December 13, 68 degrees

There is no man-made catastrophic global warming happening, suckers :)
(ducks for cover)

Climate change ‘urgent and growing threat’ to national security: Pentagon

Do we need any more evidence of global warming?

See all those far left blow hards traveling to Europe caused more "Global Warming"..

Want to save the planet?

The far left needs to stop breathing!
So the rest of the world knows full well what ignorant asshole hillbillies you truly are. Really butthurt now. LOL

You silly asses pretend that you know more than the vast majority of scientists around the world.
Do we need any more evidence of global warming?

See all those far left blow hards traveling to Europe caused more "Global Warming"..

Want to save the planet?

The far left needs to stop breathing!
So the rest of the world knows full well what ignorant asshole hillbillies you truly are. Really butthurt now. LOL

You silly asses pretend that you know more than the vast majority of scientists around the world.

CO2 is pollutant and thus you exhale a pollutant, thus do your part and stop breathing, show us all that you believe in the AGW cause so much that you are willing to stop breathing so you will stop polluting the earth..

Silly far left drone!
RW, you are wasting your time asking conservatives about global weather and human impact. They only take their instructions from corporations and billionaires which have replaced the infallible church in modern America. And most conservatives are hiding in their cellars afraid terrorists are gonna git em. It's cooler down there too and that is all their minds can grasp at a single time.

Check out the real impact in this link. Arctic Change: Human - Shishmaref

Have you read AR5? Can you explain the concept of excess heat and why they waiting so long to tell us that the oceans were absorbing 93% of the warming?
'They' never were 'so long' in telling us about the fact that the oceans absorb most of the heat. Right there in peer reviewed articles from decades ago. But then, you never read those, just fantasies about 'hollow moons and aliens'. LOL
Do we need any more evidence of global warming?

See all those far left blow hards traveling to Europe caused more "Global Warming"..

Want to save the planet?

The far left needs to stop breathing!
So the rest of the world knows full well what ignorant asshole hillbillies you truly are. Really butthurt now. LOL

You silly asses pretend that you know more than the vast majority of scientists around the world.

CO2 is pollutant and thus you exhale a pollutant, thus do your part and stop breathing, show us all that you believe in the AGW cause so much that you are willing to stop breathing so you will stop polluting the earth..

Silly far left drone!
Ol' dumb fuck Kosh. Just proving once again that he doesn't have a fifth graders grasp of what science is. Salt is absolutely necessary for your life. That being said, just down a quart of it at once, and observe the results. After all, it is necessary for you to live, therefore, that cannot hurt you, correct?
The world knows about climate change except for some far right folks in the US who believe what a handful of "scientists", being paid by Big Oil, tell them.

And the AGW/far left narrative runs without question or hesitation..

There is zero scientific evidence that proves CO2 controls climate..

So post the datasets with source code that proves the AGW religion, that CO2 controls climate..

Come on far left/AGW drones post the actual science that proves it..

Now post scientific evidence for your point of view, dumb fuck.
The world knows about climate change except for some far right folks in the US who believe what a handful of "scientists", being paid by Big Oil, tell them.

And the AGW/far left narrative runs without question or hesitation..

There is zero scientific evidence that proves CO2 controls climate..
And you are one lying ignorant ass.

Again there is zero scientific evidence to prove CO2 controls climate..

If there was we would constantly see link to the datasets and source that prove the AGW religion..

After 40+ years the AGW cult has not been able to produce the math to back up their religion..
Do we need any more evidence of global warming?
Well if Al Gore would stop farting we wouldn't have these problems. Hey look on the bight side, with the mild temps we will use less fuel heating our homes.
Hope you can feed that to your kids...

It's hard to feed your kids in this economy.

Climate change advocates want to destroy capitalism in order to reduce carbon emissions.

Yea, that should work just great in terms of feeding your family
Really? Might have guessed from your posts you are some kind of unskilled dolt. This old liberal in a blue collar skilled job avoids overtime as much as possible, still pulls down 75K, which, with the SS, combines to over 100K. Maybe you should have taken some tech classes.
RW, you are wasting your time asking conservatives about global weather and human impact. They only take their instructions from corporations and billionaires which have replaced the infallible church in modern America. And most conservatives are hiding in their cellars afraid terrorists are gonna git em. It's cooler down there too and that is all their minds can grasp at a single time.

Check out the real impact in this link. Arctic Change: Human - Shishmaref

Have you read AR5? Can you explain the concept of excess heat and why they waiting so long to tell us that the oceans were absorbing 93% of the warming?
'They' never were 'so long' in telling us about the fact that the oceans absorb most of the heat. Right there in peer reviewed articles from decades ago. But then, you never read those, just fantasies about 'hollow moons and aliens'. LOL

Odd that all the literature referring to the "ocean ate my global warming" is calling it a "new study"
Do we need any more evidence of global warming?

Since when is weather considered climate? Oh yeah, when it's warm you all claim it is climate, when it is cold you all say it is weather. Funny how you are all like that. Here in my neck of the woods it is 23 and snowing like mad.

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