Defining Conservatism

There is no real question what Conservatism espouses; it has not changed since the days of Barry Goldwater.
  • Economic freedom.
  • Constitutionally-minimalist Federal Government,
  • Traditional Judeo-Christian values,
  • Fiscal conservatism,
  • Strong defense,
  • etc.
What happened was that Liberals (or use whatever other term you like) embarked on a decades-long campaign to buy the votes of American voters with government cash and benefits. The American people were (and are) too ignorant to see that this is not the rightful role of the Federal government. All they saw was that there were all sorts of goodies flowing out from Washington and this one group of people (Democrats/Liberals) was responsible for it.

Further, when Republicans tried to "right the ship" and curtail this spending (welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, housing subsidies, college grants and loans), ALL OF WHICH WAS UNCONSTITUTIONAL, as well as being fiscally irresponsible, the Liberals and the Media, ganged up on the Conservatives, calling them heartless, mean, stingy, racist, and cruel. This goes on at an accelerated pace to this very day.

Well, Conservative politicians are politicians first, and they understood that unless they got with the program of reckless taxpayer-funded giveaways, they would be riding their Conservative principles into the sunset and right out of office.

So today's Conservatives have put themselves in the untenable position of having to support outrageous and unconstitutional government spending, merely to have any chance of remaining in office. Which of course violates one of the core principles of Conservatism: Fiscal Responsibility.

Look at the current brouhaha about the Covid 19 giveaways. Where (the fuck) in the Constitution does Congress get the power to send out trillions of dollars indiscriminately to unemployed people to ease their pain? It is Constitutional and fiscally preposterous and catastrophically stupid. So the Conservatives/Republicans are in the absurd position of arguing to ONLY spend a couple trillion dollars that we don't have rather than more trillions of dollars that we don't have - and have no clue how we will ever pay for.

But one can never forget, this fight about Conservative VALUES must be ENTIRELY INTERNAL amongst those who consider themselves Conservatives. Democrats have no place in the discussion. They have long ago sold their figurative souls to the devil, so it is literally none of their business how Conservatives deal with the political reality of a voting population demanding free, unconstitutional goodies from Government, and promising to vote against anyone who is not on board.
It sure has strayed far afield from your description.
If fiscal conservatives has been jettisoned....what will counter balance the Democrats?

Well that is the problem. That's the big issue with Trump. It is not that we have jettisoned fiscal conservatism.

It's just that there is no better option right now.

Trust me.... if this election was between Herman Cain, and Donald Trump... I would be voting with Cain.

The problem is, it isn't Cain opposite Trump. It's the Democrats. And that's a problem, because Democrats are insane.

"So the answer is yes. And pay for it? This is about our priorities, what matters most to us," Warren answered. "A budget is about priorities. ... The way I see it, there's always, come on, there's always money. It's there."

I mean..... oh come on..... there's always money! Always! Come on!

So no, conservatives have no "jettisoned" fiscal conservatism. There just simply isn't a good option right now.
There is no real question what Conservatism espouses; it has not changed since the days of Barry Goldwater.
  • Economic freedom.
  • Constitutionally-minimalist Federal Government,
  • Traditional Judeo-Christian values,
  • Fiscal conservatism,
  • Strong defense,
  • etc.
What happened was that Liberals (or use whatever other term you like) embarked on a decades-long campaign to buy the votes of American voters with government cash and benefits. The American people were (and are) too ignorant to see that this is not the rightful role of the Federal government. All they saw was that there were all sorts of goodies flowing out from Washington and this one group of people (Democrats/Liberals) was responsible for it.

Further, when Republicans tried to "right the ship" and curtail this spending (welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, housing subsidies, college grants and loans), ALL OF WHICH WAS UNCONSTITUTIONAL, as well as being fiscally irresponsible, the Liberals and the Media, ganged up on the Conservatives, calling them heartless, mean, stingy, racist, and cruel. This goes on at an accelerated pace to this very day.

Well, Conservative politicians are politicians first, and they understood that unless they got with the program of reckless taxpayer-funded giveaways, they would be riding their Conservative principles into the sunset and right out of office.

