DEEP STATE WATCH: The Coming Coup...

Lou Rockwell and his rag tag band of merry "Deep State" Nutbars?


Lou's a certifiable loon and known racist. I have to take a shower after reading a single paragraph.
And just for the record - a "Libertarian" he ain't.
Nope, Lew and his boyz are just assclown Trumptards who imagine things that don't exist.

Racism and Bigotry, Delivered Courtesy of Lew Rockwell | Tom G. Palmer

But whatever blows yer skirt up ... And Coup Coup Kachoop! :)
I posted this in some other thread but seems like it belongs here too.

Putin 2 days ago: We see that there are forces in the United States that are willing to sacrifice Russia-US relations to promote their ambitions amid the domestic political strife in America. They are ready to sacrifice the interests of their businesses, which are losing multimillion-dollar contracts and the Russian market in general, as well as jobs in the United States, even though not many, but still there are jobs in place as part of cooperation with Russia. We are talking about tens of thousands, potentially hundreds of thousands, of jobs.

We have always been taught that officials working in the interests of the state, of society must think above all about and give priority to these fundamental interests. Unfortunately, there are forces in the United States that put their narrow group and party interests before national ones.

They are powerful and strong people who can shove – sorry for the mauvais ton – unbelievable and illogical stories in the face of millions of their citizens.
Meeting of ambassadors and permanent representatives of Russia

That powerful group of people [which we know as Deep State] who put their own interests above their country ARE REAL TRAITORS. In fact, they have been using the country for their own interests for years. And now Trump/Putin working together are threatening their existence.

Citing Kremlin.RU as in SERIOUSLY? :D
Whatever you say Russian troll.
If Trump 'goes down', it won't change my life. I saw it coming. I'm fully prepared for the chaos it will cause.

And pray tell what will you do if your Orange God gets frogmarched out of the Oval ...
Hit the streets and shoot everyone who looks complicit in the "coup"?
LoL! :lol:
Folks should pay very close attention to this.

After they get Trump, they'll come for Trump supporters next.

Who can Trump rely on? Not on his own political party. Not on his own government. Not on the print and TV media or NPR. Not on Europe. Not on the Secret Service. Not on the Pentagon. Not on the unaware American people. Trump has only the “deplorables,” and they are unorganized and will experience retribution once Trump is removed.

The Coming Coup - LewRockwell
Boy, Trump sure does have the NWO folks extremely rattled. He's really disrupting their 'Order.' Are we witnessing a Coup-attempt?

Read More:

The Coming Coup - LewRockwell

I think so, although I have no way of knowing for sure.

I tuned into the last 2 minutes of NBC Nightly News on Monday (Jeopardy is right after the news program) and Lester Holt was really intemperate in his criticism of President Trump trolling of the left in Helsinki.

Considering Mr. Holt is supposed to be a straight news guy, I thought that the word might have gone out from the Deep State to the Media.
In 1961 President Dwight Eisenhower warned Americans in his last public address that the military/industrial complex was a threat to American democracy. Truer words were never spoken by an American president. Shortly thereafter, the military/security complex assassinated President John F. Kennedy for working toward peace with Soviet leader Khrushchev...

The Coming Coup - LewRockwell

Mods - Scoot this baby over to The Rubber Room!
If Trump 'goes down', it won't change my life. I saw it coming. I'm fully prepared for the chaos it will cause.

And pray tell what will you do if your Orange God gets frogmarched out of the Oval ...
Hit the streets and shoot everyone who looks complicit in the "coup"?
LoL! :lol:

It's a lynching. Folks won't forget.
In striving to come to an agreement with Washington, Putin and Lavrov are butting their heads against a stone wall. Sooner or later Putin and Lavrov will have to acknowledge that. Once Putin and Lavrov realize the true situation, they will understand that war or surrender is their only option.

The Coming Coup - LewRockwell
The deep state has now been exposed as the socialist state and yes, they are committed to ending the American experiment forever. This explains the interest in importing large numbers of people who already believe in socialist principles.
Folks should pay very close attention to this.

After they get Trump, they'll come for Trump supporters next.

Who can Trump rely on? Not on his own political party. Not on his own government. Not on the print and TV media or NPR. Not on Europe. Not on the Secret Service. Not on the Pentagon. Not on the unaware American people. Trump has only the “deplorables,” and they are unorganized and will experience retribution once Trump is removed.

The Coming Coup - LewRockwell

Yep, we're gonna pack the lot of ya into abandoned Walmarts connected by underground tunnels for deprogramming.
But first we disarm - You can't be trusted with guns :eusa_dance:

As long as we remember that Putin is NOT our friend, never has been never will be. we can try for diplomatic solutions nothing wrong with that, just Try and read up on the things he is doing not what he is saying.
Any and all threads with references in the title or OP to "Deep State" belongs in the conspiracy theory forum.
The deep state has now been exposed as the socialist state. This is the beginning of the socialist revolution that collages have been expecting and working towards.

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