Defining Conservatism

and by "egges" i mean millions of human lives.
That sounds like capitalism.
In fact, the first time I heard the phrase "breaking eggs to make omlets" it was used to defend the US invasion of South Vietnam; how many millions died there?

The coronavirus has now killed more Americans than the Vietnam War, Gulf War, Afghanistan War, and Iraq War combined
he is not authoritarian. that is just silly nonsense.
Trump is an authoritarian as evidenced by his view that violence is an extension of politics and his inability to grasp any relationship except as a zero-sum contest of domination; he is also a life-long con man with little regard for the law unless it works in his favor:

Trump Has Gone Full Authoritarian

"Trump has not exactly devoted his life to the principle of strict legal compliance.

"Put aside his long history of criminal behavior and associations that alone would forfeit any moral standing he might have. (Trump has personally stolen millions and millions of dollars through what the New York Times described as 'outright fraud,' in addition to numerous schemes that have been the subject of litigation, making him a far bigger thief than any looter.)

"Trump is eager to incite disorder in the streets and defiance of the law on his own behalf."
Trump is an authoritarian as evidenced by his view that violence is an extension of politics and his inability to grasp any relationship except as a zero-sum contest of domination; he is also a life-long con man with little regard for the law unless it works in his favor:

We just had some democrat groups, say openly, that the violence won't end until Trump is removed.

Who has a view that violence is an extension of politics? It's not Trump.

And as for little regard for the law, unless it works in his favor..... did you miss Seattle? What do you think that is? That's a bunch of left-wingers screaming about Trump, completely disregarding the law unless it works in their favor.


"Trump is eager to incite disorder in the streets and defiance of the law on his own behalf."

Did you miss the letter from the Seattle police?

The Democrat City counsel made it impossible for police to stop riots and looting.

There is no clearly incitement to violence than essentially telling criminals.... the police can't stop you.

You guys are doing that. Not Trump.
Seattle police used those weapons without provocations

that was not you sayihng that was your strongest evidence. that was the strongest evidence you presented to support your claim.
What makes transferring used US military equipment to police department"stronger evidence" of Trump's white supremacist beliefs than his decision to restrict Obama's DOJ consent decrees?
he is not authoritarian. that is just silly nonsense.
Trump is an authoritarian as evidenced by his view that violence is an extension of politics and his inability to grasp any relationship except as a zero-sum contest of domination; he is also a life-long con man with little regard for the law unless it works in his favor:

Trump Has Gone Full Authoritarian

"Trump has not exactly devoted his life to the principle of strict legal compliance.

"Put aside his long history of criminal behavior and associations that alone would forfeit any moral standing he might have. (Trump has personally stolen millions and millions of dollars through what the New York Times described as 'outright fraud,' in addition to numerous schemes that have been the subject of litigation, making him a far bigger thief than any looter.)

"Trump is eager to incite disorder in the streets and defiance of the law on his own behalf."
Trump is an authoritarian as evidenced by his view that violence is an extension of politics and his inability to grasp any relationship except as a zero-sum contest of domination; he is also a life-long con man with little regard for the law unless it works in his favor:

We just had some democrat groups, say openly, that the violence won't end until Trump is removed.

Who has a view that violence is an extension of politics? It's not Trump.

And as for little regard for the law, unless it works in his favor..... did you miss Seattle? What do you think that is? That's a bunch of left-wingers screaming about Trump, completely disregarding the law unless it works in their favor.


"Trump is eager to incite disorder in the streets and defiance of the law on his own behalf."

Did you miss the letter from the Seattle police?

The Democrat City counsel made it impossible for police to stop riots and looting.

There is no clearly incitement to violence than essentially telling criminals.... the police can't stop you.

You guys are doing that. Not Trump.
Seattle police used those weapons without provocations


You are lying. We've seen the videos. They were most certainly provoked.

Regardless, so what is your point? Just let the entire city be burned to the ground?

I'm not sure what you think the end of that play, is going to be.
that was not you sayihng that was your strongest evidence. that was the strongest evidence you presented to support your claim.
What makes transferring used US military equipment to police department"stronger evidence" of Trump's white supremacist beliefs than his decision to restrict Obama's DOJ consent decrees?

They were giving ex-military gear to police departments back in the 1990s under Bill Clinton.

Regardless, all the videos I've seen involving normal police work.... (not riot control and such), none of these police were rolling around in tanks, or using flame throwers, or walking around M16s.