So today's Conservatives have put themselves in the untenable position of having to support outrageous and unconstitutional government spending, merely to have any chance of remaining in office. Which of course violates one of the core principles of Conservatism: Fiscal Responsibility.

Look at the current brouhaha about the Covid 19 giveaways. Where (the fuck) in the Constitution does Congress get the power to send out trillions of dollars indiscriminately to unemployed people to ease their pain? It is Constitutional and fiscally preposterous and catastrophically stupid. So the Conservatives/Republicans are in the absurd position of arguing to ONLY spend a couple trillion dollars that we don't have rather than more trillions of dollars that we don't have - and have no clue how we will ever pay for.

But one can never forget, this fight about Conservative VALUES must be ENTIRELY INTERNAL amongst those who consider themselves Conservatives. Democrats have no place in the discussion. They have long ago sold their figurative souls to the devil, so it is literally none of their business how Conservatives deal with the political reality of a voting population demanding free, unconstitutional goodies from Government, and promising to vote against anyone who is not on board.
It sure has strayed far afield from your description.
If fiscal conservatives has been jettisoned....what will counter balance the Democrats?

Well that is the problem. That's the big issue with Trump. It is not that we have jettisoned fiscal conservatism.

It's just that there is no better option right now.

Trust me.... if this election was between Herman Cain, and Donald Trump... I would be voting with Cain.

The problem is, it isn't Cain opposite Trump. It's the Democrats. And that's a problem, because Democrats are insane.

"So the answer is yes. And pay for it? This is about our priorities, what matters most to us," Warren answered. "A budget is about priorities. ... The way I see it, there's always, come on, there's always money. It's there."

I mean..... oh come on..... there's always money! Always! Come on!

So no, conservatives have no "jettisoned" fiscal conservatism. There just simply isn't a good option right now.

agreed. cain's tax plan was actually radical. trump's policies are completely mainstream.
It has, but I think we should examine greed, and self service in our society first. Got to fix that. Then we can be all 'conservative'. This country has a deep deep rot. There isn't a conservative leader in D.C. as far as I am concerned. Well...I am sure there is one oddball Republican who votes against the wave, is laughed at and will be PAC'd out of office.
The only thing that will cure this rot is upheaval, strife, death, and suffering. The shock of that trauma is the only thing throughout the history of man which has led him back to 'conservative' culture.
No Veronica...we are not special. We will be no different.
Greed? I dont see much greed, if any. Do you speak of the rich? Greed, keeping what I labor for is certainly not greed.
Greed for your conservative politicians...greed from your conservative Christian religious leaders...greed in social programs...greed in 'Public SERVANT' pension programs.
This is a society of great GREAT greed.
You do not see the greed in you0r life because you are of the %90+ of people who do not benefit from the rape of the public coffers, confidence, and future.

That's not true.

Honestly, greed is almost entirely left-wing in nature.

I don't want universal health care. I am willing to pay for health care.

Is it greedy... to say I am willing to pay for my own health care?

No.. greed is saying I want other people to pay for my health care. That is what greed is. I want something, and I don't want to pay for...... Food.... housing... phones... education.... retirement....

All those things are greed based. And all are entirely left-wing.

Left-wing is a bunch of people standing around saying "Give it all to me now, and if you don't, you are greedy".

Give it all to me.... is greed. Me keeping what I rightfully earned, is not greed. You demanding I give you what I worked for, but you did not work for..... that is the definition of greed.
There is no real question what Conservatism espouses; it has not changed since the days of Barry Goldwater.
  • Economic freedom.
  • Constitutionally-minimalist Federal Government,
  • Traditional Judeo-Christian values,
  • Fiscal conservatism,
  • Strong defense,
  • etc.
What happened was that Liberals (or use whatever other term you like) embarked on a decades-long campaign to buy the votes of American voters with government cash and benefits. The American people were (and are) too ignorant to see that this is not the rightful role of the Federal government. All they saw was that there were all sorts of goodies flowing out from Washington and this one group of people (Democrats/Liberals) was responsible for it.

