December 13, 68 degrees

I wasn't looking for an answer to that question.
Of course you were, Danger Mouse, you just don't happen to like the answer :)

I have no idea why you would think I would listen to idiots on a forum talk about climate change. I don't go see my mechanic for medical advice.

Do you go to your mechanic for medical advice?
Hush. You're getting all shrill now.
Don't ask questions you don't want the answers do, then you won't have to get so upset. Simples.

Yes, it's true that I knew the answer before I asked. I never expected an idiot would imply they are a real scientist.

You seem really upset, so much that you can't even type.

I don't know why RWers are so offended by me not listening to their uneducated crap on climate change.

If you ask me how to go about separating conjoined twins, I'm not afraid to tell you that I know nothing about the procedure. I am not an expert in that field.

I would refer you over to Ben Carson, the politician. lol

What is funny about this post is you attack people who are well versed in science compared to you. Not one of them has said you shouldn't learn about science on your own, in fact they have all said you need to educate yourself (amazingly enough there is a significant correlation between education and susceptibility to being defrauded (in general the more educated you are the less likely that con men are going to be able to steal your money) but no, you refuse to actually learn a thing, and are in fact reveling in your ignorance.

So, you are either a propagandist, or simply too stupid to learn.

The fact that you believe you, or any other idiot on this forum, are more qualified on scientific matters vs a real scientist, is really all I need to hear from you.

Again, anything I need to know or want to learn will be from a real scientist, with real credentials.

Now can you do this?

I have no idea why you would think I would listen to idiots on a forum talk about climate change. I don't go see my mechanic for medical advice.

Do you go to your mechanic for medical advice?
Hush. You're getting all shrill now.
Don't ask questions you don't want the answers do, then you won't have to get so upset. Simples.

Yes, it's true that I knew the answer before I asked. I never expected an idiot would imply they are a real scientist.

You seem really upset, so much that you can't even type.

I don't know why RWers are so offended by me not listening to their uneducated crap on climate change.

If you ask me how to go about separating conjoined twins, I'm not afraid to tell you that I know nothing about the procedure. I am not an expert in that field.

I would refer you over to Ben Carson, the politician. lol

What is funny about this post is you attack people who are well versed in science compared to you. Not one of them has said you shouldn't learn about science on your own, in fact they have all said you need to educate yourself (amazingly enough there is a significant correlation between education and susceptibility to being defrauded (in general the more educated you are the less likely that con men are going to be able to steal your money) but no, you refuse to actually learn a thing, and are in fact reveling in your ignorance.

So, you are either a propagandist, or simply too stupid to learn.

I have no idea of what you think I know or don't know, since we've never debated on this topic.

You're just blowing smoke out your ass.

Wrong. I know beyond doubt that you know nothing about science, the scientific method, and scientific protocols. That's the difference between you and I. I LIKE to discuss science and scientific subjects. You, and all of the propagandists here, run away from ANY talk about science. You RUN AWAY and bleat like little children that no one needs to discuss science, you only need to trust the climatologists who know everything.

Guess what the Catholic priests who were raping all of those kids relied on people just like you to keep quiet so they could continue raping children. Religious zealots or propagandists are all the same. They demand that no discussion be allowed because the wizard behind the drapes will be exposed.

Does it take a degree in science to know that raping little boys is wrong? Such logic you've got there!

I wouldn't let you work on a school science project in my home, let alone listen to your (cough, cough) expertise on the subject. :rolleyes:

I stick with the real scientists, thank you.
Of course you were, Danger Mouse, you just don't happen to like the answer :)

I have no idea why you would think I would listen to idiots on a forum talk about climate change. I don't go see my mechanic for medical advice.

Do you go to your mechanic for medical advice?
Hush. You're getting all shrill now.
Don't ask questions you don't want the answers do, then you won't have to get so upset. Simples.

Yes, it's true that I knew the answer before I asked. I never expected an idiot would imply they are a real scientist.

You seem really upset, so much that you can't even type.

I don't know why RWers are so offended by me not listening to their uneducated crap on climate change.

If you ask me how to go about separating conjoined twins, I'm not afraid to tell you that I know nothing about the procedure. I am not an expert in that field.

I would refer you over to Ben Carson, the politician. lol

What is funny about this post is you attack people who are well versed in science compared to you. Not one of them has said you shouldn't learn about science on your own, in fact they have all said you need to educate yourself (amazingly enough there is a significant correlation between education and susceptibility to being defrauded (in general the more educated you are the less likely that con men are going to be able to steal your money) but no, you refuse to actually learn a thing, and are in fact reveling in your ignorance.

So, you are either a propagandist, or simply too stupid to learn.

The fact that you believe you, or any other idiot on this forum, are more qualified on scientific matters vs a real scientist, is really all I need to hear from you.

