Decent Denver man being ripped from his wife & kids over archaic immigration policy

...You people clearly do not understand that if you are removing him from this country his wife and American kids are staying right here...
Let's change the Welfare Laws so that if you're a new dependent upon welfare and if your new dependency is the result of you losing an Illegal Alien as your meal ticket, then you are ipso facto guilty of harboring a criminal and have therefore lost your income as a result of illegal activity and are therefore ineligible for Welfare. Problem solved.

You can, of course, always choose to follow your Meal Ticket into exile; under such circumstances, you might prize Eating more than staying here.
...Great Fun ahead.


Now that Pharaoh has hardened his heart, isn't it fun, watching the Philistines squeal and moan like little bitches?
Last edited:
The OP here was exaggerating . The sub
U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet has introduced legislation to aid Arturo Hernandez Garcia, who spent nine months living in the basement of a Denver church to avoid deportation and was arrested on Wednesday by immigration officers for removal from the U.S.

“Arturo has been a valued member of our community for nearly two decades,” Bennet said in a written statement. “As a business owner, he has contributed to our economy and has always worked hard to support his family. He should not be a priority for deportation. This is yet another example of this Administration’s misguided immigration policies that do not align with our national priorities and values.”

Colorado immigrant advocates say arrest of Arturo Hernandez Garcia is an affront to sanctuary movement The Colorado Democrat’s office said a private bill for the relief of Hernandez Garcia comes as Bennet has reached out to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and asked for more time in processing his case.

Hernandez Garcia was at work on Wednesday morning when ICE officers detained him unexpectedly. In October 2014, he took refuge in the basement of a Denver church for nine months, returning to his family in July 2015, after ICE sent him letter saying he was no longer an enforcement priority.

“Hernandez Garcia has overstayed his original, six-month visa by nearly 14 years,” ICE spokesman Carl Rusnok said in a written statement Wednesday. “He has exhausted his petitions through the immigration courts and through ICE. He is currently in ICE custody pending his removal.”
Bill introduced to air Arturo Hernandez Garcia

Also in Denver, Colorado

A Mexican woman seeking to avoid deportation is taking refuge in a Denver church after U.S. immigration authorities denied her request to remain in the country.

Jeanette Vizguerra (vihz-GEHR'-uh) skipped her scheduled check-in with Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials Wednesday in suburban Centennial. About 100 supporters demonstrated outside the building as her attorney, Hans Meyer, and a minister went inside and was told Vizguerra would not get another extension.

Meyer says the mother of four has been trying to get a visa granted to crime victims and the government has typically given extensions during that lengthy process.

ICE says she is an "enforcement priority" because she has two misdemeanor convictions and a judge had issued a deportation order for her in 2011.

Vizguerra vowed to continue her fight for her children's sakes.

Have we turned into Nazi Germany? This is ridiculous.
I am a Coloradan, and a Denverite. I have a history here. These people violated immigration laws. They have no history here. Splitting up families? How so? Like any other criminal, they ignored their family status. Or in spite of it. Married criminals are penalized all the time. Illegals can choose to stay with their families , this is a false issue. THEY choose to sacrifice their families.
Is the man's wife not a U.S. citizen? How is it that he's to be deported, and his wife is not?
Is he not a calculating bastard? Playing all the angles? Please. I am not feeling the pain here. Immigrating legally . PRICELESS
Is the man's wife not a U.S. citizen? How is it that he's to be deported, and his wife is not?
Is he not a calculating bastard? Playing all the angles? Please. I am not feeling the pain here. Immigrating legally . PRICELESS
I didn't ask about anyone's pain, mostly because I don't care about it just yet. I asked for a piece of factual information. I'll pass muster on the nature and extent of sympathy I may have once I have a more complete picture of the facts in play. Can I arrive at a conclusion in that regard with an incomplete set of facts? Of course, I can, but I know better than to do so.
Is the man's wife not a U.S. citizen? How is it that he's to be deported, and his wife is not?
Is he not a calculating bastard? Playing all the angles? Please. I am not feeling the pain here. Immigrating legally . PRICELESS
I didn't ask about anyone's pain, mostly because I don't care about it just yet. I asked for a piece of factual information. I'll pass muster on the nature and extent of sympathy I may have once I have a more complete picture of the facts in play. Can I arrive at a conclusion in that regard with an incomplete set of facts? Of course, I can, but I know better than to do so.
Illegals hurt a lot of us, we are so tied of being disenfranchised here. We say that, and we are suddenly bigots and haters. No. All the Gravitas goes to people that support illegal aliens. Why is that?
I was a Denver jurist that deported a similar person. Be careful of what you ask for. An Illegal man hurts everyone else, the penalty was deportation. Too bad people cant think things through a little better. Breaking up families? Illegals can be deported WITH their kids. Breaking up families? Illegals are making that decision aren't they?
The guy has been living illegally in the US for 20 years and never tried to become a legal immigrant?