Further, when Republicans tried to "right the ship" and curtail this spending (welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, housing subsidies, college grants and loans), ALL OF WHICH WAS UNCONSTITUTIONAL, as well as being fiscally irresponsible, the Liberals and the Media, ganged up on the Conservatives, calling them heartless, mean, stingy, racist, and cruel. This goes on at an accelerated pace to this very day.

Well, Conservative politicians are politicians first, and they understood that unless they got with the program of reckless taxpayer-funded giveaways, they would be riding their Conservative principles into the sunset and right out of office.

So today's Conservatives have put themselves in the untenable position of having to support outrageous and unconstitutional government spending, merely to have any chance of remaining in office. Which of course violates one of the core principles of Conservatism: Fiscal Responsibility.

Look at the current brouhaha about the Covid 19 giveaways. Where (the fuck) in the Constitution does Congress get the power to send out trillions of dollars indiscriminately to unemployed people to ease their pain? It is Constitutional and fiscally preposterous and catastrophically stupid. So the Conservatives/Republicans are in the absurd position of arguing to ONLY spend a couple trillion dollars that we don't have rather than more trillions of dollars that we don't have - and have no clue how we will ever pay for.

But one can never forget, this fight about Conservative VALUES must be ENTIRELY INTERNAL amongst those who consider themselves Conservatives. Democrats have no place in the discussion. They have long ago sold their figurative souls to the devil, so it is literally none of their business how Conservatives deal with the political reality of a voting population demanding free, unconstitutional goodies from Government, and promising to vote against anyone who is not on board.
It sure has strayed far afield from your description.
If fiscal conservatives has been jettisoned....what will counter balance the Democrats?

Well that is the problem. That's the big issue with Trump. It is not that we have jettisoned fiscal conservatism.

It's just that there is no better option right now.

Trust me.... if this election was between Herman Cain, and Donald Trump... I would be voting with Cain.

The problem is, it isn't Cain opposite Trump. It's the Democrats. And that's a problem, because Democrats are insane.

"So the answer is yes. And pay for it? This is about our priorities, what matters most to us," Warren answered. "A budget is about priorities. ... The way I see it, there's always, come on, there's always money. It's there."

I mean..... oh come on..... there's always money! Always! Come on!

So no, conservatives have no "jettisoned" fiscal conservatism. There just simply isn't a good option right now.

agreed. cain's tax plan was actually radical. trump's policies are completely mainstream.

Well I didn't like the sales tax. But I was fine with the flat tax. Sales tax is just a poor tax.
There is no real question what Conservatism espouses; it has not changed since the days of Barry Goldwater.
  • Economic freedom.
  • Constitutionally-minimalist Federal Government,
  • Traditional Judeo-Christian values,
  • Fiscal conservatism,
  • Strong defense,
  • etc.
What happened was that Liberals (or use whatever other term you like) embarked on a decades-long campaign to buy the votes of American voters with government cash and benefits. The American people were (and are) too ignorant to see that this is not the rightful role of the Federal government. All they saw was that there were all sorts of goodies flowing out from Washington and this one group of people (Democrats/Liberals) was responsible for it.

Further, when Republicans tried to "right the ship" and curtail this spending (welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, housing subsidies, college grants and loans), ALL OF WHICH WAS UNCONSTITUTIONAL, as well as being fiscally irresponsible, the Liberals and the Media, ganged up on the Conservatives, calling them heartless, mean, stingy, racist, and cruel. This goes on at an accelerated pace to this very day.

Well, Conservative politicians are politicians first, and they understood that unless they got with the program of reckless taxpayer-funded giveaways, they would be riding their Conservative principles into the sunset and right out of office.

So today's Conservatives have put themselves in the untenable position of having to support outrageous and unconstitutional government spending, merely to have any chance of remaining in office. Which of course violates one of the core principles of Conservatism: Fiscal Responsibility.

Look at the current brouhaha about the Covid 19 giveaways. Where (the fuck) in the Constitution does Congress get the power to send out trillions of dollars indiscriminately to unemployed people to ease their pain? It is Constitutional and fiscally preposterous and catastrophically stupid. So the Conservatives/Republicans are in the absurd position of arguing to ONLY spend a couple trillion dollars that we don't have rather than more trillions of dollars that we don't have - and have no clue how we will ever pay for.