Again, anything I need to know or want to learn will be from a real scientist, with real credentials.

Now can you do this?


No, I KNOW I am a real scientist. I also KNOW the scientific method, which clearly you don't. I also KNOW that the only people who demand that no debate ever occur are those who have nothing. Ever wonder why it is considered heresy to question the Scriptures? Because they had no proof silly girl. AGW scientists are the modern day priests demanding you have faith in what they claim but threatening to kill you if you dare question what they say.

I am not claiming anything. I am not demanding that you not question science. That's you dear. That is you. So take your blow pop and shove it up your ass so you might actually learn something as that appears to be where your brain resides.
Hush. You're getting all shrill now.
Don't ask questions you don't want the answers do, then you won't have to get so upset. Simples.

Yes, it's true that I knew the answer before I asked. I never expected an idiot would imply they are a real scientist.

You seem really upset, so much that you can't even type.

I don't know why RWers are so offended by me not listening to their uneducated crap on climate change.

If you ask me how to go about separating conjoined twins, I'm not afraid to tell you that I know nothing about the procedure. I am not an expert in that field.

I would refer you over to Ben Carson, the politician. lol

What is funny about this post is you attack people who are well versed in science compared to you. Not one of them has said you shouldn't learn about science on your own, in fact they have all said you need to educate yourself (amazingly enough there is a significant correlation between education and susceptibility to being defrauded (in general the more educated you are the less likely that con men are going to be able to steal your money) but no, you refuse to actually learn a thing, and are in fact reveling in your ignorance.

So, you are either a propagandist, or simply too stupid to learn.

I have no idea of what you think I know or don't know, since we've never debated on this topic.

You're just blowing smoke out your ass.

Wrong. I know beyond doubt that you know nothing about science, the scientific method, and scientific protocols. That's the difference between you and I. I LIKE to discuss science and scientific subjects. You, and all of the propagandists here, run away from ANY talk about science. You RUN AWAY and bleat like little children that no one needs to discuss science, you only need to trust the climatologists who know everything.

Guess what the Catholic priests who were raping all of those kids relied on people just like you to keep quiet so they could continue raping children. Religious zealots or propagandists are all the same. They demand that no discussion be allowed because the wizard behind the drapes will be exposed.

Does it take a degree in science to know that raping little boys is wrong? Such logic you've got there!

I wouldn't let you work on a school science project in my home, let alone listen to your (cough, cough) expertise on the subject. :rolleyes:

I stick with the real scientists, thank you.

I just posted up a link to a story which referenced real scientists that absolutely blows that cute little polar bear propaganda picture out of the water and what do you do? Ignore it. A polar bear lounging on an ice floe is the equivalent of you lounging at the beach. Color me unsurprised that you probably are real good at lounging on a beach and little else.
RW, you are wasting your time asking conservatives about global weather and human impact. They only take their instructions from corporations and billionaires which have replaced the infallible church in modern America. And most conservatives are hiding in their cellars afraid terrorists are gonna git em. It's cooler down there too and that is all their minds can grasp at a single time.

Check out the real impact in this link. Arctic Change: Human - Shishmaref
And you're all wetting your pants over normal weather patterns. Ho hum.
This isn't normal.

Actually yes it is and demonstrates beyond doubt that you know nothing about the subject. Here's the deal polar bears are classified as MARINE MAMMALS. That means they are considered the same as whales, seals, walruses etc. Guess what the AVERAGE distance recorded for a polar bear swim is?

I'll tell you so you don't break a finger nail searching... It is 97 MILES. The record recorded is over 400 miles.

Here are more pics of polar bears lounging on ice flows. It is absolutely normal and once again the propagandists rely on the fact that you are totally ignorant of the real world to blow yet more smoke up your ass...


Turn south, and head straight for 400 miles: GPS trackers reveal polar bears can swim non-stop for up to 10 days

No one is debating whether polar bears can swim or how far they can swim, and the fact that you think the polar bear is the debate is astonishing. LOL!

Hint, that photo Esmeralda posted wasn't about the bear.
RW, you are wasting your time asking conservatives about global weather and human impact. They only take their instructions from corporations and billionaires which have replaced the infallible church in modern America. And most conservatives are hiding in their cellars afraid terrorists are gonna git em. It's cooler down there too and that is all their minds can grasp at a single time.

Check out the real impact in this link. Arctic Change: Human - Shishmaref
And you're all wetting your pants over normal weather patterns. Ho hum.
This isn't normal.

Actually yes it is and demonstrates beyond doubt that you know nothing about the subject. Here's the deal polar bears are classified as MARINE MAMMALS. That means they are considered the same as whales, seals, walruses etc. Guess what the AVERAGE distance recorded for a polar bear swim is?

I'll tell you so you don't break a finger nail searching... It is 97 MILES. The record recorded is over 400 miles.

