December 13, 68 degrees

RW, you are wasting your time asking conservatives about global weather and human impact. They only take their instructions from corporations and billionaires which have replaced the infallible church in modern America. And most conservatives are hiding in their cellars afraid terrorists are gonna git em. It's cooler down there too and that is all their minds can grasp at a single time.

Check out the real impact in this link. Arctic Change: Human - Shishmaref
And you're all wetting your pants over normal weather patterns. Ho hum.
This isn't normal.

Actually yes it is and demonstrates beyond doubt that you know nothing about the subject. Here's the deal polar bears are classified as MARINE MAMMALS. That means they are considered the same as whales, seals, walruses etc. Guess what the AVERAGE distance recorded for a polar bear swim is?

I'll tell you so you don't break a finger nail searching... It is 97 MILES. The record recorded is over 400 miles.

Here are more pics of polar bears lounging on ice flows. It is absolutely normal and once again the propagandists rely on the fact that you are totally ignorant of the real world to blow yet more smoke up your ass...


Turn south, and head straight for 400 miles: GPS trackers reveal polar bears can swim non-stop for up to 10 days
Where are the photos of Polar Bears stranded on ice floes before this period of time when we know the Artic ice pack is shrinking?

Oh, and BTW, it is 'ice floes' not 'ice flows.' For such a highly educated person :rolleyes:, you have poor control over your use of English.
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It is a fact that 92-97 percent of scientists believe in global warming/climate change and that it is impacted by human behavior.

As has been noted in this thread, we are much more likely to believe in what scientists have to say than in right wing nutters who will believe anything the corporations and the wealthy tell them.

Most Non-Climate Scientists Agree on Global Warming Too

In fact, not believing in climate change defies logic. To imagine that the horrific damage humans do to this planet has no negative effect on it is ludicrous. Just plain foolish and ludicrous. Just yesterday, a colleague told me she has friends in China who have been teaching there for 20 years. They are planning to return to the US because the air is so bad where they live in China, they can't take it any more.

We know that volcanoes and the landing of meteors have massive effect on the climate. How can it be logical to deny that the type of abuse humans level on the planet does not also harm it and can cause detrimental effects such as global warming/climate change?
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RW, you are wasting your time asking conservatives about global weather and human impact. They only take their instructions from corporations and billionaires which have replaced the infallible church in modern America. And most conservatives are hiding in their cellars afraid terrorists are gonna git em. It's cooler down there too and that is all their minds can grasp at a single time.

Check out the real impact in this link. Arctic Change: Human - Shishmaref
And you're all wetting your pants over normal weather patterns. Ho hum.
This isn't normal.

Why? Bears can't swim?
Your ignorance is showing.

As she looks in the mirror
Your comments in this thread are childish as well as extremely inane and fatuous.
I have no idea why you would think I would listen to idiots on a forum talk about climate change. I don't go see my mechanic for medical advice.

Do you go to your mechanic for medical advice?
Hush. You're getting all shrill now.
Don't ask questions you don't want the answers do, then you won't have to get so upset. Simples.

Yes, it's true that I knew the answer before I asked. I never expected an idiot would imply they are a real scientist.

You seem really upset, so much that you can't even type.

I don't know why RWers are so offended by me not listening to their uneducated crap on climate change.

If you ask me how to go about separating conjoined twins, I'm not afraid to tell you that I know nothing about the procedure. I am not an expert in that field.

I would refer you over to Ben Carson, the politician. lol

What is funny about this post is you attack people who are well versed in science compared to you. Not one of them has said you shouldn't learn about science on your own, in fact they have all said you need to educate yourself (amazingly enough there is a significant correlation between education and susceptibility to being defrauded (in general the more educated you are the less likely that con men are going to be able to steal your money) but no, you refuse to actually learn a thing, and are in fact reveling in your ignorance.

So, you are either a propagandist, or simply too stupid to learn.

The fact that you believe you, or any other idiot on this forum, are more qualified on scientific matters vs a real scientist, is really all I need to hear from you.

Again, anything I need to know or want to learn will be from a real scientist, with real credentials.

Now can you do this?


No, I KNOW I am a real scientist. I also KNOW the scientific method, which clearly you don't. I also KNOW that the only people who demand that no debate ever occur are those who have nothing. Ever wonder why it is considered heresy to question the Scriptures? Because they had no proof silly girl. AGW scientists are the modern day priests demanding you have faith in what they claim but threatening to kill you if you dare question what they say.

