Decent men - Obama, Bush to give eulogy at McCain’s funeral. Trumpo disinvited

But more than just the culmination of a political feud, the specter of Mr. Trump’s highly visible absence from Mr. McCain’s funeral on Saturday morning at Washington National Cathedral underscored the degree to which the president has veered from the norms of his office, unwilling to act as a unifying force at major moments in the life of the country.”

As a Nation Mourns McCain, Trump Is Conspicuously Absent

The demise of civility and unity in the Trump era, indeed.

President Trump was asked not to attend by the decedent and his family, so he didn't . That's the height of civility, not showing up when they ask you to stay away
Will Cheney be at the McCain requiems?

It cool how an international war criminal Dubya has been rehabilitated in the Media. But the real question is about Cheney- who was always hated more than the younger Bush.
Polishprince, post: 20661904
No, I am saying that the GOP would have been abandoned in 2009 if Palin hadn't salvaged respectability and 22 states in 2008.

How do you figure? Palin was not on the ticket in 2012 but the milk toast GOP deep state ticket won 24 States against a sitting President.

Obama was a proven Abject Failure by 2012

...Isn't that the year he got re-elected?

Yes, that is right.

And it was his good fortune that the Republicans decided to nominate an unserious candidate who refused to attack Obama.
There are reasons why McCain wants to be honored at his funeral by the man that took away his opportunity to become president and not the one of his own Party that came later.

But decency has to be the top of the list and respect not too far behind.

Trumpo’s bad week got worse now that McCain has passed away

Trumpo can’t take back the vile and filthy things he said about McCain. The worst had to be the preference for combat troops that don’t get captured so McCain was no hero.

What gave you done Trumporoids? Will you start admitting regret yet?
He can't be disinvited from something he was never invited to. Fine with me. He has more time to keep cleaning up Hussein Obama's messes.
“As leaders of both political parties and foreign dignitaries publicly mourned John McCain on Sunday, President Trump conspicuously avoided a national moment of tribute to a senator whose death seemed to be its own metaphor for the demise of civility and unity in the Trump era.

The president did not make even the most cursory public show of respect on Sunday for Mr. McCain, against whom he had continued to indulge a personal grievance even as it was apparent that the Arizona Republican was losing his battle with brain cancer. The president spent much of the day golfing and attacking his usual enemies on Twitter.

It was the start of what promises to be a difficult week for Mr. Trump. Mr. McCain quietly declared before his death that he did not want Mr. Trump to take part in his funeral, a decision that will render the president a virtual pariah as the senator is eulogized by former presidents and other luminaries as a principled war hero and dedicated public servant.

But more than just the culmination of a political feud, the specter of Mr. Trump’s highly visible absence from Mr. McCain’s funeral on Saturday morning at Washington National Cathedral underscored the degree to which the president has veered from the norms of his office, unwilling to act as a unifying force at major moments in the life of the country.”

As a Nation Mourns McCain, Trump Is Conspicuously Absent

The demise of civility and unity in the Trump era, indeed.
Civility and Unity as it concerns Democrats has been non existent since the first election I participated in 2000.
Polishprince, post: 20661904
No, I am saying that the GOP would have been abandoned in 2009 if Palin hadn't salvaged respectability and 22 states in 2008.

How do you figure? Palin was not on the ticket in 2012 but the milk toast GOP deep state ticket won 24 States against a sitting President.

Obama was a proven Abject Failure by 2012

...Isn't that the year he got re-elected?

Yes, that is right.

And it was his good fortune that the Republicans decided to nominate an unserious candidate who refused to attack Obama.

Get real, Romney came closer than Trump could ever against someone as clean as Obama.
There are reasons why McCain wants to be honored at his funeral by the man that took away his opportunity to become president and not the one of his own Party that came later.

But decency has to be the top of the list and respect not too far behind.

Trumpo’s bad week got worse now that McCain has passed away

Trumpo can’t take back the vile and filthy things he said about McCain. The worst had to be the preference for combat troops that don’t get captured so McCain was no hero.