Nope--hisAmerican in-laws vouched for him--and it states that he had tried to renew his visa and or obtain a green card and was denied.

That's the price for not becoming a citizen.

I should have posted this article on the main post also.

Since coming to the U.S. in 1999, Hernandez Garcia applied a half-dozen times for some kind of legal status or discretion in his immigration case.
Colorado immigrant advocates say arrest of Arturo Hernandez Garcia is an affront to sanctuary movement – The Denver Post

And here is the reason he was targeted:

Hernandez Garcia came to the attention of immigration officers in 2010 after an altercation at a job site where he and his crew were laying tile. He was arrested but later was acquitted of all charges. However, an immigration judge ordered his deportation in 2014.
Colorado immigrant advocates say arrest of Arturo Hernandez Garcia is an affront to sanctuary movement – The Denver Post

This is the problem with our current immigration laws. I know one professor that works in Colorado (from Columbia) and it took her 15 years to become a citizen.

What on earth did this professor do that it took her 15 yrs to become a citizen? I had neighbors from Lebanon about 25 yrs ago that both mother and father were citizens within 4 yrs. My DIL is from Hungary and is now a citizen. She came here 5 yrs ago. Neighbors and DIL came here legally and followed all the laws, so they don't have to worry about being deported. Isn't that how it is supposed to work?. I have to follow the laws or face consequences, why should people here illegally get a pass?
Is the man's wife not a U.S. citizen? How is it that he's to be deported, and his wife is not?
Is he not a calculating bastard? Playing all the angles? Please. I am not feeling the pain here. Immigrating legally . PRICELESS
I didn't ask about anyone's pain, mostly because I don't care about it just yet. I asked for a piece of factual information. I'll pass muster on the nature and extent of sympathy I may have once I have a more complete picture of the facts in play. Can I arrive at a conclusion in that regard with an incomplete set of facts? Of course, I can, but I know better than to do so.
Illegals hurt a lot of us, we are so tied of being disenfranchised here. We say that, and we are suddenly bigots and haters. No. All the Gravitas goes to people that support illegal aliens. Why is that?
We say that, and we are suddenly bigots and haters.

Some folks may take that view of individuals who complain about being disenfranchised, but I don't because the minute they do so, I know they don't know anymore about what they're talking about than do the people who claim to have by illegal aliens "disenfranchised.". That said, what I have to say of folks who attest to illegals having "disenfranchised" them isn't positive. Note too, that my reticence to conclude that claimants of "disenfranchisement by illegal alien" be bigots/haters, does not mean such individuals are not, but rather that based solely on that particular claim, there's no evidence indicating they are.


"Disenfranchised?" You realize that term carries a contextual inference of being denied the right to vote, don't you? Even in a far looser interpretation of that term, you have steep uphill climb to make to credibly assert that U.S. citizens are by illegal immigrants denied any material rights or privileges, and certainly not the right to vote.

My advice to you: refrain from using "fancy" words you haven't looked up to be certain of their denotation and connotation. I'll be among the first to admit and revel in the fun that accompanies using such words, but using them accurately is more important than is having fun tossing them into one's writings, orations and colloquial chit chat.
Garcia broke the law. Either we apply the law equally, ignore the law, or we allow the government to choose to apply, or not apply, the law based on their whim. There are no other choices.

Any further questions?

Well I guess then you won't mind paying for his American born kids via our Welfare programs will you? The same with the Mexican women-she's got 4 kids born in this country and without their incomes--guess where they're going to go?

Removing these type of people isn't a solution, it only creates another problem. And it's because we have politicians that have said NO to every immigration reform bill that has come down the pipeline for the last 20 years. And guess who those politicians are? REPUBLICANS.

