December 13, 68 degrees

Do we need any more evidence of global warming?

Yes. I have gone hunting on Christmas day and swatted mosquitoes. This is hardly new down here in Florida.

Florida? Flori-DUH? Lived there myself for 15 years what? It was 70 degrees in the New York Metro - New Jersey area. Get it yet, dumbass?
Forecast for Christmas day is 68 degrees. Should be 38 degrees. Get it yet dumbass?
Do we need any more evidence of global warming?

Yes. I have gone hunting on Christmas day and swatted mosquitoes. This is hardly new down here in Florida.

Florida? Flori-DUH? Lived there myself for 15 years what? It was 70 degrees in the New York Metro - New Jersey area. Get it yet, dumbass?
Forecast for Christmas day is 68 degrees. Should be 38 degrees. Get it yet dumbass?

Yes, I get it dumbass. It's warm there. Wait until next year and you'll probably freeze your ass off again. You should be old enough to know better. You're the kind that gives rise to the Liberals thinking elderly people are uneducated and incapable of getting a voter ID. Shame on you.
Ya'all get over yourselves. Climate scientists warned of erratic weather patterns that would gravitate towards warming, and it was going to happen sooner than later. It's not about the weather. It's about climate. Big difference. Educate yourselves. It's not just what is happening here, it's what is happening everywhere.
Do we need any more evidence of global warming?

So when it's unseasonably cold it's because the jet steam is breaking down due to global warming. However, when it's unseasonably warm the jet stream must be fine and it's just plain 'ol global warming. Gotcha. You Liberals have really been in rare form lately. LOL This is all quite entertaining!
Do we need any more evidence of global warming?

Yes. I have gone hunting on Christmas day and swatted mosquitoes. This is hardly new down here in Florida.

Florida? Flori-DUH? Lived there myself for 15 years what? It was 70 degrees in the New York Metro - New Jersey area. Get it yet, dumbass?
Forecast for Christmas day is 68 degrees. Should be 38 degrees. Get it yet dumbass?

Yes, I get it dumbass. It's warm there. Wait until next year and you'll probably freeze your ass off again. You should be old enough to know better. You're the kind that gives rise to the Liberals thinking elderly people are uneducated and incapable of getting a voter ID. Shame on you.

Oh good for you....then you understand it's about climate CHANGE.

If this area of the country had endured temperatures this warm 110 years ago the New York "subway" system would have been built above ground and called the New York "way". The underground pumps that operate 24 hours a day were never intended to handle hurricanes. Got it yet, dumbass?
Of course climate changes. Changes all the time. You just can't prove that man caused it because we can prove that climate changed dramatically a billion years before the first man walked the earth. Ironically, liberals ignore that data.
Do we need any more evidence of global warming?

Yes. I have gone hunting on Christmas day and swatted mosquitoes. This is hardly new down here in Florida.

Florida? Flori-DUH? Lived there myself for 15 years what? It was 70 degrees in the New York Metro - New Jersey area. Get it yet, dumbass?
Forecast for Christmas day is 68 degrees. Should be 38 degrees. Get it yet dumbass?

Yet again you can't figure out the difference between climate and weather. Amazingly enough it was 62 degrees waaaaaaay back in 1888! Holy shit Batman! They had SUV's way back then! Who knew!

Central Park New York, NY: NORMAL & EXTREMES
Ya'all get over yourselves. Climate scientists warned of erratic weather patterns that would gravitate towards warming, and it was going to happen sooner than later. It's not about the weather. It's about climate. Big difference. Educate yourselves. It's not just what is happening here, it's what is happening everywhere.

Oh gee, they used intentionally vague language just like palm readers, "mentalists", psychics and every other charlatan that plies their trade on simpleminded people.

Hello simpleminded person!:bye1:
Do we need any more evidence of global warming?

Yes. I have gone hunting on Christmas day and swatted mosquitoes. This is hardly new down here in Florida.