What gave you done Trumporoids? Will you start admitting regret yet?
Before you start praising Bush for anything, take a look at your screen name. How can you call GWB "decent" with a name like that?

The orange is the most hated person in the world hands down. Shame on Putin for losing him to hijack the US along with his 27% of racist minions.
There are reasons why McCain wants to be honored at his funeral by the man that took away his opportunity to become president and not the one of his own Party that came later.

But decency has to be the top of the list and respect not too far behind.

Trumpo’s bad week got worse now that McCain has passed away

Trumpo can’t take back the vile and filthy things he said about McCain. The worst had to be the preference for combat troops that don’t get captured so McCain was no hero.

What gave you done Trumporoids? Will you start admitting regret yet?
/——-/ No regrets. Sorry to dissapoint.
There are reasons why McCain wants to be honored at his funeral by the man that took away his opportunity to become president and not the one of his own Party that came later.

But decency has to be the top of the list and respect not too far behind.

Trumpo’s bad week got worse now that McCain has passed away

Trumpo can’t take back the vile and filthy things he said about McCain. The worst had to be the preference for combat troops that don’t get captured so McCain was no hero.

What gave you done Trumporoids? Will you start admitting regret yet?

Of course Trump isn't speaking at McCain's funeral. They were bitter foes. What the fuck is wrong with you? I mean duh ...

Here are some more threads for you:

Trump won't be speaking at Corker's funeral

Trump won't be speaking at Flakes funeral

Trump won't be speaking at Nancy Pelosi's funeral.

McCain and Bush were "bitter foes" and Bush is speaking. McCain and Obama were "bitter foes" and he too is speaking.

Trump wasn't invited because he's a narcissistic psychopath, period.
There are reasons why McCain wants to be honored at his funeral by the man that took away his opportunity to become president and not the one of his own Party that came later.

But decency has to be the top of the list and respect not too far behind.

Trumpo’s bad week got worse now that McCain has passed away

Trumpo can’t take back the vile and filthy things he said about McCain. The worst had to be the preference for combat troops that don’t get captured so McCain was no hero.

What gave you done Trumporoids? Will you start admitting regret yet?

Of course Trump isn't speaking at McCain's funeral. They were bitter foes. What the fuck is wrong with you? I mean duh ...

Here are some more threads for you:

Trump won't be speaking at Corker's funeral

Trump won't be speaking at Flakes funeral

Trump won't be speaking at Nancy Pelosi's funeral.

McCain and Bush were "bitter foes" and Bush is speaking. McCain and Obama were "bitter foes" and he too is speaking.

Trump wasn't invited because he's a narcissistic psychopath, period.

No. We were discussing Trump and not your personal problems.
  • Thanks
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Uncensored2008, post: 20660507
Best economy in 50 + years, l

The last stages of the ten year Obama economic expansion. We don’t know how long the Trump expansion will last. Probably not beyond 2019. If a recession hits before Trumpo leaves office in 2021, if he lasts that long, dies that make him a failure in your mind?


Fucking lie much?

Obama was an economic failure, Handed a recovery, he crafted malaise due to his Socialist policies.

2008 SHOULD have been the trough of the recession, but Obama drove the economy to fresh, new lows.
Dubya is finally rehabilitated by the Far Left.

After 8 years of being condemned as a war criminal and a dope 24/7, responsible for millions of deaths, he is now recognized as a "decent man".

What transformed the image of the Chimperor Chimpus Khan, George W. Bush, into the pinnacle of decency?
Troll Trash. Walk along Folks.
Notice how none of these white wingers actually defend Trump.

They can't say he's a good person, or honest or has integrity.

You know you can't leave him around your teenage daughter.

Before he was president, he ripped off his workers.

His entire cabinet could end up with criminal charges.

But they swarm you hoping to shut you up.

It doesn't work. The words have been said.

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