Send his family with him, that is the proper thing to do. Then we can see how Mexico handles their immigration to Mexico!!!
I'm sure his wife will eventually find another guy who is here legally. Someone who makes smarter decisions.
They'll be better off when that happens.

There are not too many men out there that are willing to take on someone else's kids LOL. Regardless if she moved in with another man--it doesn't eliminate her eligibility for CHILD SUPPORT from her husband that is in Mexico. To eliminate that eligibilty the new man would have to adopt her children. Why would he do that when they're getting another $600 dollars a month from the taxpayers of this country.

They won't be if they go with him. And since they are criminals they should be arrested charged, and those not naturalized should also be deported. The others can be supported by the penal system until they are released, then they can choose to go to their family, or live on the streets.
I am a Denverite. But people that are supposed to represent Me, like Hikenlooper or Hancock? They defend illegals. It boggles my mind.We don't wan't that, and neither represents US or what we want. But a mass murderer can seek sanctuary in a Catholic church, too. Keep that in mind. All illegals have to do? We all know .
I am a Anglo Denverite. My whole life. 60 years. And I have these illegal Mexicans that have just showed up here washed up on this beach acting as if they were ALWAYS here. WHO are they trying to kid here? I know plenty of Hispanics that were born here that, like I do, Despise illegal aliens. True Hispanics that despise illegal aliens from Mexico, funny thing that.
The guy has been living illegally in the US for 20 years and never tried to become a legal immigrant?

Nope--hisAmerican in-laws vouched for him--and it states that he had tried to renew his visa and or obtain a green card and was denied.

That's the price for not becoming a citizen.

I should have posted this article on the main post also.

Since coming to the U.S. in 1999, Hernandez Garcia applied a half-dozen times for some kind of legal status or discretion in his immigration case.
Colorado immigrant advocates say arrest of Arturo Hernandez Garcia is an affront to sanctuary movement – The Denver Post

And here is the reason he was targeted:

Hernandez Garcia came to the attention of immigration officers in 2010 after an altercation at a job site where he and his crew were laying tile. He was arrested but later was acquitted of all charges. However, an immigration judge ordered his deportation in 2014.
Colorado immigrant advocates say arrest of Arturo Hernandez Garcia is an affront to sanctuary movement – The Denver Post

This is the problem with our current immigration laws. I know one professor that works in Colorado (from Columbia) and it took her 15 years to become a citizen.

What on earth did this professor do that it took her 15 yrs to become a citizen? I had neighbors from Lebanon about 25 yrs ago that both mother and father were citizens within 4 yrs. My DIL is from Hungary and is now a citizen. She came here 5 yrs ago. Neighbors and DIL came here legally and followed all the laws, so they don't have to worry about being deported. Isn't that how it is supposed to work?. I have to follow the laws or face consequences, why should people here illegally get a pass?

Nothing at all. She is a great professor--worked hard--was well respected and it still took her 15 years to become a citizen You'll hear that from a lot of people who are naturalized citizens in this country. How long it takes to actually become a citizen.
I am a Denverite. But people that are supposed to represent Me, like Hikenlooper or Hancock? They defend illegals. It boggles my mind.We don't wan't that, and neither represents US or what we want. But a mass murderer can seek sanctuary in a Catholic church, too. Keep that in mind. All illegals have to do? We all know .

I am a Coloradoan too--but disagree agree with you 100%. I don't believe in separating families. I don't believe Jesus Christ would approve of it either.

Then the logistic problems with this are astounding. We are taking a working man away from his wife & American children who will be staying in this country. He will be in Mexico working for peso's. Right now the exchange rate is 22 pesos to 1 American dollar, making it virtually impossible for him to support a family here.

She is entitled to child support. That is mandatory in this country. Meaning that the Federal Government & State social services will pick up this tab for his child support, including Medical and Dental and everything else you can shake a stick at--and they won't be able to collect from him because he is Mexico. For two kids in this country child support could easily be $600 or more per month.

So the choices are:

1. Give him a green card so he can continue to support his family.
2. Kick 1 man out of this country, and pay for his kids until they're 18 years old.

I think the smartest thing to do is number 1.
The guy has been living illegally in the US for 20 years and never tried to become a legal immigrant?

Nope--hisAmerican in-laws vouched for him--and it states that he had tried to renew his visa and or obtain a green card and was denied.

That's the price for not becoming a citizen.

I should have posted this article on the main post also.

