Deficit will fall 1.7 trillion in a year - the steepest deficit decline in American history

Trump added $7.8 Trillion to the Debt & then Printed another $6 Trillion debasing the US dollar on top of that hitting US with a $14 Trillion inflation tax in only 4 years.

Trump economy was worse than Carter! Democrat President Carter added 10.4 million jobs in 4 years. Republican President Trump only created 6.6 million jobs prior to Covid, then Trump destroyed 22 million jobs & left office with a -5 million jobs deficit.

They pulled this shit with Barry the Boiking....Blow the debt up your first year, then propose spending like an idiot only half as much the next year, and proclaim that you're a debt hawk.

The liberoidal asswipes haven't had a new idea since the invention of prostitution.
Wrong! Bush exploded deficits with his budget deficits that lasted until Oct 2009. Obama lowered deficits 7 out of 8 years.
Gator never said that. All Gator has done is dodge the question.
Ahhhhh, wrong poster is my issue here. Postman offered it up, not gator. My bad. carry on and thanks for the humbling.
Remember when republicans wouldn’t stop complaining about the deficit under Obama? They stopped since we know the deficit blew up under Trump.

Now under Biden? Deficit will see steepest decline.

Why has the deficit fallen? in part because of the record job growth, reduced spending, and better revenue stream.

Shut the fuck up Billy, your brain sucks badly. Ever heard of COVID, dumbass?
The upcoming COLA on SS and other programs will increase the deficit as well (if a court does not stop it) as Biden's unconstitutional student loan forgiveness.
Wrong! Bush exploded deficits with his budget deficits that lasted until Oct 2009. Obama lowered deficits 7 out of 8 years.
Boiking played the same grift...Have a huge deficit in the first year, then resume spending as "normal" and disingenuously claim that you're a deficit hawk.

You leftist scum are as sleazy as they come.

“A conspiracy theorist is a person who tacitly admits that they have insufficient data to prove their points. A conspiracy is a battle cry of a person with insufficient data.”​

Neil deGrasse Tyson
This Neil deGrasse Tyson who wants to make earthlings fear his conspiracy theories on aliens? (cough, cough, cough, cough)


Wrong! Bush exploded deficits with his budget deficits that lasted until Oct 2009. Obama lowered deficits 7 out of 8 years.
Bush spent a little money on preventing another 9/11 on his watch, and guess who took over his last years in office--a majority in the House, for example, who control all spending?
Obfuscation is not very persuasive, doll, in case you didn't know it or didn't research it. You should be watched by the police and watched closely. :muahaha:

The former guy spent like a teenaged girl with Daddy's Gold Card (and how ironic is THAT), fed off the Federal Reserve's trillions, pushed the Fed to keep interest rates down and begged them for more.

All, inflationary.

Finally some sanity.
Remember when republicans wouldn’t stop complaining about the deficit under Obama? They stopped since we know the deficit blew up under Trump.

Now under Biden? Deficit will see steepest decline.

Why has the deficit fallen? in part because of the record job growth, reduced spending, and better revenue stream.

/----/ Did you actually read past the headline?
Because the projections of the Mid-Session Review were finalized in June, it does not include the $280 billion CHIPS and Science Act and estimated $740 billion climate, healthcare and tax measure.

And while the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office in July said, that fast economic growth and higher tax revenues have caused the federal debt this year to be lower than forecast, the organization warns in its 30-year outlook that debt will soon spiral upward to new highs that could ultimately imperil the U.S. economy.
The former guy spent like a teenaged girl with Daddy's Gold Card (and how ironic is THAT), fed off the Federal Reserve's trillions, pushed the Fed to keep interest rates down and begged them for more.

All, inflationary.

Finally some sanity.
/----/ Once again for the public-school educated libtards, Only Congress can spend money - not the president.
Remember when republicans wouldn’t stop complaining about the deficit under Obama? They stopped since we know the deficit blew up under Trump.

Now under Biden? Deficit will see steepest decline.

Why has the deficit fallen? in part because of the record job growth, reduced spending, and better revenue stream.

Only idiot Moon Bats like you would brag about a trillion dollar deficit, especially during a recession and high inflation.
Nice try, Einstein. The President has to sign spending bills. See below.

Try again. Demonstrate your education, training and experience in macroeconomics for us.

Only idiot Moon Bats like you would brag about a trillion dollar deficit, especially during a recession and high inflation.
/----/ In order to fund the government, pay federal workers, and send out social security checks, presidents are pressured into signing bloated budgets filled with Congressional pork, or if they veto it, Congress can usually override it. But you already knew that.


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