But one can never forget, this fight about Conservative VALUES must be ENTIRELY INTERNAL amongst those who consider themselves Conservatives. Democrats have no place in the discussion. They have long ago sold their figurative souls to the devil, so it is literally none of their business how Conservatives deal with the political reality of a voting population demanding free, unconstitutional goodies from Government, and promising to vote against anyone who is not on board.
It sure has strayed far afield from your description.
If fiscal conservatives has been jettisoned....what will counter balance the Democrats?

Well that is the problem. That's the big issue with Trump. It is not that we have jettisoned fiscal conservatism.

It's just that there is no better option right now.

Trust me.... if this election was between Herman Cain, and Donald Trump... I would be voting with Cain.

The problem is, it isn't Cain opposite Trump. It's the Democrats. And that's a problem, because Democrats are insane.

"So the answer is yes. And pay for it? This is about our priorities, what matters most to us," Warren answered. "A budget is about priorities. ... The way I see it, there's always, come on, there's always money. It's there."

I mean..... oh come on..... there's always money! Always! Come on!

So no, conservatives have no "jettisoned" fiscal conservatism. There just simply isn't a good option right now.
I believe in balance...there are times when spending is needed and times when it should be restricted. Each side keeps the other from their excesses.

But I do believe that the conservatives have jettisoned fiscal conservancy in favor of Social conservatives. Congress holds the purse why are Republicans not holding the line?
There is no real question what Conservatism espouses; it has not changed since the days of Barry Goldwater.
  • Economic freedom.
  • Constitutionally-minimalist Federal Government,
  • Traditional Judeo-Christian values,
  • Fiscal conservatism,
  • Strong defense,
  • etc.
What happened was that Liberals (or use whatever other term you like) embarked on a decades-long campaign to buy the votes of American voters with government cash and benefits. The American people were (and are) too ignorant to see that this is not the rightful role of the Federal government. All they saw was that there were all sorts of goodies flowing out from Washington and this one group of people (Democrats/Liberals) was responsible for it.

Further, when Republicans tried to "right the ship" and curtail this spending (welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, housing subsidies, college grants and loans), ALL OF WHICH WAS UNCONSTITUTIONAL, as well as being fiscally irresponsible, the Liberals and the Media, ganged up on the Conservatives, calling them heartless, mean, stingy, racist, and cruel. This goes on at an accelerated pace to this very day.

Well, Conservative politicians are politicians first, and they understood that unless they got with the program of reckless taxpayer-funded giveaways, they would be riding their Conservative principles into the sunset and right out of office.

So today's Conservatives have put themselves in the untenable position of having to support outrageous and unconstitutional government spending, merely to have any chance of remaining in office. Which of course violates one of the core principles of Conservatism: Fiscal Responsibility.

Look at the current brouhaha about the Covid 19 giveaways. Where (the fuck) in the Constitution does Congress get the power to send out trillions of dollars indiscriminately to unemployed people to ease their pain? It is Constitutional and fiscally preposterous and catastrophically stupid. So the Conservatives/Republicans are in the absurd position of arguing to ONLY spend a couple trillion dollars that we don't have rather than more trillions of dollars that we don't have - and have no clue how we will ever pay for.

But one can never forget, this fight about Conservative VALUES must be ENTIRELY INTERNAL amongst those who consider themselves Conservatives. Democrats have no place in the discussion. They have long ago sold their figurative souls to the devil, so it is literally none of their business how Conservatives deal with the political reality of a voting population demanding free, unconstitutional goodies from Government, and promising to vote against anyone who is not on board.
It sure has strayed far afield from your description.
If fiscal conservatives has been jettisoned....what will counter balance the Democrats?

Well that is the problem. That's the big issue with Trump. It is not that we have jettisoned fiscal conservatism.

It's just that there is no better option right now.

Trust me.... if this election was between Herman Cain, and Donald Trump... I would be voting with Cain.

The problem is, it isn't Cain opposite Trump. It's the Democrats. And that's a problem, because Democrats are insane.

"So the answer is yes. And pay for it? This is about our priorities, what matters most to us," Warren answered. "A budget is about priorities. ... The way I see it, there's always, come on, there's always money. It's there."

