DECEMBER 21, 2011 4:00 A.M. The House, Harry Reid, and the Payroll Tax

Hey! Bern.. I built my home. It was paid for the day I moved in. Now what do you think of my critical thinking skills. I eagerly await your response.

Considering I am actually an objective, logical thinking person, I really can't conclude anything about your critical thinking skills based merely on the fact that you built a house.

No one much gives a shit about what ewe can or cannot conclude. Rest easy dude,, you'll get your thousand dollars.. you'll get it.
Isn't it nice how the Congress/POTUS throw the people boubles and trinquets with such a large deficit/debt?
Considering I am actually an objective, logical thinking person, I really can't conclude anything about your critical thinking skills based merely on the fact that you built a house.

No one much gives a shit about what ewe can or cannot conclude. Rest easy dude,, you'll get your thousand dollars.. you'll get it.
Isn't it nice how the Congress/POTUS throw the people boubles and trinquets with such a large deficit/debt?

I know. short sighted bern is salivating at his "gift."
Considering I am actually an objective, logical thinking person, I really can't conclude anything about your critical thinking skills based merely on the fact that you built a house.

No one much gives a shit about what ewe can or cannot conclude. Rest easy dude,, you'll get your thousand dollars.. you'll get it.
Isn't it nice how the Congress/POTUS throw the people boubles and trinquets with such a large deficit/debt?

I listen to C-span a lot. A wise caller this morning asked "What is the reason they are taking this "tax break" out of social security and not the Federal Income tax." bamn right between the eyes.. lol.
No one much gives a shit about what ewe can or cannot conclude. Rest easy dude,, you'll get your thousand dollars.. you'll get it.
Isn't it nice how the Congress/POTUS throw the people boubles and trinquets with such a large deficit/debt?

I listen to C-span a lot. A wise caller this morning asked "What is the reason they are taking this "tax break" out of social security and not the Federal Income tax." bamn right between the eyes.. lol.
Politics. The Democrats have always tried to accuse the Republicans of trying to eliminate Socialist Security...Now they have the vehicle to do it, and the Republicans fell right into the trap that was set before them.
No one much gives a shit about what ewe can or cannot conclude. Rest easy dude,, you'll get your thousand dollars.. you'll get it.
Isn't it nice how the Congress/POTUS throw the people boubles and trinquets with such a large deficit/debt?

I know. short sighted bern is salivating at his "gift."
Sadly? That 'gift' won't go far...and the amount varies on how much your slary is. Some will get a little more...some a bit less...but it's peanuts in the scheme of things.

WE are getting screwed...and sadly too many are bent over waiting to recieve...
What if the Senate does not come back to work on Christmas?

What happens if the Senate loses its majority trying to confirm to Boehners Bill

What if the "tax cut" is no longer extended because Democrats(who actually don't want the cuts to begin with, but played it up as if they did) do not agree with the Tea Party?

Then we get nothing but a tax increase and no pipeline.

The Democrats did not initiate a political game--they laid a political trap!! They now don't have to lift a finge and they get what they want!

Even the Right wing media is confused. Half want to extend the "tax cut" for another year, others want to let it expire. Which is it conservatives?
Again, why must that be attached to middle class tax cuts? Answer, it doesn't unless you know you can't get the votes for it and are willing to hold tax cuts hostage to get it passed. I'm glad you think bargaining with the tax cuts of middle class americans is acceptable. It shows what really matters to you....and its not the middle class.
It looks like you're willing to screw the middle class by increasing taxes and blocking the creation of new jobs.

Good Democrat.
And note the 'class' reference?
Of course.

Did you ever notice that it's only people with no class fighting the class war?
What if the Senate does not come back to work on Christmas?

What happens if the Senate loses its majority trying to confirm to Boehners Bill

What if the "tax cut" is no longer extended because Democrats(who actually don't want the cuts to begin with, but played it up as if they did) do not agree with the Tea Party?

Then we get nothing but a tax increase and no pipeline.

The Democrats did not initiate a political game--they laid a political trap!! They now don't have to lift a finge and they get what they want!

Even the Right wing media is confused. Half want to extend the "tax cut" for another year, others want to let it expire. Which is it conservatives?

Expire... it was stupid in the first place. Not to mention the nightmare it was to implement in the payroll systems I support.
What if the Senate does not come back to work on Christmas?

What happens if the Senate loses its majority trying to confirm to Boehners Bill

What if the "tax cut" is no longer extended because Democrats(who actually don't want the cuts to begin with, but played it up as if they did) do not agree with the Tea Party?

Then we get nothing but a tax increase and no pipeline.

The Democrats did not initiate a political game--they laid a political trap!! They now don't have to lift a finge and they get what they want!

Even the Right wing media is confused. Half want to extend the "tax cut" for another year, others want to let it expire. Which is it conservatives?

Expire... it was stupid in the first place. Not to mention the nightmare it was to implement in the payroll systems I support.


Two-Month Payroll Tax Holiday Passed By Senate, Pushed By President, Cannot Be Implemented Properly, Experts Say
Breaking news, the House will have a conference call and a possible vote tonight. GOP fallout, Yes!

Boehner/Cantor are toast. The dummies.
Again with a question I posed last night:

When are we going to cease with these half-measures and get a real budget? How long has it been now?

Does anyone here truly think that voters will remember any of this political chicanery come November 2012? They'll remember one thing and one thing only - the economy stinks. Who do you think they'll blame? The House of representatives?? :lol:

No, they'll blame this idiot....

Again with a question I posed last night:

When are we going to cease with these half-measures and get a real budget? How long has it been now?


over a thousand days.
That fact alone should garner the entire establishment being gotten rid of at the ballot box. I'm damned tired of the games they're playing with my life, yours and everyone else.
Does anyone here truly think that voters will remember any of this political chicanery come November 2012? They'll remember one thing and one thing only - the economy stinks. Who do you think they'll blame? The House of representatives?? :lol:

No, they'll blame this idiot....


Democrats will be sure they do remember. I don't think you understand the political fallout for house republicans and their shenanigans They've been polling at 10%, you listen to too much wingnut rhetoric. Fox news, Breitbart, worldnutdaily, etc., etc..
Does anyone here truly think that voters will remember any of this political chicanery come November 2012? They'll remember one thing and one thing only - the economy stinks. Who do you think they'll blame? The House of representatives?? :lol:

No, they'll blame this idiot....


Democrats will be sure they do remember. I don't think you understand the political fallout for house republicans and their shenanigans They've been polling at 10%, you listen to too much wingnut rhetoric. Fox news, Breitbart, worldnutdaily, etc., etc..

you just stay over to huff post and msnbcan'tsee and suck up they pablum.
Does anyone here truly think that voters will remember any of this political chicanery come November 2012? They'll remember one thing and one thing only - the economy stinks. Who do you think they'll blame? The House of representatives?? :lol:

No, they'll blame this idiot....

He thinks he is beyond reproach. One thing is for sure? He will employ scorched Earth Tactics in the campaign and in any debate...frankly? Minimize, Blame, Deny, is most of his presidency to date.

His record he cannot run on.
Does anyone here truly think that voters will remember any of this political chicanery come November 2012? They'll remember one thing and one thing only - the economy stinks. Who do you think they'll blame? The House of representatives?? :lol:

No, they'll blame this idiot....


If Obama can keep the lead Boner and the Tea Party just gave him it should be easy for him to keep his office.

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