Deficit will fall 1.7 trillion in a year - the steepest deficit decline in American history

/----/ In order to fund the government, pay federal workers, and send out social security checks, presidents are pressured into signing bloated budgets filled with Congressional pork, or if they veto it, Congress can usually override it. But you already knew that.

Trump signed and applauded a massive spending bill.

Trump pushed the Fed for more quantitative easing.

Trump pushed the Fed to decrease interest rates.

All inflationary. All artificial stimulus. He made Keynes turn over in his fucking grave (although you probably don't know what that means). And you believe his lies about the economy it created (even though it was only at +2.3% when the virus hit). You can't change that.
The former guy spent like a teenaged girl with Daddy's Gold Card (and how ironic is THAT), fed off the Federal Reserve's trillions, pushed the Fed to keep interest rates down and begged them for more.

All, inflationary.

Finally some sanity.

Biden and Democrats are adding to the deficit at an horrific pace, lying to the American people as they do so.

The Inflation Reduction Act is a huge, bald-faced lie EVERYONE, whether they admit it or not, is a steaming pile of propaganda and Democrat agenda spending which actually will increase Inflation. The fact that you can't / refuse to admit it makes you a partisan idiot and makes it easier just to ignore you.

Just pointing to one issue, how much of an economic burden do you think illegally bringing in more than a record 2 million illegals, maintaining this Un-Constitutional open border, facilitating all the crime imported do you think the Democrats have and still are creating?

List it out:
US BP Costs
Local / state / federal cost
Medical / Education / Food / Housing
Law Enforcement
Murders, rapes, pedophile / sex crimes
National Security Threat
Importing Cartels, coyotes, mules, Importing traffickers, thieves,
Importing murderers,violent gangs
Importing foreign terrorisys
The toll on victims and families
The Fentynal murder attack by China thru the Cartels

I asked some leftist idiot, and he replied 'It ONLY costs a few billion a year.

He didn't realize we would have to pay of $31 TRILLION in debt just to be 'BROKE'. DO YOU?

Our politicians are Constitutionally charged with being 'goodcstewards' of the tax payers' money. Can you say the Democrats have been / are doing that?

Before you start with the, 'B...b...but Republicans' let me cut you off. The Republicans have been bearly equally bad at fiscal responsibity, but thry aren't in charge now, are they.

You have to start somewhere, and what better place to start than where we currently are?!

The Democrats have been and are in charge. It is their failed policies and radical agendas by which this nation has been and is being run on, so stop the shit.

Part of being a leader is stepping up to the plate, taking charge, and taling responsibility.

Joe declared during the election 'THE BUCK STOPS HERE!'

View attachment 713926

Biden and Democrats are adding to the deficit at an horrific pace, lying to the American people as they do so.

The Inflation Reduction Act is a huge, bald-faced lie EVERYONE, whether they admit it or not, is a steaming pile of propaganda and Democrat agenda spending which actually will increase Inflation. The fact that you can't / refuse to admit it makes you a partisan idiot and makes it easier just to ignore you.

Just pointing to one issue, how much of an economic burden do you think illegally bringing in more than a record 2 million illegals, maintaining this Un-Constitutional open border, facilitating all the crime imported do you think the Democrats have and still are creating?

List it out:
US BP Costs
Local / state / federal cost
Medical / Education / Food / Housing
Law Enforcement
Murders, rapes, pedophile / sex crimes
National Security Threat
Importing Cartels, coyotes, mules, Importing traffickers, thieves,
Importing murderers,violent gangs
Importing foreign terrorisys
The toll on victims and families
The Fentynal murder attack by China thru the Cartels

I asked some leftist idiot, and he replied 'It ONLY costs a few billion a year.

He didn't realize we would have to pay of $31 TRILLION in debt just to be 'BROKE'. DO YOU?

Our politicians are Constitutionally charged with being 'goodcstewards' of the tax payers' money. Can you say the Democrats have been / are doing that?

Before you start with the, 'B...b...but Republicans' let me cut you off. The Republicans have been bearly equally bad at fiscal responsibity, but thry aren't in charge now, are they.

You have to start somewhere, and what better place to start than where we currently are?!

The Democrats have been and are in charge. It is their failed policies and radical agendas by which this nation has been and is being run on, so stop the shit.

Part of being a leader is stepping up to the plate, taking charge, and taling responsibility.

Joe declared during the election 'THE BUCK STOPS HERE!'

The deficit is dropping. Every detail I provided was true.

Trumpsters are ignorant. That's your problem, not mine.
Trump signed and applauded a massive spending bill.

Trump pushed the Fed for more quantitative easing.

Trump pushed the Fed to decrease interest rates.

All inflationary. All artificial stimulus. He made Keynes turn over in his fucking grave (although you probably don't know what that means). And you believe his lies about the economy it created (even though it was only at +2.3% when the virus hit). You can't change that.
/——-/ How is reducing the interest rate inflationary?
/——-/ How is reducing the interest rate inflationary?
This is why I know better than to discuss economics with Trumpsters.

He doesn't know that decreasing interest rates, when combined with increased government spending and trillions in Fed cash, is stimulative and inflationary.

Never mind. I wish I hadn't seen that post.

God damn.
/----/ In order to fund the government, pay federal workers, and send out social security checks, presidents are pressured into signing bloated budgets filled with Congressional pork, or if they veto it, Congress can usually override it. But you already knew that.

/——/ Kiss My disagrees with the historical facts I posted. Hope that didn’t trigger her too much.
Only Joe Biden would brag about reducing the deficit while at the same time complaining that the Republicans weren't letting him pass massive spending packages!

As for Trump asking for the Fed to lower rates? Look at the history of rate hikes during Trump's administration and the lack of hikes during Obama's! Trump asked the Fed to lower rates after they had REPEATED raised them to cool off the economy!
Remember when republicans wouldn’t stop complaining about the deficit under Obama? They stopped since we know the deficit blew up under Trump.

Now under Biden? Deficit will see steepest decline.

Why has the deficit fallen? in part because of the record job growth, reduced spending, and better revenue stream.

Biden lowered gas prices too, right????
The deficit is dropping. Every detail I provided was true.

Just STOP.

The DEBT just ROSE to $31 TRILLION.

Don't tell me the politicians are not all spending like drunken sailors and are making every effort to ensure all spending is damn-near mandatory for the survival and running this nation.

Don't try to piss on my head and tell me its raining.

The nation would have done ok / better without the Democrat 'Inflation 'Reduction' bill, for example.
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The DEBT just ROSE to $31 TRILLION.

Don't tell me the politicians are not all spending like drunken sailors and are making every effort to ensure all spending is damn-near mandatory for the survival and running this nation.

Don't try to piss on my head and tell me its raining.

The nation would have done ok / better without the Democrat 'Inflation 'Reduction' bill, for example.

Don't read my posts. I have to know, analyze and act on this stuff for my profession. You just use it for mindless partisan attacking and trolling.

So, don't read my posts if you don't like them. Doesn't matter to me. Sorry.
Every day I see Biden resisting government spending.
The Republicans want to spend more, but Biden stands up and cuts spending instead.
He's a regular Ross Perot, isn't he Mac?
He's a politician, full of spin and horsecrap.

You're free to fabricate my opinions, though.
So, don't read my posts if you don't like them. Doesn't matter to me. Sorry.

How does one know if one likes what you write unless they read them?

Unless they have already read your stuff in rhe past..

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