December 13, 68 degrees

The world knows about climate change except for some far right folks in the US who believe what a handful of "scientists", being paid by Big Oil, tell them.

And the AGW/far left narrative runs without question or hesitation..

There is zero scientific evidence that proves CO2 controls climate..
Where did the CO2 come from to melt the glaciers during the ICE Age?
Do we need any more evidence of global warming?

it's called weather.

Why was it so warm in 1923 or whenever the old record was?

If it was snowing....Deniers would make three threads
A consequence of their stupidity and ignorance.

And indeed we'll have such moronic threads before the season is over, nitwits on the right citing record cold temperatures as 'proof' GCC is 'false.'
It's called global climate change so you will be right whether the temps fall or rise. I don't intend to side with you GCC morons.
RW, you are wasting your time asking conservatives about global weather and human impact. They only take their instructions from corporations and billionaires which have replaced the infallible church in modern America. And most conservatives are hiding in their cellars afraid terrorists are gonna git em. It's cooler down there too and that is all their minds can grasp at a single time.

Check out the real impact in this link. Arctic Change: Human - Shishmaref
. Climate changers screwed the pooch when the faked the data and passed it off as real Science.
Another doofus redneck with a third grade education trying to tell the world that they know more than all the scientists in the world.
. Scientists who are getting big bucks to do their work all agree there is climate change. Your being lied to in order to tax the shit out of your use of oil. BTW, The Paris agreement this week will NEVER be enforced. Count on it.
It's always global warming! Even when we have record low temps and snow fall like we had last year. You gotta love this theory. It's never wrong!

Yep, if it's cold it's global warming, hot = global warming, hurricanes again global warming, no paused. LOL
Does anybody know why they are now calling it Climate Change as opposed to Global Warming?

Because Marketing Departments are in complete agreement?
It's always global warming! Even when we have record low temps and snow fall like we had last year. You gotta love this theory. It's never wrong!

Yep, if it's cold it's global warming, hot = global warming, hurricanes again global warming, no paused. LOL
Does anybody know why they are now calling it Climate Change as opposed to Global Warming?

Because Marketing Departments are in complete agreement?
Or maybe its not warming like their charts predicted, so you invent a new name for an unproven theory.
It's always global warming! Even when we have record low temps and snow fall like we had last year. You gotta love this theory. It's never wrong!

Yep, if it's cold it's global warming, hot = global warming, hurricanes again global warming, no paused. LOL
Does anybody know why they are now calling it Climate Change as opposed to Global Warming?

Because Marketing Departments are in complete agreement?
Or maybe its not warming like their charts predicted, so you invent a new name for an unproven theory.

Well well, look who just applied for BearManPigs, head marketing guy!

(Now that's sarcasm!)
Do we need any more evidence of global warming?
Well if Al Gore would stop farting we wouldn't have these problems. Hey look on the bight side, with the mild temps we will use less fuel heating our homes.
Hope you can feed that to your kids...

It's hard to feed your kids in this economy.

Climate change advocates want to destroy capitalism in order to reduce carbon emissions.
Nope, and getting away from gas and oil would be great for the economy, as would fixing the damn infrastructure.
Fix infrastructure like Obama said he would do with all those shovel-ready jobs? Fool me once, shame on you.
And you recieved your GED where?

The people that have established the basis for the present consensus on the AGW range from Joseph Fourier to Dr. James Hansen. The Scientific Societies, the Academies of Science, and all the major Universities in world state that you haven't a clue about the science behind AGW.

Well, I am actually one of those that uses science to design and build things that are an aid to our military and industry. I am an electrical design engineer with am emphasis on instrumentation. I don't just read about science - I actually use it so go pound your self-proclaimed superiority somewhere else. You might get away with your snobbish little bigotry with a bunch of kids but you won't with me.
I can create climate change just by flying from Pensacola, Florida to Los Angeles. I've experienced it many times whenever I traveled from one area to another. I also experience weather changes right here in Pensacola. Sometimes it's very cold. Sometimes it's very warm. Sometimes it rains. It's been going on just like clockwork all the 72 years of my life. Nothing new here.

I regularly create climate change after I have extremely spicy Mexican food, usually involving a generous portion of retried beans. In fact, Mexican food is the number one contributor to climate change right after fossil fuels.
And you recieved your GED where?

The people that have established the basis for the present consensus on the AGW range from Joseph Fourier to Dr. James Hansen. The Scientific Societies, the Academies of Science, and all the major Universities in world state that you haven't a clue about the science behind AGW.