I am not claiming anything. I am not demanding that you not question science. That's you dear. That is you. So take your blow pop and shove it up your ass so you might actually learn something as that appears to be where your brain resides.
Seriously, a 'real scientist' would not repeatedly mention the term 'scientific method' to bolster an argument: such repeated use is juvenile. Me thinks you passed 8th grade general science, and that's it. As well, thinking awareness of the scientific method indicates that someone is a 'real scientist' :rolleyes: is pretty ludicrous. Nearly everyone knows and understands the scientific method.
RW, you are wasting your time asking conservatives about global weather and human impact. They only take their instructions from corporations and billionaires which have replaced the infallible church in modern America. And most conservatives are hiding in their cellars afraid terrorists are gonna git em. It's cooler down there too and that is all their minds can grasp at a single time.

Check out the real impact in this link. Arctic Change: Human - Shishmaref
And you're all wetting your pants over normal weather patterns. Ho hum.
This isn't normal.

Actually yes it is and demonstrates beyond doubt that you know nothing about the subject. Here's the deal polar bears are classified as MARINE MAMMALS. That means they are considered the same as whales, seals, walruses etc. Guess what the AVERAGE distance recorded for a polar bear swim is?

I'll tell you so you don't break a finger nail searching... It is 97 MILES. The record recorded is over 400 miles.

Here are more pics of polar bears lounging on ice flows. It is absolutely normal and once again the propagandists rely on the fact that you are totally ignorant of the real world to blow yet more smoke up your ass...


Turn south, and head straight for 400 miles: GPS trackers reveal polar bears can swim non-stop for up to 10 days
Where are the photos of Polar Bears stranded on ice floes before this period of time when we know the Artic ice pack is shrinking?

Oh, and BTW, it is 'ice floes' not 'ice flows.' For such a highly educated person :rolleyes:, you have poor control over your use of English.

:ack-1: Are you really that clueless? THEY'RE NOT STRANDED you halfwit! Polar Bears are classified as MARINE MAMMALS! In other words, and I am going to make it real simple for you, they are classified the same as WHALES. Do whales get stranded..... In the water?

Polar bears LOUNGE on ice floes the same as human beings lounge on the damned beach.

I know it's ice floes, you can thank fucking Windows and its autospell BS which I didn't catch. The fact remains you are so stupid you think that polar bears can't swim when the average distance they swim is 97 miles and the furthest recorded is over 400 miles.

Before you start trying to correct spelling errors based on computer software I suggest you pull your head out of your ass and do some real research. You claim to have a Masters degree so it should take you all of two minutes to get up to speed on why your post makes you look really, really, really, dumb.....
It is a fact that 92-97 percent of scientists believe in global warming/climate change and that it is impacted by human behavior.

As has been noted in this thread, we are much more likely to believe in what scientists have to say than in right wing nutters who will believe anything the corporations and the wealthy tell them.

Most Non-Climate Scientists Agree on Global Warming Too

In fact, not believing in climate change defies logic. To imagine that the horrific damage humans do to this planet has no negative effect on it is ludicrous. Just plain foolish and ludicrous. Just yesterday, a colleague told me she has friends in China who have been teaching there for 20 years. They are planning to return to the US because the air is so bad where they live in China, they can't take it any more.

We know that volcanoes and the landing of meteors have massive effect on the climate. How can it be logical to deny that the type of abuse humans level on the planet does not also harm it and can cause detrimental effects such as global warming/climate change?

Bullshit. That whole link is nothing but propaganda. Appeals to Authority, when the Authority directly benefits from what they claim, is an automatic logic fail. Look it up.
Hush. You're getting all shrill now.
Don't ask questions you don't want the answers do, then you won't have to get so upset. Simples.

Yes, it's true that I knew the answer before I asked. I never expected an idiot would imply they are a real scientist.

You seem really upset, so much that you can't even type.

I don't know why RWers are so offended by me not listening to their uneducated crap on climate change.

If you ask me how to go about separating conjoined twins, I'm not afraid to tell you that I know nothing about the procedure. I am not an expert in that field.

I would refer you over to Ben Carson, the politician. lol

What is funny about this post is you attack people who are well versed in science compared to you. Not one of them has said you shouldn't learn about science on your own, in fact they have all said you need to educate yourself (amazingly enough there is a significant correlation between education and susceptibility to being defrauded (in general the more educated you are the less likely that con men are going to be able to steal your money) but no, you refuse to actually learn a thing, and are in fact reveling in your ignorance.

So, you are either a propagandist, or simply too stupid to learn.