I mean..... oh come on..... there's always money! Always! Come on!

So no, conservatives have no "jettisoned" fiscal conservatism. There just simply isn't a good option right now.
I believe in balance...there are times when spending is needed and times when it should be restricted. Each side keeps the other from their excesses.

But I do believe that the conservatives have jettisoned fiscal conservancy in favor of Social conservatives. Congress holds the purse why are Republicans not holding the line?

It's the public that controls congress. Conservatives are not the majority in the country, and you know that.

Republicans are not conservatives, although nearly all conservatives are Republican.

There are many liberal left-wing Republicans. Now for me personally, if they are not conservative, they tend to lose my vote.

For example, after the 2008-2009 bailout and stimulus, I voted against everyone, Democrat or Republican that supported either.

But most people are not convinced that government can't just keep spending. That's the truth. You are acting like the all the Republicans in Congress are conservative. They are not. Some never were. Back when Reagan was in office, there were Republicans that though Reagan was an idiot for saying the Soviet Union was going to fall. In fact, Bush Sr did not believe that socialism would crash.

Most Republicans are politicians first. They want to stay in office, and the truth is, spending does buy votes. Cutting spending... not so much.

There are many Republicans, some even on this forum, that are absolutely not conservative. They want government funded health care, and education, and social security. And the moment we have to cut those things, they'll flip to any politician that promises to not cut off the gravy train.

The conservative in congress, are still conservative, and still vote conservatively, and are still trying to hold back the spending. If you remember back in 2008, the Conservative Caucus in Congress, came up with their own alternative to the bailout that would have had zero government funding, and I know it would have worked. Problem is, not all Republicans are conservatives. The plan was attacked by both the left and right, and never made it to Bush. And I think Bush was surrounded by morons saying we had to do it.
It has, but I think we should examine greed, and self service in our society first. Got to fix that. Then we can be all 'conservative'. This country has a deep deep rot. There isn't a conservative leader in D.C. as far as I am concerned. Well...I am sure there is one oddball Republican who votes against the wave, is laughed at and will be PAC'd out of office.
The only thing that will cure this rot is upheaval, strife, death, and suffering. The shock of that trauma is the only thing throughout the history of man which has led him back to 'conservative' culture.
No Veronica...we are not special. We will be no different.
Greed? I dont see much greed, if any. Do you speak of the rich? Greed, keeping what I labor for is certainly not greed.
Greed for your conservative politicians...greed from your conservative Christian religious leaders...greed in social programs...greed in 'Public SERVANT' pension programs.
This is a society of great GREAT greed.
You do not see the greed in you0r life because you are of the %90+ of people who do not benefit from the rape of the public coffers, confidence, and future.

That's not true.

Honestly, greed is almost entirely left-wing in nature.

I don't want universal health care. I am willing to pay for health care.

Is it greedy... to say I am willing to pay for my own health care?

No.. greed is saying I want other people to pay for my health care. That is what greed is. I want something, and I don't want to pay for...... Food.... housing... phones... education.... retirement....

All those things are greed based. And all are entirely left-wing.

Left-wing is a bunch of people standing around saying "Give it all to me now, and if you don't, you are greedy".

Give it all to me.... is greed. Me keeping what I rightfully earned, is not greed. You demanding I give you what I worked for, but you did not work for..... that is the definition of greed.
bull fuckin shit.

What about a house and senate full of Republican Congressmen who continuously vote for social welfare programs(medicare/medicaid)...huge aid packages (Israel ($38B/$15BEgypt/$9BSub-Sahara Africa)...government subsidization of industry via trillions ($5T) in economic bailouts in 2008, and 2020...TRILLIONS in BULLSHIT WARS over the past 20 years...International trade deals that cause our manufacturing to hemorrhage jobs at rates unseen previously.

How about those Republicans? Are those Republicans conservative?

Oh...but they pay lip service to prayer in school...OH...and they are against ABORTION...Well fuck me runnin...thank God they stand firm on a couple social issues.

HOWEVER...they will allow the government to raid your papers/your person/your house/imprison you without due process and permit the police to turn your asshole inside out in search of a fucking marijuana seed...but THEY DON'T WANT NOBODY KILLIN DEM BABIES!!!