Well, I am actually one of those that uses science to design and build things that are an aid to our military and industry. I am an electrical design engineer with am emphasis on instrumentation. I don't just read about science - I actually use it so go pound your self-proclaimed superiority somewhere else. You might get away with your snobbish little bigotry with a bunch of kids but you won't with me.
Bless you, THB, for your valuable work.
I would like ot make a request that we hold off on the global warming agenda for like 10-15 more years. I love my house and I'd like the temps to be above freezing all year.

Also, you lower 48ers clearly didn't pull your weight, it was below zero last weekend when I wanted to put xmas lights up, please breath harder this week as I must put them up this weekend. Thank you :)
Do we need any more evidence of global warming?

Had 71 here the other day. GW's the obvious explanation unless you look at the historical records. Records long before GW effects began were considerably higher. So GW might be playing some part if how frequently we have freakish weather, but it's not solely to blame.
There is no man-made catastrophic global warming happening, suckers :)
(ducks for cover)

Climate change ‘urgent and growing threat’ to national security: Pentagon

Sorry, is it called "Global warming" or "Climate change"?
Man-made climate change. Do try to keep up. It military is, for good reason.

Climate Change and U.S. Military Basing - American Security Project

Climate Change and Impacts of Sea Level Rise
. Who Is the military's current commander in chief?
Apparently this guy didn't make it to the third grade. Perhaps you should google duties of the US President.
The world knows about climate change except for some far right folks in the US who believe what a handful of "scientists", being paid by Big Oil, tell them.

And the AGW/far left narrative runs without question or hesitation..

There is zero scientific evidence that proves CO2 controls climate..
Where did the CO2 come from to melt the glaciers during the ICE Age?
Oceans, you dumb fuck. Why don't you at least do minimal research before proving what an ignoramous you are. Try googling Milankovic Cycles.
Countries who want $ from the USA all agree: the USA should give them $.

Staggering scientific research there
This global/climate change is all b.s. This was a plan thought up by the think tank group that wrote the Iron Mountain Report back in the mid to late 60's. The Club Of Rome, an offshoot of the U.N was created and commissioned by the Committee of 300 to start pushing what the architects of the Iron Mountain Report said must happen if global governance was to become a reality. Here is a quote from the final draft: "It may be, for instance, that gross pollution of the environment can eventually replace the possibility of mass destruction by nuclear weapons as the principal apparent threat to the survival of the species. Poisoning of the air, and of the principal sources of food and water supply, is already well advanced, and at first glance would seem promising in this respect; it constitutes a threat that can be dealt with only through social organization and political power. But from present indications it will be a generation to a generation and a half before environmental pollution, however severe, will be sufficiently menacing, on a global scale, to offer a possible basis for a solution.However unlikely some of the possible alternate enemies we have mentioned may seem, we must emphasize that one must be found, of credible quality and magnitude, if a transition to peace is ever to come about without social disintegration.... It is more probable, in our judgment, that such a threat will have to be invented, rather than developed from unknown conditions."

Now here is a quote from the Club Of Rome in 1972 : "In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill....All these dangers are caused by human intervention....and thus the “real enemy, then, is humanity itself....believe humanity requires a common motivation, namely a common adversary in order to realize world government. It does not matter if this common enemy is “a real one or….one invented for the purpose."

Maurice Strong, Club Of Rome member and a once high ranking official with the U.N had some very alarming things to say as well:“Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?”
"Current lifestyle and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and workplace air-conditioning and suburban housing – are not sustainable. A shift is necessary which will require a vast strengthening of the multilateral system, including the United Nations".

These U.N funded scientists have already been busted for fudging numbers and manipulating the numbers to try and make a case that there is an increase in temperatures when the opposite is happening due to the geo-engineering that has been going on in earnest since at least 1997. Using aerosol spraying in conjunction with ionospheric heaters, they have been creating weird weather anomalies that they then blame on "climate change" because they had to stop using "global warming" because it didn't fit the narrative. Wake up and open your eyes and realize that you are being played for a sucker and none of this will bode well for any of us if these draconian rules and regulations are placed on us and all in the name of saving "Mother Earth". I suggest that you do a little research on Agenda 21 and look at the map that they propose for America....lots of little blue squares where the serfs will be allowed to live while 50 percent of America is off limits. This is real and this is happening.
They have been using geoengineering to create these weird weather patterns by spraying nano-particulates of barium, strontium and aluminum into the upper atmosphere and then using ionospheric heaters to heat up those particles in order to manipulate the jet stream. They can only create high pressure zones but can use them to squash low pressure zones. Weather modification has been a goal of the military industrial complex since the 1940's to use it as a force multiplier. You should listen to me because I have dedicated thousands upon thousands of hours reading everything I can get my hands on and researching it.

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