The fact that you believe you, or any other idiot on this forum, are more qualified on scientific matters vs a real scientist, is really all I need to hear from you.

Again, anything I need to know or want to learn will be from a real scientist, with real credentials.

Now can you do this?


No, I KNOW I am a real scientist. I also KNOW the scientific method, which clearly you don't. I also KNOW that the only people who demand that no debate ever occur are those who have nothing. Ever wonder why it is considered heresy to question the Scriptures? Because they had no proof silly girl. AGW scientists are the modern day priests demanding you have faith in what they claim but threatening to kill you if you dare question what they say.

I am not claiming anything. I am not demanding that you not question science. That's you dear. That is you. So take your blow pop and shove it up your ass so you might actually learn something as that appears to be where your brain resides.
Seriously, a 'real scientist' would not repeatedly mention the term 'scientific method' to bolster an argument: such repeated use is juvenile. Me thinks you passed 8th grade general science, and that's it. As well, thinking awareness of the scientific method indicates that someone is a 'real scientist' :rolleyes: is pretty ludicrous. Nearly everyone knows and understands the scientific method.

Wrong. When a group of scientists constantly abuses the scientific method it is the first and most important subject because their refusal to follow it renders everything they do false.

Someone who claims to have a Masters Degree would KNOW this.
Do we need any more evidence of global warming?

it's called weather.

Why was it so warm in 1923 or whenever the old record was?

If it was snowing....Deniers would make three threads

Yup. It's been warm for the entire fall and now right into December in the northeast, specifically NJ-NY Metro area. My lawn needs mowing....

Good for you. I have three new feet of snow on the ground and it is 9 degree's where I live. Do you have a point or do you not understand what "average temperature" means?
The answer is clear -

We absolutely MUST ignore the willfully ignorant deniers and fight for the future of our planet. The deniers are a minority of people who need to be taken care of. They don't care about the future they are leaving to their own children so we MUST do it for them.

How many millions of people will you be content to murder with your stupid ideas?
C'mon August West Define gravity for us. You claim it is settled. Let's see how little you really know.
Man made global warming, evolution and gravity. Settled science.

Define gravity. Tell us exactly what it is, what it does and how it operates. Use your own words.
C`mon westy use your Google. Even Gomer Bush knew how to use "the google". Are you dumber than Bush? I`m not teaching first grade here.

No, junior. I actually AM a scientist and know that we know very little about gravity. I have had some very wonderful discussions with physicists and astronomers about gravity and what we know about gravity is far, far less than what we do know. Your statement that gravity is a "settled science" is ludicrous and merely demonstrates the fact that you don't know how to think, and that you, like all the faithers, rely on people to tell you what to think. You're not capable of it yourself.

Good day junior. Feel free to come back when you actually have learned something.
You are correct, for once, Mr. Westwall. We know the math of the effects of gravity, but little about what it actually is or even how it works. However, we know a very great deal about evolution, how it works, and the mechanics of the way it works. And we know just as much about the way the GHGs warm the atmosphere and oceans. There are details to be filled in, but the big picture is there. Here is a site of the American Institute of Physics, the largest single scientific society on earth.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect
The answer is clear -

We absolutely MUST ignore the willfully ignorant deniers and fight for the future of our planet. The deniers are a minority of people who need to be taken care of. They don't care about the future they are leaving to their own children so we MUST do it for them.

How many millions of people will you be content to murder with your stupid ideas?
The murderer here is going to be people like you that try to prevent the implemenation of measures to prevent further increases in the GHGs.
You are correct, for once, Mr. Westwall. We know the math of the effects of gravity, but little about what it actually is or even how it works. However, we know a very great deal about evolution, how it works, and the mechanics of the way it works. And we know just as much about the way the GHGs warm the atmosphere and oceans. There are details to be filled in, but the big picture is there. Here is a site of the American Institute of Physics, the largest single scientific society on earth.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

That is an opinion piece. Not factual data. Do you understand the difference?
The answer is clear -

We absolutely MUST ignore the willfully ignorant deniers and fight for the future of our planet. The deniers are a minority of people who need to be taken care of. They don't care about the future they are leaving to their own children so we MUST do it for them.

How many millions of people will you be content to murder with your stupid ideas?
The murderer here is going to be people like you that try to prevent the implemenation of measures to prevent further increases in the GHGs.

People are already dying because of the policies that you approve of. Further you can show nothing but computer models that say warming is bad. Every shred of historical data shows beyond question that warmer is better.

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