Since coming to the U.S. in 1999, Hernandez Garcia applied a half-dozen times for some kind of legal status or discretion in his immigration case.
Colorado immigrant advocates say arrest of Arturo Hernandez Garcia is an affront to sanctuary movement – The Denver Post

And here is the reason he was targeted:

Hernandez Garcia came to the attention of immigration officers in 2010 after an altercation at a job site where he and his crew were laying tile. He was arrested but later was acquitted of all charges. However, an immigration judge ordered his deportation in 2014.
Colorado immigrant advocates say arrest of Arturo Hernandez Garcia is an affront to sanctuary movement – The Denver Post

This is the problem with our current immigration laws. I know one professor that works in Colorado (from Columbia) and it took her 15 years to become a citizen.

What on earth did this professor do that it took her 15 yrs to become a citizen? I had neighbors from Lebanon about 25 yrs ago that both mother and father were citizens within 4 yrs. My DIL is from Hungary and is now a citizen. She came here 5 yrs ago. Neighbors and DIL came here legally and followed all the laws, so they don't have to worry about being deported. Isn't that how it is supposed to work?. I have to follow the laws or face consequences, why should people here illegally get a pass?

Nothing at all. She is a great professor--worked hard--was well respected and it still took her 15 years to become a citizen You'll hear that from a lot of people who are naturalized citizens in this country. How long it takes to actually become a citizen.
My half brother's wife was here two years and became a citizen.

There was recently in the news a story about an illegal who went to law school and passed the bar. He needed a special act by the state bar to practice. He was brought here as a baby, started the process to,adjust his status when he turned 18. He's now 39 and has never gotten a court date. Not even after the story was plastered all over the news.

There's no rhyme or reason to ot.
The guy has been living illegally in the US for 20 years and never tried to become a legal immigrant?

Nope--hisAmerican in-laws vouched for him--and it states that he had tried to renew his visa and or obtain a green card and was denied.

That's the price for not becoming a citizen.

I should have posted this article on the main post also.

Since coming to the U.S. in 1999, Hernandez Garcia applied a half-dozen times for some kind of legal status or discretion in his immigration case.
Colorado immigrant advocates say arrest of Arturo Hernandez Garcia is an affront to sanctuary movement – The Denver Post

And here is the reason he was targeted:

Hernandez Garcia came to the attention of immigration officers in 2010 after an altercation at a job site where he and his crew were laying tile. He was arrested but later was acquitted of all charges. However, an immigration judge ordered his deportation in 2014.
Colorado immigrant advocates say arrest of Arturo Hernandez Garcia is an affront to sanctuary movement – The Denver Post

This is the problem with our current immigration laws. I know one professor that works in Colorado (from Columbia) and it took her 15 years to become a citizen.

What on earth did this professor do that it took her 15 yrs to become a citizen? I had neighbors from Lebanon about 25 yrs ago that both mother and father were citizens within 4 yrs. My DIL is from Hungary and is now a citizen. She came here 5 yrs ago. Neighbors and DIL came here legally and followed all the laws, so they don't have to worry about being deported. Isn't that how it is supposed to work?. I have to follow the laws or face consequences, why should people here illegally get a pass?

Nothing at all. She is a great professor--worked hard--was well respected and it still took her 15 years to become a citizen You'll hear that from a lot of people who are naturalized citizens in this country. How long it takes to actually become a citizen.
Thanks for replying. Weird that it takes some so many years, and not others to become citizens.
How Long Does it Take to Become a U.S. Citizen? - Road to Status™

How Long Does it Take to Become a U.S. Citizen?

When you Google this question “How long does it take to become a U.S. Citizen?,” you will see a large, bold answer of ‘approximately 6 months’.

First off, what are the requirements?

In order to apply for citizenship, there are some requirements that you must meet beforehand.

You must:

1) Be 18 years or older

2) Be a lawful Green Card holder (a Legal Permanent Resident)

3) Have been in the United States for the last five years consecutively
(Note: If you are married to a U.S. Citizen, the amount of time that you must have been in the United States consecutively is reduced from 5 years to 3 years)

4) Show that you have lived for at least three months in the same state or USCIS district where you currently live

Note that you must meet these requirements BEFORE you file your N-400 Application for Naturalization, or USCIS will reject your application.

You may, however, file your application 90 days before you have met the residency requirement of either 3 years if you are married to a U.S. citizen, or 5 years otherwise.