Florida? Flori-DUH? Lived there myself for 15 years what? It was 70 degrees in the New York Metro - New Jersey area. Get it yet, dumbass?
Forecast for Christmas day is 68 degrees. Should be 38 degrees. Get it yet dumbass?

Yes, I get it dumbass. It's warm there. Wait until next year and you'll probably freeze your ass off again. You should be old enough to know better. You're the kind that gives rise to the Liberals thinking elderly people are uneducated and incapable of getting a voter ID. Shame on you.

Oh good for you....then you understand it's about climate CHANGE.

If this area of the country had endured temperatures this warm 110 years ago the New York "subway" system would have been built above ground and called the New York "way". The underground pumps that operate 24 hours a day were never intended to handle hurricanes. Got it yet, dumbass?

Yes dumbass, I hear your mad nonsensical ramblings. If it's 10 degrees next year on this date, you be hollering climate change still.
I can create climate change just by flying from Pensacola, Florida to Los Angeles. I've experienced it many times whenever I traveled from one area to another. I also experience weather changes right here in Pensacola. Sometimes it's very cold. Sometimes it's very warm. Sometimes it rains. It's been going on just like clockwork all the 72 years of my life. Nothing new here.
It's always global warming! Even when we have record low temps and snow fall like we had last year. You gotta love this theory. It's never wrong!

Yep, if it's cold it's global warming, hot = global warming, hurricanes again global warming, no paused. LOL
Does anybody know why they are now calling it Climate Change as opposed to Global Warming?
In 1815, Mount Tambora blew and wrapped the earth in a blanket of dust.

1816 was known as the year without summer. It snowed in New England in July and crops failed like crazy.

Maybe we just need to set off a nuclear charge on Mt. Baker and see if we can blow the top to get more dust in the air.
Weather isn weather. It changes. It is snowing in Israel heavily for such a far south place. Snow season opened early on Mt Hood. Some places are hotter than normal, others are cooler
Do we need any more evidence of global warming?

So when it's unseasonably cold it's because the jet steam is breaking down due to global warming. However, when it's unseasonably warm the jet stream must be fine and it's just plain 'ol global warming. Gotcha. You Liberals have really been in rare form lately. LOL This is all quite entertaining!
You are one silly ignorant ass. Had you done the slightest research, you would know that which side of the loop in the jet stream you are on, determines whether you are hot or cold. While you folks back east were having record cold, we were having record warmth out here in the West. Now we are having normal temperatures, but a record wet December. however, our summer and fall were also very warm.
RW, you are wasting your time asking conservatives about global weather and human impact. They only take their instructions from corporations and billionaires which have replaced the infallible church in modern America. And most conservatives are hiding in their cellars afraid terrorists are gonna git em. It's cooler down there too and that is all their minds can grasp at a single time.

Check out the real impact in this link. Arctic Change: Human - Shishmaref
. Climate changers screwed the pooch when the faked the data and passed it off as real Science.
RW, you are wasting your time asking conservatives about global weather and human impact. They only take their instructions from corporations and billionaires which have replaced the infallible church in modern America. And most conservatives are hiding in their cellars afraid terrorists are gonna git em. It's cooler down there too and that is all their minds can grasp at a single time.

Check out the real impact in this link. Arctic Change: Human - Shishmaref
. Climate changers screwed the pooch when the faked the data and passed it off as real Science.
Another doofus redneck with a third grade education trying to tell the world that they know more than all the scientists in the world.
There is no man-made catastrophic global warming happening, suckers :)
(ducks for cover)

Climate change ‘urgent and growing threat’ to national security: Pentagon

Sorry, is it called "Global warming" or "Climate change"?
Man-made climate change. Do try to keep up. It military is, for good reason.

Climate Change and U.S. Military Basing - American Security Project

Climate Change and Impacts of Sea Level Rise
. Who Is the military's current commander in chief?

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