Here are more pics of polar bears lounging on ice flows. It is absolutely normal and once again the propagandists rely on the fact that you are totally ignorant of the real world to blow yet more smoke up your ass...


Turn south, and head straight for 400 miles: GPS trackers reveal polar bears can swim non-stop for up to 10 days

No one is debating whether polar bears can swim or how far they can swim, and the fact that you think the polar bear is the debate is astonishing. LOL!

Hint, that photo Esmeralda posted wasn't about the bear.

All this post does is show how weak minded you are. You are so far out of your depth you are now only embarrassing yourself. Go back and lounge on the beach dear. It's all you're capable of.
No, I KNOW I am a real scientist. I also KNOW the scientific method, which clearly you don't. I also KNOW that the only people who demand that no debate ever occur are those who have nothing. Ever wonder why it is considered heresy to question the Scriptures? Because they had no proof silly girl. AGW scientists are the modern day priests demanding you have faith in what they claim but threatening to kill you if you dare question what they say.

I am not claiming anything. I am not demanding that you not question science. That's you dear. That is you. So take your blow pop and shove it up your ass so you might actually learn something as that appears to be where your brain resides.

And I have a bridge for sale...
The answer is clear -

We absolutely MUST ignore the willfully ignorant deniers and fight for the future of our planet. The deniers are a minority of people who need to be taken care of. They don't care about the future they are leaving to their own children so we MUST do it for them.
Well, not that it's any of your business to be demanding personal information from posters, I have a first class BSc with honours and an MSc with distinction from two highly prestigious uni's in England. What's it to you, Danger Mouse?

I wasn't looking for an answer to that question.
Of course you were, Danger Mouse, you just don't happen to like the answer :)

I have no idea why you would think I would listen to idiots on a forum talk about climate change. I don't go see my mechanic for medical advice.

Do you go to your mechanic for medical advice?
Hush. You're getting all shrill now.
Don't ask questions you don't want the answers do, then you won't have to get so upset. Simples.

Yes, it's true that I knew the answer before I asked. I never expected an idiot would imply they are a real scientist.

You seem really upset, so much that you can't even type.

I don't know why RWers are so offended by me not listening to their uneducated crap on climate change.

If you ask me how to go about separating conjoined twins, I'm not afraid to tell you that I know nothing about the procedure. I am not an expert in that field.

I would refer you over to Ben Carson, the politician. lol
Well, not that it's any of your business to be demanding personal information from posters, I have a first class BSc with honours and an MSc with distinction from two highly prestigious uni's in England. What's it to you, Danger Mouse?

I wasn't looking for an answer to that question.
Of course you were, Danger Mouse, you just don't happen to like the answer :)

I have no idea why you would think I would listen to idiots on a forum talk about climate change.
Because you're doing just that?
But you're right that you shouldn't.

No, and I think I made myself clear.
No, I don't think you're very good at all at making yourself clear. Good job you're not a scientist :)
RW, you are wasting your time asking conservatives about global weather and human impact. They only take their instructions from corporations and billionaires which have replaced the infallible church in modern America. And most conservatives are hiding in their cellars afraid terrorists are gonna git em. It's cooler down there too and that is all their minds can grasp at a single time.

Check out the real impact in this link. Arctic Change: Human - Shishmaref
And you're all wetting your pants over normal weather patterns. Ho hum.
This isn't normal.
You actually have no idea whatsoever if that is 'normal' or not. Unless you're claiming to be hundreds of years old and to hail from them thar parts. Lol.
No, I KNOW I am a real scientist. I also KNOW the scientific method, which clearly you don't. I also KNOW that the only people who demand that no debate ever occur are those who have nothing. Ever wonder why it is considered heresy to question the Scriptures? Because they had no proof silly girl. AGW scientists are the modern day priests demanding you have faith in what they claim but threatening to kill you if you dare question what they say.

I am not claiming anything. I am not demanding that you not question science. That's you dear. That is you. So take your blow pop and shove it up your ass so you might actually learn something as that appears to be where your brain resides.

And I have a bridge for sale...
Pity you can't trade it in for a brain :)
No, I KNOW I am a real scientist. I also KNOW the scientific method, which clearly you don't. I also KNOW that the only people who demand that no debate ever occur are those who have nothing. Ever wonder why it is considered heresy to question the Scriptures? Because they had no proof silly girl. AGW scientists are the modern day priests demanding you have faith in what they claim but threatening to kill you if you dare question what they say.

I am not claiming anything. I am not demanding that you not question science. That's you dear. That is you. So take your blow pop and shove it up your ass so you might actually learn something as that appears to be where your brain resides.

And I have a bridge for sale...
Pity you can't trade it in for a brain :)

4 postings and you haven't said a damn thing.

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