The actual processing of your N-400 application by USCIS can take anywhere from six months to a year (and potentially even longer).

The amount of time that it can take to hear back from USCIS about your application will depend on the time of year that you apply, the number of other applications that USCIS is handling at that time, where you live, if there are any complications in your immigration situation, and where/how you turn in your application.

Keep in mind, that while it can take weeks or months to hear back about your application’s progress, even more time can be added to the process if there are mistakes in your information on the form.

If a mistake is found in your application by USCIS, it will be returned to you and you will need to fix the mistakes and re-apply. This can significantly delay the completion of your process, significantly increase the cost of your process, and this can potentially happen multiple times with one application (which would significantly extend the amount of time that it will take to become a citizen).

After the application is properly filed (mailed) and accepted by USCIS, there are still the following steps that you will need to take to finish the process and successfully become a U.S. Citizen.

Once USCIS receives your application, you will be sent a biometrics appointment notice. During this appointment, you will have your fingerprints, photograph, and signature taken so that USCIS can run background checks and verify the information you submitted on your application.

This appointment is usually scheduled within a few weeks of USCIS accepting your N-400 application. The notice will provide you with instructions on when and where you should appear, as well as the proper ID to bring with you.

This is not an appointment to submit documents, just to verify your information and have your photo, fingerprints, and signature captured. If the machines have a hard time capturing your information, USCIS can send a second appointment notice, and you do need to appear for any appointments scheduled.

The next appointment notice you will be sent is for your Naturalization interview. This appointment is where you will be administered the 10 question Civics test and the English language test. You will also be interviewed about your immigration history and N-400 application.

You will find out immediately if you pass the Civics and English tests in the moment so there is no waiting for that part of the process. If you do not pass the Civics or English tests, USCIS will schedule a second opportunity for you to take the tests, but you only have two chances at the tests.

If the officer needs further information or documentation in order to decide whether or not to approve you for Naturalization, they will give you a list of documents and a specific time frame to return what they request.

If you pass the interview, they might even tell you on the spot that you passed, but they can also approve you later if they need more time to review your case.

Once you have passed the tests and the interview, you will be scheduled within approximately 6 months to take part in a Naturalization Ceremony where you will be sworn in as a U.S. Citizen.
U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet has introduced legislation to aid Arturo Hernandez Garcia, who spent nine months living in the basement of a Denver church to avoid deportation and was arrested on Wednesday by immigration officers for removal from the U.S.

“Arturo has been a valued member of our community for nearly two decades,” Bennet said in a written statement. “As a business owner, he has contributed to our economy and has always worked hard to support his family. He should not be a priority for deportation. This is yet another example of this Administration’s misguided immigration policies that do not align with our national priorities and values.”

Colorado immigrant advocates say arrest of Arturo Hernandez Garcia is an affront to sanctuary movement The Colorado Democrat’s office said a private bill for the relief of Hernandez Garcia comes as Bennet has reached out to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and asked for more time in processing his case.

Hernandez Garcia was at work on Wednesday morning when ICE officers detained him unexpectedly. In October 2014, he took refuge in the basement of a Denver church for nine months, returning to his family in July 2015, after ICE sent him letter saying he was no longer an enforcement priority.

“Hernandez Garcia has overstayed his original, six-month visa by nearly 14 years,” ICE spokesman Carl Rusnok said in a written statement Wednesday. “He has exhausted his petitions through the immigration courts and through ICE. He is currently in ICE custody pending his removal.”
Bill introduced to air Arturo Hernandez Garcia


Also in Denver, Colorado

A Mexican woman seeking to avoid deportation is taking refuge in a Denver church after U.S. immigration authorities denied her request to remain in the country.

Jeanette Vizguerra (vihz-GEHR'-uh) skipped her scheduled check-in with Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials Wednesday in suburban Centennial. About 100 supporters demonstrated outside the building as her attorney, Hans Meyer, and a minister went inside and was told Vizguerra would not get another extension.

Meyer says the mother of four has been trying to get a visa granted to crime victims and the government has typically given extensions during that lengthy process.

ICE says she is an "enforcement priority" because she has two misdemeanor convictions and a judge had issued a deportation order for her in 2011.

Vizguerra vowed to continue her fight for her children's sakes.


Have we turned into Nazi Germany? This is ridiculous.
They should have been kicked out a long time ago.

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