Defense Secretary Austin says US would enter conflict if Russia attacks Estonia


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
In the event that Russia launches an attack or invasion against Estonia, the United States will enter the conflict, according to the head of the Department of the Defense.

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin III spoke Thursday at a meeting of NATO defense ministers in Brussels, Belgium. The conference focused heavily on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which is approaching its year anniversary.

Austin was asked by a reporter how the country could be confident they'd have the backing of U.S. military might in the event of a Russian invasion.

"You know, I'll just point to what our president, President Biden, has said a number of times and what I've also said. Our commitment to Article 5 is ironclad. And we take that very seriously and will live up to our commitments," Austin told the press.

Article 5 of NATO’s Washington Treaty is known as "the principle of collective defence." It obliges all member countries to come to the aid of another member whose sovereignty or territorial integrity might be under threat.

NATO defines it as being "at the very heart of NATO’s founding treaty."

It is important to make this clear to the ultranationalists who rule over Russia today. If the US/NATO had allowed Ukraine to join NATO in 2008 after the Russian invasion of Georgia, there would have been no Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2014 or 2022.
So, WW III for you over a country most Americans never heard of and fewer can find on a map. Got it.
No, it is about the US abiding by its treaty commitments. Perhaps you would like to see the US be more like Russia and ignore its treaty commitments. Then you could wear a hat that said, MAGABMII, Make America Great Again By Making It Irrelevant.
It seems the globalists are determined to bring America down, one way or another. All I hope for is that IF we wind up being nuked, I live long enough to hear that DC has become a glowing firkin' CRATER...
It is our NATO treaty commitment. If you fail to live up to it, US credibility and influence around the world is gone.
bozo Biden and the idiots in his administration have already destroyed America's credibility and made us look like a third rate banana republic. .. :cuckoo:
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You are a nutter. Do you think Russia would just sit by and not launch their ICBMs at us, and IRBMs at Europe? FFS
You are an ignorant idiot and probably a Russobot troll. NATO WAR POLICY is if you attack NATO A YOU DIE. THATS THE ENTIRE GODDAMN POINT IDIOT.

Are you stupid or a Russobot?

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