Definition of racism


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
The ADL has a new definition of racism

"marginalization of people of color enforced by a socially constructed hierarchy that prefers white privilege"

A common definition used before by many was that it is the belief in the superiority of your own race I never felt it captured the whole thing I feel racism starts when you view someone or a individual with racial lense and not as human being and with individual qualities that is my definition
The ADL has a new definition of racism

"marginalization of people of color enforced by a socially constructed hierarchy that prefers white privilege"

A common definition used before by many was that it is the belief in the superiority of your own race I never felt it captured the whole thing I feel racism starts when you view someone or a individual with racial lense and not as human being and with individual qualities that is my definition
The ADL has a new definition of racism

"marginalization of people of color enforced by a socially constructed hierarchy that prefers white privilege"

A common definition used before by many was that it is the belief in the superiority of your own race I never felt it captured the whole thing I feel racism starts when you view someone or a individual with racial lense and not as human being and with individual qualities that is my definition
Racism is liking who you are.

What the ADL is attempting to do is codify racism against whites. According to their definition, there could be laws prohibiting whites from applying to certain jobs and buying homes in certain neighborhoods. Similarly, there could be laws allowing organizations to fill roles with blacks only, having clubs admit blacks only, having colleges give blacks “first priority” in signing up for classes, and so on.

There is an all-out attempt to enable racism against whites.
What the ADL is attempting to do is codify racism against whites. According to their definition, there could be laws prohibiting whites from applying to certain jobs and buying homes in certain neighborhoods. Similarly, there could be laws allowing organizations to fill roles with blacks only, having clubs admit blacks only, having colleges give blacks “first priority” in signing up for classes, and so on.

There is an all-out attempt to enable racism against whites.
I agree with you and disagree with ADL
I hate to say this - but I will - but the liberal Jews are the absolute WORST with their far-left, progressive BS. Here we have an organization founded, originally, to fight discrimination against Jews, and they practically codify that racism applies only when it is against blacks. So since most Jews are white, the ADL has now adopted a new definition that would permit companies to refuse to hire Jews.

- signed, Republican Jew
I hate to say this - but I will - but the liberal Jews are the absolute WORST with their far-left, progressive BS. Here we have an organization founded, originally, to fight discrimination against Jews, and they practically codify that racism applies only when it is against blacks. So since most Jews are white, the ADL has now adopted a new definition that would permit companies to refuse to hire Jews.

- signed, Republican Jew
Yeah, I noticed that. Figured you would too.
The ADL has a new definition of racism

"marginalization of people of color enforced by a socially constructed hierarchy that prefers white privilege"

A common definition used before by many was that it is the belief in the superiority of your own race I never felt it captured the whole thing I feel racism starts when you view someone or a individual with racial lense and not as human being and with individual qualities that is my definition

Weird how this definition could be applied to most liberal policies.
What the ADL is attempting to do is codify racism against whites. According to their definition, there could be laws prohibiting whites from applying to certain jobs and buying homes in certain neighborhoods. Similarly, there could be laws allowing organizations to fill roles with blacks only, having clubs admit blacks only, having colleges give blacks “first priority” in signing up for classes, and so on.

There is an all-out attempt to enable racism against whites.
Wrong. But you're a racist.
The ADL has a new definition of racism

"marginalization of people of color enforced by a socially constructed hierarchy that prefers white privilege"

A common definition used before by many was that it is the belief in the superiority of your own race I never felt it captured the whole thing I feel racism starts when you view someone or a individual with racial lense and not as human being and with individual qualities that is my definition

Don't know who "ADL" is but whoever, they don't get to change English word definitions. Racism, like any other word, continues to mean what it already did: the belief that one race is superior to another. The end.
Some people see racism wherever they look. If it's not there, they'll insist it is. They'll never be satisfied. So fuck them. It's time to move on. Nonstop whining is only making things worse all the way around.

What is racism, and what is personal preference?

Blacks used to demand equality. And, they deserve equality. No more, no less.

Beyond that, it's time for them to learn to work through their problems on their own. Just as EVERY other ethnic group has had to learn how to do.

Sadly, the definition of 'racism' has expanded to include almost anything. It has become an all-purpose crutch for chronic whiners. It's ridiculous. And that expanded definition is causing more problems, not solving them.
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Don't know who "ADL" is but whoever, they don't get to change English word definitions. Racism, like any other word, continues to mean what it already did: the belief that one race is superior to another. The end.
ADL stands for Anti-Defamation League, and it was formed in 1913 as part of B’Nai Brith to fight back against antisemitism. With Jew-hate currently on the rise, and Jews now more likely to be victims of hate crimes than blacks, one would think that the ADL is still needed, much like the NAACP fights back against racism.

Unfortunately, ADL is a liberal organization, and as such, their concern centers more around blacks than the Jews it was organized to protect. Sadly, in its new definition that racism is against people of color, and people of color only, it is giving approval to racism against whites. And since most Jews are Caucasian, the ADL is essentially telling Jews that they are not among those it cares to protect.

It‘s just another example of liberal Jews putting their liberalism ahead of their Judaism.
ADL stands for Anti-Defamation League, and it was formed in 1913 as part of B’Nai Brith to fight back against antisemitism. With Jew-hate currently on the rise, and Jews now more likely to be victims of hate crimes than blacks, one would think that the ADL is still needed, much like the NAACP fights back against racism.

Unfortunately, ADL is a liberal organization, and as such, their concern centers more around blacks than the Jews it was organized to protect. Sadly, in its new definition that racism is against people of color, and people of color only, it is giving approval to racism against whites. And since most Jews are Caucasian, the ADL is essentially telling Jews that they are not among those it cares to protect.

It‘s just another example of liberal Jews putting their liberalism ahead of their Judaism.

I think in Europe most dont hate Jews, very few. Maybe in other cultures like islamic world they hate jews because of Israel. I think if you asked if you hate heterosexuel or white people there would be more who hate them then the ones who hate jews.

The elephant in the room are still roma, almost everyone hates them, but not much is done, nor any media coverage.

The ADL has a new definition of racism
"marginalization of people of color enforced by a socially constructed hierarchy that prefers white privilege"

How the hell do you define racism in a way that actually HAS racism in it itself?

Ever who wrote that crap was really just trying to rationalize away OTHER people's racism!
Don't know who "ADL" is but whoever, they don't get to change English word definitions. Racism, like any other word, continues to mean what it already did: the belief that one race is superior to another. The end.

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