GTFO with your Dem v. Rep BULLSHIT.
It has, but I think we should examine greed, and self service in our society first. Got to fix that. Then we can be all 'conservative'. This country has a deep deep rot. There isn't a conservative leader in D.C. as far as I am concerned. Well...I am sure there is one oddball Republican who votes against the wave, is laughed at and will be PAC'd out of office.
The only thing that will cure this rot is upheaval, strife, death, and suffering. The shock of that trauma is the only thing throughout the history of man which has led him back to 'conservative' culture.
No Veronica...we are not special. We will be no different.
Greed? I dont see much greed, if any. Do you speak of the rich? Greed, keeping what I labor for is certainly not greed.
Greed for your conservative politicians...greed from your conservative Christian religious leaders...greed in social programs...greed in 'Public SERVANT' pension programs.
This is a society of great GREAT greed.
You do not see the greed in you0r life because you are of the %90+ of people who do not benefit from the rape of the public coffers, confidence, and future.

That's not true.

Honestly, greed is almost entirely left-wing in nature.

I don't want universal health care. I am willing to pay for health care.

Is it greedy... to say I am willing to pay for my own health care?

No.. greed is saying I want other people to pay for my health care. That is what greed is. I want something, and I don't want to pay for...... Food.... housing... phones... education.... retirement....

All those things are greed based. And all are entirely left-wing.

Left-wing is a bunch of people standing around saying "Give it all to me now, and if you don't, you are greedy".

Give it all to me.... is greed. Me keeping what I rightfully earned, is not greed. You demanding I give you what I worked for, but you did not work for..... that is the definition of greed.
bull fuckin shit.

What about a house and senate full of Republican Congressmen who continuously vote for social welfare programs(medicare/medicaid)...huge aid packages (Israel ($38B/$15BEgypt/$9BSub-Sahara Africa)...government subsidization of industry via trillions ($5T) in economic bailouts in 2008, and 2020...TRILLIONS in BULLSHIT WARS over the past 20 years...International trade deals that cause our manufacturing to hemorrhage jobs at rates unseen previously.

How about those Republicans? Are those Republicans conservative?

Oh...but they pay lip service to prayer in school...OH...and they are against ABORTION...Well fuck me runnin...thank God they stand firm on a couple social issues.

HOWEVER...they will allow the government to raid your papers/your person/your house/imprison you without due process and permit the police to turn your asshole inside out in search of a fucking marijuana seed...but THEY DON'T WANT NOBODY KILLIN DEM BABIES!!!

GTFO with your Dem v. Rep BULLSHIT.

I specifically said conservatives. No conservative believes in government funded everything. That is the exact opposite of what conservatism is.

That's like saying you are a Vegan.... that eats meat. What about that Vegan that eats meat? Then they are not a Vegan.

A Republican is a politician. There are conservative Republicans, and left-wing liberal Republicans.

How about those Republicans? Are those Republicans conservative?

..... NO. If you do not follow Conservative ideology.... then.... no, you are not conservative.

Oh...but they pay lip service to prayer in school...OH...and they are against ABORTION...Well fuck me runnin...thank God they stand firm on a couple social issues.

I don't even know what are you going on about.

But.... murder is wrong. Just because you are so young as to not be born, doesn't mean murder is ok.

HOWEVER...they will allow the government to raid your papers/your person/your house/imprison you without due process and permit the police to turn your asshole inside out in search of a fucking marijuana seed...but THEY DON'T WANT NOBODY KILLIN DEM BABIES!!!

Yes. Because I have seen the families destroyed and ruined by pot smokers. I have met the kids who grew up with a disconnected father, because he was constantly stoned. Their family constantly in fiscal trouble because he kept getting fired at his job.

Yes, I fully support shooting and killing the drug dealers and abusers.

The only good thing about Colorado, is that now we are seeing some of the long term damage from pot.

Keep in mind, that's just health effects. Says nothing about the damage to families, and children, and wives, and the millions being flushed down the drain of rehab.

