Deficit will fall 1.7 trillion in a year - the steepest deficit decline in American history

No you didn't. You dodged then asked me a question, Moron.

I'll try again. It's a yes or no question, but you will once again tap dance around it.

Was it a bad idea to refinance our debt at zero interest?
Trick question. We don't refinance our debt against the fed.
I love anyone who isn't for globalization and loves my country like myself. That's not party dude.

It seems your lines keep entangling in trump as a republican and that's far far from what this is even about. You are lost in the set up you made.

It's about PC, pthhhhhhhh

AGW, pthhhhhhhhh

gender bending, pthhhhhhhh

nothing about party. Not a fking thing about party.

And fighting con man from Europe.
I’ll grant you dumb Don is better than old Joe, but not by much. He did talk about those things you support, but he did little about them.
I’ll grant you dumb Don is better than old Joe, but not by much. He did talk about those things you support, but he did little about them.
well again, dumb Don is for America. if that doesn't matter to you, then you are about party rather than country. It is just that simple.
Dude, you stupidity does not make my answer a dodge.

The Federal Reserve only owns a small percent of our debt.
Yet another dodge.

Move on, we all know you don't want to answer because it would mean you agree with Trump that financing our debt at the lowers rate possible is a good idea.
No you didn't. You dodged then asked me a question, Moron.

I'll try again. It's a yes or no question, but you will once again tap dance around it.

Was it a bad idea to refinance our debt at zero interest?
Okay Nostra, not that I like doing this, but that dude did actually answer your question. He said we pay it back to ourselves and that means we don't need a finance charge.
Yet another dodge.

Move on, we all know you don't want to answer because it would mean you agree with Trump that financing our debt at the lowers rate possible is a good idea.

It has to be interesting to go through life a stupid as you are.
Okay Nostra, not that I like doing this, but that dude did actually answer your question. He said we pay it back to ourselves and that means we don't need a finance charge.
Gator never said that. All Gator has done is dodge the question.
Yet another dodge.

Move on, we all know you don't want to answer because it would mean you agree with Trump that financing our debt at the lowers rate possible is a good idea.
You sound like the guy drowning under a $4,000 a month mortgage, celebrating he saved $5 on his phone bill.
It has to be interesting to go through life a stupid as you are.
Let me help you out some, lil fella. :itsok:

How do low interest rates affect the national debt?​

Maintaining interest rates at low levels is another way that governments seek to stimulate the economy, generate tax revenue, and, ultimately, reduce the national debt. Lower interest rates make it easier for individuals and businesses to borrow money.

How do rising interest rates affect the national debt?​

Such spending clearly contributes to our growing national debt, but the escalation in the debt itself can boost interest rates and, in turn, further add to the interest burden. Recent research from CBO quantifies the relationship between rising debt and applicable interest rates.

A hike in interest rates boosts the borrowing costs for the U.S. government, fueling an increase in the national debt.

I remember when I was told here that Bush had to go to war because Congress approved it.

Now Trump had to sign for all that money and beg the Fed for more because of the Dems.

And they talk themselves and each other into believing this stuff.

If you just want to bash Former President Trump, the GOP and their supporters ...
It might be more effective if you bring things up like the fact Senator Cassidy voted against the last Omnibus trillion dollar plus Bill ...
Even though it really didn't matter what way he voted ... It was still going to get passed.

The problem for him is ... It isn't going to save his ass when he is up for re-election ...
Because he also hitched his wagon to Representative Cheney's.

I remember when I was told here that Bush had to go to war because Congress approved it.

Now Trump had to sign for all that money and beg the Fed for more because of the Dems.

And they talk themselves and each other into believing this stuff.
Can you support that newly minted lib lie?

I suspect you cant
Remember when republicans wouldn’t stop complaining about the deficit under Obama? They stopped since we know the deficit blew up under Trump.

Now under Biden? Deficit will see steepest decline.

Why has the deficit fallen? in part because of the record job growth, reduced spending, and better revenue stream.'s fallen because we're not pumping trillions in Covid relief money into the economy! How stupid are you, Billy?
Within 3 years Trump was asking for a trillion more dollars in spending than Obama ever asked for, but none of it is Trump's fault.
Our fake Tweener must be referring to the post Wuflu stimulus which was csused by the lib economic shutdown

There was complete insanity all over but beginning with the freaked out Fauchi wackos who wanted to stay home forever
I remember when I was told here that Bush had to go to war because Congress approved it.

Now Trump had to sign for all that money and beg the Fed for more because of the Dems.

And they talk themselves and each other into believing this stuff.
Exactly like the left who claims O had to bailout the rich banks and blow up the deficit to save the economy, while starting five new wars and kicking millions out of their homes.

The duopoly alters all.
Remember when republicans wouldn’t stop complaining about the deficit under Obama? They stopped since we know the deficit blew up under Trump.

Now under Biden? Deficit will see steepest decline.

Why has the deficit fallen? in part because of the record job growth, reduced spending, and better revenue stream.

I'm confused. Your thread title says the deficit fell 1.7 trillion in one year but your linked article says the deficit only fell 400 billion.

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