed, everyone else has.

My advice, again, is to slip away into the jungle now, before the leaders of your dying cult decide to roll out the koolaid vat.

Oddly enough you have skipped over my posts about this topic while giving off this air of superiority. Allow me to dispel those feelings by telling you that you are full of shit. We are all being sprayed like bugs and if you live on the west coast it's nearly a daily assault. Go to youtube and put in "chemtrails" watch a few home videos and then come back and tell me that shit is normal....besides, soil and water samples do not lie.
Therein lies your whole problem. There is no vast right wing conspiracy. That is what clouds the Liberal mind. There is only scientific evidence and scientific evidence is not there to support your dire predictions concerning climate change.

And that's why you're called a denier, because you deny the evidence.

I hope you're familiar with Occam's Razor. It says that the simplest theory that explains all of the observed data is most likely to be correct.

Now, which theory is simpler?

A. You screwed up

B. A VastSecretGlobalLiberalPlot exists to fake all the data.

Try getting over yourself. When the whole planet says you're wrong, it doesn't mean you're one of the elite few who understands the RealTruth. It means you're wrong.

Thee whole planet certainly doesn't say I'm wrong. You sound like a spoiled and desperate little child now. Calm down. No one is out to get you. The sky is not falling. The earth will survive.
Oddly enough you have skipped over my posts about this topic while giving off this air of superiority.

Because it's chemtrails conspiracy babbling. Thus, everyone ignored it.

Allow me to dispel those feelings by telling you that you are full of shit. We are all being sprayed like bugs and if you live on the west coast it's nearly a daily assault. Go to youtube and put in "chemtrails" watch a few home videos and then come back and tell me that shit is normal....besides, soil and water samples do not lie.

Deniers, he's one of you.
Thee whole planet certainly doesn't say I'm wrong.

195 nations just signed an agreement saying as much.

You sound like a spoiled and desperate little child now. Calm down. No one is out to get you. The sky is not falling. The earth will survive.

As I never said or implied any such things, why did you say such a thing? I'm guessing you couldn't address what I actually said, so you addressed a strawman of what you wish I'd said.
Thee whole planet certainly doesn't say I'm wrong.

195 nations just signed an agreement saying as much.

You sound like a spoiled and desperate little child now. Calm down. No one is out to get you. The sky is not falling. The earth will survive.

As I never said or implied any such things, why did you say such a thing? I'm guessing you couldn't address what I actually said, so you addressed a strawman of what you wish I'd said.

195 politicians? Really? OMG!! All that scientific knowledge from a bunch of dictators. Yes Al Gore said we would all be burned to toast by now.
Progressives crave concessus so the 195 nations will join the imaginary 97% as mnemonic devices Progs can cling to in lieu of thinking
Thee whole planet certainly doesn't say I'm wrong.

195 nations just signed an agreement saying as much.

You sound like a spoiled and desperate little child now. Calm down. No one is out to get you. The sky is not falling. The earth will survive.

As I never said or implied any such things, why did you say such a thing? I'm guessing you couldn't address what I actually said, so you addressed a strawman of what you wish I'd said.

195 politicians? Really? OMG!! All that scientific knowledge from a bunch of dictators. Yes Al Gore said we would all be burned to toast by now.

He also said most coastal cities would be submerged under 10 feet of water by now. Is anybody keeping track of the predictions that didn't come to fruition?
Oddly enough you have skipped over my posts about this topic while giving off this air of superiority.

Because it's chemtrails conspiracy babbling. Thus, everyone ignored it.

Allow me to dispel those feelings by telling you that you are full of shit. We are all being sprayed like bugs and if you live on the west coast it's nearly a daily assault. Go to youtube and put in "chemtrails" watch a few home videos and then come back and tell me that shit is normal....besides, soil and water samples do not lie.

Deniers, he's one of you.

Not babbling at all. It is a fact and it's not the first time your beloved "gubermint" has used the American populace as if they were lab rats. Seems that with aluminum corrupted soil, farmers will start having less yields and thus will not be able to afford to keep their farms. Enter Monsanto that will be there 'Johnny on the spot' to buy up the farms and plant their drought resistant seeds that will grow in aluminium corrupted soil. Control the food, control the people. This spraying is going on in every NATO country and some of these European countries have produced some incredible documentaries complete with English sub-titles exposing this. You can go to youtube and type in Chemtrails and any NATO country you will find videos of ordinary citizens recording the spraying. Here in Dallas, Texas we just recently had a solid two weeks of spraying that ended Saturday. I have done my due diligence on this topic and just because you want to believe that car fumes and cow farts are damaging the planet doesn't make it so. Hope this helps!
Therein lies your whole problem. There is no vast right wing conspiracy. That is what clouds the Liberal mind. There is only scientific evidence and scientific evidence is not there to support your dire predictions concerning climate change.

And that's why you're called a denier, because you deny the evidence.

I hope you're familiar with Occam's Razor. It says that the simplest theory that explains all of the observed data is most likely to be correct.

Now, which theory is simpler?

A. You screwed up

B. A VastSecretGlobalLiberalPlot exists to fake all the data.

Try getting over yourself. When the whole planet says you're wrong, it doesn't mean you're one of the elite few who understands the RealTruth. It means you're wrong.

So, if that's the case, if you've eliminated all the variables save for a incremental addition of teeny, tiny amount of an atmospheric trace element, you should be able to show us lab work controlling for variances in CO2, right?

Where's the lab work?
Lovin' the affects of El Nino here in New York. The last few Decembers, we've frozen our collective nut sacks off with temperatures in the 20's in early December. On weekends, Ive been sporting shorts and a long sleeve t-shirt. Cant beat it..........cruising with the windows down in Santa season!!! Winning.:2up:
Want to shut the AGWCult up? Ask for their lab work linking changes in CO2 to temperature. The crazier ones post a chart without a temperature axis
195 politicians? Really? OMG!! All that scientific knowledge from a bunch of dictators. Yes Al Gore said we would all be burned to toast by now.

He also said most coastal cities would be submerged under 10 feet of water by now. Is anybody keeping track of the predictions that didn't come to fruition?

First, Gore never said such a thing.

Second, Gore Rule invoked. Whoever brings up Gore first admits to being unable to debate the science, and thus forfeits the thread for their side.

Needless to say, it's always the deniers who bring up Al Gore, often as a desperate deflection tactic, as happened here. Al Gore is a kind of religious figure to most denier cultists, the Satan-figure in the denier pantheon of gods. In contrast, the rational people pay little attention to Al Gore, being he's a politician and not a scientist.
195 politicians? Really? OMG!! All that scientific knowledge from a bunch of dictators. Yes Al Gore said we would all be burned to toast by now.

He also said most coastal cities would be submerged under 10 feet of water by now. Is anybody keeping track of the predictions that didn't come to fruition?

First, Gore never said such a thing.

Second, Gore Rule invoked. Whoever brings up Gore first admits to being unable to debate the science, and thus forfeits the thread for their side.

Needless to say, it's always the deniers who bring up Al Gore, often as a desperate deflection tactic, as happened here. Al Gore is a kind of religious figure to most denier cultists, the Satan-figure in the denier pantheon of gods. In contrast, the rational people pay little attention to Al Gore, being he's a politician and not a scientist.

That help any?
The big list of failed climate predictions
65 degrees on Christmas Eve...

No Global warming?

Republicans are so dumb

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