So that's just a red herring.
that was not you sayihng that was your strongest evidence. that was the strongest evidence you presented to support your claim.
What makes transferring used US military equipment to police department"stronger evidence" of Trump's white supremacist beliefs than his decision to restrict Obama's DOJ consent decrees?

both are completely feeble, so it i hard to judge. but the transfer of military equipment is a concrete action, instead of a reversal of policies who's actual effect, you do not even cite.

regardless, neither really supports your stupid claim so you lose.
Can it be defined? Should it be defined?

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Support for the founding principals that made America a great nation.

So... Freedom of Conscience, the shunning of all notions mortmain and perpetuity, due process before arbitrary power, a dangerous liberty over peaceful servitude? Got it.

Too bad the poser "conservatives" either disagree with these things entirely or misconstrue them for their own corrupt and licentious ends
There is no real question what Conservatism espouses; it has not changed since the days of Barry Goldwater.
  • Economic freedom.
  • Constitutionally-minimalist Federal Government,
  • Traditional Judeo-Christian values,
  • Fiscal conservatism,
  • Strong defense,
  • etc.
What happened was that Liberals (or use whatever other term you like) embarked on a decades-long campaign to buy the votes of American voters with government cash and benefits. The American people were (and are) too ignorant to see that this is not the rightful role of the Federal government. All they saw was that there were all sorts of goodies flowing out from Washington and this one group of people (Democrats/Liberals) was responsible for it.

Further, when Republicans tried to "right the ship" and curtail this spending (welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, housing subsidies, college grants and loans), ALL OF WHICH WAS UNCONSTITUTIONAL, as well as being fiscally irresponsible, the Liberals and the Media, ganged up on the Conservatives, calling them heartless, mean, stingy, racist, and cruel. This goes on at an accelerated pace to this very day.

Well, Conservative politicians are politicians first, and they understood that unless they got with the program of reckless taxpayer-funded giveaways, they would be riding their Conservative principles into the sunset and right out of office.

So today's Conservatives have put themselves in the untenable position of having to support outrageous and unconstitutional government spending, merely to have any chance of remaining in office. Which of course violates one of the core principles of Conservatism: Fiscal Responsibility.

Look at the current brouhaha about the Covid 19 giveaways. Where (the fuck) in the Constitution does Congress get the power to send out trillions of dollars indiscriminately to unemployed people to ease their pain? It is Constitutional and fiscally preposterous and catastrophically stupid. So the Conservatives/Republicans are in the absurd position of arguing to ONLY spend a couple trillion dollars that we don't have rather than more trillions of dollars that we don't have - and have no clue how we will ever pay for.

But one can never forget, this fight about Conservative VALUES must be ENTIRELY INTERNAL amongst those who consider themselves Conservatives. Democrats have no place in the discussion. They have long ago sold their figurative souls to the devil, so it is literally none of their business how Conservatives deal with the political reality of a voting population demanding free, unconstitutional goodies from Government, and promising to vote against anyone who is not on board.
It sure has strayed far afield from your description.
If fiscal conservatives has been jettisoned....what will counter balance the Democrats?
It has, but I think we should examine greed, and self service in our society first. Got to fix that. Then we can be all 'conservative'. This country has a deep deep rot. There isn't a conservative leader in D.C. as far as I am concerned. Well...I am sure there is one oddball Republican who votes against the wave, is laughed at and will be PAC'd out of office.
The only thing that will cure this rot is upheaval, strife, death, and suffering. The shock of that trauma is the only thing throughout the history of man which has led him back to 'conservative' culture.
No Veronica...we are not special. We will be no different.
Greed? I dont see much greed, if any. Do you speak of the rich? Greed, keeping what I labor for is certainly not greed.
Conservatism is where the "haves" setup the economic rules to increase their wealth.
Liberalism is where the "have nots" setup the economic rules to increase their wealth.
Liberalism is where you work for those in power. Not for yourself. Liberalism has never ever made a rule that increased the wealth of society.
It has, but I think we should examine greed, and self service in our society first. Got to fix that. Then we can be all 'conservative'. This country has a deep deep rot. There isn't a conservative leader in D.C. as far as I am concerned. Well...I am sure there is one oddball Republican who votes against the wave, is laughed at and will be PAC'd out of office.
The only thing that will cure this rot is upheaval, strife, death, and suffering. The shock of that trauma is the only thing throughout the history of man which has led him back to 'conservative' culture.
No Veronica...we are not special. We will be no different.
Greed? I dont see much greed, if any. Do you speak of the rich? Greed, keeping what I labor for is certainly not greed.
Greed for your conservative politicians...greed from your conservative Christian religious leaders...greed in social programs...greed in 'Public SERVANT' pension programs.
This is a society of great GREAT greed.
You do not see the greed in you0r life because you are of the %90+ of people who do not benefit from the rape of the public coffers, confidence, and future.

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