Yes. I stand by all of that. And I'm not sure why that has anything to do with killing babies. Does a person smoking pot, mean slaughtering children like a caveman, is now ok?
Greed for your conservative politicians...greed from your conservative Christian religious leaders...greed in social programs...greed in 'Public SERVANT' pension programs.
This is a society of great GREAT greed.
You do not see the greed in you0r life because you are of the %90+ of people who do not benefit from the rape of the public coffers, confidence, and future.
Greed of politicians? Obama is worth over $145 million! He was worth barely $1 million when he entered office.

Religion? Greedy? Maybe in some cases but overall, over history, certainly recent history, religion certainly has given billions upon billions to the poor. Not to mention they have given their lives.

So, when will Obama start giving his millions away. Why does he need so many houses. He is rich beyond what any 100 people need. Why is Obama not giving his money to those who need it most? Hell, why are people paying Obama anyhow, most likely it is a payoff for the job he did while president? The Bribes and Payoffs come after the president leaves office. Clever.
There is no real question what Conservatism espouses; it has not changed since the days of Barry Goldwater.
  • Economic freedom.
  • Constitutionally-minimalist Federal Government,
  • Traditional Judeo-Christian values,
  • Fiscal conservatism,
  • Strong defense,
  • etc.
What happened was that Liberals (or use whatever other term you like) embarked on a decades-long campaign to buy the votes of American voters with government cash and benefits. The American people were (and are) too ignorant to see that this is not the rightful role of the Federal government. All they saw was that there were all sorts of goodies flowing out from Washington and this one group of people (Democrats/Liberals) was responsible for it.

Further, when Republicans tried to "right the ship" and curtail this spending (welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, housing subsidies, college grants and loans), ALL OF WHICH WAS UNCONSTITUTIONAL, as well as being fiscally irresponsible, the Liberals and the Media, ganged up on the Conservatives, calling them heartless, mean, stingy, racist, and cruel. This goes on at an accelerated pace to this very day.

Well, Conservative politicians are politicians first, and they understood that unless they got with the program of reckless taxpayer-funded giveaways, they would be riding their Conservative principles into the sunset and right out of office.

So today's Conservatives have put themselves in the untenable position of having to support outrageous and unconstitutional government spending, merely to have any chance of remaining in office. Which of course violates one of the core principles of Conservatism: Fiscal Responsibility.

Look at the current brouhaha about the Covid 19 giveaways. Where (the fuck) in the Constitution does Congress get the power to send out trillions of dollars indiscriminately to unemployed people to ease their pain? It is Constitutional and fiscally preposterous and catastrophically stupid. So the Conservatives/Republicans are in the absurd position of arguing to ONLY spend a couple trillion dollars that we don't have rather than more trillions of dollars that we don't have - and have no clue how we will ever pay for.

But one can never forget, this fight about Conservative VALUES must be ENTIRELY INTERNAL amongst those who consider themselves Conservatives. Democrats have no place in the discussion. They have long ago sold their figurative souls to the devil, so it is literally none of their business how Conservatives deal with the political reality of a voting population demanding free, unconstitutional goodies from Government, and promising to vote against anyone who is not on board.
It sure has strayed far afield from your description.
If fiscal conservatives has been jettisoned....what will counter balance the Democrats?

Well that is the problem. That's the big issue with Trump. It is not that we have jettisoned fiscal conservatism.

It's just that there is no better option right now.

Trust me.... if this election was between Herman Cain, and Donald Trump... I would be voting with Cain.

The problem is, it isn't Cain opposite Trump. It's the Democrats. And that's a problem, because Democrats are insane.

"So the answer is yes. And pay for it? This is about our priorities, what matters most to us," Warren answered. "A budget is about priorities. ... The way I see it, there's always, come on, there's always money. It's there."

I mean..... oh come on..... there's always money! Always! Come on!

So no, conservatives have no "jettisoned" fiscal conservatism. There just simply isn't a good option right now.

agreed. cain's tax plan was actually radical. trump's policies are completely mainstream.

Well I didn't like the sales tax. But I was fine with the flat tax. Sales tax is just a poor tax.

a sales tax is "regressive" in nature. but, it lets you take the irs out of normal people's lives. that is worth a lot.

and, if people don't like it, they can alway vote for politicians who don't want to control everything.
..International trade deals that cause our manufacturing to hemorrhage jobs at rates unseen previously.
You mean, like when Obama gave our Nuclear reactor technology to China? It is Democrats that have sent job overseas. And lets not forget that these rich corporations are ran and owned by Democrats. The Clintons certainly are first and foremost guilty of what you accuse Republicans of.
Greed of politicians? Obama is worth over $145 million! He was worth barely $1 million when he entered office.
Who says that ****** was a CONservative?

Religion? Greedy? Maybe in some cases but overall, over history, certainly recent history, religion certainly has given billions upon billions to the poor. Not to mention they have given their lives.
I have a couple interesting terms to throw your way.

Mega Churches

Prosperity Theology

Now...go research that horseshit and tell me if any of that shit has any
thing to do with traditional conservative values.

So, when will Obama start giving his millions away. Why does he need so many houses. He is rich beyond what any 100 people need. Why is Obama not giving his money to those who need it most? Hell, why are people paying Obama anyhow, most likely it is a payoff for the job he did while president? The Bribes and Payoffs come after the president leaves office. Clever.
Since when was that ****** ever claiming to be a conservative?
I have a couple interesting terms to throw your way.

Mega Churches

Prosperity Theology

Now...go research that horseshit and tell me if any of that shit has any
thing to do with traditional conservative values.
You said religion, speaking in the context of Conservatives. I did not know you were speaking of the Mega Churches Obama liked to go to like Rick Warren's Saddleback church.
Before Trump "conservatives" (aka "globalists") were on their way to being a minority.
Trump's populist agenda stopped the slide and is gaining popularity with many middle-class democrats, especially union members who want more US jobs.

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RINOs like Mitt and George Will can have their moribund "conservative" ideology.

Cult45 aren't conservatives. They're barely Americans. They're rat fucks.
I have a couple interesting terms to throw your way.

Mega Churches

Prosperity Theology

Now...go research that horseshit and tell me if any of that shit has any
thing to do with traditional conservative values.
You said religion, speaking in the context of Conservatives. I did not know you were speaking of the Mega Churches Obama liked to go to like Rick Warren's Saddleback church.
So you dispute that mega churches and prosperity theologians are huge Republican donors?
Well, I am a conservative and I think we should try our best to ignore this environmental stuff that is going on. I am so conservative that I think we should go back to right before the dinosaurs went extinct. High levels of CO2 and no taxes.
How's the herd immunity going?

Are conservatives wearing masks in public?
Great, we progress by dying like flies! Very conservative by applying medieval technology.

To be honest, it isn’t that bad really. I don’t know if we ever get to a situation where we have herd immunity, but the decease is possible to cope with, without closing down society.

If Sweden has handled the pandemic in a good or bad way? We’ll know next summer. My guess it’s somewhere in the middle, globally.
So you dispute that mega churches and prosperity theologians are huge Republican donors?
Yes, I dispute what you contend.

Clergy & Religious Organizations | OpenSecrets › industries › indus

They made nearly $1.6 million in political contributions during the 2014 election cycle, with 62 percent going to Democrats and 38 percent to Republicans. if most churches donate to Dems...and most Dems are liberal...wouldn't that support the idea that most Churches have slid left in their political and social outlook? Especially if we consider what the Democrat party represents socially?
Combine in that prosperity theology, and mega churches. We have a situation where our churches have fallen far from their conservative roots. Pushing longer hard on family values...strongly anti-gay/lesbian. This makes my original point...we no longer have conservatives in this nation.
Are two parent families and marriage before children repressive

Do you mean Conservative icon Donald John Trump who is on his third wife, cheated on them all, banged a porn star when Barron was an infant and had Tiffany out of wedlock?
I’m guessing you never heard of a guy named Bill Clinton.

Has Clinton ever claimed Family Values?
He cheated like crazy but is still on his first marriage and raised his own daughter. Something Trump never did
LMAO! Your defense is he never claimed to have any of the family values you now demand Trump live up to? You’re a fucking moron.

Let me guess what your next defense will be. He never declared a minimum age for his sex slaves so he can’t be a pedo!

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